Journey of the Last Saiyan

Chapter 117: Chapter 117- The Emerald Twilight, Reaper's Terror, and the Phantom Zone Escape - Part 4

New Genesis - The Celestial Palace

"Father, you summoned me?" Scott Free's voice echoed through the throne room, his footsteps resonating against the crystalline floors. Though he had visited many times since his escape from Apokolips with Barda, the sheer majesty of New Genesis's architecture, a stark contrast to the infernal pits he had known in his youth, still struck him with awe.

As he approached the throne, the familiar presence of his father's Source energy washed over him like a tide. Standing before Izaya, the Highfather of New Genesis, Scott felt a silent pressure - a force that rivaled, perhaps even exceeded, that of the dreaded Darkseid himself. Yet where Darkseid's presence brought terror, his father's carried something altogether different: an awe-inspiring blend of wisdom and raw cosmic might.

As Izaya gazed upon his son, a momentary flash of guilt and sorrow crossed his weathered features. The weight of his past decision - trading his own child to Darkseid for the sake of peace - still haunted him. Yet pride swelled in his chest as he observed what Scott had become. Despite the horrors of Apokolips, his son had emerged stronger, his character forged in adversity. Both Scott and his wife Barda had proven themselves worthy of their divine status, their dedication earning them respect among the pantheon of New Gods.

Though Izaya yearned to bridge the chasm between them, that fateful exchange with Darkseid remained an unspoken barrier, poisoning their every interaction with unspoken regret.

"Thank you for coming, Scott," Izaya spoke at last after the moment passed, his voice carrying the gravity of his position.

Scott nodded his head, his expression turning grave. News of Orion's recall to lead the charge against Apokolips's forces had already reached him. With Darkseid himself reportedly mobilizing, the situation demanded action from all of New Genesis. "I understand the gravity of our circumstances, Father," he replied in a steady voice. "What would you ask of me?"

"Our friends at Oa face an unprecedented threat, an unknown," Izaya said gravely. "Our intelligence indicates this unknown, originates from beyond the Source Wall itself."

Scott's eyes widened in shock. "Beyond the Source Wall? Father, are you sure? I didn't think that was possible."

Izaya nodded, his expression troubled. "The Source itself has warned me about this being," he said. "While we won't shy away from conflict if necessary, we must exercise extreme caution. However, the Guardians, responding to this entity's recent actions, have chosen to directly confront this being. From your brother's report from his recent visit to Earth—the planet this being now calls home—the entity has declared war in retaliation. Even now, this force approaches Oa at fast speed."

After a weary sigh, Izaya's expression turned solemn. "Now, with that said, I have a mission for both you and your wife. Your mission is to monitor this conflict from the shadows. Should the situation become dire, use a Mother Box to ensure the Guardians' escape. The universe cannot afford to lose them."

"Father," Scott began carefully, "are you certain we should involve ourselves? With Darkseid mobilizing his forces, perhaps our focus should remain there. The Lantern Corps and the Guardians, despite our common opposition to Darkseid, have often stood against New Genesis's interest in the name of their order. And forgive my directness, but your tone seems to anticipate their defeat."

Izaya fell silent for a long moment before responding. "While it's true that we've had our differences with the Guardians, they remain our allies in maintaining universal peace. As for Darkseid... your brother Orion prepares to lead our army against Apokolips. This mission, however, better suits your unique abilities."

His face darkened as he leaned forward, his voice dropping to barely above a whisper. "And yes, my son... though I'm aware of Oa's contingencies - plans that could threaten even us - the Source's warning chills me to my core. The visions I've received show a darkness unlike anything we've encountered before. Even the Guardians, with all their might, may find themselves overwhelmed. That's why I need someone with your particular talents, someone I can trust implicitly, to ensure their survival should my fears prove justified."

Scott studied his father's troubled expression. "These visions... have they shown you anything specific about this threat?"

Izaya's expression darkened as he spoke, his voice heavy with dread. "What I've seen in my visions defies description, my son. This entity approaching Oa... it carries with it an all-consuming void, a terrifying darkness so profound it threatens to devour even the eternal light of the Source itself."

Scott felt a chill run through him at his father's words. 'If something could dim the Source's light... just what kind of monster is this?' the thought echoed in his mind in that instance.

"That's why, we must act swiftly," Izaya continued, gripping his staff tighter. "The Guardians' pride blinds them to the true nature of this threat. They cannot face this and survive alone. So, Scott Free of New Genesis, despite the clear danger, will you undertake this mission? Will you become the shadow that ensures the light of Oa does not fade from our universe?"

Izaya waited expectantly as Scott lowered his head, contemplating the critical mission. After a moment, he raised his head, his eyes matching his father's. "Father, before I answer, I need clarity on something. If this crisis hadn't occurred, would you have assigned me to lead the charge against the Apokoliptian forces?"

