Chapter 8: Touring the city
At an inn, a person was at the reception desk. It was already very late and he was thinking of closing for the day.
Thinking about that, he sees the main door open. It was rather sudden and it takes him a while to speak. "Welcome."
Nim, who had been going around looking for this place, had finally found one that matched the description the waiter had given him.
Nim, upon entering the inn, sees a lady at the reception desk. "Good evening. Is this the Hoja Inn?"
"Yes, if you're looking to spend the night, we still have rooms available. What kind of room would you like?" The innkeeper was happy to see a new customer, even if it was late.
Her inn was somewhat hidden and that meant that they didn't have many customers. Most of the people who stayed at her inn were by recommendation.
"Well, I'd like to take just one room." Nim approaches the reception desk. "I'd like to rent it for 3 months."
(3 months..) The innkeeper is surprised by the boy's statement, composing herself she speaks again- for 1 full day, a room is 10 copper coins, for 3 months it would be 900 copper coins or 9 silver coins, meals only include lunch- the innkeeper quickly does the math while giving an explanation.
-Okay- Nim takes the coins out of his bag and puts them on the table, Nim had several silver coins, he had been saving for 3 years and plus the additional he got from taking the body of the murderer and the bodyguard, he would not have to worry for a while.
-Okay, could you tell me your name- the innkeeper takes out a book to write down the young man's name.
Nim gives his name and then the innkeeper gives him the keys to a room, Nim after receiving instructions goes up the floors in search of his room.
Upon reaching the room, he opens the door with the key they gave him.
The room wasn't very big, there was a bed and a simple desk, in one corner there was a bucket of water next to some towels, the latter was for him to clean himself.
Nim was satisfied with this place, as he was going to spend more time in the dungeon after registering as an adventurer, he didn't have such high requirements.
After using the bucket to clean himself, Nim climbs into his bed and sleeps.
The next morning, Nim wakes up early and gets ready, there were still two days until the test, he would use these two days to familiarize himself a little with the city.
Going out he greets the innkeeper and leaves the inn, his first objective would be to look for weapons and armor stores.
It wasn't that difficult to find one, there were many in the city, some larger, medium and some small.
Seeing a building with a weapon symbol, he immediately heads to the place, upon entering he sees how there are swords, hammers, axes, bows and many more varieties of weapons that he had not seen before.
-Good morning customer, what kind of weapon are you interested in-
Nim who was looking at the weapons is interrupted by a shop assistant.
Nim asks about the sword that seems to have a good edge.
-This sword is a magic sword, it was made of a good material, and it is capable of increasing the user's attack power
Nim listens attentively until he reaches the price.
-Its price is 25 gold coins
Nim is surprised by the price, Nim's total money was a little more than 300 silver coins, which would be equivalent to 3 gold coins, he had heard that magic weapons and armor cost in gold, and could only be paid with that currency.
The current Nim could not pay for this sword.
-Do you have any non-magical weapons? - Nim says these words somewhat embarrassed.
The assistant, seeing that he is looking for a normal item, changes his expression, but guides him to another place and shows him non-magical weapons.
Nim observes and realizes that these weapons are better than his current sword.
Upon hearing the price, he puts on a bitter face, even those swords were 300 to 600 silver coins.
If he were to buy one, he would be left without money.
After the assistant finished speaking, Nim thanks the assistant for explaining and begins to walk away. The assistant, seeing the young man walking away, feels that he wasted his time, puts on a discouraged face but does not say anything.
As Nim leaves the store and looks for others, he realizes that there are stores that only sell weapons or armaments, and others that are mixed.
The shop he entered previously was only for weapons, with the lesson learned about the prices he couldn't afford, he goes in search of some information and the best place to do that was in the restaurants or bars where the adventurers gathered.
The restaurants and bars that were most frequented by adventurers were the ones that were closest to the dungeon.
The dungeon was right in the center of the capital, it was said that thanks to the location of the dungeon the city was founded, for that reason the guild was also in the downtown area
Making that decision, he goes in search of one, this time it did take him some time to find one, and he tried to be careful not to get lost.
- Dream Bar- Nim reads the name of the establishment and enters.
When he entered, contrary to what was expected there was not much noise, rather it seemed to Nim a somewhat strange environment.
He heard voices, but each group of people were separated and he smelled of alcohol.
Thinking that maybe he entered the wrong place, he thought about going back on his way.
- Good morning sir, are you going to ask for a table?
Nim is called by a young woman, now that they noticed him he can only ask for a table.
- Yes, I would like to see your dishes- Nim nods.
The young woman takes him to a table that is unoccupied, as he enters the establishment, Nim notices something in common, at the tables there are only men with one or two women.
These people hardly ate, they only drank and laughed while glancing at the women.
Nim seeing that reaffirms that he entered a strange place, soon they arrived at a table, Nim sat down.
- What are you going to order sir?
- Can you bring me some water with some fruits- Nim did not know what to order in a bar, so he only asked for simple things.
The young woman laughs lightly- Sir we can bring you some fruits, but we only have alcohol- the young woman was beginning to suspect that it was the first time that this young man came to these places, it was not strange since he should be fifteen or sixteen years old.
(Alcohol..) Nim had never drank any alcohol.
-Okay, just bring me some fruits- Nim
- As you like, then your companion will come with the fruits.
(Companion...) Nim hearing that begins to remember something that Uncle Smith had told him.
Uncle Smith had not been so specific when telling him this kind of things, but he had said that in the cities there were certain places that men went to "let off steam".
Nim was not so naive so he had managed to understand it, but he had never been in one, who would think that he would enter one in this way.
(It is better to go) Nim was already hearing some strange noises around him, mostly the sounds were from women.
Without thinking much Nim quickly got up.
-Sir, here is your order- a young girl approaches his table with several plates of fruit, it was another girl and probably his companion.
Nim, who was already up, sits down again. The girl continues and begins to serve the dishes on the table, and takes a seat next to Nim.
Nim, seeing that he can't escape now, begins to eat the fruit.
- Sir, aren't you from the city?
Nim had noticed that he spoke a little differently than the residents of the city, that gave him away.
- Yes, I'm from the outskirts of the city. - Nim didn't want to give more details. - You can eat the fruit if you want.
The young woman smiled and grabbed some fruit, soon the two talked about some more trivial things until the fruit ran out.
- Sir, would you like more fruit? Or maybe...
The young woman slowly approaches Nim, the latter suddenly gets up when he sees that.
- Thank you for the food. - Leaving several silver coins Nim hurries towards the exit.
- Sir, wait... - the girl calls him from behind.
Nim, without turning around, walks through the door. At that moment, he was only thinking about leaving that place and had left a lot of silver coins without knowing the count.
After going through that situation, Nim was more careful about entering any establishment.
At night, Nim is leaving a restaurant. He had spent the day visiting many places, he had even gone to some tourist places that were nearby.
When he had entered the restaurants, he had heard from some adventurers many interesting things and others without much value, but in the end it only made his excitement when entering the dungeon grow.
At night, he returns to the inn, asks the innkeeper for clean water to clean himself, when he finishes cleaning himself he goes to bed and sleeps.
The next day he did not leave the inn, he went to the inn's courtyard and spent the whole day practicing sword movements. Nim was disciplined with his training.
Soon the day of the test arrived, that day Nim also woke up early.
He didn't have much to prepare other than his sword. Today Nim could finally become an adventurer, it was something he had wanted for a long time.
And by becoming an adventurer he could get closer to his true goal which was to enter the dungeon.