Chapter 7: If Roberto falls, they all fall.
At the same time, Bella is not sitting idly by.
Her father's warning still lingers in her mind, but it's not just Giovanni's threat that drives her, it's the realization that she's been living in the shadow of her own marriage for too long.
She's no longer the dutiful wife who turns a blind eye to her husband's weaknesses.
The affair, the lies, the deceit, they've crossed a line.
Tonight, she's making plans of her own.
Bella steps into her father's office, the one place where she feels some semblance of control.
Giovanni's office is where decisions are made, where blood is spilled, and alliances are forged.
It's here that Bella knows she can find answers, answers to the questions she's been too afraid to ask.
Her father looks up from his desk, his expression unreadable.
"You're looking more like a queen than a princess tonight."
Bella doesn't smile.
She's not here for pleasantries.
"Father, we need to take action.
Roberto, he's become a liability.
His loyalty to us, to this family, is weakening."
Giovanni's brow furrows as he leans back in his chair.
He's heard the rumors, the whispers in the underground circles.
His daughter's marriage is more than just a political alliance now, it's the linchpin of their entire operation.
If Roberto falls, they all fall.
"I've heard the same things, Bella," Giovanni replies slowly.
"But you know how this works, we can't make a move without consequences, and you are his wife, you have to be the one to make him choose, you have to make him see what's at stake."
The question is, "How far are you willing to go to protect what we've built?"
Bella's gaze hardens, she knows the risks, but she's no longer willing to let Roberto's betrayal slide.
"I'll do what's necessary."
Later that night, as she stands before her closet, choosing the sharpest black dress she owns, her phone buzzes in her pocket.
It's a message from her father. "It's time".