Legacy of Darkness: The Ninjago Rebirth

Chapter 3: never trust a snake

The episode begins with the Falcon landing gracefully on a high phone line, scattering a group of birds in a flurry of wings before it turns to face the screen.

Falcon (in a low, haunting voice): Wake up, Zane. I know where you come from.

Zane gasps awake, jolted from the vivid dream. He sits up quickly, only to smack his head against the top bunk with a loud thud.

Zane (gripping his head, muttering): Ouch...

He shakes off the discomfort and walks over to the window, peering outside.

Zane (softly to himself): The hunt starts early today.

He heads to the ship's bridge, where Master Wu and Nya are standing together, gazing out over the vast ocean.

Wu (calmly, his eyes steady as ever): A watchful eye never sleeps.

Nya (with determination in her voice): As long as Lloyd and the Serpentine roam freely, no one in Ninjago is safe.

Zane (nodding, his expression thoughtful): Where are the others?

Wu: Training on the upper deck.

Zane makes his way up to the upper deck where he sees the Falcon once again, perched on the ship's mast.

Zane (whispering, his eyes narrowing in curiosity): You were in my dream, little friend. Last time I saw you, you led me to good fortune. What reason have you returned?

The Falcon takes flight, soaring into the sky, and Zane watches it for a moment. But then, a sudden presence stirs in the shadows. Zane's gaze shifts, his eyes widening with realization.

Zane (turning sharply): Lord Garmadon?!

Garmadon (his voice dripping with malice): Only to return for the Weapons of Spinjitzu.

He draws two katanas, his eyes gleaming with ambition.

Garmadon: Soon I will have the power to recreate Ninjago in my own image.

With blinding speed, Garmadon charges at Zane, who barely has time to react. Zane pulls out his Shurikens of Ice, jumping into the air just in time to evade Garmadon's slash. He lands in a defensive crouch, his weapons raised.

Garmadon (snarling): Give me your Shurikens of Ice.

Zane (grimly, with a fierce determination): You'll have to take them from me. Ninja, go!

Zane spins into Spinjitzu, but before he can even land a blow, Garmadon grabs him mid-air and throws him effortlessly into a pile of junk. Zane's shurikens scatter across the deck.

Garmadon (smirking): So be it.

Garmadon cuts a nearby rope, causing a heavy box to crash down toward Zane. Just as the weight of the box is about to crush him, a green blur swoops in and catches the box, sending it flying off to the side.

Zane (his eyes wide in disbelief): The Green Ninja... the legend's true...

He turns to face Garmadon, but before he can react, the Green Ninja lands between them, facing Garmadon with an air of confidence.

Garmadon (roaring): You dare oppose me?

Green Ninja (without a word) suddenly punches Garmadon in the face, knocking him back. In one fluid motion, the Green Ninja flips backward, narrowly avoiding a retaliatory strike from Garmadon.

Garmadon (growling): You cannot defeat me!

Green Ninja (moving like lightning): With a swift kick, the Green Ninja knocks Garmadon to the ground before vaulting over him, landing gracefully. He then draws the Nunchucks of Lightning, holding them high.

Garmadon struggles to rise, brandishing his katanas and charging with furious intent. But before he can get close, the Green Ninja spins around, striking him with the nunchucks.

Garmadon slides across the deck, crashing over the edge of the ship. He lets out an unholy scream as he falls into the ocean below.

Zane watches in stunned silence, his heart racing. The Green Ninja stands tall, an intense fire in his eyes. But what catches Zane's attention most is the dark, flickering flame in the Green Ninja's right hand.

Zane (standing slowly, eyes narrowing): Who are you?

Zane (his voice rising with realization): Kai? Is that you?

Before he can process what's happening, the sky turns dark as purple lightning cracks across the horizon. The shadows twist and seem to come to life, as an ominous gigantic figure of physical darkness emerges from the swirling shadows. Its malevolent laughter fills the air, sending chills down Zane's spine. The figure looks strangely familiar—its presence unsettling.

Zane (eyes wide, heart pounding): Who... what is this...?

The dark figure charges up a dark purple energy, its form crackling with dark power.

At the same time, the Green Ninja also channels his energy, his hands glowing with bright green light.

