Chapter 9: Chapter 8
In an abandoned factory at the edge of town, with its decaying, and rusting structure, with pieces of debris littering about its surroundings.
Kent could be seen standing at the rusted gate, that was barely clinging to it edge's, looking like it could be falling any moment now.
"I've been putting it off for a while now, I think it's time I test this ability, hehe! " he said, with a silly chuckle at the end.
" it's like I am a main character of sorts " he said after he stopped chuckling to himself.
Carefully pushing the gate open, as gently as he could, so as not to make it fall over it rutted hedges,
Entering the facatory, with careful steps, looking around to check out the surrounding, trying familiarize himself with the surrounding, and at the same, find a more secretive, corner of the place as to not be easily discovered, even if someone where to be passing by.
Finding a perfect spot, first he started with the basics of what he new about his newly discovered ability.
"first, it seems like I could control the potential and kinetic energies, but is that all there is to it " entering into contemplation, he started thinking back to the incident that occurred yesterday, going far back in thoughts to the incident of yesterday, he was so entranced, that it almost felt like he was reliving that moment in time, he could feel all he felt and more, some tiny oddities, that he didn't consider, like how he was fine through all that wind pressure, to when he absorbed the force, where it go, or rather how could he give out so much force, where was it gotten from.
Thinking more deeply into it he came to a conclusion, his body was constantly absorbing force, from the collision of wind hitting him, movement of his body part, even his clothes rubbing against his body, adds force, and his body was like a black hole, seemingly having an infinite storage capacity for force, to discover more about this ability it would have to be tested over time.
Time passed, with Kent trying various ways to applications, discovering what he could do with his ability, pro's and con's of his ability.
For most he could use it like telekinesis, controlling objects with his mind, all he needed to do was control the force direction, convert kinetic energy into potential energy, and vice versa,
Which is easier said than done, unlike telekinesis where all you had to do was control the object with your mind, his version of it through his ability would be controlling the force, and the direction of the force, converting the potential and kinetic energy constantly, which is very taxing to the mind, putting a lot of risk at loosing control.
Or he could act like a physical type boistering his speed, by adding the force to his movements, adding more force into his kinetic energy, boistering his speed, he could be as fast as he wants, but seeing becomes a problem, in order to see he will have to sense the potential and kinetic energy around him, which doesn't allow him to see perse, just giving him a vague sense of his surrounding,
Likewise changing directions mid sprint, becomes incredibly difficult, having to change direction of the force, which demands an incredible amount of concentration, as well as an incredible amount of computing power, to calculate, and identify if there is an obstacle in the way or not.
He made a discovery that he could absorb strong kinetic force, converting it into durability, giving him stat boost, of all his physical attributes,
Giving him strength the more he is hit, in a way turning him into a super machochonist, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.
Unknowingly, time moved on fast, and before he noticed it was getting late.
"sigh! It's almost dark out, I better start heading back to town Sigh! I haven't even had my breakfast and it's already getting dark "he sighed, he had been so engrossed in studying his ability, that he didn't even remember to eat and it was already getting dark.
" I guess I will just order takeout on the way " he said to himself, walking out of the factory.
Moments later,
Reaching the apartment, opening the door, he saw Taylor sitting on the couch, with tissues scattered all over the place, Taylor seeing him was startled,
Shaking his head Kent thought 'this guy has to much limbido, how many times had he excercised his hand and third leg already' shaking his head he spoke.
"you better try to get her back, cuz this is unhealthy " he spoke pointing at the tissues scattered around the floor, before entering the bedroom, and coming out with a blanket, throwing it at Taylor he added.
" you sleep on the couch today" thinking to himself 'sleep on your own semen' before heading inside to sleep.
The next morning, Kent went back to the factory, today he came to test a theory he thought of, he came to fly.