In Pursuit of the Unknown Power

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: You're Freakin' Me Out!

Harry was getting extremely uncomfortable around Lavender as she became more possessive and lovey for lack of a better word. He was able to avoid being alone with her for most of the day Wednesday, and when they were together he managed to keep her distracted with a touch here or a kiss there, long enough and often enough to keep her from escalating their relationship in life toward the one of their dreams, so to speak. He was able to keep away from her Wednesday night by begging off sick but he knew that was only going to work every now and then.

It was not that he didn't like her, she was bubbly and fun and once they started in on Quidditch they could actually hold an intelligent conversation. But he found out rather quickly and much to his chagrin, that his knowledge of the sport was rather limited even if he was the youngest and best seeker seen in a century. It only reaffirmed his stance that Ron was the better choice for Team Captain. The times when they were alone together though were starting to wear on him, she was after all a nubile and willing female, and he was still only a sixteen-year-old boy.

So they found themselves alone in his rooms once more on Thursday evening, Harry was really beginning to miss his Telly as the nights were starting to feel longer and longer. He decided he would push Hermione to work on her electricity alternative, especially in those times when he couldn't be with her.

"Knut for your thoughts Mister Harry." Lavender said in the baby voice she adopted when speaking to him. There were definitely times when it was cute, but other times it reminded him too much of Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Just thinking that we have a serious lack of entertainment choices with no radio or television is all."

"Well then, I can think of a thing or two…" Her hands began to roam and he suppressed the sigh once again as he caught them and tried to play it off as hard-to-get or playful.

Finally he decided he might have had enough. "Lav we need to talk."

"I thought we were Mister Harry, what were you thinking?"

"That for starters, look the baby talk is cute and the nickname is cuter… but I had a really bad experience and you are kind of freaking me out."

She sat back on her end of the couch and looked at him strangely. "Explain please."

"I fought Bellatrix Lestrange at the Department of Mysteries and she mocked both Sirius and I in a voice just like that… I'm sorry, it isn't that I don't think it's cute or that I don't like when you do it… it's just…"

"It is just that you don't like when I do it." She said clearly but with a pout on her face. He hated that she could manipulate him so easily with a look but he opened his arms inviting her into his embrace which she quickly took him up on.

"I'm sorry but yeah."

"What else?" She asked a little coolly.

He took a deep breath, knowing this could get ugly. "I'm a bit afraid of you… of going farther than you are ready for… um… intimately. That's part of why it's been hard to get me alone."

She turned in his arms so that she was lying on his lap and grinned up at him, "So big, strong, experienced Mister Harry is afraid of little old me? How cute."

"I'm not afraid of you… more afraid for you. Lav what you said the other day really scares me alright? That is exactly what I have been afraid of from the start. I don't want you to think you are in love with me, do something stupid, and end up hating each other when we break up."

She pulled away and went back to her end of the couch. "So we're breaking up now? We've only been together for a few days!"

He rolled his eyes as he took another deep breath. "No we are not breaking up, I'm just pointing out that we have barely been together and we need to slow down alright? I do like you but I feel like I still barely know you."

She moved back into his arms after a few moments and cuddled into his shoulder. "You just make me feel safe Harry; I saw what you did to Malfoy the other day. That kind of raw power and speed is just unheard of, and to top that off you are a Quidditch superstar… and you are THE Harry Potter… I mean… now I sound like a fan girl."

He smiled down at her in her flummoxed state. "I suppose there is nothing wrong with a fan girl… after all Gin started off the same way."

"Ron doesn't seem to mind fan girls."

That caught him off guard. "What do you mean?"

She looked at him as if he were crazy, "You honestly haven't seen Romilda Vane hanging all over him now that he is Quidditch Captain?"

"Name doesn't ring a bell, is she in Fifth year?"

"Fourth actually, you mean to tell me you didn't see her trying to get your attention at tryouts?"

He thought back to a group of giggly girls who could not even mount a broom properly. "Ah, dark curly hair, dark eyes, kind of cute if a little young?"

"So you did notice?" Lavender asked with a raised eyebrow. He wondered if women were taught how to do that in some class.

"Perfect memory remember? Anyway what is Ron doing with a Fourth year?"