They release their attacks in unison, the clash of energies erupting in a cataclysmic explosion that rattles the very ship beneath them. The sheer force of the collision sends shockwaves across the entire scene, and for a brief moment, everything goes white.

Then, in an instant, Zane wakes up, his heart racing, his breath shallow. The dream... or vision... fades into the darkness, leaving him uncertain of what's real.

Jay: Oh, sleeping in? You're gonna be late for training!

Zane (groggily rubbing his eyes): Oh, how come no one awakened me?

Kai: We didn't think you wanted us to. You looked like you were having some dream.

Zane: How do I know this isn't a dream—

Before he can finish, Cole tosses a pillow straight at Zane's face, cutting him off.

Cole (grinning): Does that feel like a dream?

Suddenly, a dark tendril emerges from Cole's shadow, slapping him across the face with surprising force. The other ninja freeze in shock, staring at Jinx, who's standing in the corner, his hands glowing with a dark purple energy, a smug smirk on his face.

Zane (dryly): No. Thank you for your help.

The others laugh as they head out to the deck.

Kai (teasing): Hehe. Little slow today, huh? What exactly did you dream about?

Zane (rubbing his temples): I saw the Falcon again.

Jay (surprised): Whoa. Zane, every time you see that bird, something big happens. First, it led you to the secret tree house.

Cole: Then it led you to the Bounty.

Wu: All right, stretches, everyone. First, the Swooping Crane.

Wu turns his back to demonstrate the stretch, and Zane quietly mutters to himself.

Zane (whispering): This time, it showed me the Green Ninja.

Cole, Jay, and Kai (in unison, eyes widening): The Green Ninja?

Jinx (raising an eyebrow, confused): Who the hell is the Green Ninja?

Wu (looking over his shoulder, a slight frown crossing his face as the others perform the stretch): That looks like the Shocked Monkey. Bad form, more focus. Good form, Jinx. Keep it up.

Jinx (nodding slightly): Thanks.

As Wu continues his lesson, the other ninja whisper among themselves, curiosity building.

Jay (whispering): You can't just drop a bomb like that, Zane. Spill the beans.

Kai (whispering, leaning in closer): Yeah, what else did you see?

Zane (whispering, eyes narrowing as he recalls the dream): He was fighting Lord Garmadon.

Kai (whispering): That's what the prophecy said. That the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord. But did you have a chance to see which one of us he was?

Jay (whispering): Yeah, did you see?

Cole (whispering, eager): Tell us everything, Zane.

Zane (whispering, his voice filled with uncertainty): I could not tell. He shared attributes that each of us possess... except Jinx.

Jinx (slightly intrigued, though not overly concerned): Can someone fill me in?

Wu (interrupting the conversation, moving to a new pose): Now, Pinching Crab.

The group reluctantly shifts positions.

Kai (whispering, his tone impatient): Well, tell us everything, Zane. There has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is the Green Ninja...

Before Zane can respond, Wu pulls on Kai's hair, causing him to yelp.

Kai (wincing, rubbing his scalp): Ow, ow, ow! Hey!

Wu (sternly): What was so important that you ignored my teachings?

Kai (grumbling): Uh, nothing.

Jay (defensively): It was nothing, Sensei.

Cole: Yeah, we don't talk while you teach.

Zane: Everyone was paying attention.

Wu (sighing): Since you all appear to be lacking focus, then you can all share in the punishment.

Kai (confused): Punishment?

Jay: Punishment?

Cole (pointing at Zane): It was all Zane's fault.

Jinx (crossing his arms, smirking): First of all, stop snitching. And second, I was paying attention, Master.

Zane (gesturing to the group): I was merely answering their questions.

Wu (nodding sagely): No free time and no video games. The rest of the day will be spent training. And tomorrow, as well.

Kai: Training? For how long?

Wu (without missing a beat): Until you can answer this simple riddle: What is the best way to defeat an enemy?

Kai (confidently): Easy, with a sword.

Jay: Your fists.

Cole: Spinjitzu.

Zane: Tornado of Creation?

Wu (shaking his head): Pace yourselves. You have a lot of training ahead of you. Make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your Spinjitzu.

With that, Wu walks off, leaving the ninja to ponder the riddle. Suddenly, Jinx gets a sudden idea and heads after Wu.

