Chapter 121: Chapter 120 Stress
A bright clash occurred, white and black slashed together with other colors combining it in between. She fell back, holding her head, hearing the voices yell at each other,
"Why do you still stand against me!"
"Because look at what you have done!"
She tried to stand up but fell with another clash. It made a powerful wave hitting her. She let out a pained yell, causing their attention to her. The man stopped dropping his sword, asking,
"That was you,"
The woman stared at her stunned and said,
"It is how could that be,"
She fell her head, hitting the ground below her, the muffled voice around her as one of them stood out to her,
"Avalon, it's time to awaken!"
Avalon shot out of her bed covered in sweat. She stared at her hands. They had a glow to them with the crystal that she made growing from them. Avalon hears soft breathing from beside her and turned her head to them, its Damien still injured but has been patched up, gauzes over his arms to his torsos, he has his gun next to him with his arms crossed over his chest, then another shallow breath came from beside her bed, Avalon lean over ignoring the pain in her chest looking at the person at her side, Luke laid on the floor holding his pillow close to his chest, he looked tired even when he's sleeping,
"Why do i get into this predicament over again,"
Avalon didn't recognize she said that out loud, peering over the bed at Luke, he turned onto his back still asleep, Avalon hissed in pain holding to her chest and leaning back on the bed staring at the ceiling the pain in her chest spreading to her shoulders, her body felt like jelly falling back on the bed,
"I don't know why you get yourself into dangerous situations. I just think you attract it,"
Avalon moved her head to him, Damien looked at her relieved. She's alive. That's all that matters to him now. Avalon tried to move closer to him, but Damien stopped her,
"Don't move. You still have to heal by what Sandel told us,"
"She talked with you,"
"Not just me, but yeah,"
His gaze held softened to it, staring at her. He saw her over the body of his older brother glowing faintly sobbing relentlessly. Telling him to stay. That was chilling for him and the others, Avalon noticed him spacing out and moved closer to him, disregarding her pain,
Avalon took his hand in hers, causing him to stop thinking and stare at her instead, He held her hand as if she could dissipate from his grip, and Avalon squinted. He seemed to be more protective. Something must have happened. Avalon lay on her stomach peering into his red eyes, seeing the hidden pain inside them. She shivered. It's the same look when Rentao died.
"Damien, what's with the look?"
"Avalon, are you ok? Is there any other pain than your chest,"
"I feel exhausted but nothing bad. Why ask,"
"You don't remember what happened? This is starting to be a bad habit,"
Damien laughed but stopped holding his side. He glanced at his side, seeing the dried blood on the gauze. It wasn't as bad as the feeling of dread in his heart. Damien's gaze went back to her. She was worried more for him than her. Always selfless.
"I don't remember what happened before we left the room. It should've been fine, right?"
Damien recalled what Liz told him before watching her. Don't tell her anything stressful. It could aggravate her wounds and the angel that's with her. They wouldn't know what would happen if they told her. It could be like Renato's death. She could turn into that super monkey from that anime Luke watches. It wouldn't be well for them, but at least they would get to see it, he can hear Luke say in his head. Damien leaned towards her grunting in pain as he did. He opened his eyes, finding hers to be staring into them, waiting for his answer.
"Avalon, you fought againt a don and lived,"
"I did?"
"Yeah, it was a bit on both ends, but you had him stab your heart and still live. It was a skeptical,"
Avalon hummed, glancing away from him and thinking,
"He's saying what i remember. But his eyes tell me something differently. He's afraid. From what is my suspicion,"
She looked back at Damien not too long after, he saw her gaze straight and stern, she knew something is wrong, he still had to keep it from her until she was in a better state, Avalon moved sitting up seething under her breath, Damien went to grab her but halted, his pain bore thought his side into the other, he curled clenching his midsection while staring at her, he let out a sigh,
"Damien, you don't have to hurt yourself for me, i just wanted to sit up,"
"I didn't do it for you. Don't flatter yourself,"
Her voice made him shiver from the tone, she saw right through him, she recognized that he was hiding something from her, and by the way she stared at him she's not going to let it go. Avalon sat at the edge, having her feet on the floor. She breathed harshly at first but slowed down afterwards, Avalon stared at him and said,
"You're hiding something, Damien, something that will dismantle me,"
They stared into the others' gaze, one not giving in to the other, Damien didn't tear away from her gaze, but the sound of her cries haunted him. Damein stopped himself from shivering, remebing it. He looked into her eyes, and she despret to know what had happened even in the state shes in,
"Avalon, i can't tell you what happened,"
"Whys that?"
"Youer injorys, we didn't want you to be stressed about it and worsen them,"
"Is that teribal?"
He froze, he stared into her concerned ones, Damein thought for once he could feel that he couldn't handle it. Avalon glared at her leg. She felt as if she failed someone, and she had something distant, but she could still hear it,
A shout slipped thought her lips cradling her head, seeing what has fallen away from her memory, her cradling her hand on his chest screeching out for him but to be meet with silence, she hears Sandel trying to get thought to her, but she didn't care she held her place having her hands placed over his heart, crying out for him with her hand glowing white, her crystals growing around her hands, her begging him to stay with her, but he didn't, he couldn't draw a breath laying there lifeless. Avalon held the side of her head, trying to hold in a pained scream but couldn't. She let it out, frightening Damien. He reached over to her, touching her arm, and said,
"You're here, you're safe, i know i can't help you through the pain,"
Her nails digged into her scalp, she tried to stay together, to keep it in away from them so they wouldnt be burden, but she can do that anymore, she held it in for so long and no it all poured out, she held her head recalling her sobs and what she said next startled her.
"Dont leave me,"
Avalon eyes shot open franticly looking around and saw Damien holding onto her arm, his grips tight on her, so tight as if she could fall apart at his touch and hes not worng, she falling apart at the seams, barely together. Damien caressed her arm, looking at her. His eyes held so much sorrow, and he missed his as much as her, no more then. he held it back from her just to comfort her,
"I can't help the devastation you're going through,"
He got up from the chair, taking her other arm and pulling them away from her head, Damien stared ernslt into her before falling onto his knees,
"We can go through it together,"
Damien voice broke, sounding so defeated. Avalon shocked, loosening her grip on him, but Damien kept his, tightening it ever so slightly.
"Avalon, let it out, sob, cry out for him, but just remember we are the same,"
"The same pain, the same struggle, the same burnden you feel now is us,"
Damien said to her his voice raising with each word, he tried to pull himsefl up but he fell, Damien closed his eyes waiting for the fall then the exsctutheating pain but his wrist is caught, his gaze went to her, she held her side but got a strong hold over him, she seethed at the pain crossing her body,
"Damein, thank you for getting me out,"
Avalon pulled him up, he shaken but with Avalon he stood tall, they stared at each other with a quite resting over them, but somthing Damien didnt ecxspect from her is a smile, a bright one,
"Right one in the same. Damien, now let sit back down. My legs are about to fail on us,"