In MHA as an Uzumaki

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: I became a Dad(?) at the age of twelve???

A few weeks after the day of log book entry, in the kitchen at dining table.

"Hey Mom, good morning!"

I greeted Mom before I sat at the table to have breakfast.

"Good morning Haru-chan! Your Aunty just left half an hour ago. She thought you'd still be sleeping, so she didn't disturb you. What are your plans for today?"

She replied with a smile as bright as always.

"Hmmm... I don't have any plans for today."

This was one of those very rare days I chose to take a break because I felt like I need to sort out my mind and reorganise my thoughts on different strategies I created through the fights I've been through.

In addition I used this time to make, change or discard the next step of my plans that I need to get stronger and also to make a fool-proof plan to take out League of Villains.

Although I believe I'm strong enough to take them out right now, but I don't know where they are. They are staying too low, plus their are traitors in the information system that are removing any evidence pointing towards their minor activities. I am unable to find them.

In all honesty, I don't wanna stir them right now. I have forgotten or maybe it was never mentioned, but in any case, I don't know what is their strength at this point of time. What means they have? And the most problematic thing is All For One's cunning. Stir that hornets nest once and I'll risk everything I hold dear to me.

I am sure that I am strong enough to take them head on but not very sure about purging them. Unless I'm darn sure about that, I'll keep on working and stay low for now. I also need to fulfill 'that' plan of mine. I won't be fool enough to underestimate my enemies.

"You see, you've been so busy training, your aunt got a job now, I feel so lonely at home nowadays. But there's a highschool friend of mine that recently shifted close by. She wanted to meet me. Care to join me?"

She asked me. And damn! She has her own learning talent. She decoded the way to my special [ Genjutsu: Koinu no me ]. She uses it damn well enough to leave me no choice.

"Okay, but what would I do with you both their? I am almost completely irrelevant there. Aside from being your favourite child." I replied.

"Yes! We are gonna leave in an hour! Hurry up! Finish your breakfast and get ready" She said with enthusiasm overflowing from her body.

'Women do have selective hearing huh?'

I thought and focused on breakfast, my favourite, pancakes.

"And I love you, ~~my favourite child~~"

She said with her usual sweet teasing tone.

'Selective hearing? No. Selective response? Yes!'

Conclusion of the observation was made inside my mind.

"I love you too, Mom." I said after finishing the food inside my mouth.

[ Yuhi's (Mom's) POV ]

I'm worried about my son.

Not about his safety, that part is very well covered by himself. I am more worried about his social life. I have seen him try to make friends, but he constantly got avoided by them.

It really hurt. I was hurt bad.

I could see myself in his place. That was the same for me. Although I'm sure the reason they avoided me was different than whatever this is, but I know how it felt.

I could see he was hurt too. He was trying to hide it, but I know he was really hurt. He seemed to feel lonely.

He gave up. For the first time I saw him giving up on something. He stopped caring about his social life or making friends. It's a good temporary solution for him, but it will definitely be something that he'll feel that he missed out on.

Those few days before he gave up, although he tried to hide it with his best smile he could fake, but the fact that he was clinging to me more than usual and trying to find comfort alone was enough to say all about the pain he was trying to hide behind that smile.

As a mother, there's no way I can hold back and watch my kid suffer like this, is there?

I decided to talk to my best friend about his situation. She suggested that I should just let him be for a few months and then try to get him try again.

I decided to follow her advice, and he did try it. I was so happy that he's not given up completely yet. What made me feel even more warm is that he was willing to try again only because I asked him to.

Unfortunately, the results were the same. But this time. He didn't seem hurt at all. He seemed like he already expected it to happen.

This was even worse than before. He already gave up on hope of ever having a social life.

He just came to me and said,

"Mom, you don't have to worry about it. I know I'll be able to make friends later. U.A. has all kinds of people entering there. I'm sure they'll be willing to be friends with me."

How can I not worry about my child! That's a mother's duty and privilege!

