Chapter 2: chapter 1
At New York City, in a studio apartment, you could see a twenty something year old man, lying on the bed, with his leg sprawl all over the bed, with the blanket, being almost at the floor.
Ring!!! the sound of an alarm clock ringing resounded in the studio apartment, "uh!" swinging his hands to the side in vain hopes of reaching the alarm clock.
Clak! ring!! all he did was just pushing it unto the floor, but that did help to give him enough determination to push through his sleepiness.
"Uh! I shouldn't have stayed up so late at night binge watching anime, but who am I kidding I probably will do it again," getting off bed he bent picking up the alarm clock which he dropped, he checked what time it was on it, seeing that it was almost seven, he decided to head to the bathroom. "Uh! why was Monday ever made" he said stiffening a yawn, and hurriedly heading to the bathroom.
After taken a shower and getting dressed, he stood before the mirror, he is a dark hair male of Asian decent with a sunny boy face, being of average height, and well built body, after all he been training since he was a kid to have super human strength.
Pointing at himself in the mirror, and winking, he said "looking good as ever," switching on his phone to check the time, he saw he was running late "f**k still have time to appreciate your self when you're almost running late" he exclaimed, before heading for the door.
Looking inside the house one time to see if everything was in order, before locking the door.
Deciding to haul a cab since he was running late, "taxi" he called out to a cab passing by.
Entering the cab he was asked where he was headed, "where you headed to" the driver asked with a monotonous tone.
"Good morning, 333 E 102st, Luminous studio"
"Morning, that will be seventy bucks" the driver said before going silent.
Finding the silence uncomfortable, Kent decided to start up a conversation.
"So how the taxi business going" Kent asked.
"Good I guess" the driver answered with an apparent lack of enthusiasm.
"Right! good!" he exclaimed, heating him self on the head.
The driver seeing him through the back view mirror, saw hitting himself on the head became a little nervous.
Kent not noticing the driver discomfort, continued "so have any kids"
"Yes, three actually" the driver answered.
"Wow! three kids, the missus must have been very beautiful"
"That she is, what about you have any" the driver asked.
"No! I don't, but when I get married I will have one" Kent answered.
"Right" the driver said, while thinking to himself, 'you're not even married yet so why'd ask like you have some of your own' the driver thought thinking to him self 'I might be carrying a lunatic, subtly increasing his speed, and turning on his phone and putting it on the dialer, well he couldn't be two careful, after all he read web serial novel, where drivers have been killed, by the lunatic they are carrying, so better safe than sorry right he thought to himself.
Kent not knowing what the driver has regarded him as a lunatic, continued with his senseless rabbles. "So where do you live"
"Why you asking" the driver asked regarding him with suspicion, further increasing his driving speed.
Kent not noticing the drivers suspicions of himself, answered "nothing really."
'Nothing you think I am a fool, hah! I better hurry up and drop him off before heading to the police station' the driver thought, feeling that this was to dangerous for him to handle.
"Wow! you drive so fast" Kent exclaimed noticing hour the driver had been increasing his speed.
"Can I have your number"
Weirdly looking at Kent the driver answered "I'm straight" thinking to himself that, indeed he truly had carried, a lunatic, and a rainbowed one at that.
Kent paused for moment looking lost in thought, 'straight! what's that' ah! finally he understood what the ma thought, 'he thinks I gay.'
Then he hurriedly say to the driver "I am not gay"
But the driver just rolled his eyes at him, thinking to himself 'as if, but don't worry I won't judge' he feeling that he was very accepting.
Kent didn't understand why the driver was rolling his eyes and thought 'may be he has eyes issues.' thinking of him self as real smart but he decided to clarify why he asked for the number.
"I asked for your number, so I could call you when I am running late again" Kent said.
"Ah! that there's no need, I will be leaving this city" 'its to dangerous here, after all they are letting lunatics roam the street free' the driver said, and thought the latter to himself, after all he didn't want to anger a lunatic and risk, having himself killed, after all he had a family to feed.
"Huh! you're leaving this city, why?"
The driver hearing Kent felt like grabbing his collar and screaming 'its because of you, you bastard, lunatics like roaming the street free making it dangerous for sane men like us' that's what he wanted to say but what he actually said was "I am the bread winner of my family, I have to look for better form of making a living" 'so please don't kill me' added in his mind.
"Ah! so that's it eh! looking for greener pasture" Kent said with a look of understanding.
The driver seeing his look of understanding was seething with rage 'what's that look on your face, you lunatic, bastard' the driver thought cursing his six generation in his mind.
Moments later "we've reached your destination sir" the driver said, he couldn't wait to drop him off, before heading to the police station to make a report of a lunatic sighting.
Kent stepping out the cab, wanted to hand over the bill, when felt something was not right, the world turned green, raising his head up to look at the risen sun, he saw it was green "Oh lord help us"