In MHA as an Uzumaki

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Discovery

I was lying on my bed thinking about things that happened during the day.

'Shie Hassaikai, that name somehow sounds familiar, like I should know it because it's important, but I just can't seem to remember it'.

That just tipped towards the conclusion that it must have to do something with the erased memories.

'So, even manga and anime collections aren't intact anymore huh?'

I felt bitter about it. Something important to me got erased like this. But it seemed too fast. It shouldn't be erased so quickly.

'Now that I think about it, it shouldn't be noticeable this soon. There seems to be something that triggered this reaction but what could it be'

I thought about it and I found a clue. Later, I turned to internet and searched what part of brain is responsible for erasing memories.

Turns out, I erased them myself. By mistake. But it's still me.

When I used chakra boost on my brain, it boosted the process of the brain as a whole. I just increased the input of chakra into brain nothing more, nothing less. That didn't need be to know how or where to focus that chakra. I didn't even tried to learn about human brain. That's utterly foolish.

'[Quick Learner] helps me learn things, not teach things to me. I can't learn things if I haven't experienced them myself in the first place.'

I made that side note inside my head and decided to learn about my brain. Can't let the same thing happen twice.

This time I only relied on [Quick learner].

So, you see, I'll try using simple terms, there's a part in our brain called 'prefrontal cortex'. It's main job is to subside fright. If something is causing brain( by extention, you) to feel frightened or any other negative emotions, it steps up and purges those memories. It's usually very slow. So much that it stays unnoticed unless you actively try to notice if it happened. But sometimes, some triggers makes it go for mass purge. My chakra boosting the brain sorta like those triggers.

My past life is filled with loneliness. It hurted a lot. It is because of that I can actually feel how warm having someone care about you and someone to care about is. Nonetheless, it is a sad memory. So when I boosted my brain, prefrontal cortex also got the boost, so it went in search for those oldest sad memories because those are easiest to erase and did it's job. It was still being restrained by me subconsciously. That's the only reason why there's still something left.

'Shie Hassaikai... Grandpa exists in this world, but I feel as if he was erased from my memories. How could it be? Was he a part of the series? That's the only reason I can think of. He must be. But what could've happened with him in order to get him erased? Does that mean something sad is going to happen to him? Scratch that, he's already miserable. But what is going to happen to him? Mom and Aunty, are they gonna be affected by it?! I'm a little worried now.'

I calmed myself. I thought that I may need to visit grandpa soon. But that won't happen till later. I need to be strong enough. Thugs or not, almost everyone has a quirk these days and I'm not taking the risk of being isekaied again.

*Sigh* I also need to find her. She may be related to these events that may happen. I'm talking about my first aunt. My mother's little sis but aunty's older sis. Grandpa's middle child if you may.

[Flashback of the conversation]

After letting me process all that information she gave me, Mom continued

"You also have one more aunt by the way."

Mom said that with a sad expression on her face.

"Did she leave too?"

I asked. Although I was stumped a little with this new information but not as much. I just wondered why do they not talk to her?

"She left for different reasons. Her name is Hana. She just didn't want to live with us, so just as she turned eighteen, she left without saying where she's going. She just left a note and threatened Dad to never try to find her using his connection or else she may do something to herself. Dad had to comply with it. No matter what, he's still our dad after all."

Her expression this time turned bitter-sweet. I guess she's happy and sad at the same time for different reasons ofcourse.

"We loved her. A lot. Still do. She was way more cheerful than your aunty back when she was your age." She continued.

'No way! My aunty can be considered a Bijuu bomb when it comes to energy and she surpasses that? (Although that's just my own assumption. I never saw a real Bijuu bomb my self) Then again, she may be the adventurous type? Extreme one at that. But how can she ignore her family? I still don't understand.' I thought after listening to her.

"She was really adventurous, but she changed when she found out what our father actually does. Because of her nature she accidentally ended up seeing him doing what he usually does. I don't know what she saw there. But she changed a lot after that. She was afraid of father. Afraid of mother because she found that mother knows about it, yet she still doesn't stop father from doing those crimes. She ended up judging her as a bad person just like father. She was afraid of living there. When she got old enough, she left. We still don't know where she is. Well, I do, but considering her wishes, I didn't contact her. She's going to get married in a few months. She seems to be happy."

She was smiling. It was a genuine smile. I know for sure. That's the smile I'm addicted to. Call me mama's boy all you want. I don't care! I am my Mama's Boy!

I may need to meet this first aunt of mine, but I guess her life is going good. It's better not to intrude right now. All that for later.

[Flashback ends]

I seem to have gotten involved with a small part of plot without my knowledge. That too just by being born.

I still don't know what part Grandpa even plays in the plot. Probably I will never know until it reaches that point.

'I guess, it's time to focus on developing myself and start working on what I came here for'

I thought and looked out the window. It's still afternoon. I checked time. It's 3:33 pm.

I decided to go and check out the forests.

After reaching the forest.

I decided to sit down and think.

After some time of thinking, I made an interesting discovery. My chakra seems to be different than I described it in the notes I wrote. or maybe I never really understood it? It's not like I actually had chakra when I was reading the manga. All I had to describe it was based on what they said in the manga. Experiencing it first hand is waaay different.

My Chakra seems to have a feature of adaptability. It adapts to the surrounding and to some extent according to my will. It's subtle and also I can't force it. It does it on its own.

I think my Chakra Nature training won't be as long as I thought it to be.

Some times later.

Yeah, scratch that. It will take as much time as I thought it will take. It may end up taking more.

So here's the thing. As I said. My chakra seems to adapt to its surroundings. So I decided to expel some chakra out from my right palm while also re-absorbing it through my left palm that left me with a stream of Chakra between my palms.

Now I put this stream on the fire that I lit some minutes before. Everything was good. For a while. Chakra was heating up, I could feel it from my left palm. Chakra was getting the nature of Fire.

But here's the thing, Chakra did successfully gain the fire attribute, but I on the other hand, didn't. My left palm is still healing from the burn I got. Uzumaki healing factor is not something to scoff at. This burn was from the inside. It hurt so much. I literally cried from pain. So, I'm not trying it again. Not until I figure out how to adapt to the attributes myself first.

At this point, [Quick Learner] strikes again and I got a clue to what can help me learn and adapt my body to the attributes.

'To know how I'll be doing that, read the next chapter of Haruki Uzumaki.' Hehehe I always find that one funny.

Hmm... Endorphin is affecting me. I gotta go home and sleep. First let's get this hand healed.


Ok. So this chapter was a little short. But I guess it's gotta be that way. It is what it is.

Stay safe folks!

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