Lust in Ecstasy: Love, Lies and Revenge

Chapter 23: Escaping a Trap.

"Behold!! The Return of Joyce, Faith and Abigail".I said in my mind as I walked up to the gate. I had mixed feelings, I didn't know how Faith would react to seeing me. More importantly I didn't know how I was going to react.

I opened the gate and as the car passed me by, I saw Abigail sitting in the front seat next to Joyce, and the backseat glasses were tinted, so I assumed Faith was sitting in the backseat.

I looked away so she wouldn't assume anything. However, after closing the gate, I walked towards the car to greet my uncle's cheating wife (real intentions was for faith to hear my voice) I walked towards the car, I kept on waiting for the moment the back door would open. But the moment never came. Abigail got out, Joyce opened her own door, closed it and greeted me with the most innocent smile ever.

"Send her a text". My mind said as I reached for my phone. Still standing beside the car, I sent her a "HI"(Ahahaha! I was so immature).

I didn't get any response but it showed that she read it, I waited for 10mins while I scrolled through Esther's pictures on her profile and I was just like "Damn, this hot girl really popped my cherry,".

I tried sitting on the hood of the car, but I instantly regretted that decision because it was still very hot. So I decided to go back inside.

She finally replied with a "Hi" too. Even though it wasn't what I expected, I loved it.

But I also wanted to delay for 10mins before I responded.

"Are you mad? say something special to her man"

My mind said. I wondered what I was going to say that would bring the incidence of yesterday into the conversation. I couldn't figure out anything. So I decided to ask why she didn't come back home.

Sent her the text but she didn't respond even though she read it and she posted a tweet right after that.

I checked and saw that she replied to a tweet from a follower.


RT@Stacy: They're just a bunch of kids fighting over my ass. Nothing to worry about my love. - 1 minute ago

 @Faith: Who were the guys ruining your holiday hun? - 2 hours ago

I stood still, staring at my phone, reading it over and over again. My fingers trembled as I rubbed my temple.

"So that's what I was to you... A kid," I whispered.

My chest tightened, like someone was pulling the strings of my heart.

I was angry and sad, a lot sadder that I was angry as my mind kept telling me she was right.

"You did behave like a kid though, didn't you?"

I took a few deep breaths and put my phone back in my pocket, decided not to visit Twitter anymore, not to talk of checking Faith's profile. Putting on a fake smiley face, I walked back into the house.


About 8pm in the evening, I was sitting on the couch, watching Supersport. Trying not to think of the girl I thought I was inlove with, trying not to think that a handsome boy like me

would be used by a girl to get back at her ex.

"I can't believe I actually cried for this girl" I thought.

I was lost in thoughts when Abigail came into the sitting room, took the TV remote and changed the it to Netflix without even saying anything.

A frown appeared on my face as I slowly turned my head towards her direction.

Abigail, who is the last born in the family, she recently got admitted into college. She was tallest of the sisters. She was light skinned and had pretty brown eyes. She was kind of brilliant and even though we were agemates, she carried herself like a 23 year old. We never really spoke to each, just light conversations.

I didn't say anything, I just stared at her, she was wearing a Spaghetti top and it felt like I just realized she also had the body of a 23 year old. She was quite tempting, my eyes started tracing her boobs.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Behave yourself, You've popped your cherry now, and you ain't gonna let us rest anymore?". I could hear my body speak in unison.

I looked away, my phone buzzed with a notification and I brought it out of my pocket, I saw a text from a strange number but before I could open it, Joyce came to the sitting room, asking me where Esther was and I told her she left the house a while ago.

Then something very unusual happened, Joyce sent Abigail on an errand, to a family friend's place about 10 minutes away from the house. I was shocked, Abigail looked confused and even the TV seemed to be shocked as it rebooted itself.

As if that wasn't enough, with a straight face Joyce said "Ladi, see me in my room. I have a job for you" and then she gave Abigail a bag to deliver to her friend. She then turned around, left the sitting room and returned upstairs to her room.

Errands like that were usually run by me, especially at that time of the day. Abigail reluctantly walked out the door and I just sat there for a moment still shocked about what just happened. And more importantly what was about to happen.

"I have to be careful," I thought. "Because so many things could happen in that room. She might even set me up, try to prevent me from telling my uncle what happened,". My thoughts roamed many possibilities.

The situation made me feel a little sick, I had been deliberately avoiding her because I didn't really know what to say to her after I caught her in the act.

"Oh fuck it... she's only human... And besides she's the one with her back against the wall right now." I said to myself as I got out of the chair. I walked up the stairs, slowly placing one leg in front of the other. I got to the hallway, walked all the way to her room, my pulse was racing as I took deep breaths trying to calm myself before knocking on her door. Yeah I knocked. I had to.

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