Legacy Of The Extra

Chapter 7: His Plan(3)

A small and suffocating dark room, it was only lit by the few rays of sunlight that invaded through the windows. The walls that were once a pale shade of gray, were now marred with cracks and marks of paint peeling off.

The room was not that furnished, only a wooden table stood by one of the corners, and a thin steel-framed bed rested against the marked walls with a mattress on it covered with a dirty white sheet.

But what demanded attention was a small and scrawny figure that sat atop the bed, his dull gray eyes etched with dark circles beneath it were looking at the cracked ceiling above him. His messy black hair fell over his forehead covering it completely.

He was only wearing black shorts which left his torso exposed. His skin that clung to his ribs, was deathly pale. A red burning scar ran behind his back, a memory of pain and trauma but it had finally ended. A small smile graced his dry and cracked lips.

The boy who looked no older than 14 was named Ethan, Ethan Walker. He had suffered his whole life whether be it with academics, making friends, or maintaining relationships. His life was nothing but a hellhole.

His abusive father had left him and his mother when Ethan was at the tender age of 6. His father would beat him and his mother up but after he left, Ethan thought that he could finally live normally.

But no. Fate did not comply.

His mother, Anna Walker, also started drinking heavily and would beat him under the influence. Be it metal bats, pipes, or even pans everything had a mark on his bruised body.

"WHY WERE YOU EVEN BORN!? BECAUSE OF YOU AARON LEFT!" His mother's words still echoed in his mind as she would say those words on a regular basis while beating him. It was like a daily schedule for him.

Ethan slowly stood up from his bed and weakly headed for the door of the room. 


He opened it slowly revealing a dark and dimly lit room that was a bit larger than his with a connected kitchen and a living room. He walked to another door, the smile still carved on his face but his eyes still dull.

He had not eaten for 2 days straight, making his already malnourished body more weak.


He opened the door with another creaking sound, it was another room like his was but what made the difference was the lifeless body of a woman hanging from the ceiling—It was Ethan's mother, she had committed suicide.

Her body stood hanging for 2 days, as they had no visitor other than Ethan's grandma, who was chased away by her own daughter. No one got to know, and even the neighbors did not have any idea about what had happened to the woman living next door.

Ethan stared at the lifeless body of his once-abusive mother, her mouth lay open with her tongue falling out. Her face had gone pale with no remains of life, her body hanging loosely by the thread that ran around her neck.

Ethan chuckled, "Haha," his face showed no signs of any sadness or fear.

"Thank you..." He mumbled his voice nothing but barely a whisper.

He felt a surge of relief within him, no longer would his bones be broken, no longer would his skin be marred—he was truly and utterly free of his mother's reign.


He also felt a pang of something—something hard that hit him in the chest, his blood boiled. Ethan knew this feeling. This feeling that he had felt for his shit-stained father and the wench of a mother. It was none other than anger.

Anger that he was not the one who killed and tortured his mother the same way she did to him. Anger that he did not cripple his father for leaving him. This anger that he had always contained inside of him, wanted to burst out.

But there was nothing left to push that anger on. His father had already left, and his mother's lifeless body was right before him.

"I wished, I was the one who strangled you, Mom"






[Ethan!] A robotic voice echoed in my head, calling me with a tone etched with concern and worry.

"Ughhhh" I groaned as my whole body ached, pain rushing through my face where I was hit the hardest. The metallic tang of blood clung to my lips, my lungs ached with every breath.

'That was just a dream?'

[What dream?] Dante asked.

'Just a memory of my previous life as Ethan' I replied as I sat up. I was lying on the bed of my room. My whole body was covered with bandages which were moist with blood. I was pummeled very badly by the Duke.

I stood up from the bed, my legs trembled as they hit the cold wooden floor. My whole body screamed for rest but I made my way towards the mirror.

[What are you doing? You have to rest.] Dante called out.

'I know but I don't have time' I replied, as I looked myself in the mirror. My whole body was covered by bloodied bandages along with my face, only keeping my eye area revealed. A few strands of my wheat blonde hair were leaking out of the bandages.

I looked around the room to see if something was there. And yes, I was right. Five red-colored liquids, which were inside a glass bottle were kept on the table by the window. Those were healing potions and by the depth of the red color, I could figure out that those were potions of an advanced grade.

"At least they gave me something to recover" I mumbled as I made my way to the table. I tore open the bandage that covered my lips, took one of the bottles, opened the lid, and chugged it down. It had a bitter-sweet taste and smelled of berries.

As the red liquid entered my body, I felt a warm sensation through my body. It was slowly but surely healing my wounds, I was able to feel my nose being restructured slowly, indicating that potion was now taking effect.

'How long was I out?' I asked Dante as the pain in my body slowly decreased to a bearable level.

[1 day. It is now your second day in this world, Ethan] Dante replied.

'I see'

[What will you do now?]


My plan to break off the engagement and to get disowned was thrashed. And when I look back, I think I was an idiot for expecting that plan to work.

How did I expect that to work? I never had any say in the engagement anyway, it was arranged by my father and Duke Leopold.

So now, only one option remains—to get the fuck away from Elisabeth and Blitzfeld. I can't dream of getting stronger here, I have to go to my aunt Josephine's residence in the countryside of the Blitzfeld Dukedom. Where Micheal Von Blitzfeld the former heir of the family and my eldest brother also resides.

I looked at my battered but healing body, I knew I had to escape somehow the guards of the estate have routines of keeping watch around the estate and if I figure that routine out I can create a timing. The estate map was not required, Noah lived his whole life here, so I know every nook and corner here.

But the main issue is my current body, it was too heavy for me to even pull off the shit that I have to in order to escape the estate. So, I went to an expert—or not.

'Dante, do you have any way to lose some of the excess fat?' I asked

[Losing fat is hard and takes time, a proper diet and cardiovascular activities are required] He explained.

'Any faster way? I need to lose a few kgs before I can make my escape.'

[Well there is one way but it is going to hurt like hell] He warned.

'I don't care, I am used to that' I begged, 'So please, tell me the way'

[Use mana to target your fat cells while doing exercises.]


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