Lavender smiled up at him as she settled back into his lap and began buffing her nails, "What isn't Ron doing with a Fourth year? From what I have seen of them in the tower they are closer on some levels than you and I are."

Harry's eyebrows shot into his hairline. "With a Fourth year?"

"How old is your little pet Veela Harry?"

That caught him up short for a moment and he got a silly smile on his face before remembering that she had asked him a question. "That's completely different, Veela mature faster than humans, and Gabrielle is not a fan girl."

"No she is a sex slave." Lavender said with a bit of disappointment in her voice.

"No Lav, she is not a slave. At least I do not treat her like one; to me she is my first love. I would appreciate if you wouldn't speak of her like that."

The girl sat up and sighed, "I apologize Harry, " She took a deep breath and blew it out as if trying to clear whatever else she were going to say. "In any case Ron has been seeing her since tryouts, of course he was also seeing a Fourth year Hufflepuff but I do not know the extent of that relationship as Vane made sure to mark her territory."

Despite his normal reluctance to engage in gossip this was too close to home and too juicy not to pull him in. "Fine I'll bite, how did she mark her territory ?"

"Got him an ear ring with her initials on it, I hear it whispers things if another female gets too close but is spelled so that Ron can't hear it."

'That's terrible!" Harry said though he was smiling at the thought. "Wait, Ron is wearing an ear ring now? Wait til his mum sees that!" She promptly broke into giggles and they both collapsed into laughter for a few moments. Finally Harry recovered enough to ask her another question. "So he is doing alright then?"

She looked up at him again with a smile before her face turned serious. "He seems to be doing just fine without you or Hermione, Harry. Though I have caught him looking at her, I see her staring at him as well. Are you certain that those two aren't still attracted to each other? Maybe you should let them try again?"

Harry was suddenly very defensive but tried hard to cover it. "Mione knows she doesn't belong to me, if she chose to try again with Ron I would not stop her but I would be sad. However that being said I know for a fact that on her part at least she has no attraction to him whatsoever." He finished a bit coldly but not so much that she was afraid.

"I never meant it like that Mister Harry, I'm sorry you took it that way."

He sighed at the hurt in her face, "Look, I am not saying you don't stand a chance but you have to realize by now that this is a package deal. I just… don't make me afraid to get you alone alright? I have to trust that you aren't going to try to push me farther than I want to go."

"When did I become the man in this relationship?" She asked with a smile. "Fine, in real life at least I promise not to push you."

"In real life?"

She nodded. "Well yes, in our heads we have already gotten past all of that. No harm no foul right?"

He was a bit uncomfortable but decided she was at least mostly right. "I suppose, I don't know if I can even get us into a place like that again though. I have no idea how it happened the first time."

"Practice makes perfect!" She said as she stood and began removing her clothing.

"Hold on!" Harry said as he stood up and stopped her hands, which were halfway done unbuttoning her blouse. "I will tell you what, that is going to be your reward for learning your Occlumency alright?"

"What will I do to relax beforehand?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I suppose I can think of a few things…" He said with a smile as he brought his hands up to her buttons and began undoing them slowly. She leaned in and kissed him, not the needy and rushed kisses he was used to getting from her, it was slower and softer. He pushed on the shoulders of her blouse letting it fall from her arms down to the floor.

She returned the favor and soon they were both nude, he pulled away with a smile. "See, slower is better right?"

She smiled and sat him down on the couch and very slowly removed the rest of her clothing before straddling his lap; however she positioned his cock so that he sat along her slit rather than in line with her entrance. He was still nervous as all get out however. "Slower is better yes, but not too slow Mister Harry."

"Lav…" He growled slightly in warning.

"I am not going to rape you, you dolt. I know what I just said." He relaxed visibly. "I am however, still a bit too worked up to try meditating just yet. Any ideas?" She asked with a smile.

He quickly rolled her over and himself onto his knees on the floor before attacking her breasts with his mouth. He trailed kissed down her taught stomach to the mess of dark blonde curls that surrounded her sex. "Harry?" She asked a bit scared.

He looked up at her, a bit afraid of the tone. "Lav?"

"Uh… what are you doing?"

He was rather taken aback, especially with her attitude from before. "I was going to pleasure you… uh… with my mouth. You never had that before?"

