In MHA as an Uzumaki

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Unfair Reality or Unjust People?

[ Haruki's POV ]

The world is just so unfair. That's what I saw apparently. People hurt each other just because they can. Just because they feel like they are above others, they want to crush those they see beneath them.

I don't like this at all. Sometimes I just wanna go full kaboom on this planet. But I can't do that. There are people I care about who live in this planet. So, for now, I'll be a good boy. Besides, it's not the world or reality that's unfair, it's people who are evil using reality as an excuse for their selfish acts. Is reality unfair? Or is it people that are unjust?

I need to use a civil way to solve this problem with the school. I can get this whole school to shut down, but Rika is studying there. It will affect her in one way or another. So I need to wait until she graduates from here. It won't be that long. Just a few months more.

School have to wait for it's turn, but that doesn't mean I can't teach students something their teachers won't.

My plan is really simple. I have already gathered information and proofs of their actions. Most of the students are really insignificant. Maybe in future they can be be something better than I expect, but from the way they're just too insignificant.

So, I'll be going there stalk these few top trashes of the batch for a little while and lay a proper ambush. Then give them a good taste of knuckle sandwich, some experience of Genjutsu where they're the victim of the same act they did and then show them where their actions have brought them into by showing what will happen once their information about bullying is handed over to authorities. Ofcourse all this needs to be done in incognito.

It's a seriously illegal and a punishable offence. Only reason bullies get away with it is because of them being underage. But that doesn't mean their parents won't be held accountable for this. It's parents' responsibility to see to it that their child is not acting like some criminal.

So, all I need to do is show them some old cases about how parents had to go through some mildly severe consequences because their child thought they ruled the world and that's all it should take to break them enough to know where they should be.

Before I let them go, I'll just heal them so that they cannot even complain to their parents about being bullied.

It worked for most of them. But some just straight out ignored them. Well, that's too bad... For them ofcourse. It's not like I'll be the one who's going to have a ruined life. These students have too much confidence in their families wealth.

My favourite one was the blondie. So I was saving it for later. He did something that triggered me the most. Actively hurt someone just because he's quirkless. He reminds me of all those pieces of sh*ts Mom told me about. So, call me petty, but I'm projecting those sh*t stains on him and taking at as a sort of revenge.

I put him in Genjutsu that was created with seal. It took a lot of work to develop this one. It was written on my notes about how terrifying this illusion can be. [ Izanami ]. That was the name of the illusion.

Since this one is made out of sealing techniques, I have better space for manipulation on how the illusion will be like.

He was reliving his life exactly as he lived until he reaches UA entrance exam and gets rejected for reason that he wasn't able to hear.

Even though they speak clearly, he can't understand the words at all.

Once he gets rejected, his life gets reset. He got sent back to being a kid, living his life same as he did before. He couldn't change anything about it. He just watched himself doing things as a third person.

He just have to keep watching how much of an a*shole he is. He couldn't move, couldn't shout, couldn't even speak. Only thing he could do was just keep watching.

He wasn't able to hear what reason for him being rejected they were giving him until he figured it out himself. In other words, until he realised what he was doing that was unworthy of a Hero, he won't be able to understand the words.

Once he did, his life got reset again. But this time, he'll be living his life as Izuku Midoriya. Apparently that's the name of the quirkless guy he's always picking on.

My notes did say that that was the name of protagonist, but it didn't say anything about him being quirkless. It just said that he got his quirk from All Might. I had to get information on some of his experiences that were relatively available and then mold some of it to fill the gaps by myself. The parts that I added were even more severe than his actual life.

Anyways, back to the a*shole. He lived his life as a victim. Where he went through everything that 'Bakugo' did to 'him' without having any control over it.

Just like before, he couldn't change anything. He just kept watching the sufferings 'he' caused to his 'friend'.

In short, a full on mental torture that can't be adapted to. Seal didn't let him to adapt. He kept living as Izuku until he finally made a firm decision to make amends.

That's all that I needed. Next morning when he woke up, it all felt like a lucid dream to him.

I just hope he changes for the better. Otherwise I'm gonna make sure to ruin his career as a hero before it even begins.

Next is school. As I said. It will have to wait. As much as I want to, I don't have much time to waste on the teachers there. I'll just wait till Rika graduates.

From what Rika said about them. There were a few teachers who got their career ruined because of the principal made sure of it. Also some teacher who do their best to be a good teacher. While most of them make sure to hurt the bullied kids' self-esteem even more by telling them that they deserve all that's happening to them in an indirect way, simultaneously stroking the ego of trashes they consider as talents.

The former will just need a letter of recommendation and they'll be set so long as they work with the same ethics. Latter will suffer for even considering themselves as a teacher.

With that out of the way, I can finally feel better about taking a mini-revenge. Even better, my involvement was only in recommendation letters for those teachers. Other than that, none of it has any proof of me doing anything here.

This all took me three months.

Now all I need to do is just keep training until entrance exam, which still has around 10 months left.

