Is it wrong to traverse fandoms to be the good guys?

Chapter 7: being good is what we strive for

"Do you think Mirko encounters racism during her early years before being a hero and during the beginning of her career?" Henry ask randomly while Rex flys the pelican through space towards their hidden heavy frigate behind the dark side of the moon, he was asking random questions to pass the time considering they literally had nothing else to occupy themselves from boredom than their thoughts.

So Henry tried making a conversation to pass the time even if meant asking stupid questions, it pulled Joseph out of his own thoughts which was simply on how exactly could he make a space marine like himself. It wasn't like there was anything stopping Joseph than obtaining lab equipment.

Those was thoughts and plans for later, now he had to think about Henry goofy ahhh question. "Probably, I mean there probably not that many color people in Japan I think?" was Joseph reply to his sitting friend, he never been to country so he couldn't exactly give a good answer.

"Forget about that, let's answer the really important questions on what are we doing when we get to the frigate, that we also need to name." Commented Rex from the pilot seat as he looked back towards his friends, making hand gestures while he talked further. "We just saved a group of civilians and resistance operatives, if we're gonna house them we're gonna need supplies to feed and clothe them."

Joseph would let out a low hum to himself, Rex was right. All they came with besides the ship and pelican was the gear on them with their new bodies. The heavy frigate was empty including where the food was supposed to be stored, the only logical conclusion of course was a simple one that all three of them came too. "We're just gonna have to raid Advent bases for supplies" Joseph said to his friends, as Henry leaned his head back and spoke next.

"It's pretty much a given, also what's stopping us from fallout sheltering the frigate and modifying some empty parts of the ship to make self sufficient farms? I'm sure we can replicate such a thing in due time, the resistance would also have the skills on being self sufficient as well. How else they gonna survive being away from civilization in the woods?" When Henry finished what he had to say it gave Rex and Joseph a moment to think on it.

"He's not wrong, the resistance groups gotta know how to farm at least." Rex mused aloud as he sets the pelican to auto pilot, it finally reached the heavy frigate. "We could just ask them, nothing stopping us from doing that either. We're already in agreement we're gonna keep hitting advent bases, places of interest. Generally be an overall major thorn in Advent side. What I'm concerned about is the ship itself." Rex Continued on as he spoke, as Joseph would raise an eyebrow in slight confusion.

"Why does the ship warrant your concern?" Joseph asked his friend who lets out an annoyed sigh, he felt like he was stating the obvious yet still had to explain it to a dummy. A dummy he was close enough to consider a brother, "we have a UNSC heavy frigate! What are we gonna do with it besides a base of operations? How do we care and preform maintenance on such a thing, how do we repair the outside of the shields fail! That kinda stuff Pinhead!"

"Who you calling Pinhead?" Was the only thing Joseph got out of that rant by Rex, Herny chuckled as he watched the conversation spiral out control as Joseph and Rex insulted each other with childish insults that lasted till the pelican parked itself into the heavy frigate hangar.

(Probably doesn't have one but let's pretend for the sake of pretending)

"I'm sure the manual we found to drive the ship can still be used to help in some way" Henry replied eventually to his friends as the childish insults between Joseph and Rex escalated to doing your mom jokes. The next escalation to the childish insults was of course something that would make an old person have a heart attack upon hearing, calling upon their experience in cod lobbies back in the day. "Oh….oh yeah I forgot about the manual" Joseph remarked while rubbing the back of his helmeted head. Rex shrugged he too forgot about the ship manual, he didn't even know if the manual contained instructions on how to repair the heavy frigate. He very much doubted they could and most likely needed a repair station like a shipyard, Rex would voice such thoughts to his friends which gave them pause.

"Definitely need to make our own shipyard just so we can repair our ship incase it gets into a scuffle, but for now we'll be fine for a few months. Long we don't get the ship into any fights we'll be good, I'm sure the UNSC knows what their doing in making things meant to last" Joseph replied as he attempts to exit the pelican, only for the door to not go down as Henry stood besides him. "Fuck my luck"

"Did your bad luck jam the damn door? That's why your primarch fucking dead LOSER" Henry mocked Joseph, he was jesting with his friend who would immediately reply, turning towards him with a look of betrayal and fake rage. "The FUCK YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE SH-"

Rex would just blankly watch, as he repeatedly pressed the button that made the pelican door open to no effects. "I'm surrounded by idiots. Truly I am my worst enemy for associating myself with them in the first place."

-insert a timeskip brought to you by Mr clean-

It only took a few minutes before the pelican door finally decided to work and open up, those few minutes costed Rex brain cells and portion of his immortal life span -Destiny power- having to listen to his two best friends bickering. Could Joseph easily force open the pelican door? Yes, yes he could, which Joseph was going to do but Rex stopped his friend.

For the simply fact that he might break the door with his overwhelming strength, they already didn't know how to take care of a Paris class Heavy frigate from the UNSC, sure as hell don't know how to care for a pelican. Once they was all let out the trio quickly made their way to the civilians and resistance operatives they helped, luckily the resistance group didn't go that far and opted to wait for the trio return to help familiarize the group to the ship so no one would get lost.

Which was what the trio of friends did, leading the group on a tour around the ship to help them get familiarized on what would be essentially their new home until earth was retaken by advent, or if they decided they wished to leave the safety of the Frigate then of course that was their choice to make. The trio wouldn't keep the resistance group captive after all.

They struck gold with this group for some of the resistance operatives was trained in first aid, though none of them how to preform surgery of any kind. That's where they was lucky to have an actual doctor in the group of civilians, it was one Dr Kali a women in the middle of her thirty's, a women with black hair and strangely enough yellow eyes.