"Harry I know my reputation alright, but I have never been on the receiving end of things… are you sure you want to do that?"

In response he began kissing her stomach again as he slowly worked his way downward toward his goal. She spread her legs very slowly for him, shaking the entire time. He glanced up to see her nibbling her bottom lip which reminded him of Hermione and caused him to smile. "Don't worry Lav… I won't hurt you."

She nodded and relaxed her legs as he leaned in and brushed his nose against her curls lightly kissing just the top of her slit. When she relaxed a bit farther he began kissing along the join where her leg met her pubic bone and then down to her right knee. He then kissed his way back up and repeated with her left knee, she was trying to relax but rather than fear he could tell she was simply nervous. He pressed his hands to either side of her and pulled, exposing her center to him for the first time before leaning in and trailing his tongue from her entrance all the way up to her clit and getting a cry from her for his trouble.

"You like?" he asked quietly.

"OH Goddess…" She said as she nodded and closed her eyes.

He leaned back in and began relishing attention on her, he licked and sucked lightly everywhere but directly on her clit until she was quivering and then he slowly began to rub her clit with his tongue. Her legs locked and her bottom slowly left the seat as her back began to arch, he continued to bring her as slowly as he could toward orgasm before finally she spilled over the edge with a strangled cry. He then slowly backed off without stopping and brought her back down from her high until she was relaxing once more on the couch and the muscles in her legs had stopped contracting. He pulled back and smiled at her as she lay back on the couch in a sweaty mess.

"Mister Harry!" Her eyes were rolling wildly as if she were still having trouble seeing straight. "That was….oh my…"

"Relaxed now?" He asked a bit playfully.

She simply nodded in response. "Maybe too much… give me a minute before you expect me to sit up okay?"

After the allotted time he helped her to the middle of the room and into position on the rug before talking her down into a proper meditative state and left her to herself to figure out the rest. Meanwhile he decided it was long past time to check up on his own shields, every night he sorted his thoughts and memories of the day's events but he had been remiss in actually checking his shields. As he began his perimeter sweep he was pleased to find that although the breach still existed, it had not spread farther. Just to be safe he removed the whole of it and reapplied his shielding once more. He was happy to note that at least for the time being, the hole had disappeared once more though he could still detect the magic or whatever it was that was trying to seep through.

He came back out of his meditation to find Lav still seated on the floor, he checked and found that only an hour had passed and so he got up and began work on his essays for Defense and Potions. She joined him unexpectedly a while later. "So how did it go?" He asked.

"Better than the last time but I still feel lost, I haven't found my center or whatever just yet so I'm just wandering around in here." She said tapping the side of her head.

He smiled, "Don't worry you will get it eventually. If you like we can ask Hermione or Gin to sit in for a session; they had more trouble than I did. Most likely my experience is anything but normal."

She shook her head, "I don't need their help, and you're doing just fine; now what about my reward?"

"Did I say something about a reward?" He asked with a grin.

She put on her pouty face but refrained from using her baby voice. "Mister Harry?" She begged him.

"Fine, but we need to make it quick; curfew is less than an hour."

"Just what every girl wants to hear, let's make it quick." She said playfully. "Can't I stay here?"

He actually had to think about the question for a moment, if she had asked him that before their little chat earlier he would have turned her away. "Tell you what; you can stay in the guest room. I'm still a bit afraid of what I might do with or to you, and that you wouldn't stop me."

"But how will we… er… you know?"

"Let's try it okay? If I cannot make contact with you then you can sleep in my bed alright?" He thought of something and quickly added. "In Pajamas."

"Alright, I will see you in a few minutes then?" She asked hopefully.

He nodded and walked her to the guest room watching her lie down and talked her down into the meditative state once more before exiting and walking back to his bed. He laid down in his own bed and quickly reached out to find her consciousness, it was a struggle trying to push this particular gift that far but eventually he found her and brought himself back to the meadow pulling her along with him as he had before. He was lying on his back looking up at the puffy white clouds as they flew over and turned his head to the side where he found her looking at him.

"This is really a neat trick you know that?" She asked with a smile.

"I have no idea what I'm doing or even if it's been done before, but you might have noticed that happens to me a lot."