Cole (frustrated, kicking a punching bag): Ugh, what's the best way to defeat an enemy? It could be anything!

Jay (trying to rally the group): Come on, guys, we're smart. We can figure this out.

Kai (punching the bag again, then noticing Wu closing the door behind him): Yeah, but let's hear more about this dream.

Zane (with a small smile): Let me just say, the Green Ninja is awesome.

Meanwhile, in the distant jungle, the Fangpyre tribe, now controlled by Lloyd, confronts the Hypnobrai tribe.

Lloyd (in an authoritative tone): Go, General! The Hypnobrai. Now to teach them a lesson for betraying Lord Garmadon! Uh, do your thing, Fangpyre. I let you out of your hole for a reason.

Fangtom (bellowing): Attack!

He spots Skales standing as the leader of the Hypnobrai tribe and grins.

Fangtom: Skales, my old chum! I didn't think I'd be fighting you. Hmm, moved up in the world, have we?

Skales (nodding): If it isn't the Fangpyre. Of all the cold-blooded creatures to creep up on us, I'm glad it's a friend.

Lloyd (confused): Wait, I thought you were enemies, not friends?

Fangtom: We were at war. But seeing that Skales is now leading them, well, I don't see why we can't be comrades.

Skales (shrugging): If you had released the Constrictai, the Venomari, or heaven forbid the Anacondrai, then we'd have had a tussle.

Lloyd (indignant): A tussle? A tussle!? But I'm Lloyd Garmadon! Bringer of evil!

Skales (laughing): Hehe. What should we do with him?

Fangtom: I could turn him into one of us.

Skales (considering): Hmm, no. The little tyke is pretty useless.

Fangtom: What if you hypnotize him and make him think he's a pig?

Skales (chuckling): That'd be pretty funny.

They both laugh as Lloyd stealthily slips away from their view.

Fangtom (laughing heartily): Hahaha! Can you imagine?

As the laughter echoes in the jungle, Lloyd clumsily climbs onto a Serpentine Vehicle's tail, but the tail quickly flings him off, sending him tumbling through the air. He lands with a thud, groaning in frustration.

Back on the Bounty, the ninja are gathered on deck, the sound of the wind rushing past as Zane finishes recounting his dream to the group.

Zane (nodding, still in thought): ...and then, the Green Ninja had his fist on fire.

The group looks at each other, processing this final detail.

All (in unison, shocked): Whoa.

Kai (with wide eyes, stepping forward confidently): So, I'm the Green Ninja?

The others stare at Kai, who seems almost certain, as if the thought had crossed his mind before.

Zane (pausing, looking at the group): I'm not sure. It's all very unclear. The Green Ninja's abilities were like each of yours… except Jinx's.

Jay (scratching his head): So... it could be any of us?

Zane (nodding slowly): Yes. But there's something more. The last part of the dream...

He looks over at Jinx, who is standing a little apart from the group, arms crossed.

Zane: The dream ended with a huge clash of energy—green against dark purple. There was a giant, made of physical darkness, laughing maniacally. It charged up an energy, dark purple in color, while the Green Ninja countered with his own energy—green and blazing with intensity.

Kai (nervously, now doubting himself): Wait, dark purple energy? Who's that supposed to be?

Jinx (smirking, as if he's heard enough): Yeah, who's the guy in purple?

Zane (looking serious, his voice quiet): I don't know. But it felt... familiar. Like a shadow from the past.

Kai (with a quiet sigh): This is a lot to take in.

Jay (grinning, trying to lighten the mood): I think we need to get back to training, before Wu gives us another riddle.

Cole: Yeah, we've got more important things to focus on.

But Zane remains quiet, his thoughts lingering on the dark figure from his dream, wondering how it all fits together. The energy clash, the Green Ninja, and now this shadow of darkness. Something bigger is coming.

Zane (to himself, as the others talk among themselves): What does it all mean?

Wu (approaching as he notices the ninja aren't training): Since you are not training, you must have already found the answer to my riddle. What is the best way to defeat your enemy?

Kai (glancing at the others, then nervously): Uh, the best way to defeat your enemy is to... train, Sensei?

Wu (shaking his head, sternly): Feeble and incorrect. Maybe more training will help you focus. Remember what happened to your vehicles when you lost focus. A razor-sharp weapon is an extension of a razor-sharp mind.

