In the world of Type-Moon, start by becoming Morgan's husband!

Chapter 14: 14. The King, and a Father

[Morgan had not expected this.]

[She immediately attempted to warn Uther of your danger, trying to prevent such a thing from happening.]

[But with only a single glance,

Uther made her realize she was to remain silent.]

[A King's orders—

Are not to be questioned.]

Morgan had no choice but to bow and take her leave.

But as she turned away, she cast one last, meaningful look at you.

A silent warning.

Rei met her gaze.

And in that fleeting exchange,

He swore to her—

He would say nothing unnecessary.

[This seemed to put Morgan at ease.]

She left.

Silence filled the grand tent.

From his throne, Uther raised a hand.

His voice carried across the room—

"You all may leave as well."

"I wish to speak with him alone."

A ripple of shock passed through the gathered knights.

They hesitated.

Even Morgan had failed to dissuade Uther from this decision.

Yet, they did not dare defy their King.

One by one, they withdrew.

Leaving only two men in the tent.

The prisoner—

And the King of Britain.

Rei remained silent.

He did not believe this was a rational decision.

If he truly were Vortigern's loyal hound,

Then this private meeting was a golden opportunity.

Even if he couldn't kill Uther,

A single grievous wound would change the fate of Britain forever.

Had age and time finally dulled the King's wisdom?

Then, Uther did something unexpected.

He rose from his throne.

And stepped forward.

Like his brother Vortigern,

Uther was a man who had seen countless battles.

Age had slowed him.

His movements were not as swift as they once were.

But even so—

His every step carried the presence of a King.

He came to stand before Rei.

And unsheathed his sword.

Silver light gleamed along the steel of Britain's royal blade.

A silent declaration—

That even now,

This King's strength had not faded.

Rei closed his eyes.

He was prepared to accept whatever was coming.


A sharp sound.

Something heavy fell to the ground.

At the same moment, Rei felt the weight around his wrists and neck disappear.

He opened his eyes.

The chains had been cut.

Uther's blade had freed him.

The King sheathed his sword.

And then—

He spoke.

"It has been a long time, Rei."

[You Realize Your Identity Has Been Exposed.]

[Yet, at the same time—

You know you never once revealed yourself.]

[It has been years since you last saw this wise King.] [Countless questions flood your mind, but they all lead to one inevitable truth—

How does he know?]

[King Uther, as if seeing straight into your thoughts, speaks.]

"I remember every knight who has wielded a blade for Britain."

Uther calmly sheaths his sword.


A knight personally chosen by my daughter.

One who vanished without a trace years ago."

"I do not know what transpired in that time.

But your swordsmanship—

It is identical to his."

[A terrible realization strikes you.]

If he truly recognized you—

Then Morgan's connection to you was dangerously close to being exposed as well.

Without a second thought, Rei interrupts, his voice sharp.

"Do not compare me to that knight."

"I am the White Dragon's fangs."

"I will see Britain destroyed!"

"Kill me, King Uther."

"If you spare me now, you will live to regret it."

Uther observes him—calm, composed, unwavering.


He tosses his sword at Rei's feet.

A metallic clang echoes through the tent.

"Then prove it."

[You stare at the blade.

Your hands tremble.]

[You pick it up—step by step, you advance toward Uther.]

Yet, the King does not move.

He does not even flinch.

He does not doubt his judgment.

Not for a single moment.

[You realize something.]

[Like Vortigern—

Uther is a King shaped by the trials of time.]

[You raise the sword.]

[But your blade does not strike Uther—

It plunges toward yourself!]

Rei chooses to die.

If his identity has been laid bare on both sides,

Then he must erase all traces before things spiral any further.

Britain may bear the name of a traitorous knight. But it will never bear the name of a dishonorable princess.

A loud clash rings through the tent.

Uther catches the blade—

With his bare hand.

Steel meets flesh.

Blood spills.

The King does not even flinch.

Crimson drips to the ground—

A sight so painful that even witnessing it stings.

[Yet, Uther seems entirely indifferent.]

He clenches his fist.

The blood of the royal line of Britain

Remains within his grasp—

Not a single drop wasted.

"I was right."

"You are Rei."

There is nothing left to deny.

Rei slowly nods.

And then,

He claims every crime as his own.

"Your Majesty, I orchestrated everything."

"Princess Morgan knew nothing."

"If punishment is due—

Then let it fall on me alone."

"The Princess... is innocent."

[At Rei's words, Uther turns away.]

[A long silence follows.]

[Watching Uther's back—

For the first time, you sense something strange.]

[Not authority. Not strength.

But loss. And regret.]

[A terrible truth is about to be revealed.]


Uther's voice cuts through the silence.

"Answer me."

"What are Britain's chances in this war?"

"Your Majesty," Rei replies, without hesitation.

"Victory is certain."

"...And if I told you—"

Uther finally turns back to face him.

"That Britain has already lost?"

Rei falls silent.

Uther speaks once more.

"There is no need for silence."

"From the moment I marched to war, I have known our fate.

But for the people of Britain,

I will fight to the last."

Rei grasps onto one final hope.

"Then, let the Princess—"

He speaks with every ounce of strength he has left.

"Let Morgan take the throne!

She is Britain's future!

She is—"

Uther cuts him off.


His voice is calm.

But in it lies the weight of a King's judgment.

"Morgan is my daughter.

Do you not think I would entrust Britain to her—

If she were capable of ruling?"

"...What do you mean?"

Rei's breath stills.

Uther's next words carry both sorrow and resolve.

"She lacks what a King must have."

"I cannot entrust Britain's future to her."

"But, Your Majesty—

You allowed her to fight in the war!"

Rei refuses to yield.

"Why would you let her command the army if—"


Uther exhales.

For the first time,

The King of Britain does not speak as a King.

He speaks as a father.

"Because she is my daughter."

"Even if she could not become King—

Even if she was never meant to rule—"

"How could I bear to see her cry?"

[King Uther, for all his wisdom, for all his power—

Still carried his own human frailties.]

[He had long since seen through Morgan.

He had long since known her flaws.

Yet, as a father—

He had still let her chase a dream he knew she could never reach.]

"I will stand upon this battlefield,"

"Until the very last moment."

King Uther Extended His Sword Scabbard Toward Rei.

"I deem you worthy of this trust."

"From this day forward—"

"I entrust my daughter to you."

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