Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Project [ Life Flame ]
[ Haruki's POV ]
(Inside Haruki's room)
I was sitting at my desk, reading about human's internal structure. I was trying to figure out how to use chakra to heal others. Of course I consulted a few surgeons and physicians about it. I still keep visiting them to learn things from them.
I don't need it for myself, my self recovery and regeneration was too strong for that. The reason I was trying to learn this is because I want to create a seal that can heal people it is applied on. I need to be very accurate in the data that I inscribe into the seal, so that chakra used won't be wasted, healing would be more efficient and there won't be sequelae from excess natural energy.
Ofcourse, the primary reason for this is Mom and Aunty. I guess I can count Rika and Aunt Asuna in it too, now. Then there's also Aunt Hana.*sigh* One at a time. I haven't even finished learning this.
*Phone chimes*
It was a message from Rika. It's been about half a month since they visited us. It was fun spending time with her and her mother.
We had a friendly spar with each other. She hits really hard. But her skills are a little too rash. She relies more on instincts than techniques.
I won. Obviously. But I think I made a mistake there. Maybe?
When I saw that look on her face, it was clear this won't be the last time we spar. I don't have that much free time to waste around.
She insisted on exchanging numbers, which I wanted to reject at first, but then relented. I can always refuse her sparring request, so her having my number wasn't that much of a problem. After that we met about 4 times. 2 of which ended with us having sparred agains each other.
That somehow eased the tension between us and made it easier for us to be comfortable enough to regard each other as friends.
I picked up my phone, checked what message did she wrote.
Rika: Hey!
Haruki: Hi
Rika: Do you remember that woman we met at the park that day? She was holding that cute little girl.
Haruki: I do. Why are you asking though?
I actually forgot about her but she doesn't need to know that.
Rika: Guess what, her family recently moved about a few blocks away from my home. I saw her on my way to school. This time the girl was awake. Her name is Eri. She was so freaking adorable!!!! She's a bit shy though. But now we are best friends.
Haruki: And why are you telling me this?
Rika: Don't act like you aren't feeling jealous. I can see the smoke from my window. You Tsun~de~re.
Haruki: F*ck off! I'm not a Tsundere! I am most certainly not jealous. Why would I be jealous when I know she'll become my best friend faster than you?
Rika: Hard chance! She's too shy even when it's with a pretty girl like me.
Haruki: Quit being narcissistic. It doesn't suit you. Besides my level of handsomeness is enough to captivate anyone. No pedo.
Rika: Good save. BTW {sent meme}: [Hello Pot, Meet Kettle, Hypocrisy Zone!]
Haruki: .... I am coming to your home this weekend. Now don't disturb me if it's not important. I have work to do.
Rika: Wait. What happened to the project we were going to work on?
Haruki: Still working on it's theory. But I'm pretty sure it will be too strong of an invention by all standards. Once I'm done with it that is.
Rika: Okay bye. I'll be waiting your arrival.
Haruki: Hmm... Bye.
Haruki: Oh! Wait. What is the name of the woman?
Rika: Right! Her name is Hana.
Haruki: Ok. Thanks. Now shoo... Don't bother me.
Rika: Jerk!
After putting back my phone I ran out of my room and went to Mom's. Dug out the old photo album from her closet. Searched for Aunty Hana's pictures and I did found them.
'That woman actually is my aunt huh? So that makes me Eri's cousin. Hah! Eat that Rika!'
I thought. A little giddy to finally find my missing aunt.
I went to my mom, who at this time was dressing up Ell in different mini dresses she made herself.
"Mom, I seem to have found Aunty Hana. I'm gonna be visiting her this weekend. Would you like to come with me?" I asked.
I know it seems strange that I have to ask her whether she wants to meet her long lost sister, but she and Aunty still hold some resentment towards Aunty Hana for leaving them behind.
Mom feels embarassed that she couldn't be the big sister she was supposed to be. She partially blames herself for not being able to make her little sister feel safe. It's stupid, I know, but still a valid point.
Aunty Nana, she's angry about the fact that her big sister was willing to abandon her too. Although she understands her reasons, she still feels sad about it.
Mom stayed silent. After some time, she muttered, "So, that's where they moved to?"
I guess she must still be waiting for the report from the people she sent to keep track of and help them whenever necessary. Honestly, those guys are gonna get scolded real bad. Not that it matters to me right now.
"Mom, wouldn't you want to meet her? I am going to meet her regardless. So, would you like to come with me?" I said in a soft voice, trying to make her feel calm through my Chakra.
She seems to be so confused and frail right now. Conflicted about whether she should or shouldn't go.
"Mom, you know that it wasn't your fault, right? Even if it was, I'm pretty sure she'd forgive you. You two are sisters afterall." I tried to console her a little.
