Chapter 120
“Please save me!!”
“I told you to shut up!”
– Bang!
With the appearance of the bank robbers, the bank turned into chaos in an instant.
However, when one of the robbers fired their gun again, everyone just shook in fear and sobbed, too terrified to speak.
Currently, along with us, everyone was kneeling in the middle of the spacious bank lobby.
Five robbers, each holding weapons, were wide-eyed as they kept a watchful eye on us.
There were five women.
Weapons: two shotguns, two rifles, one handgun.
Their outfits were all black, resembling typical bank robbers.
In broad daylight, in South Korea, known for its strong public safety, they suddenly commit terrorism?
Talk about going completely insane.
Yet, they seemed pretty relaxed, as if they had some sort of belief in their plan.
Then, they dragged out a woman who looked like the bank branch manager and started yelling at her.
“Quickly guide us to where the vault is!”
“Understood! I will guide you promptly! Just follow me!”
– Bang!
A woman with a rifle shot at the ceiling.
When the branch manager looked at the robber with a sense of injustice, the robber scratched her head and said,
“I said I’ll guide you!!!”
“……I just wanted to shoot once.”
“Ugh… follow me.”
“Hey, did you hear that! Hurry up and pack!”
The woman with the rifle threw multiple large bags at the two women holding shotguns.
“Uoooh!! Agh!”
“You idiots! Can’t you even catch that?!”
“What are we supposed to do if you throw all that?!”
– Bang!
The woman with the rifle threatened by firing a shot.
“Hurry up! We have only five minutes to loot this place!”
Then the two dragged the branch manager and left their spots.
[Seems like they’ve only learned how to rob a bank from comics.]
‘The Abidos Countermeasure Committee would be more meticulous than this.’
Anyway, there was no reason for us to be negatively impacted.
Only three of us were left.
Two women with rifles and one woman with a handgun.
Thinking that Hyeji and Elcia could sufficiently handle it, I cautiously tried to circulate my magical power through my body.
Wait, that’s what I wanted to do.
‘What’s going on??????’
[Why are you like this?]
‘My magic isn’t moving…’
It felt like my magic, not suffering from arteriosclerosis, was completely frozen in place.
Even forced circulation couldn’t budge it, as if my flow was completely blocked.
I quietly asked Elcia, looking at her.
“Elcia, can you move your magic?”
“Just a moment.”
After a brief moment of focus, Elcia started showing a puzzled expression.
And with a troubled look on her face, she answered me.
“……What’s going on?”
“I don’t know?…”
At that moment, two people abruptly stood up.
From the silver-bordered hunter certificates hanging around their necks, they appeared to be of silver rank.
One man and one woman both struck a pose and shouted confidently.
It felt like watching a dramatic performance.
“You villains! Our Silver Claw shall bring you to justice!”
“Don’t worry, everyone! We, Silver Claw, will protect you!”
In that moment, the numbers over the heads of the two hunters each increased by one simultaneously.
Though they were at a distance, no mirror fragments appeared, yet both suddenly beamed grinning as if they had won and charged at the robbers holding rifles.
Without weapons, both of them rushed towards the robbers with confidence.
“Uh? What? What’s happening?”
“Sweetheart! Something feels off!”
– Bang! Bang!
They were abruptly shot in the thigh, bleeding helplessly as they fell.
Naturally, the gazes of those watching reflected disbelief, wondering how such idiots could exist…
The two hunters, red numbers popping up over their heads, shouted in disbelief.
“Why! By now, we should have subdued them!”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this!”
“You’re just idiots.”
The woman with the handgun looked down at the fallen hunters with contempt.
“Do you think we came in here without a plan?”
“Leader! What should we do about them?”
“Kill them later. For now, don’t kill them.”
Then the woman, who was called the leader, pointed at us and gave orders to another robber.
“Hey! Drag that red-haired brat out!”
“Got it? Come out!”
She was referring to Hyeji.
Hyeji suddenly darkened and mumbled.
“Brat? Do you want to die?”
“Hyeji, hang in there. It seems like everyone’s abilities aren’t activating.”
Then Hyeji looked at me with a puzzled expression and the number above her head increased by one.
Looking at me with suspicion, Hyeji said,
“No, I have no problems?”
“What???? Really????”
“I’ll just go along with what you say, Shinwoo.”
Hyeji complied and walked out calmly toward the woman with the handgun.
The leader-like robber took Hyeji as a hostage and shot her once more, then softly addressed the people.
– Bang!
“Stay still. If you don’t want to die.”
Then the robber with the rifle said excitedly to the leader,
“Just as you said, Leader! It’s all going according to plan!”
“Of course. I knew it would go like this.”
At that moment, the two hunters lying on the ground groaned and muttered questions.
“Why isn’t our power activating!”
