Chapter 6: Chapter 1.5: Redacted
5 years before Marcus was ascended, the Beta Council was already with an eye on Marcus' team.
They knew about each member of that team, their registered pasts, personal information, and everything that was registered.
The Beta Council, in the day of 30 March of 2116, proposed an idea to The Alpha Union. The idea was make an experimental show on one of the missions the Alpha Union had under their hands to be started, the colonization of Mars.
The idea was instantly considered not only as very dangerous, but also as a loss of time, resources, people who could be useful in the future, and more. The idea was almost instantly rejected, but Juan Romero went further in the possibility of making it work as multiple things. An experiment that works as experiment, as show for them to be entertained with, as game to add things and learn, as other possibilities.
The Alpha Union was tented to accept, as they had some projects they could get advantage in this experimental show.
One of the members of the Alpha Union does a gesture, and two guards instantly take the Beta Council to outside of the meeting room.
Roderick: "Maybe we should accept this opportunity. N-T-01 can be interesting to see how goes along C-O-06."
Leticia: "Maybe you are right, but still, is a prototype model, how about N-T-04 instead"
Joanne: "All models are based prototypes. But that is where this experiment helps. If we see in first hand what happens, we may able to react better."
Leticia: "We could lose Mars in the process."
John: "All risks are to be taken. It might be worth it, but yet, despite what we may lose, knowledge is our primary objective."
After a discussion about their next move, the conversation leaded them into think what model of prototype should be in the experiment. The conclusion was, N-T-03, along C-O-06, would be the two prototypes to be implemented in the experiment.
The Alpha Council called the Beta Union to re-enter the meeting room for receive the answer. Once the few in command of the Beta Union were in the meeting room, the news surprised them, as they didn't expect the Alpha Council to really approve such experiment, but they knew there were tricks under it, so they accepted whatever tricks were going to be.
The next few weeks, the Alpha Council, and the Beta Union, started preparing the experiment.
22 of April of 2116. Marcus was called to meet with the Beta Union, and be retrieved with a special "mission". Forced to accept, he went for obtain the mission he had to complete.