He turns and walks back inside, leaving the ninja to groan in frustration.

Kai (scratching his head, repeating Wu's words aloud): A razor-sharp weapon... razor-sharp mind...

Then his eyes widen as something clicks in his brain. He calls out to Master Wu, rushing to catch up.

Kai (calling out): Uh, Sensei, you said four... but there are five of us.

Wu (pauses in his tracks, turning back with a knowing look): Ah, yes, that reminds me. While I was giving out the punishment, Jinx told me the right answer. And when I asked why he didn't share it with the rest of you, he said...

Jinx (smirking, arms crossed, leaning casually against a post): Because you're all brainless muscle heads, thinking everything relies on fighting. Sure, fighting makes things faster, but it's not always the right approach.

The others blink at Jinx, surprised by his bluntness.

Wu (nodding in agreement, glancing at the group): Exactly. It's not always about fighting. The best way to defeat your enemy is often through strategy, understanding, and... control of one's mind.

Kai (grinning, trying to make light of it): Yeah, yeah. So basically, you're saying Jinx is the new brainiac around here?

Jinx (smirking wider): I just know when to use my head and when to use my fists, unlike some people.

The other ninja exchange looks, a mix of embarrassment and begrudging respect for Jinx's insight.

Wu (with a small, approving nod): Jinx's answer is correct. Sometimes, the mind is the sharpest weapon. Training is important, but wisdom and thoughtfulness are the key to true mastery.

Jay (laughing nervously): Well, that was a twist. Looks like we have a new teacher in town.

Cole (grinning): Guess it's time to get smarter, huh?

Kai (with a playful roll of his eyes): Oh, I'll stick to the training, thanks. Not everyone has the mind of a genius like Jinx here.

Jay (rubbing his head, still wincing from Wu's smack): So the answer is to use your head, Sensei?

Wu (slapping Jay lightly with his staff): No, while it is important to use your head, that is not the answer to my question. And since none of you, except Jinx, have the correct answer, you will continue your training.

Wu walks away with purpose, leaving the others to groan in frustration. Jinx, however, casually walks over to Nya, leaving the ninja to mull over their lack of progress.

Jay (throwing his hands up in the air): How am I supposed to focus when we don't even know who the Green Ninja is?

Cole (sighing, looking at the others): I don't want to train all day either. Let's work together on this riddle. We can figure it out. There's got to be something we're missing.

Meanwhile, in the Sea of Sand, Lloyd is wandering alone, looking for something. He pulls out a map with a smirk on his face.

Lloyd (mocking Skales' words): "Had you released the Constrictai, the Venomari, or heaven forbid the Anacondrai, then we would've had a tussle." Pfft! (He taps the map.) I found it! The Anacondrai. The most feared and powerful Serpentine of them all. (He pauses, his eyes gleaming with a wicked grin.) And if they're afraid of the Anacondrai, then the Anacondrai is what they're gonna get. Mwahahahahaha!

Lloyd opens the Anacondrai tomb, his flashlight revealing eerie bones and a shadow. He jumps back in surprise when he sees a living Anacondrai.

Lloyd (nervously): Aah!

Anacondrai (smoothly): My sincerest apologies, young man. Oh, dear, due to my unfortunate appearance, I tend to have an unsettling effect on people. Heh. (The Anacondrai hands Lloyd his dropped flashlight.) Ah, there you go.

Lloyd (still shaken): Uh, thank you... Uh, what happened to the others?

Anacondrai (with a sly grin): Poor, unfortunate souls. All those years, locked away with nothing to eat. Must've slowly starved away until they were just scales and bones. (He eyes Lloyd with a glint of hunger.) And who may you be, my little... appetize—uh, I mean, friend?

Lloyd (proudly): Lloyd Garmadon. Son of Lord Garmadon and future dark ruler.

Anacondrai (chuckling darkly): Oh, hahahaha. How deliciously evil. If I had feet, ooh, I'd be trembling in my boots.

Lloyd (frowning): And, uh, who are you?

Anacondrai (bowing humbly): Humbly, I am Pythor P. Chumsworth. And since you freed me, I am eternally in your service.

Lloyd (skeptical): Really? You're not gonna trick me?

