Jumpchain: A wish and a jump later

Chapter : The Magicians Perks

The Magicians perks:

Drop In (Free): Right off the tail of your old Jump, you find yourself in your starting

location with no new memories or identities in this world other than what you already know. If

you spend enough time alone, you'll find yourself invited to Brakebills.

Brakebills Academy: A Prestigious Academy known for teaching some of the best

mages located somewhere in New York under heavy wards. It teaches hundreds of

students how to become part of the magical elite, though not many make it completely

intact. If you're not a Brakebills student, you'll have some inane reason for being here,

which will then lead to being ushered off campus or taking the test.

Magic (Free): The knocked over toolbox that humanity stole, the power to manipulate

reality itself, which belongs to the very Gods themselves, that is the power you wield. Be careful because too much at once will consume you in a blazing inferno of blue, making you lost forever. Magic is controlled through various different ways, many of which

require intense study due to calculating many different probables that may seem inane,

but if ignored, could spell death.

Genius (Free): Of course you're a genius. How could you do magic so well otherwise?

To use magic is to study things most people can't even wrap their heads around. For the

bare minimum, a mind like yours is needed, a mind that could be considered to be great

by most Ivy League Colleges.

The Thicken Plots (-100): Sometimes you simply want to play with your prey, taunt

them a bit before you really get into the thick of things and end it. However, there is a

very annoying tendency for such prey to pull an extremely desperate act that leaves you

beaten into the ground and near death. Not with this, however, whether from just a subtle

change in their behavior, or a shift in the air around you, you can immediately tell when

the time for playing is over and act serious immediately, nipping such desperate acts in

the bud.

Truly Talented (-300): Most people who get accepted to Brakebills are at the bare

minimum talent needed, at the barest cut-off point, but not you. Magic comes to you in a

sort of ease that leaves others in jealousy. While you won't be Mayakovsky any time

soon, you're still a cut above most others in the Magical community.

Mental Gymnastics (-100): This is a world of Magicians, and thus, there does exist

mind control, memory wiping, the whole shebang. With this, however, you no longer

need to worry about these effects. Most will simply pass right off you, and only the

strongest can begin to affect you. Even if they do, given time, they will begin to fade or

malfunction, allowing you to return. This may take longer depending on the strength of

the effect being casted in relation to yours.

Level two hundred and fifty (-300): You're level two hundred and fifty. What does

that mean? It means that you have the knowledge and power of a Brakebills Graduate and maybe even more in the more obscure areas of Magic. You gain a slight journeyman's level of knowledge in future worlds, lesser than this, but greater than a novice.

All too Charming Suit (-100): This suit comes in whatever color you like and always

manages to make you look charming and well dressed no matter how formal or informal

the occasion. It can also serve to increase your intimidation factor.

Super Cool magical Tattoo (-100): This super cool tattoo represents your level of magical

knowledge or power, it can be placed anywhere you wish, and when shown to someone,

can be made to give them an exact idea of just how strong and knowledgeable you are

magically. That, and it looks really cool. (This is a magical tatoo. It kind of looks like the tattoo from Jupiter Asending in style. it apears to me, as a blue magical dragon. It acts as a vibe tatoo moving with my emotions. about the size of a quarter. The tatto is the same concept as the physical manifestation of a mark from Alterworld just the same concept that just normal people can see it if I show them. To different people, It appears difrintly but always incorporates a dragon. In some worlds, it looks like the dragon is currled around a number for others it just exudes power and intricacy.

The Show (+0): It seems as if you're in a different world from the books, a world of

pointless(?) drama, slightly stupid additions(?), and blatantly different plotlines. Yes, this is the

world of the show. At least in aperence. And most of the plot I did read the books, however.

The main quest: so you know the quest to find true magic given in the show. Or whatever ya now you have to complete that quest. Oh, and you can't just skip to the end. You will find the first clue when you enter breakbills. The magic mark you got will track your progress.

Oh, and because you opted for both perks, you have to do it before the twins do or your chain ends. If you do finish the quest, you get to take the school. It goes into a pocket dimension still attached to your wherehouse and attached to the nither lands.

Oh, and you can learn to travel now. It isn't a restricted thing. Some people are just born with it while others learn. It is like 101 in the quest. Good luck.

Partly Divine (free with mandatory the main quest drawback): Seems like you've imbibed a piece of divinity in the past. (Alterworld in the form of blood) With it, your power has become intrinsic and far more powerful. The magic of this world, that was once the gift of the Gods, is now completely your property. In fact, any magic that

was once dependent on a Deity or other figure now works regardless of their opinion on

it. The magic from this world, however, has been boosted by an amazing amount. Your

power with magic enables you to perform feats far greater than that of a normal human

magician, and allows you to even eclipse what a master mage like Mayakovsky could do

without some preparation or use of knowledge. This is merely the tip of the iceberg too.

In time, your magical power may come to equal every magician in the world at once.

A Smiling Beast (free with manditory the main quest): The Gods of this world and the many others are such…

Annoying fellows, what with their grandstanding, annoying amounts of hypocritical

talks, and general inability to do anything correctly. But why deal with any of that, when

you can just kill them? Due to this much simpler solution, you've found a slight talent for

killing beings that call themselves Gods, or at least creatures of similar levels of power.

As long as you can pierce any such defenses that they may have that would keep them

from being hurt, and you can keep them dead. After all it wouldn't quite do for them to

just… Come back, or prove it was all a sham.

Ya, your perk God slayer and having killed one already this was practically a shoehorn.

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