Love.In The Shadows




It took me almost a while to find where Aiden was. Daymon didn't even tell me where to find him. Eventually I wandered to the gardens and met him there waiting… probably.


"Hi," I said and he turned. How could someone look so hot and cruel at the same time? The afternoon breeze blew his dark hair, making him look more… handsome.


"So here's what I wanted to tell you before we meet my parents," he started, going straight to the point and I shot him a glare.


"Can't you reply with 'Hello'?" I retorted and his eyes darkened. I watched the light go out of them replaced by cold dangerous anger.


"Watch how you talk to me," he sneered. But I didn't care. I wasn't scared of anyone or anything, not even the icy chills of his voice.


"And you don't treat me like a piece of shit too," I replied sharply. Aiden growled, he grabbed me and shoved me to a barn wall.


"You don't understand. You have to get this or I'll lose all I have worked for to my brother," he seethed and I shrugged nonchalantly.


"I really don't care," I said and he stared at me. Then his eyes wandered to my lips. Suddenly, I was aware of how pressed he was against me. I could feel every inch of him and I meant every inch. I caught him staring at my lips again and mine parted instinctively but he pushed himself away.


"You have to understand. You are impersonating my old girlfriend, you two look so much alike so I want you to pretend like her as long as you can." He said and I shook my head, trying hard not to laugh.


"So I have to drop my life and play pretend just to please you and your parents?" I asked and he nodded.


"Yes," he answered. I shook my head and gave him my most business-like stare. 


"What is it in for me?" I asked.


"A million every month and just whatever you want," he said and my lips curved into a smile.


"I am in, just tell me what to do."


When we got back to the house and settled down at the dining room I had already showered and dressed up. Aiden had sort of given me lessons 101 on how to be like his girlfriend and it wasn't hard. Funny enough the way he described her just seemed familiar, like I had met someone like that and had a vague knowledge on how to act like her.


Aiden's dad's beady eyes watched me carefully like he was calculating something. It felt uncomfortable with him watching me but I steeled my nerves and gave them both a smile. 


"Welcome Hera" he said and I paused. Hera? I once caught my father mention the name to someone and he had told me that it was the name he wanted to give to his next child just like how he named me Artemis.


I flashed a smiled at him and leaned over and kissed his cheek just like Aiden had instructed.


"It's an honor Don Carlo. Aiden here has made me very happy beyond words I can't wait to be part of this family." I said and Don Carlo smiled. Aiden's mother was grinning proudly and it felt overwhelming. It has to take all willpower not to run outside.


"Let's dig in dears or the food would run cold" Aiden's mother said and I stared at Aiden, who gave me a fake smile in return. The rest of the dinner seemed awkward to me. Don Carlo asked me questions which Aiden had prepared me for so it was sort of easy to answer.


Don Carlo scraped his chair back and folded his arms and glared at Aiden.


"So when are you gonna get married?" He asked and Aiden's green eyes widened. He turned to me. I smiled like a robot and kicked his foot under the table.


"Soon father. We want to, honestly. We just don't think now is the time" he said and Don Carlo raised a brow.


"What are you waiting for, Amigo? I know you two must have had countless sex and I want grandchildren in my lap before I die. Don't give me bullshit Aiden," He said and I blushed.


Countless Sex? That's not me sir


Aiden's green eyes had gotten colder and I wondered why he hated the idea of being married so much.


"With time father," he stood and kicked his chair back. "Umm Hera and I have something to talk about," he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Don Carlo grinnned.


"Talk about giving me grandkids. Go easy on her boy" he said and burst into laughter at his own joke. Aiden scowled and dragged me away. I struggled to keep up with his long strides with him pulling me along.


"Hey!" I protested. "You're hurting me " I cried but he didn't stop walking.


"Aiden!" I yelled and he stopped. His eyes were like thunder.


"Calm down. It's just a joke, no need to act like a spoilt girl," I said. Aiden sneered and slammed me into a wall.


"Don't call me that," he growled and my eyes widened. He looked menancing and as if he wanted so bad to kill me.


"Fine fine. I am sorry," he said and the hands pressed against my waist loosened. He turned away and fished into his pocket, probably for his cigar.


He brought it out and sighed when he couldn't find a cigar in his pocket. I handed him the tiger designed lighter I stole from his room earlier and he stared at him. I shrugged.


"What? It looked nice" I insisted and he shook his head and lit the cigar.


"Thief," he said and I smiled.


"Jerk!" I shot back. He lifted his head and smiled—-like a wolf.


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