Journey of the Last Saiyan

Chapter 120: Chapter 120 - The Ties That Bind Us: Revelations, Reunions, and Family Vacation - Part 1

The Void Sentinel

Crescent detected the Zeta's emergence from the dimensional rift and deactivated its stabilizing beam. As the mecha exited, Orach and Diana were confronted with a scene of death and destruction, the lifeless bodies of Green Lantern Corps members drifting silently through the debris field. Soon The Zeta glided smoothly toward the ship, passing through its protective shields and settling onto the launch bay platform before entering the hangar.

"ALERT: Scarlet Zeta approaching hangar," announced the ship's AI as the Zeta entered the hangar.

As the Zeta made its way toward its maintenance pod, Orach issued commands through the mecha's interface. "Crescent, secure the fear entity in the brig's containment field. Afterward, run full diagnostics on the rescued ship and its occupant. I want a situation report in 10 minutes." A soft blue light immediately enveloped the captured vessel and entity before they disappeared in a flash as the transport system activated.

Rachel stepped through a ripple in space and arrived in the hangar just as the Scarlet Zeta docked in it's maintenance pod. She watched in fascination as automated systems secured the mecha's weaponry and began maintenance protocols. The machine's emerald eyes, which had blazed so fiercely in battle, slowly dimmed to darkness as it powered down.

With a soft hiss, the mecha's cockpit hatch opened. Diana emerged first, followed by Orach, both visibly relieved at the sight of their daughter.

"Mom! Dad!" Rachel rushed forward, embracing them both.

Orach's expression softened as he held his daughter. "I'm sorry we worried you, my princess."

Rachel shook her head, smiling. "I'm just glad you're both safe."

Proud of his daughter, Orach smiled and suggested, "Let's head to the command deck now."

Rachel nodded in agreement and offered a playful salute. "Yes, sir!"

Moments later, the family materialized on the bridge through an internal transport. Orach then moved to take his seat in the captain's chair while Diana and Rachel settled into their stations beside him.

As the family of three took their seats, Crescent's form manifested, bowing slightly before beginning the battle report. "Sir, approximately 97% of enemy forces in this sector have been neutralized. While some stragglers managed to escape, and Lanterns may still exist in neighboring sectors, the Green Lantern Corps has been effectively destroyed."

"During your absence within the rift," Rachel added, "Crescent and I handled the remaining forces. However, before we could neutralize the last few Lanterns and Guardians, they were extracted through what appeared to be a Boom Tube—similar to Cyborg's technology."

Crescent's eyes flickered as he continued the report. "The Boom Tube was initiated by the two unknown entities we detected earlier. I've recorded their energy signatures, which we can trace if needed. Additionally, while dealing with the Lanterns, we observed several shadow beings escaping the rift during our stabilization efforts. Though we don't know the nature of this dimension you both experienced, or the nature of these escaped beings, their energy signatures posed no threat. These have also been recorded for tracking, should you command it, Sir."

Orach leaned back in his chair, processing the information. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded approvingly. "Excellent work, both of you. Consider this mission complete. While the stragglers may have escaped our judgment, if they're foolish enough to seek vengeance, we'll deal with any threats as we encounter them. As for the shadows that escaped during the battle, if our paths cross, we'll handle them accordingly when the time comes."

Crescent, Rachel, and Diana nodded in agreement with Orach's decision. The briefing then shifted to their rescued passenger. As Crescent manifested displays showing the results of his scan of the ship, the markings and crest on the vessel made Orach's expression turn solemn, killing intent briefly flashing in his eyes.

"A Kryptonian. From the House of El, no less," he said in a solemn tone. "Tolerating the existence of one self-righteous fool is already more than enough. Now, there's another showing up."

His right index finger drummed against his armrest as he fought the urge to order Crescent to open another rift and send the rescue ship back into that forsaken dimension.

"Orach," Diana's gentle voice cut through his dark thoughts. He turned his seat to face her, meeting her unwavering gaze.