She rolled over and straddled him before kissing him softly. "Personally I am just enjoying it, I don't ask why or how. I love the way you make me feel Mister Harry."

She said the word again and he nearly freaked out before realizing it couldn't have been meant literally, it was just a turn of phrase. "Well I like the way you make me feel as well. We are not doing this every night though."

She pouted at him before slowly lowering herself onto him and moaning softly as he slid inside. "Then I guess I had better make the most of it shouldn't I?"


Harry was getting rather desperate to at least speak with Gin or Mione by the time Lunch rolled around on Friday, but Lav kept him firmly in place by anchoring herself to his arm and his girls were respecting her wish to stay clear for the week. He was just about to tell her he was done with the charade but his thoughts were interrupted as a slew of post owls flew in including Hedwig who landed on his shoulder.

"Oh! Hey girl. How you doing?"

The silly humans handed me another paper for you. She replied.

He removed the Prophet from her leg as he scratched her neck with the other hand. "Good job girl, any idea what the big deal is?"

I do not pay attention to the affairs of Humans, they are silly creatures.

Just as he was going to reply he heard a whine from beside him, he turned his head to find Lav staring at Hedwig with huge eyes. "Aren't you going to introduce us Mister Harry?"

Mister Harry? Did she mean to say Master? Hedwig was laughing inside his head and he was not amused.

"Hedwig I would like you to meet Lavender Brown, Lav I would like you to meet the most beautiful and smartest owl ever. Hedwig was also my first friend."

"May I pet her?" Lavender asked with child like glee.

"That isn't up to me. Hedwig would you like some attention from Lavender here?"

In response Hedwig flapped over to the other girls shoulder before hopping onto the table in front of her. He was just about to unroll his paper when a very welcome voice called to him from across the table as she sat down. "Harry did you read yet?"

"Hey Mione, long time no speak. No I hadn't gotten to it just yet."

Ginny sat down beside her as those across from him got the message and left them some space. "Harry I'm so sorry, you know this isn't your fault right? Please don't start the whole…"

"Harry-Potter-In-A-Funk thing yeah I got it Gin, nice to see you too. Now what's this all about?"

Before they could reply Dumbledore stood and caught everyone's attention. "As you have all read by now, Lord Voldemort and his followers have just broken all of the remaining prisoners out of Azkaban Prison. There is no need for panic as Hogwarts is one of the safest places in the Magical World; however I believe that this is a wonderful time to announce the formation of a new school club, which many of you are already, no doubt, aware. Lord Black?"

Harry was rather suddenly shoved into the spotlight with absolutely no preparation and his mind was racing as he stood up. "Uh… I'm sure you all know who I am by now, uh…" He took a drink of his smoothie to wet his throat before continuing.

"Last year I led an unsanctioned club to teach anyone who was willing to keep our secrets Defense against the Dark Arts. I have spoken with the Headmaster and this year the Defense Association will be a school sanctioned club where we will be reviewing and practicing DADA as well as learning more advanced defensive techniques that will not be taught in classes. Everyone is welcome to join." He said this with a look at the Slytherin table where he received a nod from Blaise Zabini.

"Uh, I suppose our first meeting will be this weekend so uh… watch the bulletin boards for more information. Thank you." He sat down quickly.

"Thank you Lord Black for offering to help in our time of need, with all of the Death Eaters plus many more escaped prisoners at his disposal, Voldemort will surely be going on the offensive soon. For your own safety, and those of your loved ones, I urge you to consider joining the Defense Association. For those of you not interested in Defense as simply an extracurricular activity I would also like to point out that those who belonged to this clandestine organization last year scored some of the best OWL and even NEWT scores in DADA that the school has ever seen, while those who did not participate will likely be taking their OWLs once again this year. As Lord Black says, please watch the bulletin boards or speak to your Heads of House for more information."

Talking resumed in the Great Hall as Dumbledore left the room and Harry looked expectantly across the table. "All of them?"

Hermione nodded, "Azkaban was a stationary target without the Dementors to guard it, why they would still put Death Eaters back there after the fiasco last year is beyond me."

"What are we going to do Harry?" Gin asked meekly.

"We are going to train everyone who is willing to fight. We are going to become the army in fact that we were in name last year. When our army meets the Death Eaters in public they will not run away but rather stay to defend themselves and others, and if Voldemort stupidly decides to attack the school we will be ready for him."

