Magic in Charming

Chapter 3: Church


I was sitting at the bar when I saw Chibs with a young woman follow behind him. He walked over to me and said, "I'm gonna need the chapel for a while Jackie boy" as he patted my back and walked into the room with the girl behind him. "Wonder if he got her knocked up?" I said to half sack behind the bar. Curiosity got the better of me and I wen to stand by the doors to see if I could hear anything. It was quiet for a while then I heard Chibs sobbing followed by his hand hitting the table they never shouted or yelled but they had been in there for about an hour when my phone rang. 

I answered only to hear Clay say, "Church 15minutes" He hung up promptly I could see Chibs phone in the box so I walked into church to let him know what Clay said to see him hugging the woman with a tear stained face. Her eyes were slightly red but she was still breathtaking her eyes shone with determination but were also sad. 

I looked at Chibs and said, "Clay said church 15 minutes so you gotta wrap this up." Chibs pulled away from the woman and said, "I have ta handle some stuff lass will you wait for me. I should be done soon then we can go to handle what we need to." 

The woman jus nodded and said, "That's fine, quick question though I have to make a call is there somewhere I can talk in private. I don't exactly wanna call my son from a bar. It's around his bedtime and I promised him I would call him every night." 

Chibs looked shocked for a second and said I'm a grandpa and your just telling me this now. You know what never mind that, I will show you to my room here so you can call the lad. I will also need more info later about you and the lad. Is he with your husband lass? I was shocked to hear she had a kid but I was also slightly jealous at the thought of her having a husband. I just couldn't see her with some one else and that thought alone shocked me, I don't even know this woman.

It was while I was thinking this that I herd her say "I'm not married Da, and Teddy while he is my son I didn't birth him he is my godson I adopted him. His parents died in the incident I mentioned earlier I have been raising him for the last 10 years. He is with his pops Harry, he is his godfather. Gran is checking in on him as well, speaking of Gran I should call her too." 

Chibs just chuckled and said, "It don't matter to me one lick if he is blood or not he is your son so he is my grandson. Just let me be happy with the thought of being able to teach him shit ok lass. I thought I lost your mother years ago, now I find out I have a daughter and a grandson I am overjoyed with you being here. We can talk more later for now lets get you to my room and me to my meeting with the boys." 

With that Chibs led her out of the chapel and down the hall to the dorms. I stood there shocked over the tiny conversation that I had just herd Chibs has a daughter and she is here for some reason. I just hope she isn't here to cause any trouble, but I do know one thing she is someone I am looking forward in getting to know better. 

Chibs POV

I left Sophia in my rooms she had pulled out a mirror so she could call Teddy, so I locked the door for her that way no one would see her and headed back to church. I saw Jackie boy sitting at the table waiting for us already as Clay, Tig, Juice, Opie, Piney, Bobby and myself walked in almost at the same time.

Clay started with banging his gavel on the table and said, "First off I hear we have a guest in the house and that you spent the better part of an hour in this very room talking to her. Care to share who she is and what she is doing in my clubs meeting room Chibs?"

I didn't like his tone or the accusation that he was insinuating but I pushed it aside for the moment and said, "You all know a bit about my past but what you didn't know is that before I left Scotland I was married. There was a war going maybe not on the surface but the government was fighting with a group of terrorists that were targeting people and certain families. My wife and I fled she went to seek help from her Ma cause she had the resources to help and I fled in hopes of drawing them to me. We both got away but I thought she was dead when I herd of an attack on her Ma's house. So I fled and the rest is history that you all know about. After I was with the IRA for a few years I got word that the war was over and I was safe but I never herd from my wife so I assumed she was dead."

Clay let out a sigh and said, "I'm sorry to hear all this brother but what does this have to do with the lady that is in my club house?" 

I looked at him and said, "I was getting to that if you would just let me finish. It turns out my wife was pregnant so she went into hiding and didn't tell anyone who the father was. My family was being targeted more than hers was so she kept quiet to keep her and the babe safe, no one knew who I was not even her ma. Well she gave birth and went into hiding but was caught by the group and tortured she suffered from brain damage and was hospitalized until a month ago when she finally died. This triggered her will to be released to the lass and her Gran, which had my name in it. So she came to find me and let me know as well as give me the benefits I get for being her mothers husband and her Da. You see lads we are from old families in Scotland. Because of this she has certain rights and responsibilities as the heir to the families. She is a politician of sorts and as her Da I am to be given diplomatic immunity. I will have to leave with her to go to the branch office for her bank as well and get what my wife left for me later today."

Clay sat there for a second and said, "And you believe that shit? That she is your daughter without any questions. Come on Chibs I thought you were smarter than that." 

Everyone else just sat there quietly listening not saying a word and waiting for me to respond. I took a breath to steady myself and said, "Yea Clay I do believe her she has the bloodline results from my families bank manager Things are handled differently over there she was tested at 17 and it proved she was related to my family she just didn't know who until her Ma will was read last month. Her Ma was my wife she is my daughter and I will be getting to know her and my grandson. She is my family, she is no threat to you or this club if anything she is helping with the whole diplomatic immunity thing."

Tig picked that moment to say "That's what I don't get. What does she get out of doing that for you? Other than to avoid a political scandal I guess."

I looked at my brothers and said, "It's complicated I haven't been in touch with the politics over there for a while, but from what I can piece together there was a 2nd war that started up after a short 10 year piece. She was in boarding school at the time when one of the extremists infiltrated the school. She didn't say much but from what I could gather her and her friends were sort of child soldiers in this war and have quite a bit of pull in the government now that it's all over. She said she would give me more details but she needed time because it's all rather hard for her to talk about. The war over there lasted all through her school years and ended after her 18th birthday. She and her friends have been helping to rebuild the government over there from the ground up. She doesn't hold any real political office but is seen as a war hero as well as the heiress to two noble houses and if I haven't been stricken from my families records that will make her heir to mine as well. So I will be going with her tomorrow to see what all I need to sign and get more info if you all need it. Otherwise this is some family shit that has nothing to do with the club other than the fact that I will now have immunity in the US from certain laws." 

Clay looked slightly pissed and the rest of the guys looked shocked and concerned. It was Jackie boy that spoke next. 'No one is faulting you for wanting to know your daughter brother we are just worried about you. If you need us for anything just let us know you are family and I for one would love to meet her she is smoking hot to by the way."

The joke lightened the mood enough for Clay to let up he sighed and called everyone to attention as the boys were getting loud and said, "Alright so we have established that she isn't a problem for now. On to more pressing matters we have heat with the Mayans lately they have been targeting some of our runs and it's getting a little dicey for some of our business and I don't like it. Lets keep a lid on things boys so we don't have any more problems and Chibs just cause she is your daughter doesn't mean she gets to know shit about club business. Understand?"

I just nodded my head it wasn't my place to tell him that she already knew due to the investigation about me she had done in order to locate me. That would break the secrecy laws and I can't do that. Muggle jail has nothing on wizard jail. 

We covered a few more mundane topics before Clay ended the meeting before leaving the room he said, "Chibs bring the girl to dinner tonight I'm sure Gemma will throw a fit if you don't."

With that I smiled and said, "That I do, I will go talk to her now and see if she wants to join us." 

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