"I understand your feelings about Kryptonians," she continued, reaching for his hand. "But this woman bears no trace of Tuffle manipulation. Look at her, truly look at her. She's been trapped in that dimension for so long, her tears frozen in time." Diana's voice softened. "When I found her, I didn't see a Kryptonian or the House of El—I saw someone who lost everything in an instant, just as you did. I saw another survivor, carrying the same wounds you've carried."

Orach's expression softened as he considered Diana's words. With a sigh, he commanded, "Mother Empress, show me the ship's records." The AI materialized silently besides Crescent, projecting a holographic display of the rescued vessel's data.

The recordings unfolded a tragedy in motion—a young woman being ushered to an escape ship by her tearful mother while her father fought desperately to buy them their final moments together. Krypton's death played out before their eyes: the planet convulsing with violent seismic activity, the frantic launch sequence, and the catastrophic explosion that knocked the ship off its Earth-bound trajectory, sending it spiraling through an unplanned wormhole into dimensional exile.

The young woman's final recorded moments were raw with anguish as she witnessed her world's destruction. Her parents' last words resonated through the command deck: "Find your cousin. Take care of each other. Be strong." Then the cryo-systems engaged, preserving her in that moment of unprocessed grief.

Diana and Rachel watched the scene in solemn silence. Orach, however, sat rigid, his mind reeling from a revelation that struck him the moment he first glimpsed the young woman's face.

Though younger, her features matched perfectly with his visions of the radiant blonde woman destined to become his second wife and mother to his future twin daughters. The cruel irony of his destiny wasn't lost on him—his prophesied love belonged to the very house of the man he wished dead.

His inner turmoil didn't escape notice. Diana and Mother Empress exchanged knowing glances before the AI discreetly ended the playback.

"Orach?" Diana's voice was gentle. "What's troubling you?"

"It's nothing," he replied, his composure returning as he made peace with letting fate unfold naturally. "You were right about her." He turned to address his crew. "Crescent, transfer her to medical and begin revival procedures. Rachel, once she wakes up, you will guide her through the transition. Once she has acclimated to her new surroundings, Diana, please join Rachel—together you should explain the current situation on Earth about the League, about us, and about her cousin—with care."

"And Crescent," he turned to the AI and added, "launch a beacon with a warning for any surviving Lanterns, then set course for Earth. I authorize exceeding allowable maximum warp limits. Go to warp 7." The command drew surprised looks from both Diana and Rachel.

Seeing their questioning looks, he explained, "The Alliance limited maximum warp to 6, that's why we had been traversing at warp 5.75 but, this ship can actually reach 9.97. The limiter exists to protect the space-laws of lower realms—without it, our engines would tear realities like this one apart just by passing through. Though exceeding warp limits is typically reserved for emergencies, I want to maximize your vacation time." He smiled slightly. "I'll make an exception so we can arrive sooner. Once we're back, I'll briefly head to my office at Wayne Tech to assess and assign tasks to my team and hand off my duties to Victor. Then we can enjoy a proper family vacation—and you can pick where on Earth we go."

Diana narrowed her eyes, sensing her lover was hiding something. However, she decided to address this mystery later when they were alone—now wasn't the time to dampen her daughter's excitement about the family vacation.

"When I suggested a vacation days ago," Diana said with an amused smile, "I never expected such enthusiasm from you."

"What kind of captain would I be if I didn't grant shore leave after a successful mission?" Orach replied with a relaxed shrug. "Besides, I'm looking forward to seeing my future wife in that new swimsuit she teased me with last night. Most importantly, we could all use some time to simply be a family."

Rachel's eyes lit up with excitement. After a moment of contemplation, she leaned forward in her seat and said, "If that's the case, I'd love to explore some of the ancient ruins and temples around the world! Before we left for Oa, I had been studying civilizations with deep connections to mysticism and magic in the Azarath archives."

She tapped her fingers together enthusiastically. "We could visit the Nazca Lines in Peru, which the Azarath texts suggest were created as communication points with celestial beings. And the ancient temples in India—they have documented connections to mystical practices still active today!"

"When did you become so interested in archaeology, sweetie?" Diana asked, her expression a mix of surprise and genuine interest. "We could certainly visit multiple sites—we'll have plenty of time, and the visits would be educational for you too. You could develop a research project from what you learn. I love this idea." She paused, considering something. "We should consider including Angkor Wat in Cambodia as well. Barbara and I had planned an expedition there years ago but we never got around to completing the arrangements. How about we make it a proper family expedition this time?"

