In Fallout with a Chat Group

Chapter 16: It's not unusual


[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Signed in}

[500EXP/300 points] {Weekly log-in bonus}

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] {Offline}

[Step on Me Dark Mommy] {Online}

[Little Rookie] {Online}

[Loli Explosion Goddess]{Offine}

[ArsenicCatnip] {Dead}

[Your Izuru Kamukura] {Offline}

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure] {Online}

[Freak of Vault 3]: Good News everyone my brain is back in my skull. I have managed to get a group of prewar scientists working for me. I just got done hunting some Cazadores. 

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: What's a Cazadore? I looked the word up on the net. All I found that's it's the Spanish word for hunter. 

[Freak of Vault 3]: Take the looks of a Tarantula Hawk Wasp, the venom of a rattlesnake, and make them the size of a fully grown German shepherd. Their stingers are the size of a combat knife and can price heavy armor. They're fast and tend to hunt in groups. The best way to deal with them is to use either a sniper riffle far away or a grenade launcher at a medium distance. If they get close swing wildly with any melee weapon and try to pray to see the light of tomorrow. Also, bring anti-venom.

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: Well that doesn't look like a fun time. So you're alive. Congrats on getting your organs back.

[Freak of Vault 3]: It feels so good! I no longer have that sensation of my body lagging.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]{Has Signed in}

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Hey guys I'm back. I'm over my mental issues. Wait AC is dead?! We have a new member? The missions tab is unlocked. I was gone for a little over a month. TF did I miss?

[Little Rookie]: Well let's see. No real change for Master Aqua. She is still trapped in the realm of darkness. Hajime has been missing for the last five weeks. Blue lost her brain and managed to get it back. AC somehow died the day she rejoined the chat. I recently won a war game with my Familia. Now we have a new home. Megumin said something about joining a party with a girl who claims to be a Goddess named Aqua. And we got a new guy. It was feeling like I would never have another guy to talk to.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: To be fair Hajime is probably the one who had the most stress out of all of us. Having to survive day-to-day trapped in a simulation watching as his new friends killed each other. We know he is not dead though.

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: Not that I am much for company. I'm mostly busy with paperwork. I don't get much fieldwork. My last interesting job involved a Hannar Mob Boss and a Krogan looking for cloned testicles. The rest of my days are either investigating cold cases or dealing out parking tickets. Well, Alibaba my name is Garrus Vakarian. I'm a Turian Citadel Security Officer. In other words, I'm a space cop whose jurisdiction is limited to the galactic governmental hub.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Cool… Ugh, I'm really starting to hate my username. And my old internet handle. I'm starting a new chapter in my life. Know what I'm going for to roll a new name.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] {Has used Free user name Reroll}

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] {Name has been changed to: Oracle of The Metaverse}

[Oracle of The Metaverse]: Wow it used my code name and added a different location. Feel free to call me Oracle from now on.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: So why are you back online? You were gone for over a month. I was getting worried and a bit lonely.

[Oracle of The Metaverse]: Well my new social group all left to go to Hawaii. Leaving me home alone… But I am getting to see their trip through their cameras. I was not doing well. I was thinking of ending it all. I was blaming myself for my mom's death. I found out what actually happened to my mom. I found out what happened to her. Now I'm looking to get justice for what happened. That's all I have to say on the matter. So on The missions tab, it's saying waiting for admin authorization to start up the mission. So what's the holdup Blue?

[Freak of Vault 3]: I just got my organs back in my body. So I am going to wait a few days to see if I can reach my next level before I start up missions. Even if I don't get to my next level I launch a mission in three days.

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: Well that will at least allow me to put in for some free time to check out one of these missions.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: If it allows me to leave the realm of darkness I will be going on that mission as well.

[Oracle of The Metaverse]: I wonder if there is a limit to how many of us can go on each mission. I could see at minimum it being two people per mission. Maybe a maximum of five.

[Freak of Vault 3]: We will see when the time comes in three days.