Izaya saw the unspoken hope in his son's eyes for the words he wish to hear, but couldn't bring himself to lie. He sighed. "I know what you wish to hear, Scott, but your pain and anger toward Darkseid are evident." Before Scott could interject, Izaya raised his hand. "While your hatred is justified, one cannot carry such raw emotion onto a battlefield. Had we only Darkseid to deal with, I would have welcomed your participation but, in an advisory role to your brother, Orion. He would lead our troops, while you would guide them with your extensive knowledge of enemy warriors and tactics."

"...I see. Thank you for your honesty," Scott replied calmly, though Izaya noticed the momentary disappointment flash in his eyes. "Since this mission requires both my wife and me to participate and is considerably dangerous, I must first discuss it with her."

"Very well," Izaya said, rising from his throne. "May the Source guide your decision, my son."

Scott bowed respectfully before taking his leave. As he soared through the crystalline spires of the palace, his thoughts drifted to the home he shared with Barda. They had built their sanctuary together, a peaceful haven far removed from the nightmarish memories of Apokolips. The gleaming towers of the city gave way to the lush gardens surrounding their residence.

As he approached their door, a thunderous crash echoed from within, followed by a string of colorful Apokoliptian curses that would have made even Granny Goodness blush.

Scott couldn't help but smile - some habits from the Female Furies never quite fade away.

"Barda?" he called out, pushing open the door. "Is everything alright in there? What has you so, worked up, dear?"

Inside, he found Barda standing over what appeared to be the remains of their kitchen countertop, her powerful frame radiating frustration. Her long black hair was slightly disheveled, her clothes splattered with the aftermath of her culinary attempt, and her blue eyes blazed with that familiar warrior intensity.

"Scott!" she exclaimed, straightening up. "This pathetic excuse for furniture couldn't handle a simple food preparation. I wanted to cook for you, but—" She glanced at the mess on the ground with frustration and disappointment, kicking aside a splintered piece with a huff.

Scott approached her with an understanding smile and wrapped his arms around the fierce warrior. "Scott, I'm all messy..." But he silenced her with a tender kiss that left her breathless when they parted.

Licking his lips, relishing the aftertaste and offering a warm smile, he said, "My dear, it's fine. We can dine out tonight. There's no need to get frustrated. I know my warrior won't give up, and I'll eagerly await the day I can taste your cooking. Until then, let me handle the kitchen duties. Though I must say, your creative cursing just now was quite impressive—probably gave the 'pure' neighbors quite a scare."

Barda's expression blushed slightly, though her stance remained proud. "Well, some habits die hard," she admitted, then noticed the subtle tension in his features. Her expression turned serious as she asked,"You've returned from meeting with Highfather. What did that old coot want? What did he say that has you troubled?"

"We need to talk, Barda," Scott said, his tone growing serious. He moved to their living area, gesturing for her to join him. "Highfather has a mission for us both. One that involves the Guardians of Oa."

Barda's eyes narrowed as she followed, wiping her hands on a nearby cloth. "The Guardians? What business do we have with those self-righteous beings?"

"They face a threat from beyond the Source Wall," Scott explained, watching his wife's expression shift from skepticism to shock. "Father believes they may need our help, even if they don't know it yet."

"Beyond the Source Wall?" Barda's voice carried a mix of disbelief and caution. "Scott, nothing comes from beyond the Source Wall. Nothing should."

"The Source itself has warned Father about this entity," Scott continued. "He wants us to monitor the situation from the shadows, and if necessary, ensure the Guardians' survival using a Mother Box."

Barda stood silent for a moment, her instincts clearly processing the implications. "And Darkseid? What of his forces gathering? Shouldn't we prioritize that monster first?"

"Orion will lead that charge. Father believes our skills are better suited for this particular mission."

"You mean your skills," Barda said with a knowing smile. "There's no better escape artist in all the universes. Though I must admit, the thought of saving those pompous Guardians..." She let out a small laugh. "Well, it wouldn't be the strangest thing we've done together."

"Do you agree then?" Scott asked cautiously. "It'll be dangerous..."

Before he could continue, Barda stepped forward with a predatory smile that never failed to take his breath away. In one fluid motion, she pinned him against the wall, her strength gentle yet unmistakable. Her blue eyes blazed with both desire and determination as they met his.

"I go where you go, my love," she said softly, her voice carrying the weight of their shared history. "Have you forgotten our promise in the darkness of Apokolips? I'll always be by your side - to support you, to protect you, to fight alongside you." A fierce grin spread across her face. "Besides, since when have I ever shied away from a challenge? Accept the mission, Scott. We face whatever comes together."

Scott couldn't help but smile,"Together then, as always."

