In the MCU/Marvel with the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix

Chapter 57: Anti- what now???

"Play it again."

Nick Fury's command echoed through the secure briefing room as footage of Samael's various transformations played across the main screen.

Around the table, carefully selected SHIELD personnel watched with expressions ranging from clinical analysis to barely concealed unease.

"Initial assessment of known forms," Maria Hill stated, consulting her tablet. "XLR8 - speed capabilities exceeding any recorded enhanced individual. Humungousaur - strength and durability that rivals Thor himself."

"And that's just the obvious ones," Barton noted, studying the footage. "The intelligence-enhanced form - what does he call it? Grey Matter? - has bypassed security systems that Stark designed."

"The concerning part isn't just the individual abilities," Natasha added, her voice carrying careful neutrality. "It's how they're evolving. The coordination, the strategic application..."

"None of this matches our original projections," one of the analysts muttered, but quickly fell silent under Fury's sharp glance.

"Show them the incident footage," Fury ordered, his single eye fixed on the screen.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop as classified footage played. The spectral form moved with unnatural grace, its presence making even seasoned agents shift uncomfortably.

"This," Natasha spoke carefully, "wasn't just another transformation. Something emerged during that encounter. Something that made even our most experienced agents step back."

"The spectral entity," Hill continued, her voice professionally detached though her grip on her tablet tightened slightly.

"It demonstrated abilities and awareness that suggested more than just another transformation. The way it moved, spoke..."

"A separate consciousness, perhaps?" Barton suggested. "One that knew things it shouldn't have. Though besides that, there's the matter of what happened after."

The screen shifted to show footage of Samael's new transformations - Diamondhead, Upgrade, Big Chill, Brainstorm. Each one demonstrated after the incident, replacing forms that were no longer used.

"The most believed theory is that he lost access to certain transformations after that encounter," Natasha observed. "Yet gained others. The question is: was this an upgrade or a defensive measure?"

"And then there's the matter of his followers," Hill changed the display to footage of the Esoterica. "A cult that appeared suddenly, claiming he's their god reborn. Their capabilities alone are concerning, but their devotion..."

"They call him 'lord' without irony," Fury noted. "And given what we've seen, especially during the Destroyer incident..."

The screen showed footage of the crimson energy form that had rewritten Asgardian magic itself. The power that had made even Thor step back.

"Each transformation alone would qualify as an omega-level threat," Hill summarized. "Combined in one being, with the ability to switch between them at will, and now this apparent connection to interdimensional cultists..."

"The real question," Natasha interjected, "is whether we're watching the emergence of something that was always there, or the creation of something new.

The incident with the spectral entity, the loss of certain forms, the acquisition of others... there's a pattern forming."

"The boy's connection to Fisk concerns me more than his powers," Barton spoke up, shifting through new intelligence reports. "The Kingpin's resources, his influence... it's all being subtly redirected."

"Continue," Fury prompted, his attention shifting from the screens.

"Look at the pattern of Fisk's recent operations," Natasha pulled up financial data. "He's systematically dismantling certain criminal enterprises while strengthening legitimate businesses. Specifically ones that could support enhanced individual activities."

"Creating infrastructure," Hill realized. "But for what purpose?"

"That's what worries me," Fury's voice carried careful measure. "Fisk doesn't make moves without purpose. Every shift in his empire, every resource redirected - it's all building toward something."

"The new R&D facilities," Barton noted. "The training grounds disguised as private property. Even the tower modifications..."

"There's another possibility we need to consider," Natasha spoke carefully, as if weighing each word. "One that's... less conventional."

"The religious angle?" Hill raised an eyebrow. "The Esoterica's claims?"

"We deal in facts, not mythology," one of the analysts protested, but fell silent at Fury's sharp glance.

"We deal in threats," Fury corrected. "And sometimes those threats don't fit our comfortable categories. Go on, Romanoff."

"The pattern fits certain... prophetic narratives," Natasha continued, her professional demeanor masking any discomfort with the topic.

"A powerful figure emerging gradually, gathering followers, establishing infrastructure while maintaining a benevolent public image..."

"You're not seriously suggesting-" Barton started.

"I'm suggesting we consider all possibilities," she cut in. "Even ones that sound like religious prophecy. Because if we're wrong..."

"The false messiah angle," Hill stated quietly. "A being of immense power, slowly building a power base while appearing to help humanity."

"I'm not saying that's what this is," Natasha clarified. "But the Esoterica's devotion, their claims about his true nature, combined with his growing influence and Fisk's systematic empire restructuring..."

"Let's look at this clinically," Fury interjected, his tone remaining carefully neutral. "What are the actual patterns we're seeing?"

"Systematic consolidation of power," Hill brought up new data streams. "But not in any traditional way. He's building connections across multiple spheres of influence - heroes, criminals, even interdimensional beings."

"The public adores him," Barton noted, pulling up media coverage. "Every crisis he handles boosts his approval ratings. Even the age difference controversy with the White Queen just made people more sympathetic."

"And Fisk's empire," Natasha continued, "it's not just being redirected - it's being transformed. Clean businesses replacing criminal operations, legitimate power structures overtaking illegal ones..."

"A bloodless conquest," Hill murmured. "If we're entertaining... extreme possibilities."

"I don't like dabbling in apocalyptic theories," Fury stated firmly, "but we'd be fools not to consider every angle. Even ones that sound like they belong in religious texts rather than intelligence briefings."

"The worrying part isn't just the power," Natasha added. "It's how naturally everything falls into place around him. People don't just follow - they believe. Even hardened operatives like Fisk's men show almost fanatical loyalty now."

"Look at the Ultimates," Hill brought up footage of the team in action. "Stark - a notorious lone wolf who now regularly defers to the boy's judgment.