[Oracle of The Metaverse]: Well don't count on me to go on the first mission. I have issues with large crowds and being around other flesh people. I'm just not comfortable yet. But I am getting better. I will tell you when I am ready for action.

[Freak of Vault 3]: Feel free to take your time Oracle. No one is rushing you.

[Little Rookie]: Count me out as well. Not that I don't want to go. But my Familia just got bump up the tax bracket by us getting the old mansion of the Apollo Familia. We also just got three more members so it isn't just me Archer and the Goddess anymore. So I have paperwork to do.

[Freak of Vault 3]: Okay noted. So what is everyone's favorite drink? None alcoholic or alcoholic or both. I don't care.

 [Little Rookie]: I like water. Some nice cool water at the end of the day in the dungeon can be relaxing. As for alcohol. I like a good meed. 

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: I like a tall glass of lemonade. As for liquor, I like a cocktail called Mysterious Tower. It has a very spicy kick.

[Oracle of The Metaverse]: I like coffee. My caretaker owns a small cafe and he makes curry and coffee. And I'm not old enough to drink booze yet.

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: My dextro-amino biology doesn't allow me to consume many of your human foods or drinks. I do like a good glass of Turian brandy.

[Freak of Vault 3]: I'm not a big drinker. I like Rum and Nukacola. For a none alcoholic drink, I am I fan of a good Thai tea with boba. But since I don't have any access to that a close second is Sunset Sarsaparilla.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: Why bring up our preference in drinks?

[Freak of Vault 3]: Just to get to know everyone a little better. I sometimes feel like were all just in here to give each other progress reports on our lives. Anyway, I have to get back on the move. Talk to you all later. Laters

[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Logged Out}

I was back in the Mojave. I was teleported just out of Nipton. I had decided to first head out to the Canyon Wreckage and set up a teleporter there. I was planning on heading through the Divide. I had a way around the terrain without using the nukes to blow a path threw. I could use sticky jumping to get around obstacles. I was after a set of armor: The Elite Riot Gear. But I wasn't heading straight there. I had to go back to Freeside to get a Katana. Come to think of it there was also REPCONN Headquarters to finish up looting now that I had a lockpick and science skill of 100.

REPCONN Headquarters the first thing I did when in was head to the third floor and disable the alarm. Using the very hard terminal upstairs. I then went down to the frist floor then both lock pick and hacked my way into the one place I wasn't able to get into last time I was here with Raul. I lockpicked the safe inside and grabbed a copy of Nikola Tesla and You. I then made my way through the rubble to finally grab the Q-35 matter modulator. Well if I was going to use a plasma weapon this would be my choice. Well if I had access to the Instude I would grab Experiment 18-A. God that's a great way to burn through MFCs. A plasma tommy-gun. I used the rubble to get to the second floor and picked the hard lock to get out the lab.

I made my way out of REPCONN HQ. I was close enough to the dam. I decided to take a quick detour to grab the snowglobe at Hoover Dam. The place looks to have far less NCR presents then the last time I looked to go into there. I used the disguise kit disguise as an NCR trooper. I walked right in grabbed the snowglobe and made my way right back out. No one even gave me a side-eye. Well now I'm only missing four snowglobes. The one in the Sierra Madre, the one in the ruins of Hope Vill, the one in Zion Canyon, and the one in the Lucky 38.

I debated going to see Raul at his shack. But decided to wait till I got back from the Sierra Madre. I made my way to Freeside to Mick and Ralph's. I was able to buy the Katana and then craft the Half-Zatoichi. Got to love a place with a workbench inside that you can use.

[150 EXP]

Well the next thing I need to do is kill 10 ghouls with Half-Zatoichi for the challenge: You Don't Belong In This World! Vault 34 is out I cleared it out before I left for Big MT. REPCONN Test Site is out Jason Bright and his followers aren't here yet. Camp Searchlight has yet to get nuked… The Old Nuclear Test Site. I had avoided that place when I went for the Crashed Vertibird. Well no time like the present. I made my way to the old robotic building in Freeside. And used my Canteen to fast travel to the Crashed Vertibird. I made my to the Old Nuclear Test Site. I was swarmed by the ghouls. But after an hour of work and liberal use of Rad-X, Radaway, and Stimpaks I killed the undead horad.

