life Is Mystery

Chapter 3: Nightmare III

" Where are you going? Trying to run away again huh? First time you were luck because of our guard was down. Now you can not go anywhere. Get rid off thought of run- AHH" He screamed when snake that they did not notice suddenly fly towards him and bite into his palm.

Then he grabbed snake by his snack but snake did not let go his palm . so he took knife and cut snake by his head and toss him around into bush.

She took the opportunity of diverted attention and get up but as soon she get she feel pain in ankle as it is sprained.


She fell second time. She can feel eyes on her. She have no courage to look up and see angry faces. When one of them trying to grab her arm to drag her to place. She flinched and dodge his attack and crawling behind until tree trunk hit her.

" Where are you going again? Didn't i said to get rid off thought of running. I was intruppted by that stupid rope thing." Said man with very angry deep voice that successfully bring shivers to her body.

" You can not run with little legs of yours. No matter where you go i will find you and drag you to place to sacrifice you. HAHAHA....." he laughed like maniac

The more he laugh the more she get scared of him. She was so scared that she is crying loudly.

" Why are you looking to ground. Look at us." As he grabbed by her hair and forced to look up.

" What????????"

" Why don't you have a face?" said trembling voice

As soon she forced to look up she saw white blur on his face she can not see his face how much she try to look his clearly. She blinked multiple times but sh can not see his face except white blur.

" No, It can't. Why all of you has white blur? Don't come near me. Please."she said in begging voice.

When turn her head to see other people face as expected she could not see anyone face. All she see is white blur.

"What are you talking about ? What happened to our face ? You have a eye problem, little leg." said man as he chuckled. All the people move towards her to grab her.


Lilly wake up with scream. She felt her heart going to burst open. her body covered with sweat. She is gasping for air. She looked around and found herself in her room. She realized that she was dreaming. She found the dream very true.

After she calm down herself, she is thinking about her dream

" Who were those people? Are they were really going to kill her?What was that jungle?"the more she thought she felt her head ache.

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