Chapter 134: Chapter 134: It’s Been More Than A Minute
"I feel better. I even believe that I can pass the Holy Cathedral's examination right now. It's a kind of feeling and confidence that can't be described with words.
Perhaps the name of a potion is really crucial. When I strictly followed the Seer principles that I derived and acted as a fortune-teller, everything became easier. Yes, I can now activate my Spirit Vision in an even more inconspicuous manner."
Dunn muttered, "The name of the potion..."
"Do you need to return and inform your family? Sunday is the second day after your duty at Chanis Gate. You're supposed to get some rest."
Taking into consideration the fact that Elizabeth was a good friend of his sister and that he had promised that the problem would be solved within a week, Klein answered, "We don't have to waste time. After we set off, just get the carriage to take a turn by Daffodil Street."
"Alright. Get Frye while I fill out the application form to get Sealed Artifact 3-0782 out." Dunn pointed at the break room diagonally opposite.
Frye was a Corpse Collector, so he didn't possess the abundant energy of a Sleepless. If he were free, he would take a nap.
Filling in the application form yourself, approving it yourself, and collecting it yourself... Captain, our management system is quite flawed... Klein lampooned silently and exited Dunn's office to knock on the diagonally opposite door.
After Klein knocked thrice, Frye opened the door. "What's the matter?"
Since he was taking a nap, his hair was messy and his shirt was untidy.
Klein answered, "There's a case that involves wraiths. The Captain wishes for your assistance."
After he dressed up, the two of them waited by the sofa in the reception hall.
Dunn walked through the partition while holding in his hand an ancient badge.
The small badge had a dark gold luster and was engraved with the symbolic signs of the Sun and lines that extended to the edge. It was the Sealed Artifact 3-0782 from the Intis Republic, originally named the "Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem."
The Intis Republic was the country that Roselle transformed from an empire into a republic before turning it back into an empire. Now, it had established itself as a stable republic and was located on the west coast of the Northern Continent. Its border with the Loen Kingdom included landmarks like Midseashires, the Hornacis mountain range, and so on.
Since the establishment of Intis as a nation, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun had repressed the Church of the God of Craftsmanship, which later became known as the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery. With it being the main religion of the country, the country could also be referred to as the Kingdom of the Sun.
"Let's set off. Frye, you'll drive. Cesare can't withstand the purification of the Sacred Emblem for too long," Dunn said.
Cesare Francis was a clerk who was in charge of purchasing and collecting supplies and was also their driver, but he was an ordinary person. He couldn't stay more than an hour within a fifteen-meter range of Sealed Artifact 3-0782. According to Klein's understanding, the journey from Zouteland Street to Lamud Town would require at least two and a half hours, and that didn't include the time to detour to Daffodil Street.
"Alright." Frye didn't object but checked if he had his personal items with him.
When the rays of the setting sun dyed the pinnacle of the town's cathedral, the Nighthawks' carriage finally arrived at Lamud Town.
The town was located at the northwest edge of Tingen, and many buildings still had the unique characteristics of the era before the Age of Steam. There were nearly zero factories, and the nearby villages engaged in commercial trading.
After they stopped the carriage, Dunn looked at a hair salon opposite them and said, "I asked one of the locals earlier. It only requires a fifteen-minute walk from here to the castle ruins on the mountain. It's said that it belonged to a feudal lord who ruled during the Fourth Epoch. However, no one knows what happened after that, and their description is merely a local myth."
"Well, let's go over now and deal with that wraith before the sky turns dark. Then, we can take turns to watch over 3-0782 and keep it away from commoners."
From the moment Dunn retrieved the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem, three hours had already passed. It was getting closer and closer to a Beyonder's limits. Soon they'll have to part ways and give each other time to recover.
"Okay." Frye replied.
"I have no problem with that." Klein touched the Slumber Charms and Requiem Charms in his pocket.
The three Nighthawks in thin black windbreakers walked through the street in the town and headed toward the mountain when they reached a fork in the road. Along the way, the road was overgrown with weeds and clustered with shrubs, but it was still spacious enough to let two carriages pass side by side.
It wasn't long until they saw a collapsed outer wall of an ancient castle. On the outer wall that was still standing, there were green plants crawling all over it while the exposed part was mottled.
When he started to get close, Klein could feel a piercing chill.