"Always," Barda agreed, her fierce expression softening. "But that old coot can wait. Right now..." She pulled Scott closer, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. "After today's frustrations, I need to work off some stress. You are mine, Scott Free."

She sealed their decision with a passionate kiss that left them both breathless. As they made their way to their chambers, the last rays of New Genesis's sun painted the walls of their home in amber hues. Their passionate reunion lasted well into the night. It wasn't until the first light of dawn painted the horizon that Izaya received his son's message, confirming their acceptance of the mission. The Highfather allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction on the confirmation.

120 hours (5 Earth days) later - Oa

The atmosphere on Oa was filled with tension. For five days, after the revelation that the Saiyan empire had declared war on them and was headed their way, the Green Lantern Corps had been preparing intensively redoubling their efforts for what many believed would be their greatest challenge yet.

The infamous Saiyan warship—a colossal vessel known across the sectors as the Ship of Death—steadily advanced toward Oa, their homeworld and a symbol of peace throughout the universe.

Now, as the Lanterns gathered to charge their power rings from the central battery itself, the Guardians addressed their assembled corps.

"You have done well, my Lanterns. In the face of what's coming, you have overcome your fears and doubts to stand together as one cohesive unit, ready to defend not just our home, but what it represents—the very concept we stand for, the will of all living beings to bring peace to this chaotic universe," Guardian Ganthet addressed the assembled Corps members gathered in front of the central battery building. "But I will not lie to you. We've never faced anything quite like this. The Saiyan ship races toward us and will arrive imminently. The being who commands that ship, who has declared war on us, possesses power beyond our current comprehension—power enough to turn one of our most dedicated elite warriors into their willing servant."

A tense silence fell over the gathered Lanterns. The memory of Adellca's betrayal was still raw. Her demonstration of newfound abilities had shocked even the Guardians themselves. It had required the combined might of three Guardians – Scar, Dennap, and Lianna – along with their elite corps members to subdue her. More disturbing still was how respected veterans like Hal Jordan, Laira Omoto, and John Stewart had chosen to stand with her, only to fall before the Alpha Corps in a hard fought battle.

Guardian Sayd stepped forward, her voice solemn. "If that being's influence could bestow such formidable power upon Adellca, we must prepare to face an enemy of unprecedented strength. Yet," her eyes gleamed with determination and confidence, "we are not without hope."

Guardian Dennap moved to join her colleagues, gesturing toward the assembled Blue Lantern contingent. "Our strength lies not just in numbers, but in unity. The light of hope now joins with our will. Throughout our history, the Corps has faced extinction-level threats and emerged stronger. This time shall be no different." His voice rose to a thunderous crescendo, "RISE, LANTERNS! THIS IS NOT OUR DARKEST HOUR!"

The response was immediate and overwhelming. Thousands of Lanterns rose as one, their rings blazing with renewed purpose. A brilliant column of emerald light erupted from their combined power, piercing the skies of Oa – a beacon of defiance against the approaching darkness.

The air itself seemed to vibrate with their unified will to defend not just their home, but all they stood for in the universe.

In the midst of this display of will and determination, something ancient stirred deep within the central battery. A presence, dormant for eons, resonated with the unified power of the Lanterns outside. Its consciousness awakened, eyes snapping open and soon came into focus, as vague instructions echoed through its mind.

The entity's awareness expanded outward, silently scanning every living being on Oa. Among the thousands of life forms, two individuals captured its attention. The first radiated a resonance that called to its very essence. The second... the second triggered something different - a profound sense of completion, as if they were two parts of a greater whole.

This perplexed the ancient being. As the events continued to unfold on the surface, it remained hidden, observing through the emerald energies that flowed through the battery. A whispered voice, barely audible even in the depths of its consciousness, seemed to say: "The time to act approaches..."

The presence settled back, content for now to watch and wait. But its awakening had not gone completely unnoticed. In her chambers, Guardian Sayd paused mid-sentence during a briefing, a slight frown crossing her features.

"Is something wrong?" Guardian Ganthet inquired, noting her sudden distraction.

"For a moment..." Sayd's voice trailed off as she shook her head. "No, it was nothing. Surely, simply an echo in the battery. Let us continue with the preparations."

Ganthet's eye flickered momentarily before he gave a solemn nod. "Indeed. We should inspect the preparations on Mogo as well."

"What of Killalla's mission?" Sayd asked, her voice carrying a note of concern. "Do you believe she can reason with this being?"

"It's doubtful," Ganthet answered. "Such beings rarely bend to those they consider beneath them. Though it pains me to admit, individually we face a power beyond our own. However, with our united will, we are stronger—perhaps strong enough to help this being understand and respect our role as guardians of universal peace and order if conflict becomes inevitable. That said, I sincerely hope she succeeds. If there's even the slimmest chance of a diplomatic resolution, we must pursue it."

