Chapter 2: 3 is a magic number
I packed up the Mini-Sentry and made my to the door that would lead me to the South Vegas Ruins. I took a breath and opened the door.
[Quest Complete: Don't Fence Me In]
[500 EXP, 10 point SPECIAL Preks Unlocked]
[10 point Inteligents Perk: Know it All]
[Know it All] You can take two perks at levels 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 etc.
[South Vegas Ruins Discovered 10EXP]
[1025/1050 Next Level]
I smelled food like it had been made by a three-star chef. Then I saw the man clad in metal armor. The Heavy flamer in his hand. It was the goddam fucking serial rapist Cook-Cook.
[Stelth Check failed]
(AN: Yeah a roll of 54 is not under the 20 Sneak check)
"It looks like we have some fresh meat boys! Get her!" Cook-Cook
I saw Cook-Cook had a possy of 3, one had a Laser rifle that looked to have seen better days. The second had a baseball bat. The last had a well-maintained hunting rifle. I deployed my Mini-Sentry and drew my pistol. I felt as the laser rife fire in my direction missing by a mile. His second shot caused a malfunction in the rifle causing it to explode killing himself and throwing Cook-Cook on his back. The Feind with the baseball bat ran and hit me in the left arm [14 DMG]. The second swing missed. I felt as 2 shots from the hunting rife hit me in the torso and crippled my torso [92 DMG]. Cook-Cook spent his time getting back up.
(AN: DMG is damage after the damage threshold D.T is subtracted. Crits ignore DT.)
[HP 154/260]
I used the Vault Assisted Targeting System or V.A.T.S for short. To first target the guy with the hunting rifle. I used 68 AP to unload all 16 rounds of my pistol. The first round of 4 shots did normal damage [40DMG]. The second round cirt killing the Feind [75 DMG]. I quickly reused V.A.T.S and sanked the rest of my shots into Cook-Cook. The first rounds I shot at Cook-Cook fucking missed. How the fuck did I miss a 95% to hit. The second round of shots cirt [180DMG]. One of the crit shots hit Cook-Cook in the dick destroying it. I took the second I had to use a Stimpak. I felt as the Stimpak healed my wounds and mended my ribs.
[Stimpak healed for 42hp]
[HP 186/260, you are no longer crippled]
[AP 14/82]
(Fun fact I didn't know until I looked it up. Cook-Cook has 195 HP and a DT of 13)
My now fully deployed Mini-Sentry took 3 shots at the Feind with the baseball bat. Out of those three shoots, one missed [90 DMG]
The Feind with a baseball bat made a swing at me missing. He then made a grand slam on my Mini-Sentery [88DMG]. Cook-Cook was firing randomly into much pain to aim. Missing everyone with his Incorater.
I reloaded my pistol and was able to use V.A.T.S again. My shots hit [8DMG]. I was out of AP for V.A.T.S. So I had to do it without V.A.T.S help. 8 out of 12 shots landed home killing Cook-Cook [16DMG]. My heavily damaged Mini-Sentry finished off the last Feind a shot to the face [51DMG]. I walked over to Cook-Cook's corpse and unloaded a few more shots in his ass. I took a knife out and cut off his head.
[50 EXP for the Head]
[Level up]
[Welcome to Level 4]
[Assing 15 skill Points]
I put all 15 points in Repair. I wanted to get it to 90 as fast as I could. Jury Rigging is just too useful of a Perk to not have.
[Choose 1 Perk]
[Lady Killer]
[Comfrimed Bacherlor]
[Cherchez La Femme]
[Black Widow]
[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Junk Rounds] Survival is the mother of invention! Craft ammo at the Reloading Bench using alternate materials (Scrap Metal and Tin Cans).
[Canibal] When you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a human corpse to regain hit points, but lose Karma and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against nature.
[Comprehension] You gain one additional skill point for reading books and double the skill points for reading magazines.
[Educated] You gain two more skill points every time you advance in level. This perk is best taken early on, to maximize its effectiveness.
This wasn't even a debate. I picked Educated and never looked back.
AP 83 HP260 CW 55/220 Caps 4589 SSC 15 EXP 15/1700 Level 4
Barter 10
Energy Weapons 17
Explosives 17
Guns 20
Lockpick 45
Medicine 27
Melee 20
Repair 59
Science 50
Sneak 20
Speech 13
Survival 23
Unarmed 23
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
Know it All
Intense Training Rank 2
I then collapsed against the wall of the destroyed building all my adrenaline fading from me. I drank an unopened Sunset Sphairella to help me recover my energy. I thought I might feel sick with my first human kill. But I didn't. Maybe it was the fact that these were monsters barely human. Or maybe my mind was still thinking of this world as only a game in some respects. The pain was real. The emotional damage was real. I ended my break. I first fixed up my Mini-Sentry. I wanted to have no protection while I looted the bodies.
