Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Rebirth
I was glad to wake up and see that my wishes had been heard. I found myself in a cabin of some sort and to the right of me on a wooden bookshelf was an assortment of pretty much all books on basic wizarding magic. I then saw a suitcase to the left of the bookshelf and found that it was an expanded suitcase just like the one that Newt Scamander from the Fantastic Beasts movie.
This suitcase contained a gigantic library with all the advanced and obscure magics to include Dark Magic and they could be summoned to me with just a thought. These were part of the wishes I made to the being I had met after my death. They gave no reason for my transmigration, only that I would be given the chance to go to another world. I had to spin a wheel to decide the world where I would be sent to and to decide the type of powers I would have. Thankfully I was given this option before I chose my wishes, this allowed me to tailor my wishes to the world and powers.
The world that had been chosen from the wheel was the world of Stardust, a movie that came out in 2007. The movie involved a fantasy world filled with kings and their kingdoms, Stars that are actually alive and live in the heavens, and certain individuals with magic. The world was also connected to another world through a magical portal in a village in England called Wall named this way due to the wall that protected the portal to the magical world that is called Stormhold that has even been said to be a seperate universe somehow intrinsically connected to the normal world.
I only had three wishes so I began with having the Bloodline of the Black Family as it comes with an immunity to the effects of Dark Magic. I then asked for the entire Black Family collection of magic books and artifacts as well as all the books in Hogwarts even obscure magics from the restricted section. The being I met was willing to give me the Black collection as part of my first wish and just made the Hogwarts books as the second wish. Lastly I asked for a place that could hold everything, that's where I got the suitcase from.
I was lucky that I had found that I was already 11 years old and could immediately begin my magic training. I began with looking into the basics from years 1-7 Hogwarts curriculum and decided that once I became relatively proficient, I would look into any books that talked about wand making, as I'd definitely want one.
I had no plans to be reliant on a wand, but I still wanted one, and I had remembered a rumor from my past life about the HP books, that there was a theory that if you make your wand yourself, it can help you to be more in tune with it.
Now obviously this world does not have the same variety of magical creatures and the only magical creature that I believe would be the strongest option for a wand would be a wand with a unicorn hair, I may even try to get a wand made of the horn of a unicorn as that may make up for some of the magic I'd lose from not being able to use different creatures, and it'd pair very well with the Unicorn Hair Core.
For now I'll have to focus on the basics. I have no idea of the time that I have arrived in this world, worst case scenario, the three witches, who were the main antagonists of the movie have already reached the peak of their power, that they had in the movie, or if I have arrived in the world earlier than when the events of the movie take place. I would stand no chance against them if that was the case with my current magical ability. I want to make myself the strongest being in this universe so as to make my life be fully in my own hands.
I will start with trying wandless magic with the two spells I feel the most familiar with, Wingardium Leviosa, and Lumos.
I said aloud while imagining the light appearing on my finger as the focul point instead of a wand.
Now I don't know if it was my bloodline, latent talent, or just pure luck, but the light began to appear on my finger. It wasn't very bright and definitely wasn't as powerful as even what a muggleborn born wizard could do just learning the spell for the first time with a wand, but that was progress, and progress is great. Now for the practice.
I had been practicing those two spells rigorously for the past 2 weeks and I can say that as long as I speak the incantation, I have a 99.99% chance of the spell functioning perfectly, but when I try to do silent casting, I run into a bit of a snag, it only works about half the time. The other half it would either fizzle out after a few seconds, or simply not activate. There was one point where the spell backfired a little and I had a small explosion. I had never related to Seamus more than I had at that moment.
I didnt want to waste my time practicing with the same two spells for the time being. I plan to get each of the spells to the same level as I have with the spoken casting and then work on silent casting after that or when I get the chance. The only reason I even made the progress I did on the two spells was due to the fact that they are extremely basic spells that even the most untalented wizards could cast such as Ron Weasley.
I have been utilizing the suitcase for all my spell practice. It had an entire library with randomly floating/flying books and it also came complete with a room where I could rest and recuperate as well as a training room with dummies and everything. It had everything a growing wizard could possibly need with the exception of food, but with my mastery of Wingardium Leviosa, I could at least hunt some animals, I found that if I focused on the neck, and applied enough force, I could simply break the necks of the animals I targeted. No muss, no fuss.
I thankfully already had a working knowledge of how to butcher and prepare animals as I hunted a lot in my past life and also camped in the woods. I never would have thought that those skills would come in handy in a situation like I have now found myself.
I will be focusing on the more hands-on magics as I would have to find substitute ingredients for potions, don't have access to magical plants for herbology, and already have a good knowledge of astronomy so i wouldn't need the enchanted telescope, but that is something i will still be researching as the magic is definitely powerful and unique. It allows you to see far enough to see details of planets from earth like the hubble telescope could do.
I can for see that I have a very long journey ahead of myself in regard to actually becoming a master Wizard worthy of the skills of Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort. Some of the strongest wizards in the Harry Potter universe.