Chapter 108: Soul Stuff
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"Stop moving around you're making this harder than it has to be."
"Sorry if I can't sit still while you poke and stab me with a needle!" Hermione screeched in response.
"If you would let me shave away some of your fur I wouldn't have to try so many times to find a vein," Thane muttered darkly as he tried to brush aside Hermione's hairs to see the skin underneath.
"It's the principal that matters, it's already bad enough that you somehow talked me into giving you my blood," Hermione replied turning up her nose.
Thane chose not to respond instead focusing as he slid the needle into Hermione's arm once more. Fortunately, after a second blood started to drain into the attached vial which filled up in a matter of seconds.
"See was that so hard," Thane asked sarcastically as he pulled the needle out of Hermione's arm without leaving behind so much as a mark.
"Hmph," Hermione grunted not responding, "Couldn't you have just used magic to get it on the first try?"
Thane shook his head while putting the vial of Hermione's blood into his chest, "I couldn't risk contaminating your sample with my magic."
"Will my blood actually be of any use to you?" Hermione asked skeptically trying to piece together what Thane could possibly gain from studying her current ailment.
"Yes, I need to see how deeply your transformation has affected your biology. Though perhaps I am being overly cautious," Thane admitted before shrugging, "Then again I rather not risk the off chance that I miss something vital and end up worsening your condition or god forbid make it permanent."
"What?!" Hermione asked as her body suddenly stiffened including her tail, "M-maybe I should just go to Madam Pomfrey s-she'll know what to do!"
Thane shrugged, "You could, but she'll most likely just tell you to wait the few weeks it will take for your soul core to replace the imposed echo on your horizon."
"Weeks!" Hermione exclaimed, "B-but the recipe said the transformation was only supposed to last for a few hours, a day at most!"
"Yes for impersonating another human, the souls of humans are far more complex and carried than that of an animal. The more complex, the faster your soul core will reject the echo." Thane replied helpfully, "Fortunately that same principle is what will allow me to fix your current predicament."
"R-really?" Hermione asked hopefully as Thane started pilfering through his storage chest looking for something.
"Yep, all we need to do is stimulate your soul core so it replaces your modified horizon with a new one. That will break the transformation and return you to normal." Thane explained as he pulled out several teardrop vials of dark red potion, "These should do the trick."
"Are those healing potions?" Hermione asked skeptically.
"If you mean Blood Restorative Draughts then yes," Thane replied before placing the ten or so vials next to Hermione on the table, "Take one of these every hour and you should be good by morning."
Hermione blinked at the tiny vials before looking back at Thane, "T-that's it?"
"Yes," Thane replied simply with a nod which did nothing to solve Hermione's confusion.
"How will blood potions solve an issue with my soul?" Hermione asked incredulously.
"I'm not breaking out the chalkboard again so just listen carefully," Thane prefaced before launching into an explanation, "Like I said before your soul contains everything you are, in a perfect state. It's like a blueprint, all healing magic or potions do is channel mana into that blueprint which allows your soul to repair the damage."
Hermione pursed her lips, "But in this instance, instead of healing me the potion will stimulate my soul to restore my original 'blueprint'"
"Very well done Ms. Granger, five points for Gryffindor," Thane joked which managed to make Hermione laugh before she caught herself and cleared her throat, "Yes well, thank you for helping me, Thane. I don't know what I would do if you hadn't shown up."
"Like I said you would probably be cooped up in the Infirmary leaving your two friends clueless about how they would fight the big scary basilisk," Thane replied sardonically, "Though just to be clear none of you should be concerning yourself with something of this calibure."
For a long moment, Hermione just stared at Thane as he began to pack up, "You're not being arrogant, you're genuinely concerned for our safety."
"Of course I am," Thane muttered, "Just because I carry myself with pride and speak my mind doesn't mean I'm an unfeeling sociopath."
Hermione fell silent once more and her eyes kept glancing from the floor back to Thane over and over as she clearly worked up the courage to say something, "T-thane I-I'm sorry for-"
"Malfoy isn't the heir!"
Hermione was interrupted by Ron, still transformed, who ran into the bathroom screaming his lungs off with Harry close behind him.
"W-what?" Hermoine asked so caught up in her head that she hadn't heard Ron the first time.
"Malfoy isn't the heir!" Ron repeated, fortunately at a much lower volume, "We grilled him about it and all he talked about was his father's dark artifacts."
Hermione frowned, "Are you positive he wasn't hiding anything or suspected that you weren't really Crabbe and Goyle?"
Harry shook his head, "It's a possibility but I doubt it. We're back to square one with no possible leads."
"We drank that nasty potion for nothing," Ron spat before glancing between Hermione and Thane, "So you weren't able to help her?"
"I already gave her the antidote," Thane replied as he finished backing up and dismissed his trunk, "She'll be better by tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me."
Harry and Ron stared Thane down as he walked out of the bathroom, but Hermione's gaze was less sure and she couldn't help but bite her lip as Thane disappeared.
'This is better than I could have ever hoped for,' Thane thought as he went over his notes from his observation of Hermione's partial transformation, 'But is what I'm trying to accomplish even possible.'
Currently, Thane possessed two souls one from Ithariel and another from Magala. Eventually, he would bond with the remnant of Yggdrasil and awaken the latent soul of the great spirit inside of him.
What the three mythical beings had done to create Thane a singular entity composed of three souls, should have been impossible. But then again Thane was a firm believer that with magic nothing was truly impossible. This is why he was considering the insane possibility that if anyone overheard would cause them to immediately label him a madman.
'I've felt it before however, moments of intense rage always seem to stem from my draconic soul. Then there was that time when I nearly clawed Malfoys throat out when he threatened Rose, Thane thought as he quickly made his back into the room of requirement.
'If I could somehow merge my souls, even temporarily,' Thane let the thought trail off as he thought about how he would even begin to undergo such a process. Thane hadn't been exaggerating when he told Hermione that experimenting on the soul was a serious process with potentially devastating consequences.
Thane grinned, 'But when has that ever stopped me.'