Rachel's eyes lit up with excitement. "Perfect! These sites aren't just historically significant—according to the Azarath archives, many of them function as nexus points connecting to other dimensional planes. Some even contain dormant magical artifacts buried for centuries! How cool would it be if we could unearth some of them?" She was already mentally planning their itinerary, her fingers tracing maps projected from her terminal.


Orach cleared his throat, an amused smile playing on his lips as he watched his daughter's enthusiasm. "I thought we were planning a relaxing beach vacation?" He turned to Diana with a raised eyebrow. "Didn't you mention surprising me with that new swimsuit you teased me with last night? I doubt you'd wear that exploring ancient ruins."

Diana and Rachel exchanged knowing glances before breaking into laughter. Diana moved to his side, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "Don't worry, my love. We can have both." Her voice softened as she leaned closer. "First we'll explore these ancient sites and satisfy our daughter's curiosity, then visit Themyscira for a proper introduction with my mother—you have yet to meet my side of the family. Afterward, we'll spend the remainder of our vacation enjoying peaceful days by the ocean." She lowered her voice to a whisper that only he could hear. "And yes, that swimsuit will make an appearance."

Orach's expression softened into a smile. "Very well. A family expedition it is," he conceded, unable to resist the combined enthusiasm of the two women in his life.

As they excitedly planned their journey, mapping out routes and discussing each destination, the Void Sentinel engaged its fusion drive and entered warp speed toward Earth. They remained blissfully unaware that a fateful reunion awaited them upon their return.

Sector 2813

About the time Orach's battle with the Green Lantern Corps reached its climax, another conflict ignited near Sector 2814. The forces of Apokolips—an imposing armada of twenty battleships and fifty carriers, their hulls black as the void itself—approached Earth under the direct command of Darkseid. The loss of their Mother Boxes during Steppenwolf's failed invasion had forced them to traverse the cosmos conventionally, a journey that had only intensified Darkseid's impatience.

"My lord," DeSaad reported, his voice carrying a hint of caution as he observed his master's mood, "long-range sensors have detected a distortion in space—signs of a boom tube opening."

Darkseid rose from his obsidian throne on the flagship's bridge, his granite-like features illuminated by the crimson glow of the command console. "New Genesis," he growled, his eyes narrowing to burning slits. "Highfather has finally made his move."

Soon their systems detected an energy signature as space itself seemed to tear open. A massive boom tube materialized in the void before them. Through this dimensional gateway emerged the gleaming fleet of New Genesis—vessels of sleek design with hulls that shimmered with golden energy. At their lead was Orion's command ship, its distinctive silhouette unmistakable against the backdrop of stars.

"Darkseid of Apokolips," Orion's calm yet commanding voice resonated through the communication channels. "Your forces will proceed no further. This sector now falls under New Genesis protection. Turn back now."

A cold smile crept across Darkseid's face. "Such arrogance," his deep voice reverberated with contempt. "Highfather sends his whelp instead of facing me himself. You are merely a child playing at war, Orion. You cannot hope to stand in my way."

Orion's expression grew solemn. "Do you truly wish to start another war, Mad God? Our last encounter ended with your retreat. Are you so eager to repeat that humiliation?"

"Your memory fails you, boy." Darkseid's eyes blazed crimson as he stepped forward towards the viewer. "Your victory came only through Highfather's personal intervention on the battlefield—not through any effort of yours." He turned to his weapons officer with chilling calm. "Fire."

Without hesitation, the Apokoliptian warships unleashed a devastating barrage against the New Genesis fleet, crimson energy beams cutting through the void and striking their targets. Though some of the ships were hit, the rest immediately raised their shields.

"So be it," Orion's voice hardened as the transmission continued. "You have chosen war over reason. New Genesis will answer."

The void between the armadas erupted in spectacular light show as both sides exchanged fire, creating shockwaves that rippled through subspace.