188 caps
4 stimpaks
Baseball Bat bad condition lb3
Hunting Rifle good condition lb6
Flamer good condition lb15
Incinerator bad condition lb13
100 Flamer fuel
10 Energy Cells
8 .308 rounds
3 Purfide Water lb3
2 Dirty Water lb3
2 Fresh Carrots lb1
2 Fresh Patotas lb1
2 Jalapeño pepper lb1
4 Bramin Meat lb8
3 Land Mines lb3
Cook-Cook's Feind Recipe
Metal Armor bad condition lb30
Raider Archlight Helmate good condition lb3
Raider Battlemaster Armor very good condition lb15
Warrior Feind Helemate very good condition lb3
After salvaging what I could. I put my Mini-Sentry in my inventory and made my way to Camp Mccarran. I disarmed 17 land mines on the way netting 85 EXP. I made way to Major Dhatri.
"If it's bad news, you can take it up with Colonel. If it's good news, it better involve some dead Fiends." Major Dhatri
"What do you know about Feinds?" I asked
"Pack of drugged-out killer. They're addicted to every stim, every pill, every psychoactive enema on this fucked-up earth. I've got three Fiends I want dead, and I don't give a goddamn how it gets done. That sound like something that interests you?" Major Dhatri
"Yes, it does."
"Good. That's damn good. I figure it's about time we got lucky out here, so maybe you can snuff one of these maniacs. First one calls herself Violet. God Knows why- the name is the prettiest thing about her. Spends most of her time with a pack of vicious dogs. Then there's Driver Nephi. He's fast and he's brutal. Killed five of my men with a goddamn driver iron. Hence his name. And finally… Cook-Cook. Rapist. Pyromaniac And damn good chef, if you believe the Fiends we've captured. Probably the craziest of the lot. I'm not going to feed you any bullshit. These aren't your common Vegas trash. They've killed good NCR men, and a few mercs, too. You go after them - any of them - you're in for a hell of a fight. So… which one is it going to be?" Major Dhatri
[Quest Added: Three Card Bounty]
"One thing I should tell you about Cook-Cook. The piece of shit is pure animal. He raped one of my snipers, she is still pretty out of it, and that makes this personal. Also… he's got a flamethrower, and he's damn good withit. From what I hear, he either rapes or burns every living thing he can get his hands on." Major Dhatri
"I want to claim a bounty." I said pulling out Cook-Cook's head.
"That right? You killed one of the psychopaths on my shitlist? See the scumbag's head… Yeah… that's Cook-Cook. Did he always small like that? Even before he was dead? And the Feinds let this guy touch their food? Well… this is payback for at least one of the troopers. She'll be glad to know he's dead. Here's your caps. Did you get any of the others?" Major Dhatri
[100 EXP turn in]
[210/1700 to next level]
[500 caps reward]
"Not yet but I'll be back when I do." I said
"Be careful out there. You should also probably invest into some new armor." Major Dhatri said as I waved goodbye.
I made my way through the NCR Share Crop frames to the Gun Runners. Sold everything but the food and Stimpaks I got off Cook-Cook's gang. I then spent caps on parts to be able to craft the Wrangler, Lugermorph, Frontier Justice, and Widowmaker. I know the Lugermorph changes nothing about the base pistol except how it looks. But sometimes fashion over function. After my shopping, I still made 1500 caps. I wasn't going to buy armor here when I could get a set pretty quick by just heading up north a bit. I got the location markers for the east gate of Freeside and the Crimson Caravan. I had finally made it.
[New Vages Medical Clinic Discovered 10EXP]
[240/1700 to next level]
I have 6777 caps in my pocket and a dream. I walked into the clinic. I saw two armored guards and a lady in a doctor's outfit. She had her hair up in a ponytail and she cut a nice figure. I felt the heat rush to my face.
"Wellcome to the New Vegas Medical Clinic. I'm Doctor Usanagi a fully qualified physician and can fix whatever is wrong with you for a reasonable fee. If you've got the caps, I've also got several implants available to enhance your physical attributes." Doctor Usanagi
"Help me Doctor I think I have contracted yellow fever. Because you're unreasonably hot." My mouth said before my brain could put a stop to it.