They both were quiet for a moment before Hermione spoke up again. "So then, Sunday?"

"Sunday afternoon I think." Harry said quietly lost in thought.

"Sunday?" Lavender finally joined the conversation.

"Well yeah, I have Quidditch practice and detention on Saturday and most likely I have an appointment to keep with Dumbledore Saturday evening."

She pouted and batted her eyes at him, "But I was hoping to have you all to myself on Sunday Mister Harry."

He caught hints of amusement rolling off both Gin and Hermione but he shook his head. "Being ready for this, for defending or beating back Death Eaters is more important than snogging."

She leaned in toward him but whispered loud enough for the other two to hear. "And what if I wanted to do more than snog?" Harry didn't miss the jealous looks both girls got.

"We still have Sunday morning Lav, and besides we both know we aren't doing much more than snogging."

Lavenders face fell a bit but she continued to smile devilishly up at him, Hermione and Ginny raised questioning eyebrows almost in sync, which amused him no end. He shook his head once again and mouthed the word 'Later' to which he got small nods from both of them. "We need to go over lesson plans and the overall goals for this club. How about this evening Mione?"

It was Lavenders turn to look jealous which did not go unnoticed by Harry. "That sounds fine I suppose, I will meet you in your room after Ancient Runes."

"What about me?" Ginny asked in a pouty voice, which for some reason was cute to him instead of annoying or freaky.

"You and I can go pay a visit to Hagrid during last period. Have you noticed he hasn't been coming to meals?"

Hermione quickly turned and scanned the head table before looking guiltily back at him. "Oh Harry! How awful are we for not visiting before now? We even have time to take his class that we didn't know until after school started, the least we could have done was to sit in or visit!"

He nodded, "I know, I only just noticed when I was listening to the Headmaster. I will make sure to tell him you miss him?"

"Please do." She said with a nod.

Lavender was looking back and forth between the three with a confused look. "You are going to visit Professor Hagrid? Why would you want to do such a thing?"

Harry turned to her, "Because he is a wonderful person, and was my first Wizarding friend. In fact he bought me Hedwig for my eleventh birthday. You are welcome to come as well."

Lavender quickly looked across the table before nodding. "I will come if you are going. Lucky me I am free this afternoon as well."

He smiled at her. "Good then, we better hurry if we are going to make it to class."

"What?" She asked in surprise.

"Like you say, we are free this period as well as last and I would like to go sit in on his class. Come on!"

"By Harry! I'll be down after Charms, and I will bring Luna as well." Ginny called as they got up.

"Sounds good Gin, see you two then."


Lavender pouted all the way down to the paddock where they held the COMC classes and complained about not getting any alone time with him. He turned around once they arrived and kissed her quickly.

"We are alone right now aren't we?"

She looked around and sighed as she looked down. "I suppose… I guess I just can't get enough of you."

"You have to learn to share sometime if you want 'us' to work out. We already talked about this." He said quietly.

She nodded, "I know, I didn't say I wasn't willing to share!" She turned her shoulder on him looking for all the world like a five year old who didn't get her way. He half expected her to hold her breath until he kissed her or some other nonsense but was thankfully saved as Hagrid walked up.

"What're you doin 'ere 'Arry? I though ye didn' want to be in me classes no more."

Harry shook his head as he turned toward his enormous friend. "Hagrid I'm so sorry for not telling you, and more for not coming to see you before now. Hermione, Ron and I didn't know how the schedule would work out this year and were encouraged to only take certain courses. Not taking Care has nothing to do with not liking you Hagrid."

"Ye coulda tol me, I woulda understood." Hagrid said with a slight pout. Harry wondered why everyone was so pouty lately.

"If you don't mind we wanted to sit in on your class this afternoon, I can't promise to come to all of them but I will try to make it to a few alright?"

Hagrid smiled down at them, "That's fine 'Arry, jes fine. I knew you didn't mean it personal like, but it still hurt jes a bit you know?"

"I do and I'm sorry."

Hagrid looked at Lavender who was still facing anywhere but at Harry. "And who migh this be? Why is that Lavender Brown? Wha happened to lovely Luna?"