Thor and Loki - literal gods who treat him as an equal, maybe more. Even the White Queen, known for her independence, follows his lead without question."

"The Banner situation is particularly telling," Natasha noted, pulling up specific incident reports. "The Hulk - a force of pure rage that's resisted every attempt at control or influence - now calls him 'friend.' Not just Banner, but the Hulk himself."

"SHIELD spent years trying to contain the Hulk," Barton added. "Yet this kid just... talks to him. And suddenly the 'strongest one there is' is happily following his guidance."

"It's not just following," Hill observed, studying the footage. "Look at their interactions. The Hulk actively seeks his approval, modifies his behavior based on subtle cues. We've never seen anything like it."

"And now he's bringing in more," Fury noted. "Spiderman, other enhanced individuals... they're all naturally gravitating toward his leadership."

"If we're entertaining... certain theories," Natasha spoke carefully, "this kind of natural authority, this ability to unite diverse and powerful beings under a single banner..."

"What concerns me more," Barton interrupted, pulling up new satellite data, "is the energy readings we're getting from their meditation room. The one the Esoterica established."

"Explain," Fury prompted.

"The quantum signatures are... unusual," Hill studied the readings. "They don't match any known mystical or technological pattern.

It's as if reality itself is being gently... reshaped around that space."

"Not just reshaped," one of the science officers spoke up. "The patterns suggest it's being... prepared. Like foundation work for something larger."

"You're suggesting the meditation room is more than just a gathering space?" Natasha's expression sharpened with interest.

"The Esoterica aren't just worshipping," the scientist continued. "They're... building something. Something our instruments can barely detect, let alone understand."

"A doorway perhaps?" Hill suggested. "Or a beacon?"

"For what?" Barton asked, though his tone suggested he wasn't sure he wanted the answer.

"I'm about to suggest something that sounds... extreme," Natasha said carefully, returning to her earlier topic before Barton interrupted, pulling up images of the Ultimates alongside ancient religious texts.

"But given what we're seeing..."

"The Antichrist prophecies," Hill finished quietly, earning startled looks from several analysts at the actual backing of it. "I've been seeing the parallels too."

"You can't be serious," Barton started, but Fury held up a hand.

"Continue, Romanoff."

"A charismatic leader emerging in a time of growing chaos. Gathering powerful followers who could be seen as..." she hesitated, "modern interpretations of the horsemen."

"The Hulk - War incarnate. Unstoppable rage given form," Hill added, her professional tone masking any discomfort with the theory.

"Stark's technological empire affecting global economics - Famine through modern means. The White Queen's mental powers - Conquest of minds rather than lands..."

"And Death?" one analyst dared to ask.

"Thor and Loki - beings who've witnessed the death of worlds," Natasha replied. "Or perhaps those roles aren't yet filled. The prophecies speak of followers gathering over time..."

"This is absurd," Barton muttered, but his eyes stayed fixed on the patterns they were outlining.

"More absurd than interdimensional cultists? Than reality-warping powers?" Fury challenged. "We deal with what's in front of us, no matter how uncomfortable the implications."

"If we're actually considering this angle," Hill spoke carefully, "then we need to address the real question: what can we possibly do about it?"

"Traditional countermeasures would be useless," Natasha noted. "If these parallels are accurate, we're dealing with something beyond conventional opposition."

"The prophecies speak of the Antichrist having seemingly unstoppable power," one of the religious experts they'd reluctantly consulted added. "Any direct confrontation would be..."

"Suicide," Barton finished bluntly. "Look at the assets already aligned under his banner - Stark's resources, Fisk's empire, Asgardian power, mental abilities that could reshape minds en masse..."

"And that's assuming this is even something that can be stopped," Hill added. "If we're dealing with actual prophecy..."

"We plan for both possibilities," Fury stated, his tone brooking no argument. "Whether this is cosmic destiny or something else, we need options."

"What options?" Barton challenged. "Against someone who can rewrite reality itself? Who has gods watching his back and interdimensional cultists preparing who knows what?"

"We observe," Natasha said quietly. "We watch for signs. The prophecies speak of specific patterns, specific events..."

"This feels like we're grasping at shadows," one of the senior analysts finally spoke up. "Biblical prophecies? The Antichrist? We're an intelligence organization, not a theological think tank."

"The analyst has a point," Hill admitted. "We might be pattern-matching our fears onto something we simply don't understand yet."

"Occam's Razor," Barton suggested. "Maybe we're dealing with exactly what we see - a powerful enhanced individual who genuinely wants to help people.

The religious angle could be just the Esoterica's interpretation of power they don't comprehend."

"Simple explanations are comforting," Natasha noted. "But they don't account for everything we've observed."

"They don't have to," the analyst countered. "Not every pattern needs a prophetic explanation. Sometimes extraordinary power is just that - extraordinary."

"So we maintain standard protocols?" Hill asked Fury.

"We maintain vigilance," he corrected. "Whether this is biblical prophecy or simply unprecedented power doesn't change our responsibility to monitor and understand it."

"And prepare," Natasha added quietly. "Whether we believe in prophecies or not."

The screens continued their silent display of footage, but the room's tension had shifted. Perhaps they were seeing patterns that weren't there.

Perhaps fear was making them reach for ancient warnings to explain modern wonders.

Or perhaps they were right to be afraid.

Only time would tell.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

For now, I will still do dailys, hope you don't mind.

So, how did you all find the chapter. I found it a lot of fun to write it, since honestly, this is how I see someone with a lot of superpowers being looked at like.

Religion is after all one of humanity's foundations, so it makes sense.

So yeah, do tell me how you found it and I hope to see you all later,


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