Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Elizabeth
[3rd person Pov]
Elizabeth Dexterior
A 13 year old girl who's mother is both the head maid who worked for Azraels mother and a family friend.
By being around each other for most of their lives and spending a lot of time together, the two women formed a strong bond of friendship.
So the families are quite close. Arina and Elizabeth even forming a similar relationship to their mother due to being about the same age.
So Azrael has known them for 5 years and his 'whole' life.
Wanting to take after her mother despite being a talented magican who was able to form a core at a age below 10 years old, was adamant in her decision.
So she got a job at the mansion and was assigned to be Azraels personal maid about a year ago. A fairly easy job due to knowing him and him being fairly independent already.
Azrael himself has a high opinion of the girl as he has seen her dedication and hard work in both her magic studies and her duties as a maid, while still keeping a kind attitude and staying humble.
He has a good relationship with the girl so far, as due to being friends with his sister who follows Azrael around quite regularly, got to know each other. As well as seeing each other both grow up slowly.
Although as someone with a mental age of an adult, he finds it uncomfortable to have his needs taken care of by a little girl.
Such helping him bath and clothing him. These he shut down instantly before it could become a habit. As a child though and she being his personal maid, has to stay in the same room as him in these activities to make sure he doesn't drown or hurting himself.
So, ever since she has been assigned to be his maid he has been constantly refusing help while making excuses such as the fact that he doesn't need it and the like.
To this, he received a stern talking to about the facts like 'its my job' and 'don't take my job from me please'. He quickly relented on some things while still being adamant on others.
Even with her apparent stubbornness, she eventually agreed to the compromise with Azrael in a successful business deal like handshake where both sides took loses but gained enough to be satisfied.
He still tried to avoid her though. And every time, she always found him.
"ugh…." Azrael lets out a quiet groan before speaking up. " hello Elizabeth. Fancy meeting you here, huh."
"Young masterrrrr!" She replies with a stern tone, staring at him in the eye and making an uncomfortable silence follow.
After a minute of this he finally gave up. Relenting to her query as he answers her first question.
"Alright! Alright, just calm down. I was able to form a core, hence that high concentration of mana." Azrael tells her with nonchalants.
At this Elizabeth just freezes. But after staying in that state for half a minute she finally yells out a loud "WHAT!!!" To him, before taking a few breaths to compose herself.
"Are you really serious, young master?" To the question she just receives a casual nod in reply. "That's amazing!! We should go and tell Lady Mary and celebrate your early awakening to mana!".
Only to loose her composure once more, this time though to excitement.
"Let's go!!" Elizabeth grabs Azraels hand, urging him to move on.
"Wait! *sigh* calm down for a second okay." Azrael slightly raises his voice to grab the girl's attention, which causes her to jump a bit. Even with his childish, high pitch voice, due to always having a low tone and rarely if even raising it.
Realising her mistake, the maid hangs her head low in shame.
"I'm sorry Elizabeth. I didn't mean to shout like that, I'm not angry or anything. Just calm down and listen for a second, can you do that?"
Looking up slightly with her eyes, as she is still a lot taller than him, she gives a nod In reply with slightly moist eyes.
Whipping a tear that falls down the girls face he continues. "Im going to need a few hours to get used to the new changes and senses my body aren't used to. Then I will make sure to let mother know, is that alright."
After speaking these words, the maid finally perks back up, going back to her 'maid mode' as she calls it.
"Of course, young master. Would you like my assistance or even any advice with mana theory?" Elizabeth questions in a professional manner, which earned amused glances from Azraels dead eyes, dying her ears a cute crimson.
"No thank you. I appreciate the offer, but I will refuse for now. Perhaps we can arrange that for another day?" He lets out with a light smile that forms on his otherwise stoic and cold face.
After half a decade knowing each almost as much as family, she was able to notice that it was genuine. Because of this, her own smile which was completely dazzling formed on her face, almost brightening the shadowy surroundings.
"Okay young master! I will retire for now and faithfully await you when you are ready."
She speaks enthusiastically, only for a grin to form on her face as she grabs the hem of the maid outfit and lifting it enogh to not be a hinderance, then running of to the edge of the roof and …. Jumping off.
Panicking for a moment he rushes at the checky maid to try and save her. Only for her to harmlessly glide to the ground, using a wind spell.
Landing on the ground in a burst of wind, she turns around to look at Azraels panicked face while giggling behind her hands and waking off.