"Then why didn't she come back? Maybe she still hates us? If I go there I'll only ruin the life she's living right now." Mom said with a pained expression on her face.
"Then I guess I'll go there alone. You'll still need to drop me off at Rika's house though." I said, since I know that conversation isn't gonna go anywhere.
"Okay." She said.
Ell who was looking at all this happen could see that her grandma was sad about something. So she went to the first dress she tried. It was a frilly white and pink dress. Cutest one of all. She wore that dress, went in front of Mom and did her unique air dance.
Mom's expression seemed to brighten up a little. After seeing that, Ell went closer to Mom's face rubbed her face on her nose then gave a cheek rub. After she had her fill of cheek rubs, she went over mom's head and sat on it.
I was really happy seeing that. Ell is definitely the best mistake I could ever make by far.
(Weekend, in front of Rika's House)
"When should I come pick you up?" Mom asked me from inside the car.
"I'm not sure. I'll call you when it's time. Is that okay?" I asked in return.
"Alright, have fun." She was trying to avoid thinking of the fact that I was going to meet her sister today.
"I will. Bye Mom. Love you." I didn't call her out on it.
It hurts me seeing how they have a family member and yet they have so much problems that they're almost non-existent in each-other's lives.
I went to the front door and rang the bell. When the door opened, a wild blonde slammed into my chest.
It seems that it was trying to tackle me into falling to the ground. Of course it wouldn't work. I am constantly training my chakra control by letting it flow to the ground through my feet.
Since tackle didn't work, the wild blonde went for tickle. I was prepared for that too. I already coated myself with chakra so as not to let her directly touch my sensitive skin.
"Cut it out you wild mutt!" I said a little loudly.
"Hey! What do you mean 'mutt'? I'm at the very least a Golden Retriever!" The wild mutt, which as you've guessed at this point, Rika said with pouty face.
"Those are for those who are cute! Not you, battle junkie!" I said. Clearly, I was annoyed. A little giddy. But only a little. Very little.
"Whatever. So? Where's Ell?" Rika asked.
Hearing her name, Ell came out of the inner pocket of my jacket. She didn't want to get back into my chest. She loved that dress of hers a little too much but couldn't take it in with her.
After seeing her in that dress Rika went to her girly mode. Ell, on the other hand was showing off her dress in front of her.
"Rika! Aren't you being rude not even inviting them in?" Rika's mother shouted from inside.
"Sorry. Come in Haru~chan." She said with teasing voice.
"Don't call me that!" I was blushing hard on that one. No one other than Mom or Aunty has ever called me that.
"Shut up! You like that and you know it! Tsundere." Rika retorted while going inside the house
"I'm not a Tsundere!" I replied a little loudly while following her in.
"Sure, sure, I believe you." She replied without even a little bit of honesty in her voice.
"Hello aunty, Mom said hi. Sorry she couldn't come in to meet you, she's a little busy with some work." I said as soon as I saw aunt Asuna standing at the kitchen doing whatever she was doing.
"It's fine. I understand. You kids have fun." She replied with a gentle smile. But it seemed she was a little busy with her chores, so I left as I didn't want to be a bother.
"Anyways, the [ Life Flame ] thing you were talking about. It seems you're lucky. It is possible." I said while sitting at the couch right beside her.
"Yes! I knew you're a genius! When can we start working on it?" She said with excitement written on her face.
Being praised from her was... I won't lie, it made me feel giddy. But only a little. Very little.
"We can start after your term ends, maybe?" I asked in return.
"That's fine, I have exams just next month so I wouldn't be able to work on it if we were to be starting now." She replied.
"Should we go to meet her now?" I asked about the main reason for me coming here.
"What's the rush? You want to embarrass yourself that much?" She said back to her teasing.
"God! Will you stop trying to get under my skin at every chance you get?! Why do you even do that!" I said a little angry about her constantly trying to make me lose my composure. The thing is, she even succeeds some times.
"Haven't you heard? Tsundere people are the most fun to tease." She replied.
"I am saying this again, I. Am. Not. A. Tsundere! Nor am I your entertainment."
I was really lost there. Even in this sentence didn't have any anger in my my voice. So I just gave up on arguing with her.
"Oh comeon, you know I didn't mean it like that! Teasing you is the only thing I can win against you. Consider it as repaying for how many times you smashed me on the ground." She replied with a wink.
'F*ck! She's too good at this!'
"Did you have to say it like that?.... You know what, nevermind. I don't care any more. Let's go and meet her." I said.
"Seriously though, why is it so important for you to meet her?" She was really serious this time.
"You'll know after we get there." I replied with a serious tone in my voice.
*Spoiler* Canon will be almost ruined in the next few chapters.
Hope you're enjoying it.
The more I'm writing the more nervous I am getting. But even so, I'm still gonna keep writing. I hate half ass-ing things.
Stay safe folks. See you in the next revelation.