Lavender turned at that and looked to be about to speak harshly before she realized she was pointing her finger at the large mans stomach. "Um, Luna and Harry are just good friends. We are together now."

Harry didn't like the emphasis on the word together but was saved from comment by Hagrid. "Oh… I woulda thought you'd end up with Ginny Weasley, or maybe even Ermione before you'd date anyone else. I…" He took a look at the girls face and quickly clammed up. "I..shouldna said that. Sorry Miss Brown, I'm sure you're a lovely lot, I just didn't know he were looking to date anyone else is all."

She rolled her eyes very slightly which Hagrid missed but Harry did not and was getting rather upset with her behavior. She answered politely however, "It isn't a problem Professor, you cannot be expected to know everything about your student's love lives now can you?"

"Nope I suppose I can't now. Well do ye want to help me set up? The others should be along in a few moments and I need to get the animals set up."

Harry complied as Lavender sat on the fence post and watched; once class began he joined her on the fence and simply enjoyed the lecture and the incidents that happened along the way. Once again glad he hadn't taken the class even if he was sorry to have hurt Hagrid's feelings. After class they chatted for a few minutes as Harry helped to clean up the equipment and bits of torn clothing from Goyle trying to pet the pretty bird. Apparently this was one of the classes he was able to continue on into NEWT level and without Malfoy there to direct him he was rather grabby. The Baby Roc had not been amused and Harry was only thankful that the mommy Roc had not been nearby or the school might be less one Half Giant as well as one dumb Slytherin.

Gin and Luna joined them later; Luna kissed him on his cheek in greeting causing all sorts of posturing and glaring from the other blonde attached to his arm. Afterward Hagrid led them back to his hut for some tea and rock cakes. "So all of em escaped you say? Can't say as how I wouldn't of taken off after a few hours in… well in any case most of them is bad people after all. What's Dumbledore doing about it? Anything from the ol' crowd?"

Lavender was looking confused but Harry simply answered the question. "You would know before I would what the 'Old Crowd' was getting up to, I can tell you though he put me on the spot to start the DA a little earlier than I had planned."

"Thas good though 'Arry, from what I hear you were a right fine teacher. All the Professors, 'ceptin the one o'course, is very impressed by what you was able to do las year. Proud of you they are, me too."

Harry blushed at the praise but Lavender hugged him close basking in his reflected glory. "That's my Mister Harry, he doesn't know how great he is does he?" She kissed him on his cheek getting a smile from Hagrid and causing him to blush even deeper at the public display of affection.

"Uh, yeah so anyway we are trying to work out the details this evening and get fliers up on the bulletin boards about when we are starting up. We are going for Sunday but I have no idea how many people will be attending."

Ginny spoke up, "Well in the DA last year there were usually twenty of us, you take away the seventh years that graduated and add in the fact that this year it's actually school approved and I would say we need to add another 50 or so to that number."

"What?" Harry exclaimed. "You think we might have half the school show up?"

Lavender spoke up from his side. "Well you are Harry Potter, lots of people are going to show up just to get close to you."

"But they see me in the hallways everyday!"

Luna shook her head, "No Harry, they don't see the real you."

"The me that goes to class and struggles with girl problems is the real me!"

Luna just looked back at him, "No Harry, the real you is the one who was teaching us last year in the DA, the real you is the one who is taking the fight to Tom instead of waiting for him to take over. The real you is Master of Death."

The hut went quiet for a full minute before Lavender spoke up. "Master of Death?"

Before Harry could answer Ginny spoke up, "He took an AK after all and is still here."

She didn't look convinced but nodded anyway, "And who is Tom?"

Harry whipped out his wand and performed the floating letters trick. Hagrid was actually the first to respond. "Blimey! I never made tha connection. I mean I knew what Tom ended up as… but I didn't know how he came up with the name."

"He couldn't stand that his father was a Muggle so changed his name. It's funny, in a sad way, that the bastion of the Pureblood Supremacy movement is a Half-Blood himself…" Harry suddenly came to a horrifying conclusion.

"Hagrid, did Tom ever call himself a prince? Or use any sort of title?"

The big man thought for a moment before shrugging. "Can't say as I remember anything like that 'Arry. Any reason?"