Henry swore to his two friends that Dr Kali looked familiar, sounded familiar and her name sounded familiar. His friends agreed but couldn't quite figure out why, a question on why she's familiar to be answered for later. In the group of civilians there was two promising engineers, one being male and the other female respectively. The Male engineer had a Scottish accent, his name was Ken Donnelly. While his female friend name is Gaberiella Daniel's, both of them had brown hair, was very enthusiastic about working aboard the frigate.

Rex led the pair himself towards the where the core of the ship was and where all the other important machinery was, while both of them never worked upon a ship before that didn't stop them from wanting to learn about everything the ship had to offer. The pair was starving to learn what made the frigate tick, while Rex trusted them he still had the worry the pair might accidentally make the ship explode if they get too excited on learning how the ship he told them to restrain themselves until the trio obtained some kind of instructions on the UNSC Paris class heavy frigate.

Other than showing where the living quarters was to the civilians and resistance operatives, showing Dr Kali where the infirmary was and the engineer pair that also looked familiar to the engineering room. The BOYZ was now chilling in the bridge planning their next movements.

"What's next gentlemen? We got a good start going here, saved some people and now got some people working on our ship. So what now?" Henry asked while spinning around in a roll chair as Joseph holds a orange cat in his arms. "Also where did you get that cat?" Henry asked while he slowed down on his spinning.

"One of the children brought their pet cat with them during the pelican ride, his name is Mr mittens. Quite the plump orange cat despite being an outdoors cat" commented joseph to Henry while rubbing his bare hand across the cat back. "I think we should keep up our goodness streak, let's go raid an advent base. We stumbled upon them raiding a resistance camp so let's bring the fight to advent and hurt em hard." He said to his friends as Rex nodded in agreement, while also bringing up some other thoughts. "Well you played the game Joseph, know any locations of importance we can raid and use that meta knowledge of yours?" Rex further commented to Joseph who took a moment to ponder the question.

With Joseph new enhanced brain he easily remembered the missions he played through but there was a problem. Xcom2 has missions that will be the same however the places for them could or most likely be randomly generated around the world. The good news was that if they build resistance connections, get in contact with Xcom then they'll have an easier time tracking down Advent based.

There was also always just exploring the world hoping to stumble upon Advent facilities, capturing anyone working for advent to extract intelligence. They had multiple ways to go about this. But there was one major important factor that decides on failure, perhaps the one way that ensures the bad ending to xcom2.

Joseph would tell them what he processed in his head after recalling everything he remembered from his runs, then he would ask Henry what Dr Kali told him after Joseph ask Henry to ask her a simple question.

"Oh well she said it's been two decades since Advent took over, does knowing that help us in anyway mustard man?" He said while messing with his helmet in his hands. His joke earned him a chuckle from Rex while joseph joked back. "Yeah well at least am a super soldier, the difference between you and I? I'm super, your just a soldier" he said with his arms crossed, Rex and Henry just stared. "Bro that joke is ass." "Fair enough" was Joseph immediate reply to his guardian friend.

"However knowing it's been two decades gives us a timeframe on where we are and what to potentially expect, after two decades is when the protagonist is found by resistance. The player being the commander captured by advent who advent REALLY wants him back to the point on sending their pet chosen to hunt the commander down, for whatever reason the commander is HIM or HER, their that guy that's improving advents capabilities through a net work. It's pretty crazy if you think about it" Joseph said, going on a passionate rant about Xcom lore. "They are using the commander mind right?, right, their using the commander and forcing their mind to go through simulation after simulation forcing them to live through it and 'feeding' the results or information they find useful into the advent network. Which this network has all advent troops connected too it, meaning! These bastards don't need to train their troops when they can get battlefield experience straight a simulation, crazy right?" Joseph finished his rant as his friends stared at him silently.

They wasn't judging him by any means, they too can understand having a deep passion for a game. Especially for its lore, Rex himself had a great passion for the lore of Darksouls or soul games in general. Henry himself was quite passionate about digimon lore, though listening to Joseph rant made Rex thoughts swirl. "So if we pull the commander from this forced simulation they have them in….what happens to this advent network?"

It was a good question to ask, Joseph recalled the information he remembered so he could give a proper response. "From what Dr Tygan said in the game, removing the commander from the network caused significant damage to the advant network causing some sort of decay. I suppose that would mean advents soldiers would experience some sort of decay in capabilities, though It certainly never felt like that during my runs"

Rex would walk passed Henry while Joseph spoke, just so he could steal Mr mittens and pet the plump orange cat as Henry makes a sound of outrage of the betrayal from his friend. "So we don't have an act estimate to game events other than it's gonna happen soon, we can work with that. While the commander goes get saved we can be a thorn in advents side and do what we do best."

Rex said with full confidence, a burning desire to do good. It was a glorious moment for Rex as he stood tall with his chest puffed out with a fat cat in his hands, the moment was ruined by Henry who responded immediately to Rex. "Getting bitches?" "Dude you get zero bitches, we get zero bitches?" Replied the yellow giant, "who is WE? I had a girlfriend!" Spoke the death trooper Henry to his yellow gaint friend Joseph. "Having and had is two different things, no wonder she broke up with you"

"That's it!- bro could you get on one knee your too tall to slap the shit out of you" Rex felt like he was loosing brain cells as the conversation derailed. "Oh my bad dude, here is this height good?" Rex felt like if there was any brain cells in the group it was all being used by him, all the while he heard a slap in the background quickly followed by the sound of a scuffle as the room shook.

"Mr mittens your lucky to be a cat, you don't have idiot friends you can't replace" Rex told the orange cat in his hands as it looked up at him with wide eye look as if it knows who the hell asked.


Ehhhhhh sorry super late Ik, yes I'm working on my pvz fic expect it to come out in 3069. Jk but it'll get done. Do correct me if I messed up on any Xcom lore and I'll try to fix it!

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