Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Not safe.
Vynessa’s POV
I burst through the door of the restaurant internally wincing at my aching legs, hurting from standing on the crowded smelly bus for what felt to me like an eternity.
My mind is still a mess– no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to forget the chaotic events of this morning. The close call with the barely-glimpsed truck, the mysterious stranger who'd protected me without caring about his well-being, Mom's setback...
It's all just squeezed together in a jumbled mess that's making my head spin, like papers in the breeze.
Without waiting to be called and earning myself more scolding than what I already know I have in store, I make my way to Mrs Cherry’s office, hating how my empty stomach shifts and turns with anxiety.
"Come in!" Mrs Cherry calls out when I knock on her office door.
Gently pushing open the door, I step inside, closing it softly behind me. With her purple glasses, she looks up from the papers on her desk. The moment she sees me, her expression turns stern.
"Vynessa,” She begins and the word alone frightens me, with how much tiredness and uncertainty is laced in it. “I'm extremely disappointed in you." She says, dropping her voice so that it comes out firm but not unkind. "You're late again. This is the third time this month. Do you know how hard it is to run a restaurant when my staff can't even be bothered to show up on time?"
Annoyance slips through her tone, making me feel a bit defensive but I know better than to argue with Mrs. Cherry. She's quite a tough boss, but she's fair.
And well, she's also right– I have indeed been arriving late a lot recently.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Cherry," I say instead. "It won't happen again."
Mrs. Cherry sighs, rubbing her temples, her long two-month-old acrylic nails which are both amazing and unarguably looking life-threatening.
"Vynessa, I know you're a good worker. You're one of my best servers. But honestly your tardiness is becoming a problem. I need to be able to rely on you to be here when you're scheduled to be here." She states, looking up at me, her eyes stern but growing concerned when she adds, "Is everything okay, Vynessa? You seem a little... distracted lately. Is something going on that I should know about?"
"No, Mrs. Cherry," I quickly say, trying to sound convincing enough. "Everything's fine. I just need to get my act together, that's all." I mean, what really can I tell her? My problems? Like others don't have problems of their own.
Mrs. Cherry watches me skeptically, but she doesn't push the issue. "Alright, Vynessa. Just get to work and try to be on time from now on, okay?"
I nod. "Yes, Mrs. Cherry. I will." I say, assuring her whilst feeling a mix of relief and guilt.
Quickly stepping back onto the floor, I take a deep breath. The morning rush is in full swing, and the dining area is packed with customers.
I take a moment to collect myself, then grab a few menus and head over to a table of waiting customers. As I approach, I paste on a bright smile and greet them the usual way here. "Hi, welcome to Cherry's! I'll be your server today." I inform, wishing I'd worn softer sneakers.
As I work, I try to focus on the task at hand and push aside the nagging feeling of being watched. But I catch myself glancing around the restaurant, searching for... something… Someone.
I walk back with an empty tray to the kitchen and Dara catches my eye. “Hey, how's it going?" She mouths, her smile appearing impossibly brighter today. Taking in her new bob hairstyle today I smile and make my way over to her, willing to take a brief unlawful break from my tables.
Yin, the charming Asian bartender, looks up from his work, greeting me with a warm smile. "Hey, V! How's life treating you?" He says.
I lean against the serving counter, feeling a sense of oneness with my coworkers. "It's been better." I admit, rolling my eyes. "Mrs. Cherry just chewed me out for being late... again."
Dara winces in sympathy. "Ouch, sorry to hear that. But don't worry, we've all been there."
Yin chuckles. "Yeah, Mrs. Cherry can be a tough cookie, but she's got a soft spot for you, Vynessa. You're one of her favorites. You know that right?" He raises a brow.
"Really? I hadn't noticed." I respond, feeling a bit skeptical.
Dara playfully rolls her eyes. "Oh, come on, V. You're one of the best servers we've got. Mrs. Cherry loves you, even if the lady doesn't always show it."
I smile, feeling a warmth in my chest. Even though I know they might just be saying this to make me feel better but I'm grateful all the same.