[Charisma Check Failed]
"Well, you are not physically ill at least. But you might want to buy The Empathy Synthesizer if you want to try to make a pass at me." Doctor Usanagi
"What kind of implants do you have available?" I asked
"I have several basic implants available that can enhance your physical abilities - make you faster, smarter, stronger that sort of thing. I've also got two much more expensive implants. One's a sub-dermal implant that will make you more resistant to damage. The other implant induces a mild regenerative effect. Your wounds will practically heal before your eyes.
"Can you make me any luckier?"
"If I implant the Probability Calculator in your frontal lobe; you'll be able to calculate odds a little better. It's not quite the same as making you luckier, but you'll be able to nudge things your way more often. I can do the implant for 4000 caps." Doctor Usanagi. I hand over the 4000 caps. "One other thing I forgot to mention - your body may be able to handle only a limited number of implants. The healthier you are, the more implants I'll be able to give you. Let me do a quick have a examination to see how many implants your body could take. Follow me to the next room and strip." Doctor Usanagi
I followed Doctor Usanagi and srtiped. There wasn't so much as a gasp from Doctor Usanagi when she did a bunch of tests on me. "Besides a fairly rare genetic mutation, nothing seems to be out of order. It looks like at the moment you can handle at most 8 implants." Doctor Usanagi
"So you mean there are more people like me out there?" I asked pointing to my boobs and dick.
"It's a rare genetic mutation not almost unheard of. Some just have an overly enlarged clit. Some men have the right genetics to grow fully functional mammary glands. And in your case, you just so happen to have fully functioning male and female reproduction organs. You also have some overly active mammary glands to the point if you overly stimulate them they will lactate. Which is fine. The only times you should be concerned is if what you are lactating is yellow in color, has blood mixed in, or if your breasts feel lumpy. In that case, you should come to see me as soon as possible. With that, all settled have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours." Doctor Usanagi
"Everything looks in order. You were dead asleep until 5 am. Try to at least get 4 hours of sleep a day. Have a good day." Doctor Usanagi
"Thanks, Doc." I said getting dressed and leaving the clinic.
[New Perk: Luck Implant] Your frontal lobe has been enhanced with the Probability Calculator, increasing your Luck by 1.
[10 point Luck Perk: Too Lucky to Die]
[Too Lucky to Die] You have the luck of a Clover. You are able to die 4 times a week and come back an hour in time before you died. This Perk resets every Saturday at midnight.
Well, that makes suicide harder to make stick. Why was my first thought of suicide? Maybe it's the human thought of wanting to cause death in some way. Like I have driven a car and thought I could kill someone in this thing. Also, the amount of BS I would do with barrier magic in traffic.
Now I had two choices. Well, I technically had all the choices all of them. But right now I had two choices that I wanted to choose from. Go to the Atomic Wrangler and get banned for winning too much or take out a group of bounty hunters waiting for the currier. Heads Gambling tails Bounty Hunters. I flipped a blue star bottle cap. Tails it is then. I took a small detour to save the mole rats at Mole Rat Ranch from the mad two-headed cow. I marked off the Freeside North Gate and then made my way to H&H Tools.
[H&H Tools Discovered 10EXP]
[EXP 270/1700 to next level]
This place might have the part to fix the Vault 3 water leak. I found a group of 4 Robo Brains on the first floor. I let my Mini-Sentry deal with them. While I made my way around the building looking for the part no luck. I did find 24 armed Land Mines, 2 rigged shotguns, and one 50 hacking skill check terminal. I would call this place a complete bust but I did find a VIP keycard for the Lucky38.
[EXP 440/1700 to next level]
"Was hoping this place would at least have a workbench. Guess I'll have to use the one at Mick & Ralph's when I get back to Freeside. Well, as much I love you Mini-Sentry I'm going to need to use your big sister. But for that, I'm going to need a dispenser." I pulled out my Construction PDA and gave a little smirk. "Erecting a Dispenser. Hehehe, Nope. Can't say it with a straight face." I proceeded to build a level 3 Sentry. Before packing up I decided to hide a teleporter exit in the bathroom of H&H Tools.