Pythor (grinning widely): Oh, why would I trick you? I hardly have any friends.

Lloyd (surprised, a little less guarded): Whoa. I hardly have any friends too.

Pythor (curious): You don't say.

Lloyd (with a sly smile): Hey, how would you like to be my loyal henchman? I've been betrayed by the Hypnobrai and the Fangpyres, and I'm looking to get a little revenge on some ninja too.

Pythor (noticing the Map of Dens in Lloyd's hand): Hmm, I love revenge! Oh, you know Floyd—

Lloyd (irritated): It's Lloyd.

Pythor (grinning widely): Whatever. I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

Back at the Bounty, the ninja grunt as they continue their grueling training. The weight of Wu's riddle hangs over them.

Cole (panting, glancing at the others): Anyone got a solution to Sensei's riddle?

Jay (fidgeting, looking frustrated): It can't be that hard. What's the best way to defeat an enemy?

Kai (eagerly, looking at Zane): Zane, you're smart. What is it?

Zane (pensively, shaking his head): I do not know... But I sense that Sensei is going to keep us here if we don't work together and find an answer.

Cole (grumbling): That bothers me. Because while we're here, working, the enemy is out there playing.

Lloyd (laughing evilly as he and Pythor zoom through Jamanakai Village on a bicycle, Pythor pedaling while Lloyd sits at the front): Hahaha! This is amazing, Pythor! We're causing chaos everywhere we go!

As they ride, they knock over trash cans, laughing wickedly, while a dog barks in the distance.

Angered Villager (yelling after them): Stop! Stop!

Pythor (grinning): No way!

On the outskirts of the village, Pythor rips down a sign that reads "No Grass Disturbing," and both of them laugh hysterically. Lloyd begins to play around on the grass, reveling in the destruction.

Back in the village, Pythor and Lloyd are devouring huge ice cream cones, with Pythor pushing an ice cream cart while Lloyd stands on it.

Ice Cream Salesman (outraged): Hey! You can't do that!

Lloyd (mockingly): Oh, but we just did! (They continue eating and causing havoc.)

At the pond, they throw rocks at two toy boats, sending them sinking to the bottom. The two boys who were playing with the boats begin crying loudly.

Pythor (snickering): Look at them, Lloyd. Crying like babies.

Lloyd (grinning wickedly): What a sight!

By the fountain, Lloyd and Pythor steal candy from a row of babies in strollers. Every time a baby loses its candy, it begins to wail. Lloyd and Pythor, laughing, make off with all the candy and a wheelbarrow full, heading back toward Pythor's tomb.

Lloyd (laughing triumphantly): Wow. You're the best henchman a mastermind could ever have.

Pythor (flattered, smirking): Oh, Lloyd. You're the best mastermind a henchman could ever have. (He pauses, suddenly curious.) Hmm, why is it that you have no friends?

Lloyd (with a sinister chuckle): Well, I could've had friends back at my Boarding School for Bad Boys, but I decided to run away and never let them see me again. (He laughs evilly.)

Pythor (frowning in confusion): Really? Uh, why would you run away from making friends? Everybody needs friends, even tyrants.

Lloyd (hesitating for a moment, then grinning): Well, uh, maybe I didn't run away. Maybe I... I got kicked out.

Pythor (incredulous): From the Boarding School for Bad Boys? I don't believe it. I hear that place is the breeding ground for the truly despicable. And if you ask me... ho-ho, you're a handful.

Lloyd (rolling his eyes): Well, thank you, Pythor, but they told me I wasn't bad enough. They said I lacked the amoral ambition to be one of tomorrow's masterminds.

Pythor (laughing): Well, you'll show them.

Lloyd (with a determined grin): That's right. I will show them.

Pythor (eagerly): Then why don't we?

Lloyd (confused): Why don't we what?

Pythor (grinning darkly): Let's get revenge on the very school that rejected you. And when the ninja come to the rescue, we'll have a trap laid out for them.

Lloyd (grinning as well): A double revenge?

Pythor (with a sinister laugh): A double revenge. (He pats Lloyd on the back.) Get some rest, my friend. Hijacking an ice cream truck is a lot for anyone. And if you're going to rule the world, well, ho-ho-ho, you'll need to get your sleep. (Pythor stops for a moment.) Oh, and one more thing.

