Chapter 5: Chapter 5: confusion
"Hmmm~? The world is full of magic, swords and monsters you say… ." The man lets out an interested hum of amusement to the goddess in front of him.
"Exactly that." She nods, pausing for a moment for dramatic effect. Only to be met with the unamused stare of the man in front of her. " *Cough cough* All beings in that world will posses an energy called mana which can be used for a multitude of things."
"Like what?" To this question, eccentric goddess in front of him lets of a snap while pointing to him.
"Good question! Well for one and the most obvious, spells! Another one would be techniques, something similar to spells. Another one would be skills!"
"… i see. So I can pick any skills of my choice? Not pre-picked skills but any?"
"Yes that is correct! Altogether you can pick 5 skills. Would you like some time to make a decision?"
"Yes, please."
[after five minutes]
After coming to a conclusion on certain skills that would be of use to him, even taking inspiration from games and novels he used to read finally was ready to make a choice.
"Aphrodite I've come to a decision." After a while he finally speaks up. To this ,the goddess just gives him a nod before sitting attentively.
"For the first skill, I want an ability to freely assimilate with the characteristics of beings I consume." Pausing for a moment to make sure she understands which she promptly give a nod to, so he carries on. "For the second, I took inspiration from a game I used to play. The ability is called mark of the outsider, do I need to explain or ….".
He's cut short as Aphrodite's eyes start to glow of an enchanting pink colour starts to be emitted from her eyes.
Staying in that state just staring blankly ahead for a few minutes, she finally comes out of it.
"No no I've got it now. Just had to look it up, you can continue on now"
Taking a moment to just stare ,he just nods slowly and get back to it. "For my third, I want a skill that allows me to analyse or appraise things, for example a sword ,plants and even people and monsters. Also I want it to be able to thoroughly analyse what you mentioned as spells and techniques to be able to comprehend/understand them quickly. One more would be the ability to understand a person's character, emotions and intent."
Taking a breath and moment for both of them to gather their thoughts.
After a minute he got a nod to continue. "For my fourth skill, I want the ability to cast illusions. Also to enslave beings as well as hypnosis and mind control."
That skill earned a weird look from Aphrodite.
As if she was saying 'I know what kind of man you are'.
Though he just lets out a snort to her joking judgment.
"Well ….ive got it. What will your final skill be?" The goddess questions with an exited look on her face, intrigued.
"For my last skill, I want to have an enhancement to my mind. For example it would be like thought processing- the ability to effectively store information and memories, as well as recall them. Another example would be enhanced concentration/focous."
"Hm hm hm~ I've got them all down, now the." The goddess slowly stands up from he seat with a face different from her earlier playfulness and excitement, this one more serious.
Seeing her like this, he to stands to face her and finally gets a good look at her. With long glossy, flowing blond her that sways as she walks and reaches her back. To her fairly small height, about as tall as him. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes that seems like it could light up a room and her big assets that could suduce any man or women, regardless of race and gender.
"It's about time I send you on you way now the." She pauses for a moment, hesitation clear in her eyes. Though she just lets out a sigh as sadness fills them and a glowing circle appears beneath his feet. "Goodbye, my d€¥<~!?<\"
Her voice suddenly distorts bringing a blinding migraine to his mind that takes him until the circles glow increases dramatically to try and understand what she said.
"I lov—"