My spy network just got set last week. Ell was the one who was mostly handling it, so it didn't come in the way of my revenge.

But, as if the world couldn't bear to let me stay happy, Ell came in with a news that seemed to be impossible.

"Daddy! Grandma is hurt!" She said keeping it short because of urgency.

"What do you mean? That's not possible! The barrier seal on her can take more than 5 full powered punches of All Might!" I said while quickly getting out of the house with Ell in tow.

"I don't know dad! Barrier is still working, but her vitals are going down!" She said with shaky voice.

I would like to stop here and comfort her, but situation doesn't allow me and honestly, I'm not in a condition to comfort her right now.

I quickly got approximate coordinates of where Mom should be from Ell and used [ Shift ] to reach there instantly.

The building which Mom was supposed to be in was crumbled down to nothing more than a pile of stones and steel.

The rescue team was already here, some heroes were there too. All of them were trying to find survivors.

Most of the people that were being carried out were already dead or about to be soon. My chest was being tightened. Rage, sorrow, despair and I don't know how many negative feelings I was feeling.

Only thing keeping me sane was constant reminder from Ell that Mom was fine, for now. But if I don't act fast enough she won't be.

I did as I was supposed to. I used [ Body Flicker ] to directly appear near the rubble.

"Hey! Kid! Get out of there!" I could hear someone shouting but I ignored it.

Someone tried to approach me, maybe to move me out of here. I didn't bother to look back at who it was. I just released my chakra. I was carefully avoiding it from conveying my emotions.

Once everyone got pushed back from around me, Ell made her clones without even me asking. She knew what was needed here. All of them and let them fly directly into the rubbles.

They could do check up on everyone they find. If they are dead, they'd relay information about where the dead body is so all I will need to care about is to make sure not mutilate the body during extraction than it already is. I can use [ Shift ] but, I don't want to reveal too much here.

If they find a survivor they will check on their injuries, if they are safe for immediate extraction, they'll relay the message and I pointed it out to the rescue team in that direction. In case the injury is too much and victim can soon die, they heal them just enough to atleast be able to survive.

Finally. Mom was already in my senses, I can't see her condition, but she seem to be covered in barrier which avoided her from getting injured, but her vitality is dropping rapidly. The rubble around her is too tights, that must have cut off the oxygen supply from outside.

She would've died in 6-7 minutes in such a condition. Lack of oxygen for 3-4 minutes can cause permanent damage to the brain. It simultaneously damages other organs, but brain is the first organ to take damage from it.

The only reason she isn't dead or her brain isn't damage permanently is because of [ Self Regeneration Seal ] I gave her. In any case I have to hurry. That seal can only delay it but can't avoid death, atleast not in such a condition.

The moment Ell got the message from her clone about the situation, she got ready to shoot the rubble out of the way to reach her. I stopped her and asked her to make more clones and pick up the rubbles quickly while also making sure not to cause the rubble to fall on someone beneath it. Many times crumbled buildings would have its walls fall in a way where they support each other, moving one of them may initiate a chain reaction that can cause more problems.

Ell did as I said, although a little hastily but still efficiently. Mom was finally able to breath. her skin colour was returning to normal. I turned of the barrier around her and picked her up and was about to take her back home.

I saw a well known rescue hero there. Space Hero: Thirteen. She was the one who was trying to stop me, maybe to reprimand me for using my quirk like this without a licence. But right now, they all have doubts whether I actually have licence or not.

The efficiency was enough to be considered a freshly graduated hero.

I know this will get me some troubles, but I never cared about such things. All I care about in this world are a few people and the one in my arms is the first one of them.

I asked Ell to leave a clone to help them in rescuing others. To which she complied without much questions.

"She will help you in rescuing others. Her name is Ell." I said to them in a calm voice.

After that I left without listening to any of their shouts. I just love how easy it is for me to ignore some of these rules. I'm more like a protagonist young master of those cultivation novels in this regard. Not only I have a solid background status, but also a strong personal status myself.

[ Narrator's POV ]

While all this was going on, everyone was too shocked to say anything about what was happening. There were some murmurs about something, but they were inaudible. All the heroes were shocked seeing the effectiveness of the way Haruki worked.

Also, the sheer amount of force they felt from the push he gave them using his energy was enough to tell them he was strong enough to deal with them. Although they wanted to reprimand him for his intervention, but now they were in doubt.

Some of them wanted to stop him but his speed was just too much for them to match.

All they could do was watch him leave.

After he left, they focused their attention towards Ell's clone. They wanted to ask her some questions about Haruki, but they remembered seeing her appearing out from his chest. So it was likely that it's a sentient quirk which won't be much of a help if they want to ask about him. Some still tried without expecting much and it was as they thought. All they got was,

"Ell will never snitch about daddy!"

That's all. After that every question was answered with silence.

On Haruki's side, things weren't looking that good.


Say hello to the cliffhanger.

See you soon. Probably tomorrow.

Stay safe folks!

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