He shook off the feeling of dread, "No I suppose not, just had a disturbing thought is all. Uh, Hagrid I hate to say it…"

Lavender stood up and pulled him to his feet as she extended her hand to the large man. "But we need to get back up to the castle and work on the DA stuff. You understand of course?"

"O course! Thank ye again for coming down to see me you four. It means the world."

The four exchanged goodbyes one last time and headed back inside.


A very bored Lavender sat on the couch reading 'Teen Witch' and throwing annoyed glances at the four other women in the room. In addition to Luna, Ginny and Hermione, Tonks had shown up just as they began discussing what to teach, when to teach it, and how to present it. She offered them insights on how training was done at the academy and pointers on how to run casting and operations drills. They worked out the general structure for the meetings and then got into how to handle a larger audience.

"I think you are going to have to limit it to Fourth year and above Harry. Even if we find a big enough space for everyone you are going to have quite a time teaching that many especially with the younger kids running around." Hermione said.

"They need to know how to defend themselves as well though; I hate to limit the opportunity in any way!" He argued.

"Contingency plan then," Suggested Tonks. "We post the flyers and see what the turnout is, if it looks to be too much then you send the lower years away."

They all agreed to that and finally had the details mostly worked out, they all say back from the desk and Lav looked up from her light reading. "Are you finally done with my boyfriend?"

Hermione controlled herself well but Ginny and Tonks were growling low in their throats, Luna was actually the one to speak up. "Down girls." The two looked at each other and began laughing. Lavender was oblivious as Harry walked over and sat down heavily on the couch next to her and she began massaging his temples.

"Now that the business is out of the way maybe we can work on my Occlumency?"

He sighed, "Sure Lav, let's get started."

"What with them here?" She said motioning toward the other girls with her head.

"Is that a problem?" He asked only half joking.

She put on her pouty face and he could hear the whine in her voice even though she tried to control the impulse. "Miiiister Harrrry."

He sighed again, noting that he was doing a lot of that lately. "Alright, Ladies?" he called out. "I guess we are going to work on Occlumency, and as Lav here is not as proficient yet as most of you are…"

Hermione stood and smiled at the couple on the couch. "Not a problem, we will just leave you two alone then. Won't we?" She said with a look at Gin and Tonks who looked especially put out."

"I suppose not." Ginny said in a defeated tone. "We will see you tomorrow Harry."

They gathered their things before she had Dobby reset the room and soon just the two of them were left. "Lav, you really need to start letting them in if you want us to work."

"But it's my week still and I want my Mister Harry all to myself!" She cried playfully.

He stood and undressed quickly, calling to Bernie to lock the door before holding his hand out to help her up. "This isn't any fun is it? It's almost clinical." She remarked.

"Lav, you really need to work harder if you want to get this down. Occlumency does not begin and end with getting me to shag you in your head, or my head….well wherever we end up when we aren't here."

She stood and disrobed slowly trying to get a reaction out of him, much to her displeasure his member did not even twitch as she slowly pulled her knickers off and sat them atop the rest of her clothing. "Do I still get a treat afterward?"

"I'll make you a deal Lav, if you concentrate on your study tonight and make significant progress I will let you sleep in my bed." She squealed and jumped into his arms, and his body betrayed him as he became instantly erect. She grinned down at his member before looking back up into his eyes.

"Looks like someone likes that idea as much as I do."

"Lav…" he growled.

"Fine, fine. Do we get to have treats too?"

He shook his head, "You are relying on me too much, none of that tonight."

She put on a pouty face again and begged him with puppy dog eyes. She sniffed sadly, "But Mister Harry…"

"No." He said firmly.

"Then no pajamas."

"What?" His voice jumped an octave halfway through the word.

"If I can't have fun with you like usual, I think the least you can do is let me cuddle with you in the buff. I promise to be a good girl."

He walked to the middle of the room and sat down motioning for her to join him. "We'll see."

Quickly she found her spot on the floor in front of him and began her breathing exercises. He observed her rather than doing any meditation of his own and after ten minutes he could see the struggle on her face. "What is it?"

She groaned, "I can almost get there but I just can't seem to… I don't know how to describe the problem. Can you come help me? It isn't cheating or anything is it?"