At least it puts me in a bright mood through the morning into the afternoon mad rush. And before I know it four hours have passed.
My growling stomach reminds me that it's time for my thirty-minute break. I glance around the restaurant, making sure that all of my tables are taken care of, and then I head to the back to clock out.
As I walk through the break room, I'm greeted by the familiar sight of worn-out furniture and the hum of the vending machine. Dara and two others are already there, sipping on different drinks, while scrolling through their phones.
"Hey, girl, how's it going?" Dara asks, looking up at me with a smile.
I collapse onto the couch, a wave of exhaustion washing over me. "Honestly, it's been a long day," I admit, rubbing my tired eyes. "I'm so ready for a week's break."
Dara nods sympathetically. "I feel you girl. I've been on my feet since we opened. I'm starting to think I'm allergic to sitting down."
I laugh. "I know, right? Sometimes I think we're secretly masochists, enjoying the pain of standing for hours on end."
Dara grins. "Well, lack does that to you, and at least we have each other to suffer with."
“Alright imma head out for a bit of fresh air.” I say, standing up and with a degree of effort, pushing open the back door of the restaurant and stepping out into the cool afternoon air.
The alleyway is quiet and empty, as I pull out my phone and glance at the screen, noticing three missed calls from my mom. I frown, feeling a pang of guilt for not answering earlier.
As always she picks on the third ring.
"Hey, sweetie, how's work?" She asks, her voice sounding stronger and healthier than it has in days. Than it did even this morning.
I smile, feeling a sense of relief. "It's going okay, Ma. Just busy as usual. But how are you? You sound so much better already."
She chuckles. "I'm feeling a lot better. I took my meds like I'm supposed to, and I think they're finally starting to kick in. This new ones might actually do the trick."
I grin, noticing she's no longer coughing. "That's great, Ma. I'm so glad to hear that. You had me worried sick."
"I know, baby. I'm sorry about that. You know, someone came around for you.”....
“What? Who?”
She hesitates, and I can sense a hint of unease in her voice. "I'm not really sure, sweetie. He never really told me his name. But he was looking for you."
I frown, feeling very confused. "What did he want?" I ask. Trying to think of who it could possibly be.
"I'm not really sure. He just asked if you were okay, said he was your really close friend."
I feel a shiver run down my spine. "Close friend?"
My mom's voice is gentle when she replies. "I don't know, baby. But he seemed really concerned about you. And he didn't seem very happy, either."
I think back to my recent interactions, trying to remember if I've gotten into any conflicts with anyone. But nothing comes to mind.
"Did he say anything else?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.
My mom hesitates again. "Just that you should be careful. Is all he said."
"Can you describe him to me?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.
Ma hesitates, as if collecting her thoughts. "Well, sweetie, he was...tall. And thin. With piercing eyes that seemed to bore right through me."
Suddenly my breathing halts as she continues to describe the stranger. "He was wearing a black suit, perfectly tailored. And his hair was dark, slicked back from his face. He looked...expensive. But also...scary."
I frown, my eyes fixing on the man who has suddenly appeared a few feet in front of me.
Standing across the alley, his eyes are fixed intently on me. My heart skips a beat as I take in his appearance. He's tall, thin, and wearing a black suit that looks perfectly tailored. His hair is dark, slicked back from his face, and his eyes seem to bore right through me.
But there's one thing that I need to confirm. This total stranger can't possibly be who my mother is talking about.
I lift the phone to my ear, my voice barely above a whisper. "Ma?"
"Yes, Vynessa?" She responds, her voice distant but clear.
"D..did he by any chance h..have blue eyes?" I ask, my eyes locked on the angry man across the alley.
There's a pause, and then my mom responds, "Oh yeah, that's right. He did."
My heart is racing but I don't waste any time. I quickly end the call and hurry back into the restaurant, pushing through the door and slamming it shut behind me. I collapse against the door, trying to catch my breath,
I'm not really smart and I don't know a lot of things but I know I'm not safe.