Kind Of First Timers In Love

Chapter : Introduction the Main Characters:

[ Fuyumi Haruno ]

Nickname: Yumi

Age: 25 years old

Traits: Incredibly laid back but shy to most people besides close friends and family. She's incredibly empathetic and cries over most things but somehow doesn't cry often in real-life situations. She also tends to question lots of things in her daily life out of pure wonder. 

Interests: an Otaku, loves reading comics, books and loves fashion.

Family: A younger brother who is currently 17 years old and in high school, Shota. 

Favourite food: Anything with rice and hotpot. 

Interesting fact: Yumi originally wanted to become an author but was told in college that she wasn't talented enough to write a good story and should stick to helping others to make stories instead of her own, this is why she was now working at a publishing company.

But even so, Yumi doesn't really ponder over it too much since there's nothing she can do about it and that if she does allow herself to ponder too long she'll end up getting hurt all over again. Therefore, she simply just doesn't think about it.

[ Hirono Matsumoto ]

Nickname: Hiro

Age: 28 years old

Traits: An ambivert depending on his mood. Is upfront despite his kind demeanor and because of that he is the most terrifying out of his friend group when he is mad. He's quite the gentleman and because of that he was well-known but not too famous back in high school. 

Interests: an Otaku, loves reading comics, books and loves hanging out with his childhood friends, Shun and Haruki usually to go play baseball.

Family: An older brother who is 35 years old and works in an oil and gas company. 

Favourite food: Anything with rice and noodles. 

Interesting fact: Hiro played baseball in school from first grade to high school. He first joined because he watched an anime about it as a kid, but not long into it he fell in love with the sport and became a well-known batter in the high school state-level league. But even so, becoming a batter for life wasn't something Hiro wanted, although he did once consider it, Hiro instead chose the route to becoming a software engineer where he now worked most days from the comforts of his home. 

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