"Lord Darkseid, the enemy is fully engaged with our forces," reported Virman Vundabar, one of Darkseid's highest-ranking lieutenants. "Everything is proceeding according to plan."

"Of course it is," Darkseid's eyes narrowed as he analyzed the battlefield display. "That boy still has a lot to learn. Deploy the Parademons in attack formation Delta. Let us see how their shields fare against a more... intimate approach."

As swarms of Parademons poured from Apokolips' carriers like a plague of metallic locusts, Orion's commanding voice echoed through the New Genesis fleet: "Warriors of New Genesis, prepare to engage the enemy! Solis, you're in command! Let's show them our might and resolve. For New Genesis! For the Highfather!" Soon fighters from the New Genesis fleet under Orion's command engaged the enemy Parademons.

The space between the massive vessels transformed into a chaotic battlefield as Parademons clashed with New Genesis warriors.

As the battle intensified to a violent stalemate, Darkseid turned to DeSaad, speaking in tones too low for the bridge crew to hear. "Do it."

DeSaad's lips curved into a malevolent smile. "At once, my lord." He turned towards his subordinate and commanded,"Activate the quantum displacement array. Begin disengagement protocol."

The space around Darkseid's flagship shimmered with unnatural distortion as advanced Apokoliptian technology activated. The vessel's quantum displacement array technology began to bend light and energy around the flagship. Suddenly, where once stood a single command vessel, six identical warships materialized across different sectors of the battlefield, each emitting perfect replicas of the flagship's energy signature.

"The phantoms are stable, Lord Darkseid," DeSaad reported with a cruel smile. "All six projections are registering as solid matter on their sensors."

Darkseid's eyes narrowed in satisfaction. "Good. Proceed as planned."

Amid the chaos and distraction created by the phantom vessels, Darkseid's true flagship and a small escort fleet silently disengaged from the main battle. Their engines switched to stealth mode, emitting only the faintest energy signature that blended with the background radiation of space.

"My lord," Virman spoke quietly, "sensors have located a suitable asteroid field at coordinates 419-mark-3. It will provide adequate cover."

Darkseid nodded. "Proceed."

Under the cover of the raging conflict, the small fleet approached a dense cluster of celestial bodies. The flagship maneuvered into a massive crevice within the largest asteroid, powering down all non-essential systems. The escort vessels used their propulsion systems to gently guide the asteroid away from the battlefield, effectively creating a moving fortress that remained invisible to the New Genesis sensors.

A tactical officer soon reported as he monitored a change on the battlefield. "New Genesis forces are dividing to pursue all phantom signatures. Our deception is a success."

"Of course it is," Darkseid replied coldly. "Set the coordinates for Earth. Once we clear the battlefield perimeter, we make our final approach."

A few minutes earlier when the new signatures appeared, on the New Genesis side, an officer's alarmed voice cut through Orion's tactical commands.

"General! We're detecting multiple signatures of Darkseid's flagship across six different coordinates simultaneously!"

"Impossible... it has to be a diversion." Orion's jaw tightened as a sudden realization dawned on him. "Ships 7, 12, and 13—disengage from the front lines, investigate and locate the real vessel! Deploy Source sensors at maximum resolution! The rest, change formation to provide cover for them!"

The New Genesis fleet scrambled to adjust their formation as the three ships pulled back. The three ships, immediately began recalibrating their sensors, precious minutes ticking away while they worked to identify the genuine energy signature among the phantoms. Some Tactical officers on Orion's command vessel, frantically operated their stations, communicating in real time with the three ships and assisting in locating the real enemy. Meanwhile, Orion continued directing the rest of his fleet as his warriors battled the remaining Parademons.

By the time the New Genesis fleet investigated the scattered phantom signatures, Darkseid's smaller fleet had already slipped through their detection net and was well beyond immediate pursuit.

"General, we're detecting faint traces of propulsion residue near the asteroid field," reported a sensor specialist, "but the trail is already gone cold."

"Damn it! The target really escaped us," Orion growled, his fists clenching in frustration as he surveyed the aftermath of the skirmish. "All forces, fish these rabble and regroup! Solis, prepare to send out scouts. We need to find their trail and pursue them immediately."

