Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Weaving Threads: Ambition, Respect, and Inevitability
High in the Seoul sky, in a penthouse where luxury is limited to minimalism, Choi Sung-jae sat on the terrace, inhaling the smoke of a menthol parliament. Thinking back, it was as if he were turning the pages of the books of his life: poverty, training with Skull, the hell of underground fighting, Hansu Sona's lessons. It was all a stepping stone that had led him to power.
The phone rang. Kim, his shadow, his sword, his faithful dog.
"Mr. Choi, reminding you of the meeting with Jagen Na in Icheon," he reported nonchalantly.
"The car is ready. We leave tomorrow at noon. - Sungjae replied, shaking off the ashes. Icheon, a city where danger lurked around every corner, and where laws ruled.
The next day, the limousine rushed to Icheon. Son Jae, dressed in a strict suit, looked at Jagen Na. He was a few years older, but he was already a legend in the underworld.
Icheon greeted them with a gloomy atmosphere. Jagen's men, scowling and armed, were waiting for them at the entrance to the city. They ushered the limousine into a huge building, a former warehouse and now Jagen's headquarters.
Jagen Na waited simply, but was furnished with an office. His appearance characterized his reputation: red-black hair, branded clothes, piercing gaze, stern build. He looked like a beast, ready to lunge at a fighter at any moment.
"Choi Sung-Jae," Jagen repeated, his voice sounding low and steady, like a growl. - "King of Seoul. Heard a lot about you. You have earned respect.
Sung-Jae turned in a sign of greeting. He knew Jagen wasn't the type to lead with idle words.
"Pleased to meet you, Jagen Na," Sung-Jae replied. - "I'm sure we can find common ground."
"Perhaps," Jagen replied, eyeing Sung-Jae appraisingly. He had heard of his strength, his cunning, and his ambition.
"This guy is a beast in the hide," Jagen said, looking at Sung-Jae. "There is no fear in his eyes, only cold calculation. He knows his worth, and he's willing to go to any lengths to get what he wants. His calmness is frightening."
Jagen invited Sungjae to sit down. There were already drinks and appetizers on the table.
Conversation exchanged pleasantries but quickly turned to business. Sung-Jae laid out his plans. Control of the stolen car market. Drug trafficking. Prostitution. He offered Jagen a share of the profits in exchange for his influence and protection in Icheon.
"That's interesting," Jagen said, sipping his whiskey. - "But why would I want that? I control Icheon as it is."
"You control Icheon," Sung-Jae replied. - "And I control Seoul. Together, we can control the whole province. And then the whole country."
Jagen thought for a moment. Sung-Jae spoke logically. He wasn't just offering him money, but an opportunity to expand his power.
"Are you offering me an alliance?" - Jagen asked.
"Yes," replied Sung-Jae. - "An alliance that will make us invincible."
Jagen was silent for a long time. He pondered, weighing the pros and cons. He knew that an alliance with Sung-Jae was a risky move. But he realized that if he refused, Sun Jae would come after him sooner or later.
"I agree," Jagen said, holding out his hand to Sun Jae. - "We'll cooperate."
Sung-Jae shook his hand.
"That's a wise decision," he said.
After the address, Sun Jae traveled back to Seoul. He was pleased with the outcome of the meeting. He had made an alliance with an influential person, and his position was now even stronger.
On the way out of Icheon, a group of men blocked their road. Kim you grabbed a gun.
"Ambush!" - He shouted.
From the shadows, Kwon Daegyun announced. His face blazed with anger.
"Choi Sung-Jae!" - he yelled. - "I've come for revenge!"
"Kwon Daegyun," Sungjae said calmly as he stepped out of the car. - "I expected this."
"I'll show you what it means to connect with me!" - shouted Kwon Daegyun, rushing forward to attack.
Sun Jae easily dodged his punch. Kwon Daegyun was strong, but too costly.
He played around, fending off his blow.
"You're weak," Sung-Jae said. - "You rely too much on brute strength. You need to learn to think, not just wave your dice."
Kwon Daegyun bellowed. He pounced on Sung Jae like an enraged bull, but all of his punches flew past him.
Sung Jae punched Kwon Daegyun several times, sending him into a knockout. The latter fell to the ground.
"What kind of monster is that? He's unbelievable. Such power reeked from him. It's like he doesn't even exert himself,'' Kwon Daegyun thought to himself.
Sung Jae looked at the defeated Exodus.
"You have potential," he said. - "But you have a lot to learn. If you want to become significant, come to me. I will teach you everything I know."
Meaningfully, Son Jae got into his car and drove away.
Kwon Daegyun lay on the ground looking at the departing car. A fire burned in his eyes. He was humiliated, but also intrigued. He was indistinguishable since Sung-Jae could be so significant.
"I'll become stronger," Kwon Daegyun thought. "I'll prove to him that I'm worthy of his independence. Soon... as soon as possible, all my strength will show itself!"
Jagen Na, watching from the roof of the warehouse, grinned. "I wonder what this guy is up to?"