In MHA as an Uzumaki

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Yandere Mother's Tsundere Brat

[Yuhi (Mom) POV ]:

Being a mother was the biggest joy of my life that I've ever had in my whole life. Nothing can ever top it. Atleast I don't think anything can.

When I first held him in my arms, his curious eyes looking at everything eventually fell on me. The moment I saw him looking at me constantly and then trying to reach out with his little hands, I realised how much I love him for the first time. His red hair made me feel the same way his father did the first day we met. He was my rising sun.

Being quirkless and a nerd is not a good combination to protect yourself from bullying. I learnt that in a hard way.

Hikari was the first friend who accepted me and stood up for me. It still didn't help in bullying to stop. Rather it even more intensified. But I couldn't care less about it anymore. It never reached on physical level because of Dad being what he is. Besides, Hikari was there for me. He made me feel that way. I felt that way.

I'm glad he was exactly how I felt about him to be. Ok, not exactly, but pretty much the same. I loved that honesty about him. I was just some young girl in love, but damn did I luck out that he fell for me too.

Now that I see our son, my sunshine, in my arms. I want him to be happy and enjoy the life as much as he can. I want him to enjoy it much more than I ever could. I want to name him after something that symbolises what he means to me and what I wish for him to be. Haruki. Haruki Uzumaki.

It was devastating for me to realize, that my day was so short. Little did I ever know that my risen sun had to set so soon. I realized that Hikari can't be there for me anymore. I found myself left alone. That's what it felt like.

Until the sunshine that he left for me started to shine so bright. Haruki made me realise that I've to be there for him. I can't let my son to be left alone. He made me realize that I'm not alone. Like his father, he had that look in his eyes on that cute chubby face of his that said "I'll always be there for you".

I had to be strong and I did a good job at that.

Atleast for the first few weeks. I broke down. I broke down in front of my son! I was cursing at myself for being such an incompetent of a mother. But I just couldn't get a hold of it anymore.

That day I realised my sunshine was actually my sunshine. He consoled me. It was frustrating. I should be the one consoling my son not the other way around. But it was happening.

I didn't even realise that I fell asleep while crying. What an embarassing and enraging failure of a mother I was!

"Mom, it's okay to be a human right?" Came the cute little voice from my side. I was startled but soon realized that it was my son.

"Yes honey. Why do you ask?" I answered him and asked somewhat confused.

"Humans can have mental break down when they go through emotional pain and they usually cry when they do so. That's what doctor said." He replied, referring to the psychiatrist we visited after Hikari's death.

He continued, "So it's fine that you cry. All humans do."

He was really much more mature compared to other kids his age. He was also very smart at picking up details too. I was surprised but somewhat expected him to be able to realize what I'm feeling like. His quirk was also a factor in that, I think.

"Thank you, Haru-chan!" I wanted to cry again but I held it in. I've seen him cry when he thought that I'm not watching. (He was too immersed in his sorrow that he ignored his senses).

I could see how hard he's trying to put up a tough front. I think he got that from his dad. He's doing a better job than I am. For god's sake! I'm most successful woman in my field! I need to uphold that pride! I need to be strong for my son!

Now that he's almost eight, it feels as if I didn't even do the job of a mom considering how self reliant he is in most of the cases. I felt my pride being shattered more and more each day by how little he needed my care. It always starts from me checking out on him to me ending up falling asleep after getting a massage from him. His soft little hands help with that a lot and he seems to be capable of using his quirk during his massage sessions. With addition of him trying his best to be considerate, it just feels heavenly!

Only thing that made me wonder about him was that he, despite being too mature for his age, tried to act cute and did some playful stupid things. One day, I decided to ask him.

"Ne Haru-chan, why do you try to act cute?"

"Wh-What do you mean? I'm not trying anything!" Yeah, that reply isn't something I'd call convincing, but I'm glad his capability for lying is weak. He's smart enough to bend truth but he seems to have some sort of hate for outright lying.

"You need to work on your acting skills more than that in order to make it look more real." I replied to him.

"Why does it even matter?" he asked with a pout. This time I could tell he's not acting.