He closed his eyes and reached out for her; once he connected he slowly lowered himself into her consciousness until he reached the level she was at. He was suddenly bombarded with thoughts, images, memories, sounds, smells and all manner of stray thoughts. He had to fight them away and organize them somewhat before he was able to find her in the middle of the storm slowly sorting through her memories.

"Lav what are you doing?"

She looked up at him with tension in her face. "Harry I can't do this myself, I don't know if I am just too scatterbrained or what but how am I suppose to find my center when I cannot wade through my own memories to get there."

"Look, you're too worked up. You need to relax, here take my hand." She did so and he began projecting relaxing emotions into her, the maelstrom began to calm until finally her memories were floating by lazily and looking like flying windows, each looking into a different scene. "Alright Lav, let's just start walking okay? I want you to point in the direction that feels like it is your center. Don't think about it, just do it."

She nodded and randomly pointed behind them, so they turned and strolled hand in hand through her memories. He tried not to look at them but every once in a while one would catch his eye and he would instantly know the contents of that window. The first was of a little girl planting flowers with her mum at what must have been age six or seven. It seemed innocent enough and soon it was over, but as they continued on some of the scenes got darker.

An image of a man standing in the doorway of a little girl's bedroom with the lights off smelling of Firewhisky. Another of the little girl playing doctor with a few neighbor boys who were all much older and telling her things that no eight year old should hear as they 'examined' her. They proscribed treatment for her 'disorder' by sprinkling sand from the playground nearby onto her vagina and then telling her she needed to kiss them on the Willy to make it all better.

"Lav I don't think I should be…" He began.

"Please Mister Harry; don't make me do this by myself?" She pleaded with him, he nodded and they continued on.

They finally came to a place that looked remarkably like the meadow that Harry had chosen as their meeting place, but at the center was a pond with a small fountain in the middle. "It's beautiful." He remarked.

"It's just like the one at my house… well my old house, before my mother remarried."

"I didn't know that, did your father die?"

She shook her head, "He… was a drunk and was not nice to either of us, mummy finally had enough and took me away. He did die a few years later when he married that Zabini woman…"

"Wait, your father married Blaise's mum?"

She smiled, "Yeah, we were related for about three months before my dad died. She got half of the Brown estate but my mum got the other half, it was a Pureblood contract and my maternal grandfather certainly knew how to negotiate. In any case when he and my mum would fight or when he… well anyway I would sit and watch the water bubbling in a pond just like this for hours."

"Lav, this is part of why Occlumency is so intimate between student and teacher. There are things you are going to have to go through in order to sort everything. Trust me, as easy as it would be to just lock the memories away, you will be much better off in the long run if you go through them one at a time. You have to sort out the emotions and deal with them before you can move on and be done with it. Otherwise it will come back to haunt you."

"So this is my center?"

"Yes, this pond and that fountain are representation of your Magic. Now you need to decide how to sort your thoughts, don't ask me for ideas because mine is so crazy that I am the only one who would understand it."

"How do I start?"

He looked around. "You need a place to sit down and watch all these memories as you sort them out. How about a gazebo?"

She turned around and looked at a spot just to the side of the pond and in a moment here was a beautiful white gazebo standing there. They walked over to it and sat down in the hammock that hung in the middle. "Now what?" She asked.

"Now you need to figure out how you want to file your memories and emotions, some people use trunks, some use books. As long as it makes sense to you."

"What about magazine articles?" She asked.

"It doesn't have to make sense to me Lav; as long as you understand it then it will work."

"Will you stay with me?"

He wanted to after the glimpses he had seen, but he knew that she needed to deal with it all herself, just as Ginny had dealt with memories of Tom in her first year, and he had dealt with his abuse at the hands of the Dursleys. "I'm sorry but you have to do this on your own. Now that you know where your center is you should be able to find your way back and forth without much effort once you get into the right meditative state. When you are done you can come join me in bed alright?"

She nodded and he stood up before slowly disappearing from her sight.

She joined him in bed few hours later without saying anything, she kissed him softly goodnight and snuggled into his embrace without even trying to initiate anything more intimate. More than once that night he awoke to her sobbing quietly in her sleep and helped to calm her down by whispering softly and playing with her hair. They finally drifted off to sleep for good just after midnight.

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