Chapter 8: Chapter 8: [Shadow Clone Jutsu]™ and Serious Talk with Mom
Talk with Aunty made me get an idea of developing one of the biggest cheats of a jutsu. Shadow Clone Jutsu.
I could make clones using chakra before, but that's all they were. Clones. Illusory ones at that. They don't have individual thought process, nor do they have a physical body to do anything.
More specifically, it has a physical body but it's very intangible. That part can be solved by using more Chakra. The problem is giving it the ability to think on it's own. That's where I was stumped.
I knew that Chakra is amalgamation of physical energy and spiritual energy, but I never had to deal with refining chakra manually. So it's obvious that I was unaware of how the spiritual energy moves according to my will. After aunty pointed out how she could see the spiritual energy being used by me, I started to focus on it more.
The results made me feel how ignorant I was. The more easier it is to get strong, the more easier it is to leave weaknesses. So I decided to turn back to basics. Meditate and try to refine Chakra manually and focus on spiritual energy this time.
Spiritual energy alone is useless other than in metaphysical processes. Even at that, it will be weak if it isn't supported by some amount of physical energy. That's my observation.
I don't have slightest idea of how and to what extent do the ninjas in the series used the spiritual energy. I don't have the mention of it anywhere in the notes I've written, nor do I remember. Did I forget about that too? Unlikely. It isn't something that would make me feel sad. There's no reason for it to get erased.
Anyways, let it be. I'd rather focus on what I'm doing right now.
So, as I said, I've been trying to refine Chakra semi-manually, while meditating and focusing on how the spiritual energy moves. It is the spiritual energy that gives me control over the Chakra. That means, awareness and control of my spiritual energy will give me more Chakra control.
I realised something. Maybe because of the blessing, I found that the spiritual energy contains my will. So if I focus on it properly I can make a temporary soul clone of myself that I will put inside the head of Clone body made of my Chakra. That should be enough to make a Shadow Clone, right?
Well, easier said than done.
I tried and failed. I did create a shadow clone and it could also do the tasks I assigned it to. But that was all it was limited to. It can't think on it's own. It will work on the task that I was thinking of doing when I made it. Nothing more, nothing less. That's more like making an 'avtar' rather than a clone.
I need to make a physical brain of some sort, or a core for the spiritual energy to work from. So this time, I decided to use all the knowledge I've gathered on brain from internet, books that I bought from a small time vendor in the village market (You may never realise how many times they have something that turns out to be gold) and the chakra probing I used on my own brain to learn a few things through practical observations.
It worked. My self 're-created' [Shadow Clone Jutsu]™ ! It can take more hits than just a few as shown in the canon. Maybe because of the quality of chakra and also because of constant absorption of Nature's Energy is affecting the Chakra I'm releasing in my Jutsus.
I realised this when I was practicing Rasengan. It became more destructive than it was before. I'm certainly not complaining. More power for me, yay!
Now that I mentioned it, it reminds me. My body constantly absorbing Nature's Energy must be result of the second perk that got awakened. [ Sage Body ]. I don't whether it's the same as canon or it is modified too, but I don't care. I stopped caring about those things long ago.
I am waiting for [ Adamantine Sealing Chains ] to awaken. It has a certain appeal to it. Atleast, to me.
But, now that I have created *ahem* recreated [Shadow Clone Jutsu]™, I am gonna start to work on different branches of my research.
I'll be training on my physical body by my self. Five clones for nature change training, ten clones for Jutsus like Rasengan and Sealing Techniques that are already finished being developed. Nine clones to work on researching new Seals of different branches, three for recreation of Flying Thunder God, three for making Barrier Seals, three for making offensive seals of different attributes like Explosion Tags and the like.
I'm limiting the numbers to first get adapted to the feeling of recovering multiple memories at once. Then I'll slowly increase the numbers.
Days are gonna be exhausting from now on.
'I need to talk to Mom about moving to a house with big enough backyard. Our current appartment won't cut it. But how do I tell her that I want to be a hero? She's so overprotective of me. Any other time, I certainly wouldn't mind that, but right now, I just hope she could tone it down a little.
Hmm... Makes me wonder if I were to be in her place... maybe I'd be the same.
*sigh* I need Aunty to help me out here.'
I'll deal with that later. Right now, let's focus on training.
After a few days, inside a room you can see Mom sitting in front of two figures, one is me and the other is obviously Aunty.
"What is it? You both look like you're planning something. Out with it!"
She said after staring at us for a few minutes. I never thought she could be this stern. That's stark contrast to what her ya- *ahem* possessive behaviour looks like. Then again, she has been pranked by us a lot.
' I'm not the only one who learns, huh? No shit, Sherlock! Ofcourse you aren't! ' I thought.
I wonder why the second retorting sentence, I imagined in aunty's voice?
Never mind, I have more pressing matters at hand right now.
