Chapter 112: High Council Pt. 1
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Thane watched as the scarred and decorated Auror shuffled forward with the help of a cane. His aura quickly moved to shield the two officers who had confronted Thane, and they sighed in relief as the pressure pushing down on them lessened.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised you know my name," Moody grunted as he stood before Thane his enchanted prosthetic eye constantly moving around in every direction no doubt scanning for threats.
"But of course, there isn't a single book about the Wizarding War that doesn't mention your name," Thane complimented before his eyes drifted to stare over Moody's shoulder at the girl hovering close behind the auror clearly showing that Moody trusted her which was something that couldn't be said about most, "I'm afraid however that I'm unfamiliar with the young woman behind you."
She had a pale heart-shaped face, though the rest of her appearance was almost as distinctive as Moody's with her bright pink bubble gum hair done up in spikes.
The gothic twenty-year-old crossed her arms and glared at Thane, "Seriously you're calling me a young woman? You're what eighteen years old?"
"Tonks," Moody snapped glancing over his shoulder and silently telling the girl to be quiet before turning back to Thane, "This is, Nymphadora Tonks my apprentice and auror in training."
Thane's eyebrow rose and he regarded Tonks with a newfound respect, "Apprentice? She must be top of her class then."
Tonks snorted still glaring at Thane, "Damn right I am."
Thane grinned driving immense joy from Tonk's crude manners and open hostility. Focusing on her hair Thane's eyes narrowed before he sniffed the air, "Is that your natural hair color and texture, Ms. Tonks?"
"What does it matter to you?" Tonk asked.
Thane smiled, "Because I can't smell any dyes or products or sense any spells. Which means there's only one possibility that your hair would be that color and shape. A possibility that makes you even more interesting and a reason why the Alabastor Moody would take you on as an apprentice."
Tonks' eyes widened a bit before she quickly schooled her expression with a scowl, "You have no idea what you're talking about."
"Don't I?" Thane asked before he looked directly into Tonk's eyes as his pupils and iris began to shift color and shape going from red squares to purple stars and everything in between all in a matter of seconds.
This time Tonks couldn't control her shock as she stared at Thane with wide eyes, "W-what how are you a-"
Thane quickly raised a finger to his lips silencing Tonks before she could say too much, "There are too many ears to discuss this right now, but I'm sure you have just as many questions as I do."
Thane reached into his chest pocket and pulled out a slim silver leaf that he offered to Tonks, "When you're ready to continue this conversation further crush this leaf and we can arrange for a date. Now if you'll excuse me I believe I'm due to appear in court."
Thane then moved to walk past Moody and Tonks who quickly stepped aside allowing him to pass by unmolested and Thane quickly retracted his aura.
Moody breathed a sigh of relief the moment Thane was out of earshot as he finally let his aura drop as well, "Jesus, what the hell are they feeding kids these days."
Tonks shot a concerned look at her mentor who she suddenly noticed was looking far worse for wear than he was a few seconds ago, "You alright Mad-Eye?"
"I'm getting to old for this shit," Moody grumbled as he reached into his jacket and took a quick swig from a silver flask.
"It couldn't have been that bad, you guys were at a standstill," Tonks responded only for Moody to shake his head while wiping his mouth, "It took everything out of me to get to that point, while I'm pretty sure he wasn't even trying."
For the second time, Tonks' eyes widened in reaction to Thane and she quickly glanced over at his fleeting back, "Just who the hell is that guy?"
"Either the next Merlin or the next Grindelwald," Moody muttered, "And for all our sakes I hope it's the former."
"You know, you'd think that a bare wooden chair would be rather uncomfortable, but I got to say it's not that bad," Thane muttered as he crossed his legs before looking around the dark and dreary courtroom.
The chair Thane sat on was propped up on a dais in the middle of the room and surrounding him in a circle were wooden pews currently occupied by the ruling members of Wizengamot. Dressed in their ceremonial plum-colored robes the wizards and witches were raised so that they could stare down at the accused with the collective weight of their gazes pressing down on their shoulders. And directly in front of the accusation chair was a grand desk behind which sat Bartemius Crouch Senior, one of the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement who openly glared at Thane with derission.
The entire room was packed with people. Normally there wouldn't be so many members but even without Wizengamot set to take place afterwards, the high-profile nature of Thane's trial would have drawn them all anyway.
"Lord Fae may I suggest that you carry yourself with the decorum and levity befitting of the circumstances you find yourself in," Crouch warned clearly having no tolerance for any of Thane's potential antics.
"Of course Judge Crouch," Thane replied as his face molded into a serious mask though the twinkle of amusement continued to sparkle in his emerald eyes.
Crouch scowled before raising his gavel and slamming it down with a bang, "By the power vested in me by the British Ministry of Magic I call this court into session! The accused is Lord Thane Fae, Head of the Most Noble and Ancient House Fae, who has been brought in on charges of practicing the foulest of all sorceries...soul magic. Lord Fae, how do you plead?"
"Not guilty," Thane quickly replied crossing his hands over his knee.
Crouch's gaze narrowed, "On what grounds?"
"Simple, the law is wrong and unjust, thus I can not be charged," Thane replied as if it was a matter of fact.
Crouch blinked genuinely surprised, "What?"
Thane sat up in his chair, "You said I am accused of practicing soul magic the foulest of all sorceries. I submit to you and the rest of the council that this statement is entirely false."
A mutter rose from the pews that quickly grew in volume before Crouch hammered his gavel, "There will be order in this place of law!"
Everyone quickly quieted down as Crouch glared at them before turning his ire back to Thane, "Lord Fae, you have just made a bold and dangerous claim, that soul magic is completely harmless."
"You're putting words in my mouth, your honor," Thane replied his gaze narrowed, "I said no such thing and I would appreciate it if you would refrain from misinterpreting any statement of mine, considering I risk spending the rest of my life Azkaban."
"Then what did you mean by your earlier statement?" Crouch growled his eyes burning with hatred that could have burnt Thane to a crisp if looks could kill.
"What I challenged is your assumption and that of the law that says soul magic is inherently evil and foul," Thane answered boldly his voice resonating in the chamber, "However the truth of the matter is that no magic is inherently bad nor good, magic has no will, it simply is. Thus the only way that the labels of good or evil can be applied is when our hands and intent enter the equation. If you are to charge me, that is the question you must definitively answer, you must prove that I have, in some way used soul magic to intentionally inflict harm upon my fellow wizards."