Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A fragile Promise
My name is Haruki. Haruki Uzumaki. I didn't think that when I got [Uzumaki bloodline] as a blessing, I'd be born as an Uzumaki. Especially when I was being born in MHA world.
[Uzumaki bloodline] was one of the three blessings that I got before being reborn. I didn't have the memory of it though. Not until I got 4 years old. My memories awakened with 'quirk'. I'm fairly sure that these blessings don't qualify as 'quirks'. Something I'm glad about.
Anyways, [Uzumaki bloodline], this blessing gives me every cheat an Uzumaki has and more, because of being modified. Cheats such as Sage body, I don't know how I'm going to use that when Nature's energy isn't a concept in this world but that still holds the perk of huge Chakra capacity. Then I also have possibilities of awakening Adamantine sealing chains. I already have passive sensory ability Kagura Heart Eye. Super healing.
I also got the talent for seals. This is the best perk I have used from this blessing after the second blessing [Quick Learner]. The name says it all. It helps me learn things really fast. Fast enough to read a thousand pages once and grasp every single point made in the pages. It works on physical lessons too.
Anyways, let's get back to seals. Seals are like coding a program for the Chakra to follow. That made me have indirect talent for programming and software engineering. I have been learning every single thing I could for past 3 years. Why? Not for making some softwares, those are secondary bonuses. I learnt them to train myself with algorithms and other programming skills so that I can use them in creating my seals, because talent alone is useless without a platform to showcase it's abilities.
Guess what, I was right. It actually helped me in making my own version of seals.
I still have to use ink to create those seals though. I had to make some simple modifications to my ball point pen. By which I mean, emptying the ink inside of it, mixing my Chakra in it then putting it back in. Those were dark days, literally for my fingers. But it worked.
I made a lot of seals for different purposes. I've got a Quirk Suspension Seal, still incomplete version, but it can buy me almost 1 or 2 seconds in battle in its current state. Nothing great but I don't need to use it for now. I also have Dimensional Storage Seal. I made it on a fingerless elbow length glove. It has 27 cubic meters of capacity in it. But that was after hundreds of failed attempts to create it.
It was one of the reasons Quirk Suspension Seal was still incomplete. My obsession towards space and also Flying Thunder God technique got the better of me. I'm still nowhere near making it, but now that I have had success in making Dimensional Storage Seal, I have found the direction for my research.
That's all gonna be stretched in time, because now that I'm 7 years old, I have to start training my body. I talked with my mother and asked her for permission to join a dojo. She's the one who's gonna pay my fees so I need her permission right?
------Background of Haruki Uzumaki------
My mother, Yuhi Uzumaki, she's the only family left in this world for me. She's quirkless. But she got her talent in computers going for her. She made hundreds of softwares that are currently being used by heroes right now. That made her an asset to the government which secured her safety. This also made her quite rich.
It was really convenient for me from all aspects. I have a rich parent and she also taught me coding, which in turn helped me in my research on seals. That and also my second blessing [Quick Learner]
My father, Hikari Uzumaki, used to be a hero. He had a quirk called 'Energy control'. As long as there's Energy around him and he has grasp over the concept over the form the energy is present around him, he could control it for a certain amount of time. He was among the top 50 of the hero charts.
But, he's no more. A bitter taste of life for me. I was 5 when he died during a fight with some muscle freak.
------End of Background------
I was an orphan in my past life. If that doesn't make it worse, I also had cancer. So almost all of my life was spent in hospital bed, constantly being a burden to others. Not a very good feeling. I died when I was around 9 or something. I was happy to finally have a family. It made accepting them easier for me. It also made his death more painful for me.
I was sad, but I had to be strong. I can't let myself be too grief stricken. I could see how hard my mom was trying to make me feel that everything is alright. I had to show her that she doesn't need to worry about me. I wanted her to know that she's not going to be alone, but a 5 year old body wasn't very convincing for reliability.
There was a day when her walls broke down. She was hugging me and crying her heart out. Suppressing grief will only make it more and more difficult to suppress. I knew how hurt she would've been feeling. I was silent. I had tears flowing down my cheeks like miniature rivers but I was still silent. I wanted to be there for her. I was patting her back with my small shaking hands. I was cursing my hands from inside for showing weakness. I didn't want her to know that I'm sad. Not right now. But I guess I was lucky that she fell asleep.
Ever since that day when she broke down, mom seems to be a little less sad. Her smile a little more genuine than her previous mask trying to deceive her child. She was doing the same thing that I've been doing for her, but much better than I had. She was showing that she's there for me trying to make me break down the way she did. Nobody wants their child to stay like a ticking emotion bomb. The earlier it explodes the better.
However, I never broke down. After so many days watching her try and get worried about me, I decided to call her out on it. I asked her to stop and also made a promise that I'm fine and whenever I'm down, she'll be the first one to know. Fortunately, that worked.
I know what you're thinking. Why not go for a therapist. We did. 2 months after his death. That's why my mom had been trying all that for me. Because of what therapist said. I'm glad she said that though. That's the key point that allowed her to break in front of me.
That was the day I decided something that I want to accomplish. I want to be a hero, not the hero for this world specifically, but for her. I know what villain league wants and I know where a quirkless person would fall if they succeed. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. No matter how impossible it may seem even with my blessings, I can't just give up.
Maybe getting strong enough to defend her be enough for me to protect her from the villains? That would be idiotic according to both IQ and EQ. When you realise that your loved one may get hurt, would you do the bare minimum to avoid them getting hurt or your utmost to make sure they don't get hurt? If it's not the latter then congrats, you are a fool in both sense of IQ and EQ.
That's why, that day, I made a promise to myself. I will be the best hero, if that doesn't work, I'll be the best vigilante and if that too doesn't work, I'll become a monster, but no matter what, I'll do everything to make sure the villains don't get the opportunity to threaten my mom's life. No matter how fragile promises may be, I will never let this promise to break.