[You Don't Belong In This World!]


[33960/46200 to next level]

I used my teleporter to get to Canyon Wreckage. From there I made my way to the Divide. I spent the next two days making my way to the Third Street Municipal Building. I had to deal with Deathclaws, Tunnelers, Marked Men, the extreme winds, and radiation. I found that Ap-Sap was able to unlock the commissary terminals. With that, I was able to do the one challenge I could get done without the help of the Courier. Rocket's Red Glare. That cost a lot of caps. But between that and the locks, locations, and computers I dealt with I was able to level up.

[Welcome to Level 25]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I decided to put 15 points in Melee. 1 point in Medicine and Energy Weapons.

[Choose 2 Perks]

[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.

[Friend of the Night]

[Heave, Ho!]

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Rapid Relode]

[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 

[Run 'n Gun]


[Hand Loader]

[Vigilant Recycler]

[Shotgun Surgeon]


[Quick Draw]

[Rad Resistance].



[Super Slam!]

[Mister Sandman]

[Terrifying Presence]

[Math Wrath]

[Here and Now]

[Sneering Imperialist]


[Silent Running].

[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Robotics Expert]



[Lead Belly]

[Fight the Power!]

[Light Step]


[And Stay Back]

[Computer Whiz]



[Grim Reaper's Sprint]

[Solar Powered]

[Eye for Eye]


[Mile in Their Shoes]

[Them's Good Eatin']

[Nuka Chemist]

[Spray and Pray]

[Irradiated Beauty]

[Voracious Reader]

I picked And Stay Back, that was an easy enough choice. My second perk was taking a minute to think about it. I didn't grab intense training. I still had 4 classes left to get SPECIAL stats off of. I finally decided on Finesse. The more crits the better.


AP 150 HP410 DT40 CW 50/400 Caps 156522 EXP 2220/50000 Level 25


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 45

Explosives 50

Guns 96 

Lockpick 100

Medicine 80

Melee 60

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 96

Speech 96

Survival 43 

Unarmed 43


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Atlas Back

Eye of true Perception

Know it All

Too Lucky to Die

Item Fusion



Voice of a Salesman

Intense Training Rank 3



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat


Long Haul

Toughness Rank 2

Life Giver

Adamantium Skeleton

Jurry Rigger


The Professional


And Stay Back


Better Criticals

Action Girl Rank 2

Action Boy Rank 2

Big Brained

Cardiac Arrest

Reinforced Spine

Strength Implant

Perception Implant

Luck Implant

Implant C-13

Implant M-5

Implant Y-3

Implant Y-7

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

MannCo Roulette! The wheel spun. The ball rolled and rolled and rolled then came to a stop. It landed on Scout. I jumped and then jumped in mid-air. Well cool, I can double jump now. That helped me ascend the knocked-down hotel to retrieve the Elite Riot Gear off the corpse of a sniper. I had gotten what I came for. My favorite set of armor. After looting the rest of the floor I left the Divide. I had retrieved both the snowglobe and the armor. I used a teleporter to get back to the SNIK. It was at last time to build Scouts unlocks.

I made Force-A-Nature, Shortstop, Baby Face's Blaster, Back Scatter, Winger, Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol, Flying Guillotine, Unarmed Combat, Sandman, Boston Basher, Atomizer, Wrap Assassin, Soda Popper, Crit-a-Cola, Holy Mackerel, Batsaber, Candy Cane, Three-Rune Blade, Sun-on-a-Stick, and Fan O'War. I made the Mad Milk or the Mutated Milk in the shower beyond the eyes of the residents of the SINK. The BRS would get to much of a kick watching me. I need to add guest protocols to this place.