Solis 's voice was soon heard on the comms. "General, why don't we simply open a boom tube directly to Earth? We could intercept them before they reach that planet."

Orion's expression darkened. "I've already tried. Something is interfering with my Mother Box whenever I attempt to set coordinates for that planet. It's as if Earth itself is being shielded from our technology."

"WHAT?" Solis exclaimed, genuine shock evident in his voice. "How is that possible? Not even Apokolips has such technology to block New Genesis boom tubes."

Orion shook his head, his eyes narrowing as he contemplated the implications. "I don't know, and that concerns me greatly. Few forces in the universe could achieve such interference." He paused, looking out at the stars. "I will communicate with my father about this development. Highfather must be informed immediately." His voice became resolute. "But for now, regroup our forces and find me their trail. If we cannot boom directly to Earth, we'll pursue them through conventional means."

As New Genesis forces struggled to disengage from the still-raging battle with Apokolips' remaining armada, Darkseid's ships now away from the battlefield, emerged from the asteroid and, together with their escorts, engaged their engines and headed to Earth at full speed. Soon arriving in Earth's system, Darkseid's cold smile reflected his anticipation of finally claiming the power he had sought for eons.

"At last," Darkseid's deep voice rumbled as the blue planet came into view. "It will finally be mine."


Five months had passed since Orach and his family departed for Oa. In their absence, Earth's heroes hadn't remained idle. The Justice League and Teen Titans intensified their training regimens, often conducting joint sessions to strengthen their coordination and combat effectiveness after the events with Orion.

In Atlantis, significant political shifts were underway. Arthur and Mera's relationship had become public, with their engagement now official. Their union, combined with Arthur's growing popularity, strengthened alliance between the Kingdom of Xebel and the Kingdom of Brine. Even the traditionally neutral Fishermen Kingdom now favored Arthur over Orm. While peace prevailed on the surface with Orm maintaining his throne, whispers of dissent stirred in the depths, unnoticed by both princes.

Central City buzzed with its own developments. Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow's relationship flourished as they savored the thrill of dating in secret, believing they had successfully kept their romance hidden. Unknown to them, both Cisco Ramon and Detective Joe West had discovered their secret just weeks into their budding relationship.

"Should we tell them we know?" Cisco had asked Joe one evening at the precinct.

Joe had chuckled, shaking his head. "Let them have their fun. They'll tell us when they're ready."

However, Barry soon found himself dividing his attention between his blossoming relationship and investigating a series of sophisticated break-ins at prominent scientific laboratories—each heist executed with surgical precision that left few clues behind.

In Gotham, Bruce Wayne had become increasingly visible in the public eye, particularly after making his relationship with Barbara Minerva official. She had integrated herself into both Wayne Manor's domestic life and Gotham's high society with natural elegance and an unmistakable aura of power that complemented Bruce's own commanding presence.

The couple had just attended another high-profile Wayne Tech gala, where Gotham's elite gathered in their finest attire. Throughout the evening, Barbara had drawn admiring glances in her emerald gown that accentuated her graceful figure, while Bruce commanded respect in his impeccably tailored suit.

"You handled the crowd masterfully tonight," Bruce remarked as they settled into the backseat of the Bentley, Alfred smoothly pulling away from the venue. His voice carried genuine admiration.

Barbara smiled, her eyes reflecting the passing city lights. "You noticed that, did you?"

"Hard not to," Bruce replied with a subtle smirk. "Especially when Veronica practically froze mid-sentence when you looked at her."

Barbara laughed softly. "I understand Miss Vreeland is your friend, but she was being rather persistent with her hands on your arm. I merely... established boundaries."

During the gala, Barbara had perfected the art of deterring potential rivals with nothing more than a carefully controlled release of her predatory aura—just enough to send a silent warning without causing a scene. Similarly, Bruce had stepped in when several overconfident businessmen had approached Barbara too aggressively, claiming her with a possessive arm around her waist or a strategically timed kiss that pleasantly surprised her and left no doubt about their relationship's strength.

As they arrived at Wayne Manor and made their way to the master bedroom, Bruce watched Barbara move with captivating grace, clearly intending to tempt him tonight. As they entered the bedroom, moonlight streaming through the tall windows caught her eyes, making them gleam with an alluring radiance.