"Mom, I want to be a Hero." I decided to treat it like a bandage.
[ Yuhi's (Mom's) POV ]
'Here we are. Having the conversation that I long expected. He's his father's son after all. *sigh* They grow up so fast. It's like just yesterday I was holding him in my arms. I can still do that, but I'm just being sentimental'
I always felt a little, just a little jealous of Nana when I realised that he trusted her enough to tell her about his dream but not me. I do understand why he did that, but that still doesn't change how I feel.
No! I don't have time to be sentimental here! My son is making a decision for his future here and he will need me. I need to make sure he's aware of what he's choosing here.
"Do you realise what you are saying? Have you considered how dangerous it is to be a Hero?"
I asked, trying to act as calm as I could be. I am terrified. I still remember his brutally battered, lifeless body in front of me. My son wants to go on the same path as him. I don't want to let him go. But I know it won't change anything. Even if he doesn't become a hero, villains will always be villains.
'I should support him as much as I can! I don't want to, but I have to. Damn it! I never wished to not be quirkless as hard as I am right now! If only I had a Quirk, maybe I could be sure to protect him myself!'
"I have, Mom. I know how dangerous job it is. I also know how dangerous the villains can be. That's why I want to be a hero. To be prepared whenever we are faced by them. To be able and prepared to protect you and aunty."
He said with a seriousness that was as serious as I could ever imagine him to be. His small face looking so serious, he looks so cute! I want to grab him and cuddle him! But not the right time.
" I'm reluctant to allowing you to risk so much, but I know that's more detrimental to you than allowing you, so I'll support you. On some conditions ofcourse! "
That's as far as a compromise I can without dying of panic attack every time he'll go out to do his job.
"Deal! What are the conditions by the way?" He replied with excitement and astonishment clear on his face.
[ Haruki POV ]
As astonished as I was about how easily she agreed, I wouldn't let this opportunity pass. What if she changes her mind?
"You agreed even before hearing the terms?" She asked. I could see curiosity written on her face. Not literally ofcourse.
"I believe in Mom, enough to be sure that those conditions won't be something bad for me." I replied with a smile.
'Even if they are, nobody said I can't ask for them to be changed.' I thought.
"I know a little bit about how strong you are. I did take a walk to the forest. I need to make sure if the place my son is going regularly is safe or not. I'm completely sure you'll definitely be able to become a hero. So, here's the conditions you'll be following.
My first condition is that no matter what happens during your job, you have to tell me all of it.
Second, you are not allowed to hide if you're hurt. You have to tell me clearly about it.
Third, You'll be wearing a body cam that will be live telecasting what you're seeing to my laptop everytime you go out on the job. Because I'm sure you won't be following first two conditions with all your honesty.
Fourth, I can add or change the conditions in future if I deem it necessary. That goes for you too, but in any case it will be necessary to make it clear to each other about the changes we're gonna make" She said.
Aside from the fourth, all three had problems. She's right. I am not sure if I would be completely honest in following the first two conditions. Third condition is even more troublesome.
"Mom, there are some times when some information about the job, heroes need to keep them secret. So I won't tell you of those happenings and information, nor will I use body cam if I'm on such job. That's the only condition I have right now that I want to to be added." I replied.
I can't have her see everything. Who knows what she ends up seeing.
"Fair enough. Then I guess, you don't have to be all secretive about your dream around me now." She said, visibly relieved about something.
" I'm sorry for not being honest." I was really feeling a little guilty. Just a little bit.
"Looks like I wasn't even needed to butt in." came the voice from my side. I almost forgot she was here. It was aunty who's been watching the drama unfold until now.
"Hmm... You're right. You were pretty useless here." I said with teasing tone in my voice.
She knows how to take a joke. She responded with a Deadpool gasp.
"Now that all that is done, get over here!" Mom suddenly grabbed me and started cuddling me.
"Haru-chan, you are so cute! Say that again, why do you want to be a hero?" she cooed teasingly.
I was feeling so embarassed. When I said that, it didn't feel as cringe as it feels right now.
Anyways. Things are gonna change a lot. I can't even believe I developed so much in just two months.
I am a few more steps closer to my goal now.
So the first major timeskip is about to come. I just hope it won't ruin the balance. Otherwise it'll be hard to make the plot progression seem natural instead of forced. If MC gets too OP then I'll need to work on plot to make it seem natural how the villains survived. That will seriously take a lot of time.
I seriously hate nerfing! I am writing a FICTION not a dark novel. I know reality has already f*cked people over multiple times, it's frustrating. Last thing I want is for them to feel the same when reading the FICTION.
I know it's childish to want to live in a dream, but right now, I'm writing a dream. It has to be like that.
Now, on to the new supporters!
Thank you,
• king_Gurra10
• Kenmaster
• Owen_Render
for power stones.
Stay safe folks! See you as soon as possible!