"Then we must hold onto hope that she succeed," Sayd said softly.

"Yes, we must," Ganthet agreed, though his eyes betrayed his true thoughts. He had already set multiple contingencies in motion, knowing the likely outcome.

Above Oa, the Corps took their positions, forming an intricate defensive perimeter. Soon a massive emerald shield materialized around the planet.

Meanwhile, Mogo—the living planet and mightiest of all Green Lanterns—moved silently into position nearby, its presence gradually masked by the Guardians' combined powers. They would wait, ready to strike if Killalla's negotiations failed.

Hours later, the massive Void Sentinel's silhouette emerged from warp at the edge of Oa's defense perimeter. Its appearance sent ripples of tension through the assembled Corps, particularly among veterans who remembered their last devastating encounter with this behemoth. The ship's obsidian hull seemed to absorb and reflect the emerald light of thousands of power rings, creating an otherworldly display as it hung motionless in space.

"Hold positions," came the command through their rings, steady and firm. "No one engages without direct orders."

For a moment, space itself seemed to hold its breath as the two forces faced each other. Then, breaking the tense standoff, a single figure moved forward - Killalla of the Guardians. Her diminutive form glided past the ranks of Green Lanterns until she reached the forefront of their formation.

"Remember," she had told her fellow Guardians moments before, "if there's even a chance to prevent bloodshed, we must take it."

Now, as she faced the imposing warship, Killalla couldn't help but recall both the colossal cosmic silhouette that all of creation observed a while back and Adellca's chilling warnings about its occupant. Yet she steeled herself, knowing that success here could prevent an even greater catastrophe.

"This is Guardian Killalla of Oa," her voice carried across the void, amplified by her power. "I come seeking peaceful discourse with Lord Orach of the Saiyan Empire."

Inside the Void Sentinel's command deck

Through the massive viewport, Orach studied the distant emerald glow of Oa's defense perimeter. The diplomatic invitation made his eyes narrow, and after a moment's thought, he ordered, "Crescent, open communications."

In the next moment, Orach responded with a measured tone,"You surprise me, Guardian. I had not expected such an approach, given your reputation for... inflexibility."

"I see you know of us. Though I suppose that's to be expected, given Adellca's service to your house." She took a deep breath before continuing diplomatically. "I believe there is much we could discuss regarding the future of this universe's peace and order."

Orach's voice carried a hint of curiosity as he responded, "And what exactly would the Guardians be willing to discuss? Your order has maintained rather... rigid views on how the universe should be governed."

"Perhaps that rigidity has been both our strength and our weakness," Killalla acknowledged. "We seek to understand your perspective, Lord Orach. Your power is undeniable, and Adellca has made your station quite clear. Would you be willing to engage in direct dialogue?"

There was a moment of contemplative silence before Orach spoke again. "A direct dialogue... Yes, that could prove interesting. Tell me, Guardian Killalla, would you be willing to host such discussions on Oa itself?"

The suggestion sent a ripple of surprise through the assembled Corps. Killalla's eyes widened momentarily before returning to their usual calm, and her voice remained steady as she replied, "You would come to Oa?"

"Sure," Orach confirmed. "Consider it a gesture of mutual respect. After all, if we are to discuss the future order of this universe where my family lives, we should do so face to face."

After a brief consultation with her fellow Guardians through their telepathic link, Killalla responded with measured tone, "We accept your proposal, Lord Orach. The Guardians will prepare suitable accommodations and security protocols for your arrival. We will transmit landing coordinates shortly."

"I look forward to our discussion," Orach replied before terminating the communication channel.

As Killalla returned to Oa, the assembled Lanterns maintained their vigilant watch over the Void Sentinel. Within thirty minutes, Crescent received the transmission from Oa containing detailed landing protocols and coordinates. Following the instructions precisely, a sleek shuttle departed from the massive warship heading for the planet.

The Corps adjusted their formation subtly, maintaining defensive readiness while avoiding any appearance of hostility. In the Great Hall, the Guardians gathered to receive what would surely be their most significant visitor in millennia.

As the shuttle began its final approach, Guardian Ganthet turned to Sayd. "And so it begins," he said softly, his eyes reflecting a mix of confusion, hope and apprehension.

Oa - Central Landing Platform

The sleek shuttle touched down gracefully on Oa's surface. Its boarding ramp descended, and Orach soon emerged with measured steps, his imposing figure commanding the attention of all present.

Guardian Dennap stood at the base of the platform alongside Green Lantern Kilowog, the Corps' legendary drill sergeant.

"Lord Orach," Dennap's voice was heard clearly across the platform, "I am Guardian Dennap. On behalf of the Guardians of the Universe, we welcome you to Oa. Your willingness to engage in diplomatic discourse speaks volumes about the possibility of finding common ground."

