Chapter 3: Little Boots
Vetera Castrum, a major Roman military camp near Rhine river..
Gaius Germanicus from birth.
Became Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus later on, the two added names came from his father's adoption. And in the future, another name will be added when he rises from the throne. But that story is for another day..
'Caligula' to his family and to those who know him. It means 'little boots'.
A nickname that stuck.
His mother, Agrippina, was a determined and devoted person. Willing to sacrifice and endure a long and arduous journey to Germania just to reunite with her husband and support him in his military endeavors. She's a very proud woman and a proud wife.
Being the wife of Germanicus Julius Caesar and stepgranddaughter of the former emperor made her so. She has an impressive family background.
So when Caligula's birthday arrived, his mother, even though she had just given birth to his younger sister just many months ago, she gets up and left their domus and took him with her. A request from Germanicus himself before he left for his campaign while she's pregnant with Julia, the youngest.
Once they've arrived at Vetera castrum, it's already autumn.
He remembered that it was chilly. And he is wearing a miniature soldier's outfit devised by his mother to please the troops. To boost the morale in the castrum, and create a sense of camaraderie.
His father, Germanicus, in a jovial mood, drunkenly boasted that Caligula was just like him at that age. And then he asked Agrippina to have Caligula sing in the camp fire.
Agrippina urged him on. And the young boy, who is already showing a promising future because of being bright, despite his age, stands in front of the camp fire. Scanned the faces of the soldiers, like he was already old, took a deep breath and started to sing..
"As long as you're alive....
dont be sad at all..
life is short
time asks for its due..."
The voice that they heard was so angelic. A voice of a child singing Seikilos Epitaph. The soldiers erupted into applause, cheering and whistling. They then dubbed him "Caligula" – or little boots – in admiration of his performance while wearing miniature military boots, just like his father's.
The nickname stuck, symbolizing the soldiers' drunken affection for the young Caligula and their recognition of his resemblance to his illustrious father, Germanicus.
After a month, Agrippina, his mother, left him in the camp and went home. As his spouse is already preparing for his raid on the Weser river.
The young Caligula is left alone, save only with one or two soldiers babysitting him.
His own little misadventures in the camp only earned him more affection from the soldiers.
And he saw how his father was perceived by the people. Widely popular for having a virtuous character, with a dashing physique and his talent in military strategic. A perfect Roman.
Caligula is happy and proud. In his young heart, he wanted to grow up just like his father.
His blond hair is almost gold, and his little boots can be seen around the whole castrum in the day, while at night he is with his father telling him stories after stories of his battle. And teaching the young Caligula about the military. He absorbed it all, eager to please and eager to learn.
In that way, his father is hoping to instill in him discipline, courage and leadership skills and, at the same time, spend time with his young son.
As his raid got nearer, the time Germanicus spent with Caligula had lessened. And before he left the castrum, he told Caligula to practice with a sword. And when he returns, he'll ask Caligula to show it to him.
It's been twenty-one days since then.
Caligula has started to get bored, his enthusiasm for the sword has started to wane, but he still dutifully swings the wooden sword every day, eager to impress his father upon his return. Albeit sometimes he is using it to conduct imaginary battles with the camp's chicken.
A horn blared, making Caligula jump at his feet after the chickens flee.
"They've returned!"
"Viva Roma!"
*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*
Caligula with his little boots, sprang into action, 'Father has returned!'
In his little head, he can imagine his father's joyful and thunderous laugh, pleased with him when he sees him.
He joined in on the noisy crowd. A mixture of sweat and smoke assaulted Caligula's nose once he got to the entrance of the camp.
It was a very long procession. But the young Caligula, very excited to see his father, waited patiently. He weaves himself in the crowd, being small is such an advantage! He then positioned himself in front of the crowd, watching the long line of people coming into the castrum.
But his excitement started to fade when he saw the wounded soldiers - some were limping, some lost their eyes, their limbs. Then a group of heavy wooden carts comes in, with a big white cloth covering whatever it is, with colors of red, redder than tomato when squashed and mud. Some people have started to cry and Caligula doesn't even know why.
As a wooden cart passed him by, the wheel got stuck in a protruding stone. Halting the cart. Some soldiers then help the cart to move, as it is hindering the other carts' movement. With a strong push, suddenly, an arm got thrown out on the ground from the cart, scaring Caligula. It's a severed arm, with a lots of blood in it. He wailed, thinking that it's his father's.
Suddenly, he felt himself fly off the ground. He struggled, but the grip was too strong. He cant see with his eyes, as it's full of tears. Then he heard a lonely voice that said, "filius meus iuvenis..." It was his father.
Then he cried harder.
Rhine river - one of the major rivers in Europe
Caligula - little boots
domus - family residence
castrum - military camp
Seikilos Epitaph - ancient greek song, also known by romans
filius meus iuvenis - my young son