Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Time Passes
It has now been 30 years, I am now 41 years old and have long since mastered the magic from years 1-7 of Hogwarts curriculum. I then delved heavily into Alchemy and have created many interesting magical artifacts and I have even creating my own spells from my many years of magic research. The Alchemy I learned were only those available in the Hogwarts library and the Black Family collection, I don't have any of the Alchemy books that were in the possession of characters like Albus Dumbledore or Nicholas Flammel so it is still rudimentary.
Now many might be wondering how I could be that strong when I was simply reading the books, but they'd have to keep in mind characters such as Hermione, who was one of the strongest young wizards of her generation in the Harry Potter universe and that was from merely reading and understanding the different magical books available. But I felt I had gotten plenty strong in the last 30 years.
It is now time to finally explore the civilization of this world. A couple years ago, I had explored a little, but only to the different surrounding forests as I was trying to find the nesting grounds of the Unicorns for the creation of my wand.
After about a year of travel, I was lucky to come across an injured Unicorn. They had been injured by what it seemed was a hunters arrow, evidently I was wrong about my guess about Unicorns not being hunted. I suppose that does actually explain why seeing a Unicorn was rare. From what I remembered from the book and movie, Unicorns hadn't been hunted, but I suppose that is because this is the real world, not a book or movie.
The Unicorn ended up dying in front of me, so since I couldn't do anything, I recited a small prayer for it's soul and harvested it's blood, horn, and hair. After my successful harvest, I heard the sounds of what must've been the hunters looking for their kill. I quickly burned the Unicorns body with Fiendfyre and Apparated back to my cabin.
Being in a world like this with no governing body against wizards and not needing to follow any sort of laws for the time being has honestly been great, but I forsee that becoming an issue when I finally get to civilization and have to deal with their archaic rules and regulations.
My created wand was 14 1/2 inches, English Oak and Unicorn horn, and Unicorn Hair Core.
I was lucky to find a wood that was relatively common and it was a wood that was found in the Harry Potter universe as well, I was able to add the wood to the Unicorn horn using Alchemy and some runic clusters I had created. I also added some runes that had the capability to absorb the ambient magic and use the extra mana to increase the strength of the spells I would cast. It took a while to create these runic clusters and allow them to work well with the rest of the wand without interfering with the original capabilities of the wand. I also worked hard to make it so the power increase was instantaneous so it was similar to using the Elder Wand although obviously not as strong as the Elder Wand is said to increase the strength by a factor of 100.
My additions to the Wand probably allow for about only half that, I'm sure if I delved more into the study of magic, I'd be able to increase that percentage of increase. But there is a silver lining because I will be able to study the magic of this world now and from what I remembered from the movie there were at least 3 types I saw.
I believe I am already very powerful in this world, while I haven't mastered the unforgivables quite yet, I have been able to master Maxima Magic. This is adding more magic to the spell to increase it's strength. This increase is different from the wand's increase as this is acting on the power of the spell itself as opposed to simply adding more magic to whatever item you are trying to cast magic from.
I also found out that I was very lucky with my Black Bloodline. As shown with Nmphadora Trunks who was originally a part of the Black Family, before her mother left the family, Nymphadora was a Metamorphmagus, alluding to that most likely one of the ancestors in the Black Family had that ability and it was passed down and it seems that I was also lucky enough to be a Metamorphmagus.
Obviously after figuring that out, I disregarded studying anything about self Transfiguration as it came so naturally to me, but I did become an Animagus, that was certainly an interesting experience.
(Flashback 10 years ago)
"Okay here goes nothing" I said aloud to myself while holding the potion I needed to take before I could begin to become an animagus
What the instructions had said in the book about becoming an animagus was that after taking the potion, you would fall asleep and then be able to recieve a vision of what the animal you could turn into was. The premise was that you had to stay awake as long as possible and the longer you stayed awake, the more clear your vision of your animal would become. I was able to remain awake for about 5 minutes which I feel is a record, although I have no frame of reference so I don't know. This took a long time, but with my limited exploration and my own knowledge and studies I was able to find the required substitutions of the different magical ingredients, this is a magical world after all.
'Huh where is this? Where's my animal vision?' I thought to myself.
I was in what looked like a forest of some kind, but there was fog everywhere and I could barely see, all the sudden I was able to get a vision of something emerging from the fog.
"What is it?' I thought excitedly as the figure seemed to be growing clearer.
Finally the figure arrived in front of me and to say I was confused was an understatement. I had never heard of any instances where someone could turn into such an animal, but I suppose it makes sense, where does it say that the animal has to be something from this time period.
That's right, towering in front of me was an all black Pteranadon.
"Holy shit, I can turn into a dinosaur!?!?"
I shouted excitedly not expecting such an occurrence.
'This is going to be fun' I thought to myself.
(Back to the Present)
I have had 10 years to get used to my animagus form and I can now transform instantly and even do partial transformations. Now having the Pterodactyl Esque wings appear from my back doesn't look as cool as something like angel esque wings if i was a Pegasus/Abraxan, but goddammit are they powerful. I can fly pretty damn fast. I'd say, when not fully transformed, I can fly at about 70 MPH, and it's about 100 MPH when fully transformed to a Pterodactyl. This is faster than scientists believed this dino could fly, this could be due to either the fact that scientists would never be able to fully measure their speed unless they were to witness it, or because it is a magical transformation and that augments it somehow.
Regardless of my progress, it is now time to explore the civilized world. I used my Metamorphmagus ability to make myself look slightly younger and increased my build to make myself appear more intimidating. And made sure I had on clothes that were similar to what the general population were wearing. I was glad I had already done my own scouting before to make sure I knew how to act and dress