Legendary Ella

Chapter 20: 20

Int. Different village- Palace- Throne room- Night

Dan comes home

King Lion: My wonderful son, you arrived soon. Get ready to come to the party that I am throwing tonight

Dan: You have ruined the lives of many people and you are celebrating it

King Lion: Let's not do this now. Look at you, you used to love and admire me. Where did it all go to. Now all you do is taunt, rebuke and curse me. Forget it. Show me my treasures

Dan: Men, come it

Everything is delivered to the king who is amazed and touches his now riches

King: Wow! This is incredible. Hard work always pays off. First reward my soldiers. All of this won't be possible without them

Dan: What hard work? This wealth comes from innocent blood

King Lion: I will forgive you tonight since I am in a good mood. This gold has earned you my forgiveness

Dan: You should seek forgiveness from the thousands you killed. Sooner or later the sword will have your head

King Lion: Of course I know. Sooner or later we will all die. The sword is always hanging around everyone's head. That is why I have to live to the fullest when I still can and enjoy the splendors of life. So let the dead remain dead and let the living continue. Whilst you are at it get yourself a wife

Dan: I have better things to do than search for a wife

Ext. Mountain- Night

Stella, Leo, Wayne are laying down watching the stars when people start gathering

Stella: Another meeting! Doesn't this man get tired of gatherings

Leo: I have told you many times to shut it if you have nothing better to say

Stella: If you keep commenting on my every word people might think you have falled head over heels in love with me. Not that I fault you, I mean look at me

Leo: Crazy girl, what is there to like about you

Wayne: I think she is pretty

Stella: Tell him

Leo: Her looks are overshadowed by her nasty character

Wayne: Still, looks are important. Imagine being ugly and nasty. I think she is brave and intelligent, you guys made a tie in the exams

Leo: She is lucky, we don't have the opportunity to settle our marks. There is no way we are tied

Stella: In your dreams. You definitely won't have beat me.

Captain: After careful consideration we have come to a decision. Freedom can only be attained when we fight for it

Riley: We don't have a chance. Take a look at all the losers that are gathered here. I mean look at me, I am a lover and not a fighter. I am way too young and pretty to die

Craig: Of course we don't expect you lot to fight because you are not trained

Riley: Good thinking. You had me worried for a second

Stella: Come on Riley. You are not a defenseless girls. You are a master at picking locks and other things I don't want to talk about

Riley: Are you insulting me in public. Someone stop her before it smells like fart right now

Stella: Then what are you waiting for, let it smell fart right now. But it's definitely not going to be mine

Riley: How dare you?

Captain: Ladies can we cut it. We have important matters to discuss. We have identified our enemies. That king is very ruthless he will not stop at anything to have what he wants.

Dawn: How will we do this, we don't even have weapons

Craig: We will spy and steal back what is ours from them

Stella: Oh great, how easy. Go in and just get what we want

Captain: What do you think

Stella: I am no leader but a woman trying to survive. First you need a map of that village and an army

Girlie: No worries. We will all here be the army

Int. Village- Brothel- Night

Cy is having his meal when Mercy the owner of the place approaches him

Mercy: Good, my favorite client is back. It's your Lucy day today. I have new stock. You will be the first one to touch her

Cy: Is there a problem

Mercy: She is impossible to tame, many have been injured. I was hoping you can help me teach her how to behave with customers

Cy: The pleasure is all mine, once I am done with her she won't ever give you any trouble

He follows her into a small room and the enter

Mercy: She is all yours. I await the good news

She walks away. He notices a girl hurled in a corner of a room and slowy approaches her

Cy: So you are the bull that needs to be castrated

Ally: Careful, if you mess with a bull you might get hurt

Cy: Looks at me when I am talking to you

Immediately she turns with scissors in her hand and nearly pokes out his eye. There is a noise and Mercy comes running

Cy: You!

Ally: Damn it, I missed

Mercy: You stupid girl! How dare you hurt my most loyal customer. Guards! Take her to the dungeon

Ally: Let go off me. Cowards.

She is carried and locked up in a dungeon. Mercy looks at her from the outside

Mercy: You will wish that you never disobeyed girl. I will let hunger deal with you first

Ally: You will all be punished

Ext. Village - Fields - Day

People are working in the fields

Mike: Come on men, work hard because your future depends on it or else you will be eliminated

Mr Cue: How can we work at our age. The women and children cannot take it anymore

Mike: Since when are you elected the spokesperson? Do you want me to teach you how to shut up. You little boy, come here. All of you get busy

Junior: Let go . Where are you taking me

Mike: Just shut up

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