I grabbed the marker for the Northern Passage and made my way to the Horowitz Fram Sted. I snake up the hill to see the Mercenary Camp and set up my Level 3 Sentry. The Level 3 Sentry unloaded its payload of rockets at the band of mercs. It managed to take out all but one of them. I saw this and ran in with my shotgun. The Merc managed to take out my Level 3 Sentry as I got close enough to start unloading into him. Using V.A.T.S to get 2 clean shots off on him. First one hit [40DMG]. The second one crit [160DMG]. The Merc fell dead. The only EXP I got was from finding those locations on the way. As far as Loot went I got the YCS-186 and the Combat armor, reinforced mark 2. I'm not a huge fan of this Armor. It's big and bulky and does nothing for my figure. It's 25lb for just 20 DT. And the color scheme does not help.
If I started in this world as the Courier in Good Springs. I would have headed straight for Lonesome Road to pick up a set of Riot Gear before continuing the rest of the adventure in New Vegas. Sure it's 5lb haver but it gave a +5 to gun and +1 to AGL. That's well worth the trade-off. The fucking cut of the armored cote looks so nice. Not to mention the hat shenanigans you could pull off. You could get that first recon hat from Boone… Boone and his wife are still alive! I can save her from that bitch Jeannie May. I added to my notes on my Pip-Boy to keep an eye on Novac for Boone and his wife.
I managed to pull enough things off the other mercs to be able to make the Short Circuit and the C.A.P.P.E.R. The C.A.P.P.E.R is nice because it does energy damage. I knew the perfect place to craft it. The Silver Peak Mine. I could also snag a copy of Tumblers Today.
So I made my way to Silver Peak Mine. I passed where one of the caravans would get killed by the Van Graft Family. I didn't get a location marker because the caravan had yet to be attacked. I guess that would also make it that Ranger Moralce's Corpse wouldn't be a location either. I did get the location makers for Brooks Tumbleweeds Ranch and Ruby Hill Mine.
[Silver Peak Mine Discovered 10EXP]
[EXP 490/1700 to next level]
I set about working on the Wrangler first. I was going to need it for both Violet and Driver Nephi, well more to deal with the dogs and other Feinds. If I could get into a 1 vs 1 with them I could ensure the heads stay intact.
[EXP 150 for crafting the Wrangler]
[EXP 640/1700 to next level]
"Well, that is nice. I might just get a couple of levels out of crafting."
I built the Frontier Justice next. If I had it earlier I would have had 4 crits banked. I'll summarise here. I Mukuro Castle built all the things that I could.
[EXP 900 for Crafting]
[EXP 1540/1700 to next level]
Okay I may have overestimated how much I could make. I ransacked the mine but I was only able to make the Giger Counter with what Materials I could find. I didn't even get a full level. I went go get the location markers from the Ranger Station and Enclave Bunker before heading to heading to Jacobstown.
[Jacobstown Discovered 10EXP]
[EXP 1570/1700 to next level]
"Wellcome to Jacobstown, human. You're free to walk around, just don't stare at the Nightkin. They don't like people looking at them. And if you're NCR, keep it to yourself. They're not popular around here. So any reason you're in this neck of the woods?" Marcus the Supermutant
"I need a place to rest for the night and I'm on the hunt for snowglobes. I'll be gone by mourning." I said.
"Alright, I might have seen a snow globe on the front desk of the lodge. Feel free to grab it. I don't have any uses for it." Marcus
I nodded and made my way to the lodge. Ok, the combat armor might have one perk not noted in the game. It keeps out the cold. Hmm, maybe that's because it was the standard issue for the war to retake Alaska. I walked on the snow-covered path to the lodge passing Grandma Lily. I was not going to make eye contact with her. She is nice and all but she will talk your ears off about her grandson Jimmy. I made my way into the lodge. No Kneene at the door to greet me. And lying on the front desk was the limited edition snowglobe. I picked it up and gave a quick shake to see the snow flurry. I then put it back in my inventory. I took a look around the lodge. Found two 50 skill locks to pick. A broken down pinball meachen. And zero signs of Calamity the Ghoul or Doctor Henry. I did find a specimen jar that could fit a brain inside of it. I slept until I woke up at 3 am having to go pee. It wasn't worth going back to sleep so I built a teleporter entrance and teleported back to H&H Tools. I then used my demolition remote to destroy both teleporters I did not need an X Enclave member to get their hands on my tech.
I'm well rested and armed time to take out a few bounty targets. I made my way down to Posidon Gas Station. And set up my level 2 Sentry.
[Posidon Gas Station Discovered 10EXP]
[EXP 1660/1700 to next level]
"Like shooting fish in a barrel." I used the wrangler to mow down all 8 of Violet's dogs before Violet managed to destroy my Sentry. I took out my Lugermorph to deal with her. I used V.A.T.S used all my AP. The first 4 rounds all cirt [160DMG]. Finished her off the shot [10DMG]. I proceeded to get the backup brain for Rex and cut the Head off Violet.
