Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 602: Heroine Chapter: So long as he believes [1/2]

Chapter POV: Jasmine Denel Smith


Believing that the battle was over, we made a huge mistake.

[Guardian Angel] triggered and showed Liv suddenly dying after her head was severed. It was too fast for me to comprehend. Something rose from the ground and attacked her.

I didn't know why, but Alpha's 2nd form was incredibly strong. Much stronger than the towering behemoth. Despite having [Guardian Angel] and {Fractal}, I was one second too slow. Liv would die at this rate. But Husband, the man I adored most in this world, moved even faster.

He charged forward and ordered Liv to be rewound. Armed, he began shooting the monster before the rest of us could act.

"[Sniper], [Penetrator]!"

Smiling Husband attacked the Alpha and its new form, but it hardly mattered. Meanwhile, the girls and I were thrown into confusion.

I quickly snapped a picture and sent it to the Sirens.

[OneWomanandOrchestra: Everyone, this Alpha's new form can kill us even with [Autoload] and {Recursion}.]



[RealWomenLikeDolls: JASMINE! What insanity are you saying? I never heard of a monster being able to cancel {Fates}!]

[MastiffKnight: BLOODY OATH! WHO CARES! {FADE}!]

[HaveYouMetMyFish: Robyn! Everyone, we will buy time! Please think of a plan!]

[SiliconeChipDiva: EXA! Pull everything from Graveyard that looks vaguely familiar to that thing! My children! I WANT THAT BASTARD DEAD!!]

[Alfonso|Sabel|Henry: Yes, Mother!]

It was absolute chaos. Contrary to the imposing appearance of the Alpha in its first form, it was now barely bigger than a human. But the terror and fear I felt made even breathing a struggle.

How could I not be in such a state?

In my mind, Liv and Husband had already died to this monster over a hundred times.

My soulgear {Variance} was a double-edged sword. In return for being able to see possibilities in the future, you were burdened by realities that did not exist.

During the battle with the Alpha's dragon form, I had to watch Liv being cut in half and decapitated thousands of times.

It was definitely a strain on my brain, {Probability} made those futures worse. It was like watching thousands of shows on the same screen. They were jumbled together into an incoherent mess. And they changed every microsecond, so the visions never ended.

I have no idea how Jayden Ryan used this {Fate}. What did he regret to give birth to it?

From Husband's story, Jayden Ryan, or Spade, only manifested one ability in combat. He could avoid attacks once you made the decision to attack.

Husband was able to kill him by feigning the intent to attack. From what I knew of Soulgear, it seems that aside from {Fractal} Jayden didn't use any other abilities. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to kill someone who could see the future.

But that was the problem with this ability. Unlike the past or present, there were too many variables.

The 50 futures of {Variances} were only good for a few seconds. For every second that passed, there were millions of futures. And out of that infinite number, you could only see 50.

How useful the futures you could see were was equally debatable. If you had many agents in an event, the future changed accordingly.

For example, if there were three people in the same area, one person's decision to speak created over three thousand futures.

From what that person said, how they said it, their tone, their body language, even their mood.All these things were included in the result.

So the 50 futures quickly became incredibly useless. At most, it would give me two seconds before the event happened.

Of course, when you had few factors like a single person flipping a coin, the futures were much more streamlined. However, considering the mental effort it took to see the future, you would be better off not looking at it at all.

{Probability} increased the time I could influence to about five seconds. But the problem remained the same. The future was not set in stone, it was like a river flowing by. And in a battle like this? It was incredibly frustrating to see a future and not be able to prevent it.

'Just seeing five seconds into the future takes everything I have.'

I was able to protect Liv because of this battle tactic. But for some reason, even though she had {Rewind}, [Autoload], and {Recursion}. I saw a future where Liv was decapitated.

Despite having {Recursion}, I doubt any of the Sirens would want to use it willingly. Not when Husband shared how much he had to suffer for it.

Husband was not hurt when his body was broken or torn apart. To the man I loved the most, a Siren's injury was the worst way to hurt him.
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This caused us, his battle harem, to change. Protecting each other became the best way to protect our husband.

But even with such contradictory thinking, Husband was truly overprotective. And it was only for those he cherished that he would willingly use {Recursion}. But to this enemy, it didn't matter in the slightest.

I was so surprised that my brain froze. Liv dying should have been literally impossible. And yet, it occurred in all possibilities. But then the futures I kept seeing abruptly changed.

Husband moved. The moment he did, the futures where Liv died all vanished. Instead of the Northerner, what I saw shifted to now show Limitless taking her place.

Not wanting to let that happen, I changed my mind setting to [Commander].

I also sent my brain into overdrive. Although I usually resented having a really high IQ, for the first time, I was grateful for it.

''Exa, support me. Use [Future Sight] and prioritize saving Husband.'

[By your command, Lady Jas.]

Then I saw a hundred similar futures, and in all of them, the Alpha sent a scythe attack to kill my {Kindred}.

25 of the futures showed the scythe reaching his midsection. The visions broke down further to show Husband's reaction. In some, he tried to block it, in others, he was caught completely unaware, but in all of them, he perished.

'Why doesn't [Autoload] or {Recursion} trigger? Shouldn't Husband be under the protection of {Recursion}? '

25 more showed the monster's limb reaching for my husband's neck. Similar to the first set of futures, Husband died in all of them, no matter how he blocked, the Alpha's scythes sliced through everything like paper.

'This monster is too absurd! Its armies are dead! Why is it still so powerful! And how could it nullify {Fates}! This makes no sense at all!'

Another 25 showed the scythe hitting his thigh as a feint, only for a second strike to be the final blow.

In this set, Husband didn't die in one hit, but he was viciously butchered in most of the futures.


Seeing the one I loved the most die again and again was slowly eating away at my sanity. Why did I have to endure such hardship? Why can't they just let me and Husband be happy? Why does the world have to make me suffer so much?

'If Husband dies, I will probably go insane...'

The last 25 futures were hardly different, they were slight variations in how Husband was killed. But from the last [Future Sight], if I did nothing, Limitless would die in the next few seconds.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!" I shouted.

I raised the M107 Barret and triggered [Future Sight] again. I felt the stamina I had just restored disappear. It seems I have to follow my sisters to keep up.

After Aki shared {Eat}'s overdraft mechanic, the girls began to think of viable ways to recover their stamina.

Luckily, the girls were all seriously practicing with our assignments. As a result, we could be considered extremely proficient with each other's {Fates}.

The problem was where to get the stamina from. Energy cannot come from nothing. So the girls all tried to get around this problem.

The answers they all came up with were ingenious, if I do say so myself.

Liv used her soulgear to conserve energy. When she transformed into Baby Liv, she used her discarded bioenergy to regenerate her stamina.

Lilly harnessed the power of the Tesla coils she had Addison build. Not following the standards of any government, her contraptions would be considered felonies. The princess used the power of electricity to its fullest. Even if it meant restoring herself by electrocution.

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