Chapter 9: Tame The Mane.
Darius sat quietly for some time before he got up on his feet, he was going to make sure that he won't let anything stop him from taking down the last boss.
"I still don't understand why I am going to be facing another boss, the wolf was all okay for the last boss if you ask me," Darius muttered as he tried to get ready for the fight he was going to be having any time soon. "It's not like I want to take over the world, I only need small strength to be able to handle certain things."
"Notice that the Izan Alpha was an A-ranked boss with feats that other A-ranks lack. The boss you are going to be facing now is an S-rank and it will not be easy winning this one the way you won the Alpha." Azree gave Darius a heads-up.
"Did you just say S-rank?!" Darius exclaimed, "I barely beat the Alpha trying my best to survive and you are now setting me up with an S-rank?!"
"What makes you think I would be able to stand against an S-ranked monster?"
Darius was confused. All his injuries were healed, and he was ready to go, but hearing that he was going to face an S-rank meant that they were going to face something that could take down a vice squad captain.
"Don't worry you will be more than capable of defeating it, but if you are not able then you will die," Azree stated, trying to boost Darius' confidence.
Darius had a deadpan look on his face, he scratched his hair trying to make a clear picture of what Azree had told him.
"What a great way of boosting my morale Azree, so if I am not able to handle this beast then you will let me die here?"
"Precisely," Azree gave an immediate response.
"Not working! How am I meant to feel knowing that there is a chance for me to die if I am not careful now!" Darius was about to throw a tantrum when he felt a strong presence.
He turned instinctively, looking towards a dark hollow part of the dungeon.
"Something is coming," Darius muttered when he felt something lurking in the shadows, he was not sure what he was going to be facing but he knew that whatever it was.
It was huge and it was not going to let him beat it down like the Izan Alpha and its pack.
"Azree, what in the world is that thing?!" Darius asked knowing that he never felt the presence of such a creature in his life.
"Notice, final boss approaching once you defeat it you can leave the dungeon." Azree gave him the instructions, Darius was a bit scared when he heard what he had to say but then there was no way for him to walk out of the dungeon if he didn't take care of all the bosses making sure that there was no chance for him being stuck at the dungeon.
"Whatever that is, I don't know how I am going to be able to handle it," Darius muttered to himself, he was looking at the angle the beast's aura was coming from and all he could see was a dark room and he was sure that there was something in there waiting for him to walk in.
The beast was about to walk out, Darius saw a huge red mane revealing that the beast in the shadows was something that he knew was not a beast he was going to be playing with and he knew that there was no way he would even imagine himself winning against a creature like that.
"Boss appeared, Nubian Lion, Rank S. Danger level, City Level Threat," Azree warned, Darius already knew that the monster in front of him was one he would not even have imagined bumping into not in a long time but then.
"Azree, you better have a good explanation of how I am going to be able to survive this, or else I am going to die!" Darius was not sure what he was going to do to beat the massive monster in front of him and it was clear he would be facing it until it was defeated.
"Would you like to use the rewards from the Izan Alpha?" Azree asked, Darius was a bit shocked when he heard the system's suggestion.
"Wait what do you mean by rewards?" Darius asked Azree trying to find out what Azree meant by rewards.
"Rewards are the powerups you gain from defeating each boss, you gain power from the boss you beat," Azree explained, Darius was a bit surprised when he heard what Azree said about the rewards.
"Yes! I would love to use that." Darius said as he looked at the Nubian Lion in front of him, the beast was not ready to attack but it was looking at Darius like prey.
"Ten minutes till the upgrade has been given to you," Azree gave him the reply, Darius was shocked when he heard ten minutes.
"How in the world am I going to be able to fight that monster until the power-up is ready?" Darius asked as he looked up to see the Nubian Lion getting ready to attack him, he was not sure what he was going to do but then he was looking at an S-ranked monster and he knew that he needed to make sure that there was no way for the monster to hurt him.
"Your strength and speed have already been doubled, you have more strength than when you faced the Alpha," Azree gave Darius the information he needed to know.
The Nubian Lion let out a roar, it was menacing and almost made Darius fall to his knees when he heard it. He looked at the beast in front of him and smiled, he was sure that there was no way he would be able to handle that monster if he was going to be facing it with no powers.
"That thing is one powerful foe but then, I have to win to make sure that I will be able to give them the money for Lena's treatment!" Darius looked at the monster in front of him and he was sure that he was not going to be having it easy.
"So come on!" Darius said as he dashed towards the monster with all his speed, he was not going to let the Lion scare him.
The Nubian Lion took its position and launched for Darius, both of them locked mid-air. Darius grabbed the Lion's mane trying to pin it to the ground so it would be easy for him to land a deadly blow on it, but the Nubian Lion was not a creature he would be able to handle that way.
The Lion tried to shake Darius off but it was hard since Darius clung to its mane like a leech, The Nubian Lion let out a roar but this was not a normal roar. Its eyes were glowing red and it was then it let out yet another roar.
This roar pushed Darius back a bit, he looked at the monster in front of it and he could feel his palms getting sweaty.
"What in the world is that?" Darius was looking at the Lion and he could see the pure aura coming out of the beast's body.
"Notice, the Nubian Lion is releasing its technique called Pride's Flare. In the face of this power weaker beings are compelled to bow to the lion," Azree gave Darius the update, Darius was looking at the Lion and he knew that if he were going to beat it then he would need to make sure that nothing was going to keep him from getting out of the Dungeon.
"You will have to do more than that!" Darius said as he ran towards the beast with anger in his eyes, he would not stop until he cut down the beast in front of him. "You will have to make sure you do more than that to kill me! I am not backing down, not here!"
Darius lept into the air as he tried to land another blow on the Lion's head, the Nubian Lion dodged and immediately used its claws on Darius sending him to the wall.
Darius was looking at the beast and knew there was no way he would let it beat him like that. "Yep, like always the monster gets a hit on me." Darius staggered as he stood up looking at the Lion. "I have been a weak warrior all my life, hiding behind others. But now I can make a difference and save Lena!"
Darius looked at the Lion, he was not going to let anything hold him back. He began transferring his energy to his fist preparing to fight the Lion in an all-out brawl. He was looking at the Lion, he could feel flowing from his heart to his fists.
"Now I will make sure that nothing is lost here!" Darius was ready to attack, he was not going to let anything hold him down. "Time to dance kitty cat!"