"You know," Barbara remarked, turning to face him as she removed her earrings and placed them in their case, "After attending so many gatherings with you, I've not only gained confidence in being your partner in front of those pompous pricks, but I've discovered something quite fascinating about Gotham's social circles."

"Oh, and what might that be?" Bruce asked, loosening his tie.

Barbara's brown eyes flashed with a predatory glint. "For all their claims of civility and being above basic instincts, they respond to power hierarchies just like any ecosystem. Some women needed a gentle reminder of boundaries. I've found that sometimes all it takes is the slightest shift in posture or a particular... look." Her lips curved into a knowing smile as she approached him. "Apex predators rarely need to roar to establish dominance."

Bruce's hand caught hers, pulling her closer. "Is that what we are? Apex predators?"

"Aren't we?" she challenged, her voice dropping to a whisper. "By day in the ballrooms, by night in the shadows. Different territories, same instincts."

Bruce pulled her closer, his lips capturing hers in a passionate kiss.

Indeed, by night, Batman and Cheetah had claimed Gotham's shadows as their domain. Since Barbara moved into Wayne Manor, they had not only appeared in the light as a power couple, they had also, evolved into the city's most formidable crime-fighting partnership in the dark of night. Their complementary styles—Batman's methodical precision and strategic mind paired with Cheetah's lightning-fast ferocity—created a team that adapted to any threat.

"They work well together," Commissioner Gordon had remarked to Detective Bullock after witnessing them take down an entire smuggling operation without exchanging a single word, moving in near-perfect synchronicity.

Even the most hardened criminals in Blackgate Prison now spoke of the pair with genuine fear—the Dark Knight was formidable alone, but with the golden-furred huntress at his side, Gotham's underworld faced a threat that left even the most reckless criminals thinking twice before operating in their city.

The next day in Metropolis, Clark Kent and Lois Lane were deep into their latest investigation—an exposé on a ruthless warlord terrorizing the Middle East.

"Smallville," Lois called out, massaging her temples as she stared at her screen filled with witness statements. "Could you grab me another coffee? Pretty sure Kat just made a fresh pot."

Clark looked up from his own research, concern evident in his expression. "That would be your fifth cup today, Lois. Maybe we should take a break instead?"

"I know, I know," Lois sighed, leaning back in her chair. "But these reports... they just keep on piling the more I dig in. The brutality is staggering, Clark. With Orach gone, and Justice League not granted permission to act in that region, by the country, these warlords are getting bolder by the day. And the worst part?" She lowered her voice pulling up the photographs from their sources,"They're using cutting-edge weapons, Luthor's signature tech no less. He might be staying out of the spotlight, but his underground network is clearly still active."

"Here," Clark said softly, setting a steaming cup on Lois's desk. "But this really should be your last one for today."

"You're a lifesaver, Smallville," Lois smiled gratefully, wrapping her hands around the warm mug.

"I've forwarded what we have to Bruce," Clark continued, settling back into his chair. "His resources might help us trace these weapons back to their source."

"Having Batman on speed dial definitely has its perks," Lois chuckled, then grew serious. "Though I wish we didn't need his help so often. These warlords are getting more sophisticated..." Just as she was about to continue, Clark's Justice League communicator lit with a code black warning, making them go silent and then look into each other's eyes till Lois nodded giving Clark the signal to leave as she understood the gravity of the situation. Code black indicated that alien ships had been detected by the DOD in the Earth's system.

Without another word, Clark was gone, leaving behind only a slight breeze that ruffled the papers on his desk. Lois quickly stopped them from scattering with a paperweight before taking out her phone and sending a message to her father, General Lane at the DOD, for more information—despite knowing her old man would likely give her only the basic details.

Within seconds, Superman soared above the skyline of Metropolis, flying at great speed as many citizens cheered in recognition of their hero and defender. While Superman's popularity had declined after the Kryptonian invasion due to doubts raised in its aftermath, many citizens remained thankful to their champion.