My prayers were finally answered when my best friend contacted me that she's moving back here. What's even better that she has a daughter! We can finally make those jokes of becoming relative-in-laws to fruition! She even made that joke before I can even say it! She definitely is my best friend. We think the same even now! Hmm... I wonder how my future daughter-in-law looks like.

Too soon? Yeah, I guess it is.

But even so, I'm pretty sure he'll at least be able to become friends with her! She may even be able to push him into having a social life.

"Who's this friend of yours anyway?"

He asked. Startling me out of my thoughts.

"She and I used to be best friends back in highschool. Her name is Asuna Shiranui. She got offered scholarship to do a work-study overseas. That's where we parted. However, we still kept contact with each other up until now. That's how I got to know she got married after when I found that I was pregnant. She wanted to invite me, but you know, my status, it got in the way to get me a Visa.

A few days ago she messaged me that she's moving back here with her daughter. She's six months younger than you. She didn't tell me why though." I replied

[ Haruki POV ]

'Oh god. Not this again. Although I'm happy that she's doing this for me, but must it be a girl I need to make friends with for my first friend? It's like starting right from the level 50 on a game having 30 levels maximum. Atleast that's how it is for me.'

In my past life, I barely left my hospital room. I didn't make any friends. It felt pointless. Knowing that I'll be leaving them behind. It's better to leave without making anyone suffer. That's how I thought back then. Girls weren't even having a speck of my thoughts.

Anyways, that made the interpersonal communication skills of mine almost zero.

Being born in this world, I got something more important to me than making friends. Getting stronger. Bonus was that I got to actually do those cool moves for real that any manga reader like me could only wish for.

It's not like I didn't try, but half of the kids I met were obnoxiously arrogant of something they don't scratched even a single nail for. The rest of the half were either filled with kids who were either too energetic or too stupid for me. Sometimes, if my luck's worse, then they were both.

I still tried to persevere and try to be friends with them, and I ended up becoming a kiddie-gang boss.

It was fun at first. But then it got too boring. Moreover, I got busy with my training. I didn't have time to waste on them anymore.

I came out of my thoughts when my fork hit the empty plate. I finished those pancakes without even enjoying it completely! Man! This sucks!

"*sigh* I'm going to get changed in my room."

I said before leaving towards the stairs.

'Lets just get this over with. How bad can talking to a girl can even be? Right?'

I just jinxed myself, didn't I?

Whatever. It is what it is.

I just hope I don't do something that makes her hate me. If she still hates me despite that for reason. It doesn't matter. Not that I care.

Back in Haruki's room,

I changed my clothes. I really tried to look my best. I don't know anything about how to talk with people at all. I learnt a few things from internet but it doesn't change how nerve-wrecking it is in real life experience.

I've been looking at different sites to get any advice I could. They aren't much helpful here though.

'I'll just go with the flow and see what happens.' I thought.

After that, I checked the time. There's still almost an hour left. Then I looked at my work desk. There was a small circular disc with unknown number of wires coming out of it. It had a complex circuit inside of it that was exposed currently. There seemed to be a camera in the middle of the circuit. I started working on it.

'I think the [ Exile Seal ] would be finished in a few days.'

For all the potential it holds, it is disappointing when it comes to execution speed.

It's a Space type Fuinjutsu (Sealing Technique).

As the name says, Exile, it can expel anything I use it on into the space depending upon the coordinates I set taking the target as a reference point. I usually set those coordinates to the sun.

But there are limitations, I need to rely on guessing the coordinates of the sun with target as reference. If you know what reference point means, then you should also know that a moving reference point will change the relatively stationary object's coordinates each time it changes its position.

That makes guessing the coordinates of the sun even more difficult. That's why I created a software that can calculate such a thing for me while I fight. The circular disk is where it all gonna fit in.

I'm thinking of attaching this disk on my forehead protector.

But there's also one more limitation that I have to deal with. The execution scale.

Right now, I can only exile things that are the size of a little 4 year old kid or smaller than that.