"It depends on why you're doing this. If you're doing this just because you want to fit in then it's not good. Your friends will still be your friends if they truly are your friends regardless of how you behave." I said to him while holding his shoulders with both my hands.

"Mom, you don't need to worry. I do that because I enjoy doing so." He replied. But I knew he would never admit that he's doing it for me, he does it only in front of me or Nana afterall.

'Tch! Tsundere brat! But I still love him so much!' I thought while a smile crept up on my face.

I decided to let it go after he is so adamant on refusing to admit it. There's something veeery attractive about breaking a tsundere out of their character which I usually fail in courtesy of how much his puppy eyes are effective on me.

Present day,

It seems there's something very wrong with him. He seems to be acting weird. I can see that he's in distress. He has that habit of rubbing his nose with the back of his thumb whenever he's thinking about something stressful.

"You seem to be worried about something. What is it?" I asked him about it.

"It's.... nothing that serious..... I just can't figure out how to get over an obstacle in my reasearch." That seems to be one of his half truths but I'm not gonna call him out on it. There must be a reason he's trying to hide it. But it doesn't sit good with me that my sunshine is being bothered by something and I'm not involved to help him out with it!

"Why don't you tell me, I may be able to help you with it?" I asked, half expecting him to reject.

"Okay, so, how much do you know about spatial coordinates or dimensional coordinates?" He asked back and that got me thinking, 'He's evolving! Instead of rejecting he chose to use his spare experiment to make the previous half truth more believable!' But his question still peaked my curiosity.

"I don't know much but I do know a friend who owns an Autofab company. She may be able to help you out. But why do you want to know about it?" I asked that with all my attention to his answer instead of thinking about his half truth that was left unsaid.

"I figured that I can do much more with my quirk than anyone else can. So I'm trying to find a way to apply my quirk into creating a move that can be considered a quirk of its own. I named that move as 'Exile'." He replied.

"Why such a name? It sounds so edgy!" I was just trying to get on his nerves here, hehe.

"It won't sound as edgy once I finish it!" He said with clear indications that I got successful. Finally, that's one of those rare occasions where I was able to do so!

"What does it do anyway?" I asked this time full of curiosity, because I am guessing this has something to do with teleportation. If not for him being the only one who can create these things, the inventions he made would have revolutionary for the world by now. He did say he's gonna find a way to be able to mass produce them, but that's completely up to him.

"You'll have to wait for it. Consider it revenge for trying to get on my nerves!" He replied.

"Tch, rude brat! You didn't want to tell me in the first place!" I said with a smile on my face. I can't even get angry on this kid! I wonder how he's not spoiled yet? But I'm sure as hell glad he isn't.

"Your thoughts, not mine." He said waving one of his hands.

"Oh, what are you arguing about!" came the familiar voice that perked up both our ears.

"Welcome home!" ×2.

It was my little sister Nana. She came back from grocery shopping since this time it was her turn.

"So? What were you talking about?" she asked again.

"I'm trying to make a cool move that will instantly make me Number one hero! But mom says that it's name sounds edgy so I decided I won't tell anyone about it until I finish making it!" He said before I could.

"Sounds to me you weren't planning on saying about it from the beginning." She replied that got a betrayed look from his face. He definitely didn't thought that his best friend like aunt would sell him out instead of supporting him considering how many pranks they did together in just this one month!

In any case, if there's anyone who understands him the most, it would be me. Nana can take the second place though.

"Fine! I admit you're right, but I'm still not gonna say it!" came his reply after a short pause.

I'm curious but if he's that adamant then I'm going to respect his wishes here, as long as he's not being stupid and doing something suicidal.

"As long as you aren't doing something that can be considered suicidal, I'm fine with it. Trust me. If I ever find out that it is, I'll make sure you never forget the lesson you're gonna get from me!" That was the much needed threat of care done in.

[ Haruki POV ]

'I just hope she never finds out. Fingers crossed!'


That previous cliffhanger will be continued in the next chapter. Just wanted to put some fluff before a little frustrating part to soften the fall.

Stay safe!

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