In Marvel with the ultimate Santa System [MCU x SantaClause1,2,&3]

Chapter 14: Real world Problems

Lakeside, Illinois October 3rd 1991

So I finally reviewed all the names on the list and it took a while to decide how to label a person.

At first I just assumed the list would already categorize people as naughty or nice, but it took my own perception into account. So I tried to call Bernard, via the snow globe, to get his opinion on the matter, but he just said it was Santa's call. 

Another thing I asked was if evil people are on the list as naughty.


"No, they are not"

"Okay so if they are not on the list does that mean we just ignore them?"

"Well... Santa ignores them"

"But someone else has a list"

"It's complicated, but yes there is an evil list. Look it's a topic for another day so we should just leave it for now"

"Ok... what about politicians?"

"All naughty"

-flashback ends-

It was an interesting conversation.

Now with Laura and Neal, since meeting at Charlie's soccer game, they have been pressuring me to explain myself and so far I haven't been able to come up with a reasonable explanation. So far nothing indicates they plan to take legal action like they did in the movie, but the situation does have me concerned. 

Few days later 

"Unfortunately I will have to quit"

"But why Scot? Is it because of your health? I thought you had the situation under control?"

"I do, but I have come to realize that life is precious and I want to spend some time with my son and hopefully starting a new venture."

"Well if you ever need anything just give me a call and I will do what I can. Good luck"

"Thank you and take care"

Now that the work situation is dealt with. All that is left is family. I think it's time to 'rip the band-aid off'


"Who is it? O its you Scott what a pleasant surprise"

"Hello Neal, is Laura and Charlie home?"

"I don't think it is a good idea for you to talk with Charlie"

"O? is it because I didn't call ahead? I'm sorry did you have another appointment scheduled"

"You know what I mean and while on the topic of appointments have you seen anyone about your... condition?"

"Actually yes, you may have heard of them, they are Dr. Pepper and Jack Daniels"

"O so you also have a drinking problem"

"Woah careful Neal, your twisting my words"

As me and Neal stare each other down Laura walks up.

"Guys its cold outside either go outside and finish your argument or come inside."

... I shrug my shoulders and push past Neal into the house. Walking into their dinning room I see Laura sitting down waiting for us.

"Look Laura I know your concerned about Charlie and you're concerned that I am hiding things from you, but all I am trying to do is what I think is best for my son."

"I know Scot, but it's hard to push past your image and don't think we forgot what we saw or heard while when we arrived at Charlie's soccer game. I think what would be best for all of us, especially Charlie would be to keep your distance"

"Distance? hang on Laura. What you're asking is that I stay away, while I have no problem with that I am not just going to turn my back on my son."

"Then I suggest you find a way to explain this to us because what we see is a man trying to influence his son."

"No, I am not trying to influencing him at all, all I am trying to do is keep his belief alive."

Once I finish talking I walk out of their house. 

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