Chapter 7: Chapter six
Lenox hill hospital reception, a group of men in black suit could be seen standing around the reception,
Adam could be seen speaking to a nurse at the reception desk,
"So could you let us know if the patient we brought wakes up, that will be very much appreciated, thank you" said Adam asking politely.
"That will be no problem at all sir" the nursed answered with a professional smile on her face.
Thump! thump! thump!
Done speaking Adam was about to find somewhere to sit when the sound of hurried footsteps was heard.
Halting his steps for a moment, he stopped to see what was going on, he saw a nurse hurried over to the nurse behind the reception desk, before seemingly whispering something to her,
After listening to what was whispered to her, she called out to Adam, "sir the patient is awake"
Before telling the nurse who whispered to her, to lead Adam and his team members into Kent's recovery room,
The nurse nodded head before motioning for Adam's group to follow her.
Adam and his teammates hurriedly followed after her.
Meanwhile in the recovery room Kent had only just woken up heard the sound of hurried foot steps, facing the direction of the sound, a nurse leading a group of men in black suit,
His thought were 'oh! crap, have I done anything wrong recently, apart from not paying for NETFLIX in years and using my neighbor subscription I don't think I've done anything bad, or could that be it did Taylor notice I was using his NETFLIX subscription and decided to rat me out' thinking this he hurriedly spoke.
"What ever it is that Taylor said I did, I didn't do it" he spoke whist putting on an innocent expression.
The men in suit where lost what he talking about who is Taylor, and what has Taylor said he did that he didn't do, well accept Adam who knew who Taylor was.
"Taylor, you mean the asshole that lives in the apartment in 88 Bloor street E right, why would I believe anything that asshole says" Adam said stepping forward with a shake of the head.
"Yes that's right, how can anything that asshole said be believed" Kent said, while thinking to himself that this people aren't to bright huh! look at how easily he deceived them.
Time passed with, Adam and Kent continued talking, Adam's teammates tried to join the discussion, but where soon lost,
With Kent, and Adam going in and out of conversation, making it difficult to keep up with them.
"Ah! silly me, I have ask but how are you feeling, the doctor said you were fine, that you passed out due to fatigue, but I just got to know, how do you feel personally" Adam asked.
"I feel alright really, really want to go home though"
I don't think you will be able to stay at your house, it is under going repair's at the moment, plus it is under investigation, we have to know what kind of earth quake it was, and develop a kind of preventive measure for it, to stop the tragedy that almost happened to you" Adam said with barely suppressed tears in his eyes.
'What kind of discovery are you hopping to find, I mean it is no earth quake, I basically blew up my apartment, but can't have the finding out, I mean my savings are already in the red, so I can't be paying for damage repairs' Kent thought to himself.
"But you don't have to worry you apartment will be ready for you to move into withing four day's,"
"but where will be staying until then" Adam asked with concern.
"Oh! that, I would have said Taylor but he had his girlfriend come over, so I not really sure where to stay" Kent answered.
"That! I can tell you is not a problem, he s single at the moment" Adam said.
"Huh! how do you know"
"Because I was there when his girlfriend, dumped his sorry ass" Adam said, before further telling him the event, he witness transpired.
"How could he be so cowardly running away first, when he had just been thumping her" Kent said in contempt, while inwardly he was thinking, 'have to guard my secret well if Taylor found out I blew up my apartment, he would stop at nothing to kill me, I remember him telling me "I think I'm in love Kent, I met this girl at the club with a really massive behind, awesome tits, those asset most have caused her three generation of good karma, because they are just that good, and you know me, I had to ask her out, and she said she will think about it, remember those fake business cards I had you make, I gave them to her, and she really dig it, I mean the way she looked at me changed, after that I took her on expensive dates they cost me a lot but it did pay out in the end because she agreed to be my girlfriend, any way enough about me Kent when are you going to have a girlfriend, apart from that your gym buddy, that workout freak" just thinking of it give me the creeps.'
"I know right such a disgrace to us fellow males" Adam said with undisguised contempt.
"But how did you get his girlfriend, into telling you something that personal"
"Oh! it is nothing really, just used an old technique of my journalist days" Adam said, with pride on his face.
"you must have been really good at it seeing how easily, got a scoop from the girlfriend"
"Yeah I was, one of the best I would say"
"Looks like you loved your job, so why did you quit"
"At that time I lost my family to an earth quake, so I joined the US geological survey, to fight against earthquakes" Adam said with burning passion.
"Did it never occur to you that being a journalist could've helped more i your fight against earth quake"
"At that time I was filled with passion" 'so I never thought of it' he said and the latter he said in his mind, after all, it was too embarrassing to say out loud.
'Looks like should go back being a journalist' Adam thought to him self.
Time passed, Adam's group already left, the doctor discharging him since there was nothing physically wrong with him,
Kent left the hospital went to the apartment building, he saw a group of construction workers, making repairs to his apartment.
'That if you can call it repairs, and not building, I mean I did blow it sky high with my self included' he thought to him self with a chuckle.
"Looks like Taylor I will be crashing with you" he said Before entering into the building.