Kaijin Fighter: So I Have to Make Monsters, So What?
Chapter 1241: Five Points on the Map
Oh... that's why you've been weird with the names.
|Told you.|
^|Now it's my turn.|^
Who the fu—?!
__As the battles waged across the ruins____
When Kiddana entered the hidden chamber beneath the plaza fountain, every single fiber of her being told her that something ancient and evil was down there.
As such, she made sure to pull out all the stops and equip both her [Regalia] and [Astra] before walking down that ominous stairway to somewhere evil.
Incidentally, her [Regalia], which took on the form of gold and red armor with a clear gorilla motif, and [Astra], which took on the form of a large studded club, made it appear she was a sacred warrior being sent to investigate the underworld for any devious elements that attempted to use the souls of the damned for their own nefarious purposes.
^By the Phoenix's ashes...why does it smell like death down here?^ Kidanna commented as she continued her trek downwards.
Of course, it didn't really feel that way to her.
Kidanna didn't dare to use a torch or any other sources of light as she walked down deeper and deeper into the depths of the underground chamber, as she felt doing so would arouse the attention of the things that lived down here.
Instead, she relied on only the light that could be produced from her [Astra] and [Regalia], and enhanced her vision with a suitable amount of aether. After all, they were merely [Reflections] of her soul and that all that someone needed.
^Did I just heard someone?^ Kidanna asked aloud as she paused her walk and looked around for a moment. Once she confirmed that no one was nearby, she continued her trek downwards.^I swear I just heard someone talk...^
Eventually though, Kidanna reached the bottom of the stairs and found herself in a large, flat chamber with three collective points of interest to her, which will now be listed in the order she noticed.
First, the chamber floor itself.
^Well, that's suspicious...^
Illuminated by her light, Kidanna could see that carved into the ground was what she initially thought to be a mural depicting some ancient city. However, once she took a closer look, she realized it wasn't a mural at all.
^Wait a minute...^ Kidanna paused as she pulled out her map of the ruins.^This is a one-to-one copy...what the fuck?^
The next thing she noticed were the presence of four standing mirrors, each strangely tinted with color, that just so happened to be placed right at the points of interest that she and her allies were exploring this fine day.
^Alright, this can't be a coincidence,^ Kidanna concluded as she walked to the closest mirror.
The mirror she had chosen just so happened to be positioned at a location that was marked on her map as being called, the [Garden of Reflective Orchids].
Peering into the red glass mirror, Kidanna simply saw a reflection of herself that was slightly tinted red...until she wasn't.
^Why is it rippling like that...^
The longer she stared into the mirror, the more and more a strange aether seemed to build inside until the image she was staring at suddenly changed.
Gone was her red tinted reflection, replaced instead with a red tinted scene.
^Wait a minute...Alicia?!>
A scene of her adoptive little sister, in the midst of an intense battle against a horde of flowery, diseased riddled corpses and some burning bastard who appeared to be leading them.
^Where the hell are her-oh, there they are.^
Not only that though, Kidanna could make out that Alicia's friend, Bellona, was asssiting by fighting off her own respective horse and a bastard covered in ice, while Alice and Harriet appeared to recovering under a gazebo that was strangely not getting attacked.
^Well...good to know the girls can handle themselves.^
Kidanna watched for a bit as the girls continued their battle against the zombie horde, before moving on to the other mirrors.
^I wonder...^
Inspired by the sight of the red mirror, Kidanna checked the others as well.
^Oh there's my sweet little nut cake,^ Kidanna commented as soon as she walked over to the blue tinted mirror and saw that it showed a battle between Lythero and an enemy Aether Lord wielding a three-section staff.
^Master swordsman indeed,^ Kidanna chuckled as she watched Lythero run rings around his opponent before deciding to move on.
The next mirror she focused on appeared to be made of black glass and she was a bit confused as to whether or not she'd be able to see anything.
Thankfully, that turned out to not be the case.
^Well, now that's a confusing fight.^
After staring into the black glass for a couple of moments, the scene eventually shifted away from her own reflection to that of the Zhen Clan warriors fighting what appeared to be distortion version of themselves. This particular scene didn't play out for long though, as the Zhen Clan warriors eventually managed to defeat their doppelgangers.
Once this had occurred, the mirror suddenly began to change scene to show several allies of the Silver Jungle Dragon Shipping Company fighting their own distorted reflections.
^Okay, I see where this is going, and I'm sincerely rooting for the Zhen Clan here,^ Kidanna hoped while making her way to the last mirror.
^If these mirrors all show real time events in specific locations, maybe that means I can check on...wait a minute, what the hell?^
This last mirror she noticed was made of white glass and corresponded to the [Mirror Beast Nest] that she and her men personally cleared out.
Basing it off the previous three mirrors, she was expecting it to show a scene of her men still moving out their prizes from the nest after showing her reflection for a couple of monents. Instead, she was greeted by the sight of a strange ethereal version of the alpha Mirror Beast she had slain, suspended in the mirror before like some kind of macabre painting.
^Wait a minute...^ Kidanna trailed off as she directed her aether senses towards the mirror. ^That isn't just a copy...^
After scanning this mirror with her own aether, Kidanna eventually came to the conclusion that she wasn't staring at a mere image of the beast she had slain hours moments ago. Rather, she was staring at the captured soul of the slain Mirror Beast alpha.
^Okay, this place is starting to feel more and more...huh?"
When Kidanna first started staring at the mirrors, they were the only things of notice besides the map carved on to the floor beneath.
However, as Kidanna kept looking at each mirror in turn, her focus on the images playing out before her, the central part of the floor, right where the fountain was located in the map, suddenly opened up.
Moments later, and without her notice, a throne of glass had slowly and surely rose to the surface and exposed itself to the open air.
^What the fuck...^
And seated upon that glass throne, was the young man who sold her the map to this wandering ruin.
Although, he wasn't looking all together there. Even in the darkness of this underground chamber, Kidanna could see that the man looked pale and frail.
'What happened to this...'
Her empathy wanted her to go over and check on the young man to see if he was breathing.
'This little—!'
Her rage at what she was now beginning to realize was a trap, wanted to go over and smash this brat's head open.
'No, I need to...'
Her sense of justice wanted to figure out who or what was responsible for putting an innocent soul in such a fucked up situation.
^Wait a minute...why am I hearing my own thoughts being spoken aloud?^
But her instincts as a warrior, and her own ears, noticed something weird was going on.
Whipping her head around, Kidanna noticed that the three mirrors that she had once seen battle scenes playing out, were now showing her reflection.
Albeit, these reflections looked strange and modified in ways that seemed to have no rhyme nor reason that she understood.
The blue glass mirror showed Kidanna looking more vicious and bloodthirsty.
The red glass mirror showed her appearing pox-marked and covered in flowers.
Lastly, the black glass mirror made her appear mysterious and shrouded in illusions and smoke.
^This clearly isn't good...^Kidanna commented as she took on a fighting stance with her club shaped [Astra] at the ready.
Crack, crack, crack!
One by one, the three distorted reflections of Kidanna stepped out of their respective mirrors and began to approach her in a foreboding manner.
A hostile aura began to fill the chamber as the mirror clones got closer and closer to Kidanna, to the point that it was almost suffocating.
Well, suffocating to anyone other than Kidanna.
^If this is the only trap in this place, then I'm a little disappointed,^ Kidanna openly mocked. ^Time to show you why I can never be imitated!^
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continue reading tomorrow, everyone!
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