Magic in Charming

Chapter 5: Dinner

Chibs POV

It didn't take Sophia long to get ready to go. Magic really does speed up the process. Just as we were ready to head out the door Clover popped in to say goodbye to us and to hand over a cake box before we left. Sophia just smiled at Clover and thanked her reminding her to have the house cleaned up for us by the time we came back. Clover just nodded and popped off to do as she was told. Man did I miss having a house elf. 

We got to Gemma and Clays house with no trouble Sophia followed me over while I road my bike. She got out of the car and grabbed the box Clover had handed her and we walked to the door. Sophia was going to knock but I stopped her and walked right in and motioned her to follow me through to the kitchen where Gemma and the rest of the old ladies were. 

I kissed Gemma on the cheek and said, "Gem I would like for you to meet my daughter Sophia. She came to town to notify me of her ma's passing and to get to know me. Sophia this is Gemma she takes care of all us men and makes sure we are fed and kept alive." 

Sophia smiled at Gemma and said, "I appreciate you taking care of my Da. I brought some dessert, if that is alright with you?"

Gemma smiled at her but I could tell she wasn't quite trusting of Sophia yet but that is fine she will with time and said, "You didn't have to but I do appreciate the thought and will serve it up for these men after we eat." 

Sophia smiled and said, "It was no trouble really. To be honest I had my chef make it I am useless in the kitchen. I did have her make something I think my Da will really like. I don't think he has had it in a while so I'm hoping it will bring a smile to his face."

This made me curious so I went to lift the lid of the box only for Sophia to slap my hand away and say, "You can wait Da it won't kill ya. If you like it you can have Clover make it for you whenever you want it." 

This caused me to smile at her and Gemma smiled as well before she said, "So you bring your chef with you when you travel? do you not trust other people's cooking?"

I started to tense when I felt Gemma's voice start to tighten but Sophia just smiled and said, "No ma'am, Clover doesn't do well when left alone she was sold into slavery when she was younger. I got her out so she is kind of glued to my hip. She works for my as a chef and Daisy works as my maid and personal assistant she has been wit me since I was little. They are as good as family but are shy around new people so I don't suspect you seeing them around anytime soon."

Gemma looked shocked and said, "I didn't know shit like that still happened, I mean I knew shit happened but child slavery that's new to me. How old is she, if you don't mind me asking?"

Sophia smiled and said things are a little different where I came from and it's quite common for people like her but she is doing better now and loves working with me. She is 24 now and has been with me since she was 4 years old. My gran and I saved her from her previous owner and she grew up with me. I love her dearly and she is family." 

This made Gemma smile and say, "Well I would love to meet her if she is comfortable enough with it." Sophia just smiled and said, "It's up to her she really doesn't like new people. She didn't even say but a few words to my da.'

At this I chuckled cause I know why she didn't really speak to me I am her master she is to be seen and not heard unless directly spoken to. No matter how kind you are to your house elf they still have their own pride in how they serve the family. I'm glad to know my daughter doesn't abuse her elves though, they seem like good ones. My laughter did cause Sophia to send me a knowing smile as I said, "She was rather quiet, but I don't mind quiet."

With that I walked out of the kitchen to join the boys in the yard. Walking over to Jackie boy I patted his back and said, "How you holding up lad?" 

He sighed and said, "Not so good man just found out Wendy is pregnant and she wants to keep the baby. I mean I'm happy to have a kid I just don't want her to shoot up again and do something that can harm them, ya know. I'm not with her anymore but that's my kid she is growing. I am really stressing out man, I haven't even told Ma yet."

I sighed and grabbed his shoulder and said, "That's a lot to take in Jax, but whatever happens I'm here for you brother."

He sighed rubbed his face and then said, "Thanks Chibs that means a lot coming from you. I know Clay is my step-dad but I really look up to you as a father figure. Maybe more so than I do him. I also hear congratulations are in order you have a daughter that you never knew of. How does it feel to be a dad?"

I decided to follow his lead and drop the subject about Wendy for now and we talked about Sophia a bit. We hadn't been talking for long when Opie walked in with his kids Kenny and Ellie. Op sat across from us and said, "Who is the new piece in the kitchen I don't recognize her?"

This caused me to frown a bit but I said, "She ain't a new piece brother, she is my daughter. I told everyone about her during church earlier remember."

Op just sat there for a second before he said, "To be honest not really my mind has been all over the place ever since Donna left. She signed over her rights to the kids yesterday and the divorce was finalized this morning."

I sat there for a second and said, "Shite, I forgot that was happening today. How are you and the kids holding up?"

Opie took in a deep breath and looked out at his kids before he said, "I feel like she was just biding her time while I was inside ya know. Now I'm out and a single father of two Kenny is almost 11 and Ellie is 9, I just don't know what to do. I have to cut back on the runs to be there for the kids but I have to take more runs to be able to pay for everything. I feel like I'm drowning man, and I don't know how to tread water anymore."

I looked at the two young men in front of me and thought for a long second before I said, "Maybe you two should talk to Sophia." At my comment they both looked at me like I was crazy so I held up my hands and said, "Hear me out before ya go tellin me off. Soph she has had a rough life my wife was in an accident when she wasn't even one years old resulting in brain damage. Sophia, she was raised to be a soldier, she has fought in a war and come out alive. She has also adopted a son his name is Teddy all while managing her family business. She might have some advice for you boys on juggling things."

Jax and Op just sat there looking at me before Op said, "Man sounds like she has been through a lot. I would very much like to meet you daughter Chibs." Jax took a breath then said, "Do you think she has any tips on parenting. All the examples I have are Ma and the club guys, no offense Op but we have no idea on how to raise a normal kid." 

Opie just laughed at him and said, "No offense brother I know exactly what you mean."

I chuckled with them but said, "I'm sure she does she had raised Teddy for nine years after all he is 10 now about to turn 11. Poor kid gets sick often though so she has to keep a doc on staff for him back home." I shook my head and continued, "I just wish she could bring him here sooner I am dyeing to meet my grandson. He is a strapping young lad in the pictures she has shown me."

Jax looked at me with concern before he said, "Is it his heart?"

I just shook my head and said, "Na it ain't his heart, It's something his Da passed down to him though. He is fine most days just gets a flare up once a month or so from what she tells me. It doesn't stop the boy from livin or causing trouble if some of the stories she has told me are true. Lad loves him a good prank and has a love for his Pop's bike. Soph wants me to find a good one she can have fixed up for him for his 16th birthday." 

Op looked at me with a look and said, "Is she married? If so where is he you think he would come with her across the world to meet her dad. Especially after the death of her mom."

I sighed at the thought of my little lass being alone all this time and said, "No man in her life except the ex she is raising her son with. Apparently they are good friends still, she is even friends with his new wife. She has custody of Teddy though cause his job is dangerous and she travels a lot for work."

I knew my brothers gears were turning with all the information about Soph I just dropped on them so I went to stand up and walk away. 

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