Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 599: And you all call me OP? [2/2]


Isabella Taurus Smith

Soulgear: {Instigator} / Dominic Maegester

Lvl 1: {Instigator} - grants corpse manipulation by touch, maximum 5 targets.

Lvl 2: {Marionette} - increases the maximum number of {Instigator} to 12, no longer requires direct touch.

Lvl 3: {Rebellion} - massively increases the number of corpse puppets to 200 individual targets.

Lvl 4: {Uprising} - further increases the number of corpse puppets to 1,500 targets in exchange for stamina.

Lvl 5: {Without Strings} - Restores the puppet's combat sense to 30% of its original combat ability.

New {Programs}

[Bradley Crew] - imparts autonomous routines required to operate an M2 Bradley to targets. (Bella only).

[Overlord OS] - Simplified operating system that offloads processing using {Calculate} and the Minerva Network.


Jasmine Denel Smith

Soulgear: {Variance} / Jayden Ryan

Lvl 1: {Variance} - allows foresight of the top 50 most likely outcomes of an action.

Lvl 2: {Grouping} - sorts {Variance} outcomes into groups of 12, leaving 4 possibilities per branch per action.

Lvl 3: {Fractal} - Tag a target to passively trigger {Variance} prior to taking damage.

Lvl 4: {Probability} - Increases possible outcomes to 2500 futures per decision.

New {Programs}

[Guardian Angel] - creates a special defensive algorithm for {Fractal} targets. (Jas only)

[Future Sight] - simplifies 2500 to 100 outcomes in the highest order of probability. (Jas only)


Aki Miroku Smith

Soulgear: {Blood Feast} / Robert Acwellan

Lvl 1: {Blood Feast} - blood manipulation.

Lvl 2: {Sanguine Armor} - allows you to improve weapons and armor with blood. The strength of the enhancement depends on the amount of blood used.

Lvl 3: {Carnival of the Damned} - each strike with a weapon covered in {Sanguine Armor} increases the speed and power of the skill new strike, maximum combo 500.

Lvl 4: {Transfusion}. - allows healing from blood regardless of source.

Lvl 5: {Vendetta} - counterattack based on blood loss. Counter blow cannot be blocked, and is based on per attack, per attacker.

New {Programs}

[Blood Intoxication] - skin absorption of blood restores stamina. (Aki only)

[Sanguine Bladewing] - {Shelter} Odachi covered in {Sanguine Armor}.

[Karma Strike] - counterattack that leverages {Counter} and {Vendetta}


"Holy fucking shit. And you all call me OP?"

No wonder the girls were fighting like demons. My understanding of their soulgears was extremely shallow. {Day by Day} had only one active ability. And since {Cavalry}, {Honey Trap}, {Tourniquet}, and even {Umbra} were the same, I assumed that was the norm.

Sierra Richards couldn't evolve into a Phantom and remained a Wraith. Her soulgem only had one {fate} when I got it. On the other hand, the Sirens got their original Soulgears from {Phantoms}.

This meant that they had an average of four {Fates} from the soulgears. And that number could theoretically be increased to six. Suddenly, I felt like my {Day by Day} was extremely weak in comparison.
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In addition, the girls created {Programs} that made it easier for them to use their soulgears. Much like me. The {Programs} married the two {Fates} with their tactics.

Watching them in battle, I understood their choices. And I couldn't help but be impressed.

For Liv, {Adapt} gave her the ability similar to {Regen}. But unlike my {Fate}, it was powered by biological energy. Her Loli Mode {Vital} was the energy-saving form. While {Titan} was when she wanted to go all out. On the other hand, {Extremity} gave her the ability to generate extra limbs as needed.

The image of an eight-armed Liv wreaking havoc like a Japanese Asura made me shudder. How insane! Her programs, in contrast, were simply for modesty and defense.

'Still growing into a fucking titan is insane!'

Meanwhile, Lilly was truly a genius at unorthodox combat. She was already storing water to use in her fighting style. Now, my princess added Tesla coils and created the [Electrocution] {Program}.

I was sure she had many plans for both, but just her 2nd new {Program} made her extremely dangerous.

[Rail Gun] combined her {Portals} and [Electrocution] to create a fucking electric rail gun.

Its ammunition? Anything she saw fit to enlarge with {Magnitude} and {Megalomania}. She could even compress it with {Stack} or shrink it with {Compact}. It was a powerful set of cards that, when combined, created a firepower unlike any other.