Superman, hearing the cheers below, felt a wave of warmth spread through his chest. After months of therapy sessions as Clark Kent, joining countless others affected by the timeline correction, and spending more time with his entire family in Smallville, he had finally reconciled with his new, more nuanced worldview. For many, it wasn't as severe; they learned to move on earlier than him. Unlike others whose fragments of the alternate timeline memories faded with passing days, only a handful of people, including himself, retained these memories for a prolonged period. The black and white morality he once clung to had given way to shades of gray, allowing him to see the complexity in both the world and himself.

"Thank you," he whispered, too softly for anyone below to hear as he accelerated toward the Hall of Justice. These moments of connection with the people he protected still reminded him why he continued to fight, despite everything that had changed.

Soon, Batman's voice came through the com-link. "Superman. DOD has just started to release the details to us. We've got multiple unidentified vessels breaching Earth's system. DOD satellites are being directed to get a better visual, but from the initial assessment, it appears to be a mother ship accompanied by medium to small size vessels heading our way."

"I'm almost at the Hall of Justice," Superman replied, his expression hardening. "What about the others?"

"Code black has been confirmed received by all," Batman answered grimly. "They should be reporting soon. I'm 15 minutes out and coming in with Cheetah."

"Got it. See you there." Superman accelerated, breaking through the cloud layer as he prepared to face whatever threat approached Earth.

Hall of Justice

Within an hour of receiving the Code Black alert, all heroes converged on the Hall of Justice, including the Teen Titans from Jump City.

The champions of Earth sat with solemn expressions as DOD Generals Swanwick and Lane briefed them on the latest data and satellite imagery they had gathered.

"Those ships," Superman said, leaning forward to study the display, "they resemble Steppenwolf's vessel."

"That's Apokoliptian design," stammered Starfire, visibly shaken as the clearer images of the massive warships appeared. Her orange skin seemed to pale at the sight.

"Star," Nightwing placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. His touch startled her from her dark thoughts, steadying her. "It's okay." She met his gaze with gratitude, drawing strength from her leader and recently established partner.

"Starfire," Batman said, his piercing gaze fixed on her, "could you tell us about the enemy?" All eyes in the room turned toward the Tamaranean princess, eager for information about the approaching threat.

Though slightly uncomfortable being the center of attention, Starfire received a reassuring nod from Nightwing and stepped forward. She straightened her posture and began, "There are three pillars in this known universe that have maintained a subtle and fragile balance of power: the Guardians of the Universe from Oa commanding their Green Lantern Corps, the Highfather of New Genesis leading the New Gods, and finally..." She paused, drawing a deep breath before continuing in a grave tone, "the feared tyrant of Apokolips—Darkseid, the Mad God, commanding the legions of Apokolips."

"Mad God, huh? Interesting," Aquaman leaned forward in his chair, the light reflecting off his golden trident. "I wonder why you call him that?"

"Because he is both a New God and a tyrant," Starfire explained. "He is relentless in his pursuit to enslave all sentient life in the universe. His hunger for conquest has left countless worlds reduced to ash. Those who face Darkseid rarely survive—if they somehow overcome his Parademon hordes, they fall to his elites called the furies and generals, or worse, to Darkseid himself when he personally intervenes. Thus far, only the Highfather and New Genesis have successfully kept him at bay, while the Guardians of Oa and their Green Lantern Corps act to protect the universe when these forces clash. These three powers counterbalance each other, maintaining a fragile balance. But since the signing of a peace treaty long ago, Darkseid's forces have not acted this openly or aggressively."

"Something has clearly changed," Batman said, his voice cutting through the tense silence that followed, as he processed Starfire's information.

"The question is: what does Darkseid want from Earth?" asked General Swanwick, his expression grave after learning the identity of their enemy.

"Probably me and the other two Mother Boxes," Cyborg suggested as his mechanical eye flashed with concern.

"That's a safe bet," Flash agreed. "After all, Steppenwolf was after them as well."

"That may not be his true goal," Batman countered, his tone measured.

All eyes focused on him, waiting patiently. Batman didn't keep them waiting.