[50 EXP for the Head]
[Level up]
[Welcome to Level 5]
[Assing 17 skill Points]
I dumped all 17 points in Repair.
[Choose 2 Perks]
[Lady Killer]
[Comfrimed Bacherlor]
[Cherchez La Femme]
[Black Widow]
[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
Normally I wouldn't pick Comprehension but since I get a perk a level and an additional Prek every 5 levels. It's worth the pickup. Now for the other Perk, I'm picking up Black Widow. I'm about to have to deal with Driver Nephi and a few more Feinds most of them are men to boot. +10% damage will be nice.
AP 83 HP260 CW 119/220 Caps 4589 SSC 18 EXP 10/2500 Level 5
Barter 10
Energy Weapons 17
Explosives 17
Guns 20
Lockpick 45
Medicine 27
Melee 20
Repair 76
Science 50
Sneak 20
Speech 13
Survival 23
Unarmed 23
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
Know it All
Intense Training Rank 2
Black Widow
Mannco Roulette! I saw as the roulette wheel spun with 8 classes remaining. I heard the sound of a digeridoo as the ball landed on Sniper.
Well that changes plans just a bit. I picked up the hunting rifle from Violet's corpse. Caps are caps after all. I made my way to some ruins that gave me some cover as I lined up the shot. Waited for the shot to fully charge then boom, body shot [160DMG]. I took a second shot [50DMG]. And thus ended the life of Driver Nephi. His merry men took issue with me rubbing out their boss like that. I tried to shoot one of the guys with the laser rifle but missed. But the guys with the knives and tire iron were getting too close for the sniper rifle to be a good option. So I switch to the Frontier Justice. I had 6 crits saved and I was going to use them. I used V.A.T.S twice on two different targets. Booth landed killing their targets in one shot [175DMG]. I backpedaled a bit until my AP was high enough to use V.A.T.S. Another one bites the dust. I took a second to crouch behind the cover to reload. I charged out of my cover to close the distance with the last two Feinds. My first shot landed taking out the Feind with the laser rifle. My second shot completely missed the last Feind. I used V.A.T.S for my last crit shot with the Frontier Justice. It hit and I watched in slow motion as the last Feind's head exploded.
"Grose I got a bit of that guy's brains on my shoes. I kind of like it." I said thinking of a certain Borderlands 2 character. I made my way to the body of Driver Nephi. I picked up his golf club and took off his head.
[50 EXP for the Head]
[EXP 60/2500 to next level]
I took the Hunting Rifle and the Laser Rifle to sell for more caps. I headed for Camp Mccarran. On the way I got the location markers for West Pump Station, New Vegas Steel and the El Ray Motel. I found 15 more land mines. I'm so glad I have an inventory otherwise I would be one bad shot from being dead by being a mobile powder keg. I made to report to Major Dhatri.
"I want to claim a bounty." I said bringing out the head of Violet.
"You killed another one? Let me have a look at the head… Goddammit. That's Violet, all right. You've made me one happy son of a bitch, you know that? Here. This is the bounty I put on her head. It's yours. That's two psychopaths dead. If you can bring down the thrid,there's a bonus in it for you." Major Dhatri
[110 EXP Turn in]
[EXP 215/2500 to next level]
[225 caps reward]
"Speaking of that I have the last head here." I said handing over the head of Driver Nephi.
"If that's true, that'd be the last of them…Well,well,well. Driver Nephi, Nothing to say, you son of a bitch? No tips on myy golf swing? Lost a few too many good men to this psychopath. Morale's going to be better, now he's gone. Here the bounty I promised. You've been one hell of a stroke of good luck, you know that? Those three scumbags probably killed over twenty NCR troopers. And you bring them down alone. Wish I had a few grunts as good as you. Damn good working with you. Oh as a fare tip. I doubt your a Legion Spy. So I'll give you a heads up. Don't go near Hoover Dam or Bolder City. We have gotten word that the Legion are going to try making a large push to take Hoover Dam and we have left a nasty surprise for them in Bolder City. If any hope it will take out the leading Legonery Joshua Graham." Major Dhatri
[110 EXP Turn in]
[Quest Complete: Three Card Bounty]
[550 EXP]
[EXP 875/2500 to next level]
[775 caps reward]
"God, I need a shower." I said the events of the last 3 days catching up to me.