Kilowog maintained a respectful but watchful stance. The green energy of his power ring pulsed softly, neither threatening nor completely dormant, ready to act if the need arrises.

As Orach stepped onto the platform, he extended his Ki sense across the planet in a subtle sweep, mapping energy signatures across the planet and instantly locating his target. During his sweep, he also found peculiar signatures that caught his interest. The central battery's massive energy signature, exactly as described in Adellca's notes, particularly caught his attention. However, he maintained his focus on the immediate mission.

While maintaining his composure, he executed a precise manipulation of space laws within the Sciencells, completely undetected by those present. Turning to address Guardian Dennap, he spoke with measured courtesy.

"I appreciate your welcome," Orach said in a calm tone. "Though whether we can find common ground remains to be seen. Shall we proceed?"

Dennap and Kilowog exchanged a brief glance, a silent tension evident between them. The Guardian's expression betrayed a flicker of concern before she regained her composure.

"Of course," Dennap replied, gesturing toward the path ahead. "Please, follow us to the meeting place. The other Guardians await our arrival."

Together, they walked toward the ancient chamber. As they entered, Orach's Ki sense silently noted each energy signature present as he took his designated seat in the center of the theater-like chamber, facing the elevated chairs of the Guardians. His gaze fell briefly on two partially destroyed seats, their significance not lost on him. Once seated, he simply closed his eyes, awaiting the inevitable performance about to unfold.

Kilowog assumed a vigilant position to the side while Dennap ascended to join her fellow Guardians. The atmosphere grew thick with tension as the council assembled before their enigmatic guest.

Once the Guardians were seated, they found themselves facing an unprecedented enigma. Despite their considerable powers and probes, they could perceive nothing of the being before them—it was as if they gazed into the infinite void itself. When several of the more powerful Guardians attempted to reach into Orach's mind, they were violently repelled. Blood trickled from their mouths as their consciousness reeled from the devastating backlash. As their minds stabilized, they recalled only one thing, encountering an absolute emptiness—a complete negation of existence somehow manifest in physical form.

Though the affected Guardians maintained their composure, their colleagues discretely reached out in concern, their subtle movements betraying their growing unease.

"I wouldn't recommend continuing those attempts," Orach's cold voice cut through the silence, his eyes opening to fix them with a penetrating gaze. The moment these Guardians tried to probe his mind, he felt the probe, and just as he was about to act, the white tree in his inner world reacted in his defense and sent them reeling. However, such an act was one he wouldn't ignore.

In the next instant, a wave of killing intent radiated from him, causing even the ancient Guardians to shudder involuntarily.

"Is this how the Guardians of Oa treat their diplomatic guests? Attempting to violate their minds without consent?" His gaze settled on Scar, who had suffered the worst from the mental backlash. "Just so you know, such an offense in the higher realms, would typically warrant immediate execution, beginning with the primary transgressor."

The Guardians' expressions grew grave as the full weight of his words and killing intent settled over them. They knew, with absolute certainty, that this was no idle threat. Scar's face contorted with barely contained fury.

Killalla's measured voice cut through the dangerous tension. "I offer our sincere apologies for my fellow Guardians' transgression, Lord Orach. We meant no offense. With that said, you must understand that to us, you represent a significant unknown. As Guardians of this universe, we merely wished to better understand the nature of our guest."

"Curiosity is understandable," Orach replied coldly, addressing Killalla. "But courtesy and respect are paramount. Mental invasion without consent is considered a grievous offense in the higher realms. If you have questions, you need only ask. I agreed to this dialogue understanding what I represent to you. Consider this your final warning, Guardians. You have already crossed a line I cannot ignore."

"How dare you-" Scar began, but Ganthet swiftly intervened.

"You are absolutely right," Ganthet said, bowing his head in a gesture that shocked his fellow Guardians. Orach merely narrowed his eyes, noting the calculated nature of this particular Guardian's response. "We understand our offense and offer our apologies. Since you have stated your willingness to cooperate, we should demonstrate appropriate respect."

Raising his head, Ganthet continued, "Now, if you don't mind, we do have several questions we would appreciate having answered."

Orach retracted his killing intent and nodded for Ganthet to proceed. The Guardian began with carefully chosen questions about the higher realms and their governing powers, a topic Orach had anticipated.

"Let me explain the structure of our existence," Orach began in a measured tone, "There are thirteen known Higher Realms, each home to advanced civilizations that have mastered cultivation, technology, and magic. Unlike your realm, these realms exist in a single, unbroken timeline. Each Higher Realm oversees countless Lower Realms within their jurisdiction - realms like yours, where multiple timelines can exist and civilizations are still developing."