“Ugh… if only my magic activated, those guys would have been dealt with long ago.”
“So, what were you guys counting on?”
The leader robber casually twirled her handgun while looking at the fallen hunters.
“Since you’ll die anyway, think of it as a parting gift.”
“Leader! Are you sure it’s fine?”
“It’s fine. It’s just like I’ve experienced before.”
She narrowed her eyes and said to the woman with the handgun.
“Anyone with a larger bust than mine can’t activate their abilities within a 10-meter radius.”
“That’s a lie! What’s with that bust!”
“Don’t you know yet? Our leader has implants!”
“Shut up!!”
[The reason your abilities aren’t activating is because your bust is bigger than hers.]
‘How small can they be, really?’
Then one of the male hunters looked at the leader robber with disdain.
“Then you could get a job using that ability.”
“What do you know about me!!”
– Bang! Bang!
“I didn’t say anything!”
The two hunters’ thighs took bullets, nicely lodged in place.
The leader robber, expressing her anger, spoke earnestly.
“In the guild, they wouldn’t accept me for help! I applied for the national ability suppression team but failed the physical exam! What can I do about it!”
“……Just increase your stamina to pass the physical exam.”
“Shut your mouth!!”
– Bang!
Struck by an unexpected accurate point, the leader’s gun fired again.
Just then, the two robbers with shotguns, who had gone off to gather money, returned with bags in tow, grunting.
“Ugh! Leader, this is too heavy!”
“Quit whining. Did you get all the money?”
“Of course! So what’s the plan?”
“What do you think? We kill them all.”
The robbers each reloaded their guns and spoke blankly.
Hearing that, the people trembled in fear, starting to sob softly.
Nullification Ability User.
They truly posed a troublesome opponent to ability users.
Especially when they were the only ones holding weapons like they were now.
“Uh? What’s up, brat?”
“Do you wanna die?”
We had Hyeji.
The leader robber reloaded her magazine, smirking as she pointed her handgun at Hyeji.
“Brat, it seems you don’t get it, but we’re really dangerous people?”
“Are you unaware of who’s dangerous?”
“Ha! Cute! If I just decide—”
– Kwoooosh!!!
The leader’s words couldn’t finish.
As a giant gauntlet formed around Hyeji’s right hand, she drove her fist towards the leader’s ribs.
With what seemed like a rocket propulsion system attached, she blasted forward with explosive acceleration, smashing into the leader’s abdomen.
The leader could barely utter a word and was knocked out cold against the bank wall.
At the moment a red number rose over the leader’s head, one robber who had earlier remarked about her bust gasped and shouted.
“No way!!! The leader’s bust is an AAA cup!!”
– Bang! Bang! Bang!
As the robbers were caught off guard, Hyeji summoned a semi-automatic shotgun and swiftly took down all the other robbers, leaving one.
Showing some semblance of conscience, it seemed like she fired iron shells instead of real ammo.
Of course, even that would hurt, though.
Anyway, with the nullification ability user leader down, Elcia quickly snapped her fingers, binding the fallen robbers with thorny vines.
The rifle-wielding robber finally came to her senses and aimed her gun at Hyeji.
However, I acted faster.
I manifested my left-hand magical power tattoo axe and chopped off the robber’s arm, sending her rifle flying far away.
The robber cried out in pain from her axed arm but stood frozen in terror, unable to utter a word as she watched Hyeji slowly approach her.
She could only wet herself on the spot.
“AAA cup? Don’t be envious. That can only be increased with healing potions.”
Hyeji spun the shotgun and grabbed the barrel with her hand. Then she swung the shotgun’s stock, saying.
“I don’t have that, you bastard.”
– Whack!!!
With that, all the robbers were downed.
Vulnerable people began to lift their heads one by one, trying to grasp the situation.
Then someone pointed at Hyeji and shouted.
“It’s a god! A god has come!”
Everyone burst into tears of joy and gathered around Hyeji in admiration.
Hyeji scratched her face shyly.
A god.
A god without breasts.
Yeah, I guess that term fits.
“The God of No-breasts has descended!!!”
“Hey! Kim Shinwoo, you bastard!”
Before Hyeji could grab me by the collar in shock, everyone started praising her with heartfelt admiration.
Although, maybe misunderstanding my words, they seemed to confuse “no-breasts” with “God of War.”
“God of War! God of War!”
“She’s a goddess! The goddess of battle!”
“Mom! I want to be a god of war when I grow up!”
Just then, the two bleeding hunters mumbled.
“Isn’t that God of No-breasts?”
“God of Void?”
“Shut up!”
Hyeji dashed over quickly and delivered a kick to the hunters’ jaws, knocking them out.
Thus, Hyeji’s acclaim continued until the police arrived.
The beginning of a new myth.