"According to Wonder Woman's historical accounts, Darkseid himself was the enemy our world faced in the long past and defeated. The three Mother Boxes in that conflict, were mainly used to open a portal that nearly allowed his armada to descend before the coalition back then stopped it. If that's the case—if the Mother Boxes are just a means to an end—then there must be something else on our world he desires."

His words and speculation caused visible unease among those present.

"What do you think he could be after?" Cyborg asked.

"I don't know," Batman replied, tapping his armrest thoughtfully. "But regardless, our priority must be defending Earth from whatever's coming."

"Batman's right," Superman nodded in agreement. "We need to focus on our defense strategy."

Beast Boy shifted nervously in his seat. "But wait—didn't it take all of you working together to defeat Steppenwolf? If really, Darkseid himself is coming, what chance do we have?"

The Justice League members exchanged glances. All except Batman smiled reassuringly at the young Titan.

"Because we're not the same people we were then," Superman answered with confidence. "Our ranks have grown in number, we've each trained to become stronger, we've gained valuable experience through past events, and we understand each other's strengths and weaknesses better than ever. If Steppenwolf challenged us today, we would defeat him more quickly and effectively than before."

Nightwing nodded. "And now the Justice League even has us, the Teen Titans—and we're not the same ragtag team of protégés anymore. We've faced our share of threats, including invasions."

"Beast Boy," Wonder Girl—now filling in for her sister, Wonder Woman—added, stepping forward with her shield gleaming under the lights, "we now have allies across the globe, including the Atlantean kingdoms and Themyscira, ready to stand with us. So hold your chin high and show your courage."

The group reassured Beast Boy while calming the nerves of others who hadn't voiced their concerns. Batman turned to the large display screen and remained silent, deep in thought. After a moment of contemplation, he finally spoke.

"We'll need every advantage we can get," he said gravely. "According to our latest intelligence, Darkseid's fleet will enter Earth's atmosphere within twenty-four hours."

General Lane cleared his throat. "The world's military forces are already on high alert. We've begun evacuating civilians from potential landing zones based on both Steppenwolf's previous attack patterns and our trajectory projections. However," he added with a frown, "the scale of such evacuation take time. Time that we don't seem to have."

Batman nodded thoughtfully before responding. "General while that is good approach, we can't spread ourselves thin trying to defend every potential target." He tapped several keys, bringing up a map with three glowing points. "Our best approach is to consolidate our forces and bring all three Mother Boxes to a single location of our choosing. While I don't know what he truly wants, I doubt he would ignore the Mother Boxes."

"Isn't that exactly what Darkseid wants?" J'onn or Martian Manhunter interjected, concern evident in his voice.

"Yes," Batman acknowledged, "but on grounds we control and have prepared. It's risky placing all the Mother Boxes together, but it gives us the tactical advantage of choosing our battlefield rather than reacting to multiple invasion points."

Cyborg stepped forward, his cybernetic eye glowing as he interfaced with the system. A detailed battle plan appeared on the displays. "I agree with Batman. A coastal location would be ideal for our defense." The plan shifted to show a layered defensive formation. "We could coordinate a multi-pronged defense—Aquaman's forces securing the waters, while the forces of Themyscira, Titans and League members with flight capabilities form our ground and aerial response. The military would continue to focus on civilian protection and evacuation, then join our defensive line once civilians are secure."

General Lane chimed in, "It's a good plan. How about Corpus Christi?"

"Seconded," General Swanwick nodded. We can also sortie our forces from the bases in Texas for support, and the gulf would allow Atlantian forces to intervene as needed."

With the location and defensive plan coming together, Superman rose from his seat, and addressed the assembled heroes and military leaders.

"I believe we have a plan for our defense," he said. "While some of our allies aren't present, the responsibility falls to us to protect our home—our world." He looked around the room, making eye contact with each person present. "This won't be easy, but together, we've overcome impossible odds before."

Superman's expression hardened with resolve. "Let's show Darkseid and his forces what happens when they threaten Earth."

Wonder Girl nodded firmly. "For Themyscira and for humanity."

"For Atlantis," Aquaman added, gripping his trident.

"For Earth," Nightwing concluded, his voice resonating with everyone present. After all, they had united to protect their world and their loved ones.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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