He continued after a pause, allowing his words to settle in, "The Alacrity Alliance, which holds authority over this particular Lower Realm, maintains order through a council of powerful beings who have proven themselves worthy of such responsibility."

The Guardians sat in stunned silence, their expressions revealing their struggle to grasp such vast cosmic revelations. The concept of countless realms arranged in an intricate hierarchy had rendered even these ancient beings momentarily speechless.

After a thoughtful pause, Ganthet spoke. "We deeply appreciate you enlightening us. This knowledge not only provides vital context about your origins but helps us grasp our own position in the greater existence. It also guides our preparation for future interactions with the higher realms." He turned to his colleague. "Now Killalla, would you share our perspective?"

Killalla nodded gracefully. "Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Lord Orach. In return, allow me to explain the structure of our universe and our role as its guardians." She proceeded to detail the various sectors and power dynamics, unaware that Orach had already learned much of this from Lucifer Morningstar. Nevertheless, he listened attentively as she introduced the key players from Oa, New Genesis, and Apokolips.

When Killalla concluded, Orach acknowledged her explanation with a respectful nod. Ganthet's expression at this point, hardened as he steered the conversation toward a more serious matter.

"Now," Ganthet said, his tone becoming more formal, "we must address your actions since arriving in our universe." He proceeded to outline Orach's various interventions, paying particular attention to the more recent incidents.

"While we acknowledge and appreciate your role in protecting Earth and its inhabitants," Ganthet continued, choosing his words carefully, "your methods raise significant concerns. Your tendency toward immediate execution, bypassing established judicial processes, troubles us. Though our Lanterns are sometimes forced to take lives, we maintain strict protocols and due process."

"Furthermore," he added,"you and your family have taken actions that could potentially destabilize our universe. The breach you created into an unknown realm, the confrontation that led to injuring a celestial entity, and most recently, your manipulation of time on a massive scale - these are not minor concerns." He paused, studying Orach's impassive expression. "However, given your consistent defense of a world in Sector 2814.1, we are willing to extend you the benefit of the doubt."

Orach's expression turned blank as an overwhelming pressure descended upon the chamber, forcing even the ancient Guardians to their knees. Rising slowly from his seat, he spoke with chilling calm. "Your concerns are noted, Guardian. However, you fundamentally misunderstand the situation."

With each deliberate step forward, he ascended invisible stairs, the crushing pressure intensifying with each footfall. Three steps brought him before Ganthet, where he towered over the kneeling Guardian. "Understand this—my actions are not for anyone in this lower realm to judge. Your authority extends only to this universe of this lower realm. You have no jurisdiction over beings from higher realms, particularly one who exists beyond the comprehension of even the Emperor-rank entities of the higher realms."

In the next moment, his eyes transformed, one turning blazing crimson, the other swirling with an impossible mixture of light and darkness.

In an instant, Ganthet found his consciousness thrust into a void of absolute darkness. There, a cosmic entity of unfathomable scale appeared and loomed before him, wreathed in primordial chaos, nine mysterious rings rotating in perfect synchronization behind its form. As the being's presence weighed upon his very soul, the Guardian's ancient heart trembled at the terrifying truth of what stood before him.

"Let me be perfectly clear," Orach continued, his voice cutting through Ganthet's vision and pulling him back to reality. "Every intervention I've made was necessary and calculated. The breach, the time manipulation - these were precise actions taken to prevent catastrophes beyond your understanding."

"Even so," Scar managed to growl through gritted teeth, struggling against the overwhelming pressure, "but for the sake of all beings in this universe, actions of such magnitude require oversight—"

A cold smile played across Orach's features. "Oversight?" The word carried a mixture of amusement and disdain. "You speak of oversight while still nursing the wounds from your failed mental probe. Tell me, Guardian, how do you propose to oversee an entity whose mere presence forces you to your knees? Your earlier attempt to breach my mind should have demonstrated the vast disparity in our existences."

The pressure in the chamber intensified, causing several of the younger Guardians to gasp for breath. "Let me be clear—I respected your role in maintaining order in this sector, which is why I gave you this chance for dialogue. However," his voice took on an edge that sent chills through the assembled beings, "you have mistaken my diplomatic courtesy for submission to your authority."

"My Lord, please—" Dennap began, but was cut short as Ganthet suddenly rose, his face contorted with determination and fear.

"You are a monster," Ganthet declared, his voice trembling with conviction. "I would rather die than allow our universe to exist under the purview of beings like you!" With a surge of desperate strength, he broke through the pressure just enough to unleash a weapon—a gift from New Genesis itself.

The observers watched in horror as an explosion of divine energy erupted toward Orach. But in an instant, the massive blast began to shrink, compressed by Orach's power into a tiny bead of light. The display of casual dominance over such powerful forces left everyone present in stunned silence.

