Intern at S.T.A.R. Labs

Chapter 18: Chp 18: Next Day i dunno

"Hey man ,there must be a misunderstanding . I'm just here to get some food for my buddy." Ralph lying through his straight white teeth.

" If'n ya was speaking truthfully, what had ya moseyin' 'round knockin' on doors like that?" the man questioned with a gun pointed at his back.

" I got lost , see the plate or go ask him—" Ralph was about to turn around when he gets pushed again.

" Face to the WALL! If ya move again and you won't see no sum tomorrow." The man said poking the gun in Ralphs's back.

"Look cowboy ,this isn't my first rodeo. You can't shoot me". Ralph laughed as if he had the upper hand.

" And why's that smartass?" The man asks as he cocks the trigger.

" I can feel the barrel in my back, I can tell you don't have a suppressor on. How'd they let you in with a gun is beyond me. You shoot me everyone on the floor will hear and the cops will check the CCTV. Not long until they will find you." Ralph may actually have the advantage.

" Guess yur right. I'll just leave you and kill your buddy next door later." 

" Hey no wait ! No one has to get hurt". Ralph panics.

" How's ya suggest that happens smartass"

" I haven't seen your face, I don't know who you are. We can just walk away and I promise I'll never step into this hospital again. Just don't hurt anyone else" Ralph breathing heavily worried what the cowboy will do next.

" Well, that's a slick idea, smartypants, but I reckon I'd like to tweak one little thing in that plan."


"Better tell boss we got a tailer".

The man knocks Ralph out cold with the butt of his gun and puts him in a corner. He leaves the room checking around to sneak out unnoticed. The room was empty except for a knocked out Ralph so it went unnoticed. Hours go by.

It's morning, the sun has risen and so has Ralph. He complains bout his head hurting and his back being sore. Quite usual for someone who wakes up with a hangover and never knows how or where they fell asleep. Although the hospital room did remind him it was not a usual night yesterday. After coming to his senses he walks out and thinks of John and his mother. He sees in the room a woman lying in bed asleep. Ralph assumes her son must be out so he stumbles across the hallway towards the reception area. She's not there.

" Where is Gina?" Ralph asks the current receptionist.

" Gina has the night shift while I handle this time. Can I help you with anything?" The receptionist asked.

" No nothing." ' The fewer people know the better' he thought walking to the exit. He may have botched both his missions with one mistake, with a fleeting lead and a cute girl's e-mail he walks back to his office , hoping to make a few calls and get some answers.

On the other side of the city someone wakes up with a good night sleep having the radio greetings him telling how great Central City is with sunshine and smiles. Adrian goes through his morning routine and gets to S.T.A.R. Labs . Greets the guard and gets a good morning back, baby steps.

He goes straight to the accelerator pipeline to his new colleagues and get to work.

"Good morning y'all , let's have another productive day full of learning". Adrian greets everyone.

"Mr. Project Manager we need to confirm something with you". 

"Larry I said call me Adrian , I'm younger than all of you". 

" Okay Mr. Adrian Manager, one of the Accelerator blocks is malfunctioning, we ran diagnostics and it's not salvageable." 

" I see, I presume it's super expensive and you don't have any spare lying around." Adrian confused but he got the spirit.

" Well it's big enough to fit a coffin so no we don't have any spare". Larry said. Both of them staring at each other hoping the other would a clear solution.

" Jokes later Larry, Adrian we need higher ups to sanction a replacement, since Hartley isn't here directly and he barely answers the intercom you go upstairs and ask him". Old man to the rescue.

" Understood, I'll be on my way. Also where's his office?" Adrian gives an awkward smile.

As Adrian makes his way through the hallways and lift he wonders, ' Maybe Mrs. Powel might also be with him. I could talk to her some more. I could ask more about the company and jobs and shift the conversation to her. Yes two birds one stone. Hartley can provide support if necessary.' He giggled to himself, always looking for an excuse to find her and now he has one. All he has to do is make some light conversation get her to laugh and not accidentally stutter something else. Stood outside the office door he takes a deel breath.

" Hey Hartley, you busy?" Adrian screams as he waltzes in without knocking .

" Hello Adrian, sorry Mr. Rathaway is preoccupied with other matters. Is there anything you need". Her voice like melting chocolate sweet and smooth, Ms. Powel greets him.

Adrian stood there frozen for a few seconds, on the inside his thoughts were racing. 'Oh my word she's beautiful. She remembers my name. Her perfume feels like a flower garden. Don't say All I need is your. Where's Hartley I need someone as backup.'

" Hi, Mrs. Powel. How are you today?" ' Good ,didn't blurt anything weird , just keep it cool'.

" I'm doing just fine." **Ring ring ring** "Yes hello, yes I'll get to it right away. ." She puts the phone down and looks to Adrian again. "So what was it that you needed?" .

" Ah yes, the pipeline team said one of the blocks needs replacement and we need Hartley to sign off the order … but he's not here". Adrian looks in the corner just in case.

" A replacement order, Mr. Rathaway did think of that and had a form ready. He said in case of gis absence send the form Directly to CEO." Mrs. Powel voice lowered as she ended that Sentence, from fatigue or fear?

" DR. WELLS? WE CAN GO MEET HIM?" Adrian couldn't control his excitement, his enthusiasm made her chuckle ."Ahem, so we have to take the form to him?" he said trying to act serious now.

"We give them to a clerk to pass it on to his manager depending on his schedule". Mrs. Powel 

"Oh okay". Adrian slumped like sad puppy.

 Maybe it was pity maybe it was him being younger than her but she had a change of heart.

" Although that's standard procedure this is an emergency and we should get it done as quickly as possible so we could take it to him personally". She said , probably the first time she has gone against standard procedure. They walk out of the room one filled with enthusiasm, other not so much.

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