[3450 EXP]

[Scout Full Set Unlocked]

[Reward +1 Agility, 6000 EXP, Tom Jones Meberbilea and Music, Scout Outfit] 

[11670/50000 to next level]

What am I supposed to do with all this stuff? I guess I could check with the King to see if he would be interested in buying the Tom Jones stuff off me. Well, I can do that and go to the New Vegas Clinic. I'm going to buy the last two Implants that interest me. After that, it's shopping time with the MannCo Upgrade Station. I decided to set 5000 caps aside in the safe of the SINK. Why you may be asking. Why am I spending all of my caps? Well, when you begin Dead Money you lose all your items on your body, caps included. And I doubt I am getting anything back after getting back from the hell… Sierra Madre. So I planned on spending my caps.

I decided it was finally time to make my future armor. I took the Stealth Suit MK II off and removed the chip that ran the suit's systems. I didn't want the possibility of losing her if the fusion got rid of her in the process. I took out the Elite Riot Gear without the helmet and set it down next to the stealth suit. I then used the fusion skill. I closed my eyes to avoid the blinding light of fusion. 

I saw the Elite Riot Gear had taken on the color of the Stealth Suit MK II. I opened up the back plate of the suit to see I could slot the chip into the suit. I plugged the chip into the armor. I then put on Elite Stealth Riot Gear.

"Sytems check. An error has been detected. The software is incompatible with firmware. Recommendation make or find an AI to run this suit. Sorry, I can't be of more help I'm unable to work in this new system." Stealth Suit MK II chip

"Any requests before I remove you from the suit?"

"Please place me in something you won't forget." Stealth Suit MK II chip

I removed the chip from the armor and let my teddy bear hold on to her. When I get back from the Sierra Madre I would modify the teddy bear with robotic parts so she could move around. In the body of a harmless teddy bear.

Elite Stealth Riot Gear Inanis: DT36 Seank +10, Guns +10, Charisma +1, Critical Chance +5 (All systems are offline. Armor Master is currently unable to work with this unfinished armor. AI required to gain full functionality from the Armor) Weight 12

I took off the armor and put on my spy outfit without the balaclava. If nothing else I was dressed to the nines. 

I decided to go see Doctor Usanagi to cap my Agility and also to increase my Charisma. I used my teleporter to get to the robotics building in Freeside. I made my way to the New Vegas Medical Clinic.

"Oh, you back. It has been a while. Wow, you look to have gone through quite the growth spurt. Well, you're not any taller you have filled out a bit. Wow, you have had quite the increase in mussel definition. If you wouldn't mind could I have a genetic sample for research?" Doctor Usanagi

"Sorry, but the answer is no. I don't want the chance of being cloned to be a thing. The only way I want to see a genetic replica of me walking around is if I'm the one who made it."

"Okay noted. So what did you stop by for? Honestly, I'm surprised you came back here. I thought you might have died on that Deathclaw hunt you went on eight weeks ago." Doctor Usanagi

"I'm here for a couple of implants."

"Well, you look healthy enough to handle three more implants. So what are you getting today?" Doctor Usanagi

"I would like to boost my Charisma and Agility."

"The Empathy Synthesizer will allow you to more easily pick up on subtle emotions and boudy language. I'm glad to see you are finally taking my advice and picking up this Implant. The Reflex Booster dise exactly what it says - speed up your reaction times. I can attach the implant to your central nervous node. All together that will run you 8000 caps." Doctor Usanagi

I handed over the caps and got into the Auto-Doc and slept through the operation. "Everything feels good. Thanks for the work Doc."

"Well keep alive out there." Doctor Usanagi

[New Perk: Charisma Implant]: Your prefrontal cortex has been enhanced with the Empathy Synthesizer, increasing your Charisma by 1.

[New Perk: Agility Implant]: Your central nervous node has been enhanced with the Reflex Booster, increasing your Agility by 1.