"Very well then. Let's end this farce," Orach's expression turned cold as ice, his voice resonating throughout the chamber. "I'll take this as your answer and consider this the opening salvo. Now it's my turn. You will know true war, Guardians. Do try to enjoy yourselves." With a casual wave of his hand, he opened a spatial ripple and stepped through and arriving on the Void Sentinel, simultaneously transporting his shuttle to the Void Sentinel's hangar with yet another spatial ripple.

"Ganthet! What have you done?" Killalla cried out, her voice filled with horror.

"We could have salvaged the situation!" Dennap and Sayd exclaimed in unison.

Scar's laughter cut through their protests. "Didn't you hear his final words? Peace was never an option. That being came here seeking war from the beginning! I just don't understand why he would—" His eyes suddenly widened with realization. "No! Kilowog, check the Sciencells immediately!"

Kilowog, still shaken, quickly accessed the prison systems. His face paled as he received no response. "The systems... they're not responding at all."

"Damn it! So that was his true objective!" Scar slammed his fist against his chair.

"No," Ganthet spoke quietly, his voice heavy with certainty. "Things aren't that simple, Scar. I saw him—saw what he truly is. His darkness... a being like that doesn't make moves merely to rescue servants." He straightened, addressing all present. "Sayd, Dennap, Scar—order all forces to battle stations. The rest of you, prepare to unseal your full powers and ready our main weapon. I don't know his true purpose, but it doesn't matter now. We are the guardians of this universe, and here we make our stand—for the sake of all living beings, for justice and peace!"

"Understood!" The Guardians responded in unison, their voices filled with grim determination.

Through their telepathic link, Ganthet sent a private message to Scar: "Contact Sinestro. Have the Yellow Lantern Corps join us immediately. I know you've been in communication with him."

After a moment's hesitation, Scar replied: "...Understood."

Flashback- Void Sentinel - Main Deck - One Hour Before Contact

"Young Master, we are approaching Sector 0," Crescent announced through the ship's communication system. "Shall I notify the Mistress and Princess?"

"Yes, wake them up and have them report to the main deck," Orach commanded from the captain's chair, his eyes scanning the array of holographic displays before him.

As they approached their destination, the ship's advanced sensors had been gathering data for the past two hours, mapping out energy signatures that revealed the Green Lanterns' defensive formation.

Observing the incoming data, he narrowed his eyes—the Guardians had clearly been informed of his arrival and prepared accordingly. Though he wondered if something had happened on Earth, he felt reassured by the crystals he had left with Donna and Barbara. Those emergency crystals contained his sealed power, making any serious threat unlikely. More probable explanations were that either someone close to the Lanterns had warned them, or a member of the Lantern Corps or their allies had visited Earth and learned of his announcement. Regardless of how they knew, it wouldn't change his approach or the war's outcome.

As Orach studied the tactical display, he soon noticed something peculiar - a relatively large energy signature partially concealed by a dampening field. Based on the ship's battle records and Adellca's intelligence, he immediately recognized it as Mogo, the sentient planet.

A wry smile crossed his face. The Lanterns' strategy was clear - they intended to use Mogo as a surprise element while their main force engaged the Void Sentinel. While Mogo's previous attack had stressed their shields a bit due to its unique energy harmonics, Crescent had since adapted their defenses. The same tactic wouldn't work twice.

His attention soon shifted towards their deployment. The defensive formation was elaborate - seven flanker squadrons protected each side of Oa, which itself pulsed with immense energy. Three additional squadrons, positioned strategically among the Green Lanterns, emitted a different kind of power altogether.

"Fascinating," Orach murmured, raising an eyebrow. "Crescent, analyze these new energy patterns."

"Based on Adellca's research, Young Master, these signatures match the light of hope," Crescent reported. "It appears the Guardians have expanded beyond the yellow light of fear we encountered previously."

While he had anticipated surprises and even welcomed them, this development was slightly unexpected.

The Guardians had clearly been experimenting with other aspects of the emotional spectrum. In the rear guard, unique energy signatures marked the presence of the Guardians themselves, their power distinct from their corps.

The main deck doors slid open with a soft hiss. Diana and Rachel entered, approaching his command chair. Each gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before taking their positions beside him.

"What have you found, my love?" asked Diana, studying the holographic displays with keen interest.

"The Guardians have prepared quite the welcome," Orach began, gesturing to the tactical overlay.

"Let me show you what we're facing." He walked them through the Lantern Corps' deployment and tactics. "Their formation is intricate, but their strategy has some... obvious flaws."

"Such as?" asked Diana as she leaned forward to study the display more closely.

"Their reliance on Mogo as a surprise element, for one," Orach explained, highlighting the now obscure energy signature. "While the planet's natural harmonics did stress our shields a bit, in our previous encounter, the ship has since adapted our defenses. And their positioning..." He traced a finger along the tactical display. "They've left several exploitable gaps in their coverage. However, there are some new variables in the mix as well."