Lloyd (yawning): Yes?

Pythor (smiling warmly): I'll be your friend.

Lloyd (sighing, then chuckling): Oh, Pythor. You're the best.

Lloyd settles down to sleep on the ground while Pythor sneaks over to get the Map of Dens, only for Lloyd to roll over, causing Pythor to growl in frustration.

Meanwhile, back at the Bounty, the ninja are still hard at work when they believe they've cracked Sensei Wu's riddle.

Cole (with confidence): We've got it, Sensei. We know the answer to your riddle.

Wu (eyeing them expectantly): Oh? You must have found the answer to what is the best way to defeat an enemy.

Cole (with a grin): On three, guys. Ready? One... two...

All (in unison): Teamwork!

Wu (shaking his head with a sigh): Is this what you all think?

Cole (nodding proudly): Yeah.

Jay (simultaneously): Yes!

Kai (simultaneously): Absolutely!

Jinx (with a sarcastic eye-roll): Dumasses.

Wu (disappointed): Sadly, you are all wrong.

Cole (groaning): Come on.

Kai (simultaneously): Ugh, seriously?

Jay (groaning): Aw, man.

Cole (muttering): I'm starting to think whoever figures out this riddle can be the Green Ninja for all I care.

Suddenly, the alarms blare, interrupting their frustration.

Jay (looking around): What's that?

Kai (excitedly): Who cares? It's something other than training. Break it down for me, sis.

Nya (seriously): Lloyd and a Serpentine have overtaken Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys.

Jay (nodding knowingly): That place is a cesspool for the crooked and the misbehaved.

Jinx (grinning): Sounds like my kind of place.

Cole (determined): Well, doesn't mean they don't need our help. Step on it.

Zane (pressing a button on the Bounty's controls): Ninja, go!

The Bounty flies into the sky as they head toward Darkley's Boarding School.

At Darkley's Boarding School, Lloyd and Pythor have successfully captured all the students and teachers, tying them up. They're skating down the hallway, looking pleased with their progress.

Lloyd (smirking): Hey, how are the booby traps?

Pythor (grinning): Every door, window, and hole into this place are spring-loaded. They won't be sneaking in here again.

Lloyd (laughing): Ah, good. I'm sick and tired of those ninjas sneaking their way into my evil doings.

Meanwhile, the ninja arrive at the boarding school, hovering just outside.

Zane (examining the situation): Looks quiet down there. Should we infiltrate using stealth?

Kai (glancing at Zane): We've done that before. What about using our Golden Weapons that turn into our vehicles?

Cole (shrugging): I'm still working out the kinks on that. Anyone got any other good ideas?

Jay (raising an eyebrow): Hmm. Well, I have one idea, but you guys gotta trust me.

Kai (raising a skeptical brow): Oh, I don't like the sound of this.

Inside the school, Lloyd and Pythor stand guard, nervously watching for any sign of the ninja.

Pythor (grinning): Relax, we've made the perfect trap. We're in broad daylight, so there aren't any shadows. But even if they could get in...

Lloyd (squinting and noticing something scurrying on the ground): What's that?

Pythor (quickly firing a net, only to catch a lizard): Whoops.

Lloyd (smirking): Good reflexes. I was just testing you. If I know these ninjas, they're sneaking right past us at this very moment.

The ninja now stand at the edge of the roof, ready to infiltrate.

Kai (uneasy): Jay, I don't know about this...

Jinx (grinning confidently): Don't be a pussy, Kai. You only live once.

Jay (already setting his plan into motion): Just hold on tight! (He signals Nya to drop the anchor.)

Everyone screams as the anchor drops. It crashes through the roof, making a massive hole and landing all the way down to the ground floor. The ninja cough as they finally land.

Cole (groaning and rubbing his head): Okay, let's agree to never do that again. (He lifts his Scythe at the tied-up students, making them whimper.) Stay out of school, kids. Well, well, well. Kruncha and Nuckal. Substitute teachers, eh? (He cuts their ropes free.) If we catch you hanging around Ninjago again... Or else.

The two substitute teachers run off in fear.

Kai (pointing upward): He's on the top floor. Let's get him.

Ninja (in unison): Ninja, go!

