In the world of Type-Moon, start by becoming Morgan's husband!

Chapter 38: 38: King Lot, Rei

[After calming things down, you and Morgan continue searching the area.]

[Unfortunately, you fail to uncover any more useful information.]

[The magician who possesses the ability to turn petals into autonomous armor seems to be extremely cautious—even Morgan is unable to find any worthwhile clues.]

[You can't help but wonder—do people who operate this cleanly and efficiently truly exist in this world?]

[But with dawn approaching, you and Morgan can only mark this place and plan to discuss matters further once you return to the royal capital.]

[After Morgan sets up the necessary magical formations, you mount your horses and head back to Camelot.]


Morgan, who had been silent along the journey, suddenly speaks.

"I want to ask you a question."

"Please ask, my princess."

"If… we had never shared pleasure, would you have still loved me?"

"Princess, I may be speaking out of turn," Rei tightens the reins slightly, slowing the horse's pace.

"But I would like to correct your assumption."

"My love for you is not a byproduct of pleasure."

"It is because I love you that I dared to seek such pleasure with you."

"Moreover, I have not merely loved you in the past—because I still love you now. It has never become something of the past."

"What if the entire world despised me?"

"Then I would despise the entire world."

"You're lying, Rei. You would never do such a thing."

"Yes, I am lying—because, my princess, you would never be despised by the world."

"Why do you always answer so well at moments like these?"

"Because, my princess, you have excellent judgment—you chose the best person to answer these questions."

Rei's flawless response makes Morgan turn her face away.

She playfully pinches the knight's strong arm and scolds him teasingly:

"I order you not to answer so perfectly."

"Then, my princess—"

"If I were to admit that I am a foolish man, would you stop worrying about my betrayal?"

"Or rather—"

Rei tightens his grip on Morgan's hand.

"What should I leave behind with you to prove my sincerity?"

[Morgan does not answer your question.]

[But she keeps calling you an idiot for the rest of the journey.]

[Your late return does not raise any suspicion.]

[No one would imagine a knight daring to offend a noble princess in the wilderness—let alone that it was the princess herself who ordered it.]

[For once, you both spend the daylight hours together in your chamber.]

[Morgan tells you that an illusion spell, which will influence your identity, will soon take effect.]

[But before that, you must learn things that align with your new status.]

[You agree to this.]

[Morgan seems a little tired. She doesn't ask anything more from you—she simply holds your hand and falls into a deep sleep.]

[Watching her like this, you feel your heart race.]

[You spend a quiet day together.]

[When night falls, Morgan wakes up.]

[Now it is her turn to watch over your sleeping form.]


Morgan lies down beside Rei and gently blows a breath near his ear.

He wakes up immediately.

"Forgive me, my princess, I fell asleep."

"It's fine—I just wanted to see what you looked like while sleeping."

Morgan's hand softly caresses Rei's cheek.

"I have never seen you fall asleep before I did."

"But now, I suppose it's time to wake up."

"I need to tailor the development of your magic according to your body's condition."

"Understood, my princess."

[Morgan begins examining your body.]

[She states bluntly that she is assessing what level of magic your body can withstand—this will determine the course of future developments.]

[She also reveals that she had already planted traces of this magic within you beforehand.]

[Innate Mystery Magic has been replaced with Royal Witchcraft: Morgan had been planning this for a long time—this examination will decide the future direction of the magic's evolution.]

[However, she also admits she does not have high hopes.]

[After all, you have never shown any talent for magic.]

[But the results surprise Morgan.]

[Innate Hidden Talent Unlocked: Morgan has discovered an unexpected potential within you. Like attracts like—perhaps you once belonged to an extraordinary lineage.]

"My princess, how is it?"

"It's excellent."

Morgan's long-clouded expression finally brightens.

"I believe our plans will progress far more smoothly than expected."

"That is wonderful news."

[It is one of the few good things to happen to you both.]

[You cherish this rare opportunity and strive to seize everything you can.]

[With Morgan's guidance, you master some basic magic.]

[Innate Magic Enhancement Acquired: Under Morgan's influence, your body amplifies even the simplest spells, making them more effective.]

[You put this to good use, including—but not limited to—magical seeds. Though they cannot resist the decline of the Age of Gods, they still provide some benefit.]

[Additionally, you bring Morgan a delicate rose every day.] 

[The number of times a smile appears on her face gradually increases.] 

[However, you do not let your guard down, remaining vigilant against the unknown magic you witnessed that day, continuously investigating.] 

[Yet, it seems to have vanished, just like the magician who never revealed themselves.] 

[In the end, it is Morgan's suggestive magic that takes effect first.] 

[The perception of others regarding your relationship is subtly altered by the spell.] 

[Your return is now believed to be that of a foreign royal who, captivated by the princess's charm, willingly became one of her knights.] 

[The princess's allure is further praised by the bards of Camelot.] 

[No one questions it.] 

[Because your outstanding and dignified demeanor aligns perfectly with their expectations of royalty, even without magic.] 

[At times, they refer to you as King Lot, but more often, they simply call you Rei.] 

[No one would ever suspect the private meetings you once shared.] 

[Your relationship has been acknowledged.] 

[Months later, as the wedding approaches, Morgan and you stand atop the tower, overlooking the state of Camelot.] 

Morgan stood there, gazing down at the streets below, while Rei stood beside her. 


"I'm here, Princess." 

"Do you like the identity I have arranged for you?" 

"I do. I like everything you have arranged, Princess." 

"Mm, I quite like it myself." 

Morgan turned around and took Rei's hand. 

"Come with me." 

"Princess, where are we going?" 

Morgan smiled enchantingly. 

"Of course, to my chambers." 

"Don't you want to personally help me put on my wedding dress?" 

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