"The light of hope is new," Rachel observed thoughtfully. "Do we have data on its capabilities?"

"Limited. According to Adellca's research, it primarily manifests as healing and empowerment," Orach explained, recalling his study of Adellca's findings.

"Wouldn't that make the Green Lanterns considerably more powerful?" Diana asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

"Perhaps to others in this universe," Orach replied with confidence. "But our capabilities far exceed anything they've encountered. Your training has made you both formidable warriors, and this vessel..." He gestured to the surrounding command center. "A Dauntless-class warship operates on principles that transcend this realm's fundamental laws. Its firepower rivals that of emperor-class beings."

"But Dad," Rachel interjected, her eyes reflecting deep concern as they scanned the tactical overlays. "What if they have contingencies we haven't anticipated? Last time..." Her voice wavered slightly, remembering how a celestial's surprise attack had separated them, banishing her father to the Void realm.

Orach's expression softened as he recognized the lingering fear in his daughter's eyes. That separation had clearly left its mark on both Rachel and Diana. He leaned forward in his chair, his voice gentle but firm.

"Crescent, display the comparative analysis," he commanded. The holographic display transformed, revealing a detailed spectrum analysis that showed an overwhelming disparity in power levels.

"As you can see," Crescent's voice resonated through the command center, "their combined output, including these hope-based signatures, barely registers against our baseline systems."

"We've learned from the past," Orach continued, his fingers tracing patterns across the tactical displays. "Crescent has analyzed everything - from the emotional spectrum to their combat tactics. We've studied their power rings, developed countermeasures, and prepared for every conceivable scenario."

"More importantly," he added, highlighting their planned approach vectors, "this time I'm not fighting alone. With Zeta and me leading the engagement, we'll maintain complete battlefield control. We have Crescent's strategic oversight, Mother Empress's real-time analysis capabilities, and Z9's combat algorithms working in perfect synchronization. If they somehow manage to surprise us - and that's a significant if - we can adapt instantly."

His eyes met Diana's, then Rachel's, conveying both love and absolute certainty. "And if necessary, I won't hesitate to unleash my God transformations. No force in this realm can separate us again." He smiled warmly. "Your mission is crucial. Once Zeta creates the breach in their planetary shield, you'll have your window to reach Oa's Sciencells. Adellca and the others are counting on you both."

Diana and Rachel exchanged determined looks before rising with silent nods, heading toward the hangar. As they departed, Orach's expression turned blank, his eyes growing cold.

"Crescent," he commanded, straightening in his chair, "analyze those unknown signatures I detected near the celestial bodies. What can you tell me about their origin and power source?"

"I'm afraid I cannot precisely identify them yet, Young Master," Crescent materialized before Orach, his holographic form shimmering. "However, based on their energy patterns, they appear distinct from the Lantern Corps. They could be allies of the Guardians, observers, or as the Princess suggested, a contingency force. Given their current positions, they appear to be observers and given the power level readings from them, they pose minimal tactical concern."

"Agreed. But monitor them closely. Alert me immediately if they make any moves during the engagement," Orach ordered, his fingers drumming thoughtfully on the armrest.

"There's something else, Young Master," Crescent continued. "We've intercepted interesting transmissions. Apparently, one of the Guardians seeks to initiate dialogue with you. She intends to appear before us unarmed as a gesture of goodwill, hoping to negotiate a peaceful resolution rather than risk open conflict."

Orach's eyebrow raised slightly. "Negotiations? At this stage?"

"Indeed. While the beings of this realm can be... peculiar in their thinking, this could present an opportunity. Given one of our objectives is rescuing the captives, perhaps we should consider adjusting our strategy."

Orach fell silent, contemplating the possibilities. After a moment, he nodded decisively. "You make a valid point. This could work to our advantage. New plan: I'll take a shuttle down alone, ostensibly for negotiations. Once on the surface, I can create a spatial ripple for Diana and Rachel to infiltrate and execute the rescue. When the moment is right, I'll summon Zeta to my position to begin the primary assault."

Crescent quickly helped refine the details of their modified strategy. Once all crew members were briefed on the new plan, Orach rose from his command chair. "Begin final approach sequence. Prepare my shuttle and ensure Zeta remains on combat standby."

"Acknowledged, Young Master. Final approach sequence initiated. Z9 reports all systems at optimal combat readiness."

As Orach summoned a spatial ripple, he paused. "Crescent, one more thing—maintain constant surveillance for the primary target's signature during the operation."

Crescent's expression grew solemn as he bowed. "Your will be done, Young Master."

"Good," Orach's lips curved into a predatory smile as he stepped toward the ripple. "It's time this lower realm understands true war."

End of Flashback

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