"There really is a wraith," Frye said monotonously as he looked at the ancient castle.
Dunn looked sideways to steal a glance at the newly promoted Nighthawk. "Don't worry. We have both 3-0782 and Frye; the wraith won't cause too much of a problem."
He held his custom-made revolver in one hand and the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem in the other, taking the first step towards the ancient castle that looked like a ruin.
Klein followed closely behind.
When Dunn was less than five meters away from the ancient castle, where a broken horse stable, water well, and other fixtures were reflected in Klein's eyes, a cold breeze howled in a way that could only be described as sad and shrill.
The three Nighthawks didn't stop. The warm and pure feeling gradually dispersed the chill and conquered the front of the ancient castle.
They scaled the pile of rocks, passing through the collapsed outer wall before slowly entering the castle, which had lost its main entrance and was filled with broken tiles.
The hall of the ancient castle was full of collapsed stone pillars and was covered with moss. It was spacious, but the windows were narrow and placed high on the walls. Hence, the lighting was poor.
This is a trait of buildings from the end of the Fourth Epoch and the beginning of the Fifth Epoch... Klein, as a historian, instinctively made a judgment and activated his Spirit Vision.
Just then, an illusory yet piercing roar suddenly burst out, and a thick cloud of black fog filled the air, resisting the infiltration of warmth and purity.
A tall figure that wore full-body, black armor and carried a heavy broadsword surfaced amidst the black fog. The wraith looked identical to the one Klein saw in Elizabeth's dream. Two flame-like balls of red light shone through the gap of his helmet, appearing cold, staring at the three Nighthawks.
"You have disturbed my slumber! You will have to pay with your flesh and blood!" The wraith launched himself forward, shortening the distance from Dunn, and slashed downwards with his broadsword.
Dunn retreated swiftly and lifted his hand firing his revolver. However, the silver demon-hunting bullet didn't manage to penetrate the illusory black armor.
Klein and Frye retreated to the side. One held a gun in one hand. The other transformed his eyes into a tranquil grayish-white and focused on the wraith.
The knight took another huge stride towards Dunn and swung the broadsword horizontally.
The broadsword didn't hurt Dunn, but it knocked him away, causing him to land heavily by the side of the door.
With a loud thud, 3-0782 dropped on the ground. Since it was wearing a metal boot, the wraith kicked with its right leg and sent the dangerous badge out the ancient castle's door at a distance beyond fifteen meters from it.
Klein, who hadn't managed to shoot the wraith successfully, fired another bullet. The silver demon-hunting bullet hit the wraith's helmet and produced sparks with no obvious damage.
"Right gauntlet!" Frye shouted and lifted his revolver, aiming at the wraith's right metal gauntlet.
Klein shot according to Frye's instruction, firing along with him. This time, the wraith blocked with his broadsword, took a stride charging at Klein, and collided with him directly.
As Klein flew out, he saw his chest cave in and himself spitting blood, but he didn't feel uncomfortable. He suddenly snapped out of his daze, fell on the ground, and screamed. The ancient castle, the wraith, the collapsed pillars, and the moss floor shattered eerily. Everything returned to black fog in the air, just like when the black-armored knight first appeared.
The only difference was that Dunn bowed slightly, and his gray eyes were darker.
So everything was just a dream. Captain pulled the wraith, Frye, and me into his dream at the same time. But I'm special, and I can remain rational...
Klein noticed that he was standing two meters away to Dunn's right. Just then, Dunn stood up straight and looked at the wraith that intended to slash with his sword. "It's been more than a minute."
The wraith let out a shrill cry, and its body produced black steam.
Any zombies or spirits that had yet to turn into evil spirits couldn't stay within the fifteen-meter range of the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem for more than a minute.
Holy shit, Captain, you're so cool! Klein looked at the scene from the side.
Dunn had used his dream ability not to attack the wraith on his own turf but merely to drag out the time.
In the warm and pure feeling, the black steam evaporated quickly, and the chill dispersed gradually. In no time, the knight became transparent and blended into the void.
A black gauntlet fell to the ground, its surface covered with white frost.
Klein was about to ask for the Captain's go-ahead to pick up the "drop," but when he looked over, his spirituality was disturbed.
Somewhere near the stairs that separated the hall and the dining hall, there was an illusory misery and uncleanliness summoning him.