Zane and Kai Spinjitzu up the stairs, Cole and Jinx climb on the anchor chain, and Jay takes the elevator.

But as they move up, Zane and Kai get stuck in a thick, slime-like substance.

Kai (struggling): Ugh!

Zane (unable to move): I can't move.

Lloyd and Pythor laugh from above as they watch the chaos unfold.

Lloyd (laughing to himself): This is priceless.

Just then, Cole arrives on the scene, charging toward the top floor.

Jay (fighting exhaustion in the elevator): Come on, Jay. Stay awake. Stay awake...

Suddenly, a fist comes out of nowhere and punches Pythor, sending him flying 20 feet across the roof and near the edge.

Cole (grinning, standing tall): Prepare to eat dust.

Pythor (grabbing a rope and pulling it, causing dust to fill the air): Ha! You'll have to do better than that! (Cole coughs, momentarily blinded.)

Jay (arriving at the scene): Ah, that's one big snake.

Lloyd (frantically running in circles): They're coming! They're coming! They're coming!

Pythor quickly barricades the door, but Jay manages to break it down.

Jay (grinning): Shocked to see me?

Lloyd (panicking): Do something!

Pythor (snickering and grabbing the Map of Dens): What are you doing, Pythor? I thought you were my friend.

Pythor (laughing maliciously): All you wanted was to make the Serpentine your slaves. Well, sorry, my dear boy. I have other plans.

Just as Pythor tries to escape, a dark purple chain suddenly grabs him by the neck. He turns to see it coming from Jinx's hand.

Jinx (pulling on the chain): I'm not finished with you yet.

Pythor is swung overhead and slammed to the other side of the roof. Jinx repeats the move several more times, smashing Pythor into the roof with incredible force.

Just then, the Bounty sails nearby, distracting Jinx momentarily. The chain disappears as Jinx focuses on the ship.

Pythor seizes the opportunity and, using his power, turns invisible.


Lloyd (struggling to escape): Let me go! (He gulps, seeing how high up he is from the ground.)

Suddenly, the Destiny's Bounty arrives, and Master Wu steps out, his voice booming.

Wu: Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, you come here right now!

Jay (grinning as he throws Lloyd over his shoulder): I got him.

Lloyd: Whoa! Hey, let me go!

Cole (smirking): What should we do with him? Wash his mouth out with soap for a year?

Kai (crossing his arms): Ground him indefinitely?

Zane (raising an eyebrow): Have him sit in a corner for a century?

Wu (calmly): I know exactly what we must do.

Lloyd (nervously gulping): What?

Later that night, everyone is back aboard the Destiny's Bounty. Master Wu is sitting on his bed, reading a book to Lloyd, who's lying there with his eyes wide open. The rest of the ninja stand in the doorway, staring with angry glares.

Wu (in a soothing voice): "And that is why Jack the Rabbit never trusts a snake. The end."

Lloyd (sighing): Oh, if my dad had read me that book, I would never have made that mistake. I'm sorry, Uncle.

Wu (smiling warmly): Oh, you do not need to apologize. I am sure that if your father were still here, it would be the first book he'd read. Good night, nephew. Sweet dreams.

Lloyd (with a small smile): Ah, good night, Uncle.

Outside the room, the ninja are all standing together, baffled and irritated.

Kai (frustrated): I don't get it, Sensei. Why isn't the little brat getting punished?

Jay (grumbling): Yeah, we had to train all day, and he gets read a bedtime story? It's not fair.

Wu (calmly looking at them): Hmm, you're right, I nearly forgot. Why are you not still training? Did you find the answer to the riddle?

Kai (sighing, defeated): No, Sensei. We still don't know what the best way to defeat your enemy is. (The ninja slowly walk away, heads hanging low in disappointment.)

Jinx (stepping forward, smirking): It's to make them your friend, you dumbasses. I'm the master of darkness, and I know that better than you idiots.

Wu (nodding): Correct, Jinx.

The ninja all stand there, eyes wide, realizing the truth.

Ninja (simultaneously): Oh.

Jay (sighing in realization): Of course.

Kai (grumbling): Yeah, makes sense now.

The lesson finally sinks in, and the ninja leave, their heads heavy with the knowledge that defeating an enemy isn't just about fighting them, but perhaps about making them your ally.

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