[10 point Agility Perk]: Matrix Reflex. Time slows for the individual as they enter combat. Individual gains 25% chance to dodge incoming projectiles. While wielding a sword, the individual also gains a 30% chance to reflect the projectiles back to the attacker.

[Sneak has been maxed out]

[Max Stat Prek choice]

[X8 Sneak Attack Damage]: 8 times the damage for a sneak attack.

[Must of been a blip]: Your presence will be erased from enemies perception a minute after each time of drawling attention to yourself.

I went for X8 Sneak Attack Damage. I have the Invis Watch to bug out fast.

[Guns has been maxed out]

[Max Stat Prek choice]

[Big Shot]: All Guns now do 50% more damage.

[Bullet Jammer]: All guns now have 2X the clip size.

Okay Big Shot. I like things I shoot to go down in fewer shots.

After I got done with the New Vegas Medical Clinic. I went to see if the King would buy the Tom Jones stuff off me. He did for the full collection he gave me 10000 caps. I left Freeside and made my way down to the Abandoned BoS Bunker. I set up a teleporter and went to the SINK.

 I sat down and started to buy upgrades off the MannCo Portable Upgrade Station. I bought out all the human upgrades frist. Now I have 62519 Caps left that are not in my safe left to spend. Next I decided to buy out the engineer building upgrades. That cost me 7314 Caps. I decide to upgrade the Cantien and Spy gear. That left me 36015 Caps left to spend. So I went after the Medigun Upgrades next. That cost me 6068 Caps. Well I'll fully upgrade my Melee weapons. Now I'm down to 18944 Caps left to spend. Let's see If I can fully upgrade primer weapons while I'm at it. 12748 was the cost. See that I had less than 10000 Caps I didn't bother upgrading secondary weapons. I just put my remaining Caps in the safe. The Safe now holds 11196 Caps.

"Wow, that speed boost is going to take a bit to get used to."

I decided to take a look at my PipBoy

[Mann Amung Menn]: Fully Upgrade the Human body with the MannCo Upgrade Station



AP 250 HP610 DT26 CW 0/400 Caps 0 EXP 21670/50000 Level 25


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 45

Explosives 50

Guns 100 

Lockpick 100

Medicine 80

Melee 60

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 100

Speech 98

Survival 43 

Unarmed 43

I decided to check in with the group and say that I would start the first mission in about 4 hours time. I needed to get used to how body handled. And now I had a quick target to deal with. I grabbed my Sandman Baseball bat and teleported to the Freeside. 

[White Line Nightmare] Kill 20 Fiends, Vipers, or Jackals with Tire Irons, Baseball Bats, Lead Pipes, Machetes, .44 Magnum Revolvers, or Sawed-Off Shotguns.

I went after the gangs letting my baseball bat do the talking. For some reason, the talking involved concussive therapy. I was all too eager to provide. 

[White Line Nightmare]

[6000 EXP]

I went back to the SINK and took a quick shower.


[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Signed in}

[Oracle of The Metaverse] {Online}

[Step on Me Dark Mommy] {Online}

[Little Rookie] {Online}

[Loli Explosion Goddess]{Offine}

[ArsenicCatnip] {Dead}

[Your Izuru Kamukura] {Offline}

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure] {Online}

[Freak of Vault 3]: All right it's show time! Everybody ready?

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: Ready as I'll ever be.

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure] Let's see what this Mission is going to be already.

{First Mission! Only three can participate in this mission. Objectives will be given when you reach the Missions World. Admin, please Select participants for the mission. Admin has selected [Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure], [Step on Me Dark Mommy], and [Freak of Vault 3]. Participants, please confirm that you're ready.}

{Are you Ready Y/N?}

[Freak of Vault 3]: Y

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: Y

[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: Y

{World Transfer IN 3}

I noticed I was covered in this layer of bright blue particles I saw as my hands became transparent.


The light became blinding. I shut my eyes quickly.


{Mission Start}

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