I used it on a rock of the same size.

Anything more than that will need me to cover the target with my Chakra from inside to outside and then execute the seal. This makes it even more difficult to use it in battle.

But at least I can send things to different places on the planet just by calculating the 4-D coordinates of the said place.

Aside from this there's just one thing that can top it. I created a Chakra Spirit. That's the best name I could come up with considering how it looked like.

Not as exaggerated thing as you'd think. It was created during my attempt on getting control over my Chakra's adaptation nature.

It firmly rejected my will. Then I thought, how about giving it it's own will? So I went ahead and did further research on [ Kage Bunshin no Jutsu ] and figured out a way to create a split consciousness that could work as a parallel mind for me inside my head for a few minutes.

I applied the same principles but this time outside my body. I ended up creating a semi-permanent spirit.

Semi permanent because it can merge with me giving me it's memories like Shadow Clones. While unlike those, it can be seperated from me again.

Next I focused of creating a body arround this spirit with my Chakra.

While I was doing that, I was carefully merging Chakra into the spirit itself. This made it into a complete Chakra being like a Bijuu. Each time it's body dies, the spirit will return to me recreate its body with my *ahem* our Chakra. But since there's Chakra in its soul, the chakra starts to adapt to anything that killed it.

In this case, it's much more faster than with me. Once it gets complete adaptation, I ask it to merge with me for a few days so that my own chakra gets adapted similarly.

It's just that, its appearance is a lot like fairies from the picture books. But instead of humanoid body, it just has the shape of humanoid body, dimly glowing in golden colour light. It has four wings behind it's back just like a certain Bell. It's eyes are bright white with no apparent iris or pupil. It's at most the size of my palm.

'I need to give it a name, but I don't know what. Wait! I can use this for my advantage to break the ice! Girls love cute things, right? It's definitely cute! I just hope it's awake.'

"Hey, you awake yet?" I asked to apparently no one.

A few seconds later there was a golden glow coming out of my palm. It came out of there and went to sit on my head after giving me a cheek-rub.

I chuckled a little. It doesn't know how to talk. Unlike Shadow Clones, it doesn't have my memories. So it's like a new born baby, with higher intelligence.

I can imagine Mom's reaction when I tell her about it.

I haven't told her yet. How do I tell her, 'Mom I made a fairy' sounds like a kid on his unicorn.

I wasn't even sure if it was permanent. So I let it be for a week.

That's when I found out, it regards me as its father. Technically, it's not wrong.

I became a dad at the age of twelve, that can be a title of an anime.

I feel like a shitty dad for not naming it yet.

'Maybe I should name it myself?'

I started thinking of names that I could give it. But the thing is it's neither a male nor a female.

If some day it starts talking and it's voice turns out to be more like female, then a male name will definitely be weird. It's the same for opposite. Such dilemma.

'Hmm... that name fits both the genders! It also sounds fitting for a picture book fairy type character'

"Hey, so dad decided a name for you, see if you like it?" I said.

It came down from my head hovering in front of my face nodding excitedly.

"Ell (pronounced as 'L'). How about it? Do you like it?" I asked.

I felt so relieved when it started dancing in the air after nodding to me.

"Ell, we need to introduce you to others. Like my Mom and Aunty." I said to Ell.

I decided to not use it like some toy to make friends.

'Mom and Aunty are gonna team up on me about this.' I thought rubbing my forehead.

"Haru-chan! Are you ready yet? We need to leave or else we'll be late."

I came out of my thoughts when I heard Mom.

"Just a second!" I said and looked around my room, shut the window turned of the fan and left with Ell on my head.

"Let's start with introducing you to Mom." I said to Ell.

With that I went down the stairs preparing mentally for what's to come.


So folks, how was it?

I don't have much to say. So, let's just go on to the new supporters.

Thank you,

• Core312

• Dragonofpower

• Juliasz_Cesar

• ben54312

• reigns_darkness


• aelexander

for power stones.

Stay safe folks. See you in the next chapter.

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