'It is so like Lilly. As she had no issues fighting mobs, she created a boss killer trump card!'

Robyn's soulgear surprised me the most, though. It seems that {Fade} allowed her to tap into something called the Energy Realm. This space was where she hid from attacks, and {Slipstream} allowed her to move within it.

{Phase} was what she used earlier to fuse the Alpha to the ground. While {Shift} allowed her to draw energy from well...the Energy Realm. Now I understood why Vanish was so fast, he was literally running on energy.

As a side effect, Robyn created [Gravity Rounds] and [Kitty Punch]. Both of which took the already broken {Crush} and combined it with {Shift}. No wonder the shotgun pellets were as strong as howitzer shells!

'How the fuck could you even stop my kitten now? She transforms to literal energy, for fuck's sake!'

Jo's soulgear practical looked mundane. {Huddle} and {Communication} were the ability to hear and speak telepathically. {Share}, on the other hand, allowed {Huddle} to propagate. Only {Team Play} had real combat applications.

But my intelligent Italian in her brilliance, once again weaponized everything she got her hands on. [Brainwash] basically turned every weapon into a tool to get anything with a brain to join the cult of Vela. As if that was not enough, [Vela's Sect] created a field where everyone turned into a Vela cultist.

Jo reminded me of those cult leaders who suddenly gained a thousand members overnight. Only she did it by stabbing or shooting her followers in the face. And she can even use them as stamina packs.

Bella's new abilities while similar were tame by comparison. {Instigator} made her a puppet master. {Marionette}, {Rebellion}, and {Uprising} simply increased the number of puppets. While {Without Strings} gave the puppets some autonomy.

I already knew about the [Overlord OS], Burger and Fries already had it. The [Bradley Crew], on the other hand, was specifically to get corpses to pilot a Bradley.

'Simple, straight to the point, and efficient, my bombshell is the fucking best in this regard.'

The other shocking revelation of the night was Jasmine's soulgear, {Variance}. Unlike the usual foresight power in anime and manga, my Chocolate Wifey sees not just one future, but several at once.

No wonder she went brain dead the first time she used it. {Grouping} made the process easier by shortening the futures into branches, much like the choices in a VN game.

{Probability}, on the other hand, increased the futures to 2500. Only someone with Jasmine Denel's intelligence would think this piece of crap was useful.

{Fractal} seemed much easier to understand. If {Variance} could only be used when you performed an action, {Fractal} happened reactively.

Now I understood why she said that [Commander] helped her. Without something to separate the futures, it would probably put everyone else into a coma. Luckily, my African lover was smart as fuck, and her {Programs} made these convoluted {Fates} into useful trump cards.

With [Guardian Angel], she could see if her defensive targets would get hurt before it even happened. Meanwhile, [Future Sight] simplified the 2500 futures for Jas.

'I wouldn't touch that soulgear with a ten-foot pole. Much less use it.'

Finally, Aki's soulgear was something I knew by heart. After all, the Sirens and I had put a lot of effort into killing the Slayer. However, there were a few new details I learned only now.

First, only weapons transformed with {Sanguine Armor} could trigger {Carnival of the Damned}. Instead of holding blades, Aki created the {Program} [Sanguine Bladewing].

It created giant swords with {Shelter} and then covered them with {Sanguine Armor}. The result? Multiple giant ass swords that would trigger the effects of {Carnival of the Damned}.

[Blood drunk] allowed my Kamisan to use {Eat} and {Transfusion} in synergy. Just being splashed with blood would restore her stamina, effectively doubling the time she could fight in full power.

I haven't even seen [Karma Strike], but considering it has both {Counter} and {Vendetta}. Her target would deader than dead.

Sanguine Bladewing] probably copied Aki's skills with odachis. {Gather} would make sure of it. No wonder she had over a hundred swords swirling around like a hurricane.

'Sigh, you girls are fucking amazing as always,' I praised.

As I restored my battle harem to full power, the roar of the Alpha finally subsided. The girls and I separated and observed the Alpha buried in the soup we had just made.

Its armor was so resilient that it survived a [Rail Gun] to the face undamaged. That meant that the energy from being cooked shouldn't be able to leave its body, killing it from the inside.

"Just fucking die already!" I couldn't help but complain aloud.

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